"What a scary Tai... Well, I was just joking, and I coaxed her responsibly, and I kept reporting your situation to her."

"...Oh, now I really want to go back to that night and beat myself up, and I fell for your trick."

"Oh, I don't even remember that, don't worry about it." Of course Lilith Beast knew what Tai Yi was upset about. "I just couldn't hold it back. It just so happens that you are like this, so I won't threaten you with this matter. I'm not that bad."

"However, if Taiyi still wants to come again, I can do it anytime."

"What are you thinking...? Are you trying to win me over? Are you trying to win my sympathy for you in this way?"

Taichi finally had a chance to talk to her about it.

In fact, if you think about it, you can’t blame yourself entirely. The main reason is that she deliberately released illusions to seduce her emotions, and even ran to the bed in his room, ready to move. In that state, even if Taichi did nothing, she would secretly pick him peach.

"Actually, I don't know why I did this."

"Then let's not talk about it, tell me why you gave Jiaer the sacred plan?" Taiyi held the black sacred plan in his hand, tossed it up and caught it like a baseball.

"This thing is not genuine, is it? How could you create a divine plan?"

"It's really not the real thing, it just looks like it." Lilith Beast's pupils changed with the rise and fall of the thing. "Be careful! Don't break it! It's something I managed to get inside."

"Why did you give it to Jiaer when it was so important?"

"Because she will be handed over to you, and it is safest in your hands."

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"...So, this thing is a hot potato? You gave my sister something that might attract enemies?"

Taiyi's fist hardened when he heard this.

"Don't worry, no one will come after you, Taiyi."

Seeing that his cold eyes were like knives and wanted to kill him, Lilith Beast couldn't help laughing out loud.

"No one knows my relationship with you, and no one would think that this thing would be in your hands, and the fact that you killed a royal knight must have spread? No one would dare to mess with you without brains, rest assured."

"...In other words, do you only let me keep things because you are afraid of being robbed?"

"Well, and it's not trying to harm Jiaer! I really just used its power to joke with Jiaer a little bit, because the fact that this thing was stolen by me is very secret, and even if someone finds out, it must be after today, and No one knows that it was transformed into what it is by me, so don't worry!"

"Then what are you planning? You get this stuff for me, but you attract others to chase and kill yourself. What can you get?"

"I can get what I want."

Lilithmon straightened its expression. It wasn't a performance, but a look of anticipation when the long-awaited thing was about to be completed. Taiyi had also seen it in the eyes of the former Tailumon.

"It's just a small favor, just treat it as the reward I gave you for the first time, okay? You can hold it for me. If you are really worried, you can also hide it in a place where others can't find it. As long as Just don’t forget to take it away later.”

Chapter 251 Chapter 240 Five Deal with Lilith Beast

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I really can't say, Taiyi, please understand me."

"Then I can't trust you."

Taiyi replied straightforwardly.

"Hey, how can I tell you that you are willing to listen? Do you not trust me so much? Anyway, I gave you the first time."

Lilithmon seems to have no choice.

"I really can't believe it. You are the demon king of lust. For you, you can have countless firsts just by pretending?"


Lilith Beast's smile froze suddenly.

She was very disappointed, it was obvious, and Taichi also suddenly felt that what he just said was really a bit too much for a Digimon like her whose thought and consciousness were basically the same as human women.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Taiyi wanted to change his words, but it was hard to stop.

"I know you look down on me and think we are not the same way."

"But I really didn't lie about this matter. No one else has ever given me this feeling. I have also met other chosen children. They are afraid of me, or they will kneel at the slightest threat. In the end, of course, I used it and threw it away.”

"Only you are special, you are special in yourself, being combined with you makes me feel even better than I imagined... It makes me feel that if I don't come here with you once, I will regret it when I die. "

"If I want to harm you, I have countless chances, but I really don't need it. It doesn't do me any good if you die. If you really can't trust me, then treat it as... trade between them."

She seemed to be really chilled, and even the teasing smile that never disappeared when facing herself was gone.

"I can do whatever you want, Taiyi, you can treat me whatever you want. Although you really like Tiannv, my body is not inferior to her, right? If you agree, I can pay the deposit now."

"You can play however you want, my body can take it."

As she spoke, she suddenly grabbed Taichi's hand, and was about to put it on her plump chest. Taichi wanted to struggle, but her strength was too great, no matter how hard Taichi tried, she would not move.

"...you know I don't really plot these things."

This was not his original plan... But since she has also become serious, then Tai Yi can also explain it clearly to her.

"I just want to know what your real purpose is? What kind of person are you really?"

"Well, since you want to know this, I'll tell you part of it, and I'll tell you the rest when I come back next time."

"Better hurry up and try not to tell stories."

Taiyi feels that Su Na and Koshiro should be here soon, and it's not a good thing to stay here for a long time, and it's easy to be suspected by the celestial female beast that they have done something out of the ordinary.

"Before I found Jia'er, I killed Barbamon."

She took a deep breath and spit out the first key message.


"I got something from him that he has prepared for a long time... If you have that thing in your hand, you can cut off the network connection with the World Tree. Do you understand what I mean? This is my purpose."

——It was really hit by Red Lotus Knightmon. The purpose of Lilithmon has always been to set itself free.

"Then why don't you use it now?"

"Because it hasn't reached that time yet, certain conditions need to be met to use it."

"Okay, the deposit is only so much, Taichi... To be honest, as long as this ticket is done, I will always stay by your side or Jiaer's side from now on. There is no problem, relying on my fighting power, you will fight against me again in the future. It should be much easier for an enemy at the level of the Royal Knights."

"...Okay, I am willing to help you."

