The Flower Fairy Beast found something very interesting. He stood next to her and was a head shorter. She was like a mature big sister, but she didn't drink at all. This was in stark contrast to the Lilith Beast who drank this thing as water.

"I, I just didn't make sure to cause trouble for Taiyi last time..."

Tiannv Beast felt guilty, embarrassed, and ashamed when she thought of her activities at that time.

Fortunately, she was still Tilumon at that time, otherwise, maybe the relationship between her and Taiyi would have deteriorated without the brewing of friendship.

"Don't look at me, Little Flower Fairy Beast, I didn't say anything, I'm not responsible for anything that happens."

Lilith Beast quickly disregarded the relationship, because she was reprimanded by Taiyi just now, she didn't dare to continue to stimulate Tiannv Beast at all, but seeing her upset but helpless, the thing still accidentally rose again .

"But I really didn't expect that the weakness of angels is alcohol...haha."

The groundless ridicule caused the veins on the Tiannv beast's forehead to pop.

"It's not good at all, I don't like it."

"Correct! Celestial Girl Beast, and Flower Fairy Beast, you don't want to learn to drink this stuff, or your figure will be out of shape, and so is Taiyi, don't let him become an alcoholic!"

Su Na nodded her head vigorously, expressing her deep approval of Tiannv Beast's statement.

"This thing actually has its own way. For example, tasting that kind of expensive and fine wine is also a very good experience, but these... It can only be regarded as the difficulty for beginners, but as a small drink, the taste is not bad."

Lilithmon is like a connoisseur of wine, holding an empty jug in her hand, her dark purple eyes are shining, and this is also very in line with her own queen-like temperament.

"I feel like it's an entertainment only for people in the upper class... It's said that a bottle of that kind of famous wine doesn't cost more than [-] yen."

Su Na once again lamented the unevenness of the world, and this bottle of wine almost covered her tuition fee for a semester.

"Why don't I get a bottle for you to try?"

"Take it? How do you take it? Does Ms. Lilith Beast bring alcohol with her?"

"That's not going to happen~ Xiao Su Na, please lend me your mobile phone."

Lilithmon showed a mysterious smile and stretched out his hand to her. After a moment of hesitation, Sua took it out and handed it to Lilithmon. Then... Lilithmon's fingers released some energy, and Suna couldn't help holding her breath nervously ... She was a little worried that her mobile phone was going to explode, but at this moment she could see many visible data strips floating around Lilithmon with her naked eyes, and a large ocean of data entered her field of vision.

"I found it~"

Lilith Beast smiled slyly, and suddenly a small hole opened around it, and then stretched its hand in.




Koshiro's smelly voice came from the bathroom next door, and Taiyi couldn't help showing a disgusted expression, but he didn't waste too much time, and quickly took out the Knight's Book of Red Lotus Knightmon and the black sacred plan.

He pressed it with his fingerprint, and the digital soul unlocked and awakened the book, and the little red lotus knight figure appeared.

"Did you hear what Lilith Beast said just now?"

"Well, but Taichi...she is really weird, even I can't think of what she is going to do, and what she said can break the connection between the World Tree and individual Digimon, I don't think it is credible."

"There is no such mechanism at all. Even if it exists, it will be directly repaired by World Tree. Today, it is already a perfect system."

It seemed that he didn't know anything, Tai Yi was in trouble for a while, when the door opened from the next door, he immediately put the divine plan on the open page, and then placed the book of knights on the wall of the partition above.

"Then just stay here and take a good look at it for a while, and I'll pick you up later."

"? What? left me here alone? Wait!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast let out a terrified sound.

"I'm right outside, shhh, don't make a sound."

In the past, the majestic and majestic royal knights now have to worry about whether they will fall into the toilet. It is really funny and pitiful, but this thing is too one to be put away casually. With the digital soul, this book can be completely floated, and Red Lotus Knightmon can observe the divine plan with peace of mind.

"Taiyi... I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

After rinsing his mouth at the faucet, Guangzilang looked back at him, with the sense of a son with kidney deficiency.

"It's okay, there will always be times like this, if we don't like it, we won't drink it next time."

In fact, Taiyi didn’t feel anything at all, it’s just that he hasn’t had a drink for a long time, and there is always something missing when he eats barbecue without beer.

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"About what I just said, it's actually not false, Taiyi... I also blamed myself when you were not around, and I found that I really couldn't help anything." Koshiro didn't look at Taiyi, just looked at Taiyi The haggard self in the mirror.

"It's okay, this kind of thing is not forced."

Taiyi walked over and patted his thin shoulder.

"Since we were young, no matter what we do, we are together, aren't we?"

"But now I feel that you seem to have gone far away from me... We have become estranged, Taichi." It seems that Kokoro has not sobered up, or it is only at this time that he can say these words .

"I don't want to be dumped by you, I don't want us to grow apart as we grow up, and become strangers, I don't want that."

Chapter 253 Chapter 240 Seven

——Why does it always feel like coaxing a girl... But it's okay, some boys are indeed very delicate in heart and emotion, and I also have such moments.

Unexpectedly, Guangzilang suddenly hugged himself and cried bitterly.

" saved me, you know? If it wasn't for you at that time, I couldn't even imagine what I would be like now. You brought me back to the light in my darkest days, but when you were in the dark When I'm in menopause, I can't do anything."

"If the existence of Digimon is open to our world, then I will join it without hesitation, but now, I...I can't do anything."

This guy looks really drunk.

Although Taiyi never doubted what he said, but as a dialogue between two men, it was too nasty, but just like this, Taiyi was so moved by him, it was really naive.

Growing up inevitably means parting. A person's life is a process of constantly encountering new things and saying goodbye to old things, but it is natural for him to have this kind of thinking at his age.

"Stop talking, Kokoro, I know what you're thinking."

Taiyi really didn't know how to answer, maybe he drank too little, if he drank too much and got drunk, he would be able to cuddle with Koshiro like two idiots now.

"Taiyi, you said... Is it really possible for me to become a chosen child like you?"

——You are the chosen child.

Taiyi ignited the last spark of the world that fell into darkness by himself, but at the same time, he completely lost the chance to ignite himself for those torches that should have bloomed together with him.

"Of course, Koshiro."

"As long as you have a dream in your heart, everyone can own a Digimon by their own strength."

Taiyi said to him confidently.

"Really? I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

Koshiro couldn't help laughing.

"I was serious."

"Let's go find Beetle Beetle, Koshiro, he fits well with you, doesn't he? It just so happens that I also need some new help now. If you are willing to join this world, that's what I wish for. Your talent is here. Under my full strength."

"Once again, be my right-hand man."

Taichi didn't feel ashamed to say such a thing, but Koshiro had already said something even more shameful.

"...Okay! Okay, Taiyi, I'll just wait for your words, don't worry, even if I don't go to this university, I will definitely follow in your footsteps... But let's go now, I'm a little sleepy."

"Well, then let's go back too, you wait a moment, I'll go get something."

Taichi let Koshiro, who was talking nonsense, lean against the edge of the sink, then went back and stretched out his hand, taking the Book of Knights and the Holy Plan back into his hands.

"Have you seen the doorway?"

"Taichi... I, I don't know how to put it, but this is incredible."

Crimson Knightmon has a very serious look.

"Then sort out the language and tell me when you get back."

After Taiyi replied in a low voice, he slowly closed the book, put the two things back into his pocket, and went back to help Koshiro walk towards their private room.

"Taiyi... I have something else to tell you."

Halfway through the walk, Kokoro stopped suddenly, and his surprise was very in line with the characteristics of a drunk.


"Meimei is back."

"Isn't she going to study in a university in the United States?"