Taiyi verbally agrees, but actually has other plans.

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This thing is too heaven-defying. You must know that the world tree and the Digimon have been forcibly bound together almost from birth. It is no longer just an administrator, but a living computer itself. Every new piece of data will be monitored and manipulated by it, will World Tree let go of such a good opportunity?Can't this be used to dig a mine with these a lot of free whoring resources?

But the things stored in that Tyrannosaurus machine can actually break this rule... It's too outrageous, could it be some ultimate computer virus developed by Barbamon?

Then with this, wouldn’t it be enough to read it directly and then dismantle the world tree?

Taichi plans to go back and ask Red Lotus Knightmon. Although he lives in the book and cannot leave, he said that he can hear what is going on outside during the day, so he must know something!

"Taichi~~ you are here! You—?"

Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind, and Taichi turned his head, just in time to see the beautifully dressed So Na beckoning to him, and Koshiro was beside him.

But why did her expression freeze suddenly?Is it because I saw Lilithmon?Well, just explain a little bit that it's a temporary partner... huh?

Taichi suddenly realized that because of Lilithmon's tough behavior when he made a condition to him just now, his hand is still pressed on Lilithmon's plump breasts... and she seems to have discovered the relationship between Sona and Koshiro a long time ago. The arrival of Taiyi, so he quietly loosened the hands that fixed Taiyi, making it seem like Taiyi is harassing Lilithmon now.


"Don't, don't yell! Listen to me! There's a reason for this!"

Tai Yi was sweating profusely, and quickly pulled back the speed of light like a thief who was discovered stealing something.

"Taiyi, you... pervert!"

Su Na thought for a long time but couldn't think of any bad words.

——For this kind of thing, I will not refuse you as long as you ask me!Why do you have to harass passers-by?

In an instant, she felt that she had collapsed. In her mind, the young man who was always full of vigor and sunshine was just at the right time, but he was actually a scumbag, a pervert who was interested in sex!

"That guy is a Digimon, Sona, calm down."

Koshiro saw at a glance that Lilithmon's eye makeup was strange, and she seemed to have an unusual aura... Combined with some details about Digimon that Beetlemon told him before, and his understanding of Taichi, he immediately reacted.

"What? But I've never seen her..."

Su Na immediately reacted, and the previous anger suddenly eased a lot.

"You guy, you've already made up your mind, haven't you?"

Taichi gritted his teeth and looked at her.

"Hmph~ It's really interesting to see her and my dear's cute reaction." Lilith Beast couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing out loud. "So human beings are really interesting, sorry, Taichi, and that little sister."

"I, have I been tricked?"

No matter how stupid Su Na was, she could still react.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lilithmon. I am a Digimon who recently joined Taiyi's camp. It was indeed a misunderstanding just now. My dear is helping me tidy up my clothes. You misread, little sister."

"My dear?"

This intimate title made Su Na couldn't help thinking about it.

"This guy called it that on his own initiative... Ahem, don't pay attention to her, she is such a frivolous Digimon."

Taiyi didn't want to continue this potentially controversial topic, so he hurried forward.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Su Na, Kokoro, it's been a long time since I saw you, today I'm treating you, let's go to the barbecue house!"

Chapter 252 Chapter 240 Six I don't want to be dumped by you, Taiyi

Although there were some small incidents, it still did not affect his plan for the first day of vacation.

Go through the re-examination procedures in the morning, have a good meal with everyone at noon, go to a KTV in the afternoon to have a good time, and then go home at night... He doesn't have to worry about where Lilithmon will sleep, because Lilithmon is very fast. Also leave them.

In the barbeque room, everyone sits cross-legged at the table and chats while drinking and eating. Taiyi also ordered some beer. Except for Su Na and Tiannv Beast, there are several cans in front of everyone.

Jiaer left after eating, because she had to go to the school to deal with some things in the afternoon, Tai sent her to the tram and ran back, and was laughed at by Lilithmon for this.

"Didn't you just become adults? Why did you suddenly start drinking?"

"You don't have to worry about men's affairs, Su Na."

Koshiro was already drunk, his face was flushed, his eyes were blurred, and he couldn't see clearly.

"This little dwarf is inferior! He got drunk after only a few cans, hahaha, I think your drinking capacity is better than that of Tiannv Beast."

Taichi spoke loudly, as if drunk, and patted Koshiro on the shoulder.

But in fact, he was alright, it was just that the effect of alcohol made his voice more transparent.

"You, don't be complacent... Taichi... I will go to the digital world soon, and continue to do research with Beetlemon... One day, I will become a man who will impress you!"

Koshiro rested his head on Taiyi, murmuring these words indistinctly, as if he was about to spit them out in the next second.

"This guy... I'll help him go to the toilet so he won't spit on me later."

Taiyi supported Koshiro to stand up, said something to them, and then walked out the door.

Because Tiannvshou and the others were present and they would inevitably talk about some sensitive topics, so Taichi was not stingy, and spent money on a package

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Time, so that everyone can have more fun.

"Oh, these boys are really... What's so good about wine?"

"I don't think this stuff tastes good either, Sua-chan, but for human beings, it's just because it's bad, so your willingness to drink it proves that you value the friends who drink with you at the table."

Flower Fairy Beast also had a lot of empty jars at hand, but she didn't feel it at all... Perhaps for a queen of flowers and plants like her who can even purify the corruption of the digital world, alcohol is just a very insignificant thing.

"Flower Fairy Beast really did a lot of homework...but I still can't understand."

Su Na took a bite of the small cold dish on the table, and was surprised that Huaxianshou even knew about this kind of thing.

"But I didn't expect that the perfect celestial girl can't drink alcohol at all~"

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