Taichi was a little surprised and surprised.

"That's right, but it doesn't affect going home and taking a look." Guangzilang smiled. "She still wants to ask you out. I have no choice but to lie and say that you were hospitalized by the incident that happened in Japan. Now you are completely isolated and no one can visit. You might as well report to her that you are safe."

"it is good."

Speaking of Meimei, Taiyi’s memory has been a long, long time ago. She finished her junior high school here and went to the United States to develop after three years. Taiyi has not seen her for almost three years, although she occasionally sends emails to each other on weekdays. , but as time goes by, there will naturally be fewer contacts. People who go abroad will experience this kind of thing, and the contact with friends here will become less and less.

"Oh...and Yamato, in the days after you left, I wanted to find Yamato to see his situation, because he had a good relationship with us before, but you two would quarrel occasionally, I still remember, hiss... ...It seems that once his younger brother raised by his divorced mother came to play with him, but he couldn't let go because of something, so he asked you to help him."

"I know, what's wrong with him?"

Taiyi doesn't understand why

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to that guy.

In fact, the relationship between him and Yamato is just like that. They can only be regarded as good friends, but they can't reach the level of close friends like Koshiro.

"He seems to have disappeared too. I was worried at the time whether he would be killed by Di Limo."

"But two days later, that guy suddenly came to me again and asked me where you had been? I could only lie about it, and then I contacted him again in the past few days. I wanted to find someone I had a good relationship with. There was a post-disaster reunion before going to university, but I still couldn't get in touch with Yamato."

"You said... Will something happen to him? Should I ask his father?"

"No, no need."

Tai just blinked his eyes after hearing that.

"Wait, don't worry, that guy might have gone somewhere on his motorcycle."

Although he said so, Taiyi suddenly had a premonition in his heart.

Among the chosen children, although Taiyi is the only one who has experienced the great adventure, the others have also begun to have more or less connections with Digimon and the Digital World. Under his leadership, Koshiro has begun to inspire To become a scientist like Beetlemon, Su Na was inexplicably raped by Di Limo once, and Jiaer was given a false divine plan by Lilithmon.

Could it be that Yamato has quietly started his own adventure?After all, there is a vast digital world.

But Taichi didn't think too much about it. If it happened to be like this, he would be happy instead, so that he would have more teammates. Although having more teammates is not necessarily a good thing, after all, they are no longer children who need to unite to defeat a strong enemy. , Yamato's personality is somewhat problematic, he may not understand it now if he has never experienced a friendship-breaking face-breaking punch by himself in the fifth grade of elementary school.

Taiyi helped Koshiro back to the dinner table, but saw a scene that made him break his head and never thought of it.

It was just such a short period of time... Tiannv Beast was already lying on the table, Hua Xian Beast was also blushing and couldn't hold back, Su Na sat there with an embarrassed face, a glass of untouched red wine was placed in front of her, Only Lilithmon looked at him with a proud face.

"You're back, honey, would you like a drink? Uh... oh..."

As she spoke, she also had a belch, and even her face was flushed with alcohol.

"You... what the hell did you do?"

"Taiyi, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop them."

Su Na explained with a bitter face.

"It's nothing, I just found a glass of wine and came over."

"Impossible, how can ordinary wine get them drunk?"

——That’s all for the Celestial Girl Beast, but the Flower Fairy Beast doesn’t make any sense. Could this be the sleeping red wine?

"Of course, I added some special alcohol that I have prepared. Hehe, I accidentally overplayed it, but this also proves that I still have a talent for bartending. When I am completely free in the future, I can open a bartender in the real world." The bar or something is used to entertain Digimon who want to live in the real world like me, isn't it just to make money and get soft?"

" bastard!"

Tai Yi's eyes darkened after hearing this, and his teeth itched with anger.

"How do you want me to get them back?"

Especially, under the premise that I am still carrying a photon Lang.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Lilithmon immediately stood up and said.

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