"I'll just open a portal and go directly to your house. Don't forget that I am the Great Sin Demon King, and we don't even have to settle the bill!"

"……To shut up!"

Taichi wanted to scold but couldn't, so he could only stare at her angrily, then put Koshiro on the seat and let him rest for a while.

"I'm going to pay the bill, Lilith Beast, you send the two of them back to my house first... don't play any more pranks, or I will really punish you!"


Chapter 254 Chapter 240 Eight This Is The Real Lilith Beast

After paying the bill, Taiyi returned directly to the private room on the second floor, and asked Lilithmon to help open a portal, and sent the drunk Koshiro back home.

Koshiro's parents were pleasantly surprised to see Taiyi again, and sincerely congratulated him on his safe return...then they also tacitly didn't mention Taiyi's "transformation" into a giant knight, but they changed their faces immediately after saying these words He scolded Tai Yi for the simple reason that he got their son drunk.

After Tai Yi promised that there would never be a next time, he left Quan's house, and then sent So Na back to her house.

"Sorry, Su Na, I was planning to sing K, next time."

"I like the gift you gave me very much, thank you very much."

In front of Takeuchi's house, Taichi and Sona bid farewell.

"Taiyi, I actually..."


"I have something to say to you alone, but you seem to be very busy, so I won't bother you." Su Na smiled far-fetched. "It's my own thoughts, don't get me wrong, it's not a confession or something..."

Because she was afraid that Taiyi would have strange expectations, So Na hurriedly added a few more words.

"Anyway, I'm very happy today! Welcome back! Taichi!"

After saying goodbye to the two of them, Taiyi called Jiaer again to confirm that she was safe and sound at school, and then asked Lilithmon to open the portal and return to his home.

I have to say that this ability is really convenient. It is much easier to use than any means of transportation. Sure enough, the most practical skill in reality is long-distance teleportation. I have always relied on stealing the abilities of my partners, if I

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It would be great if you can get the Lilithmon card yourself.

Maybe, after she confessed everything, would she have such a chance?

But... Taiyi is still unable to make an accurate judgment.

It is true that Lilith made mistakes, but without her, I would not be where I am today, and in order to save that world, there is a high probability that I will need her help.

"Taiyi~~I want to kiss~~"

He was thinking about these things, when he just walked through the portal and returned home, there was a strange guy reeking of alcohol pounced on him, Taiyi was forced back a few steps by the powerful impact, and was almost pushed back into the door again.

"Kiss the hammer! It smells so bad!"

Taiyi pressed the face of Tiannvbeast with his hands to prevent her from getting close to him, but her strength was too great, Taiyi had no choice but to use the Digisoul, but even so it was still very difficult.

The Celestial Girl embraced Taiyi with all her strength, like a magnet desperately trying to attract her body, she changed back to her classic angel battle uniform at some point, her beautiful legs slightly bent, her body pressed forward, just playing with Taiyi like this Special sumo wrestling.

"Don't... don't come near me!!"

"Tai Yi is really disobedient, why not be eaten by me obediently?"

"Quick! Quick, Flower Fairy Beast, come help and pull her away!"

Tai Yi felt more and more strenuous, almost couldn't stand it anymore.

The flower fairy beast lowered its head, but Taiyi was too busy dealing with the mad goddess beast, and did not notice the evil smile on the corner of the flower fairy beast's mouth. She quickly approached and hugged Taiyi from behind, the girl was light and soft The body was attached to him all at once, and his hands were groping on his body honestly. Taiyi's itchy flesh was still very sensitive, and he almost laughed out loud to relieve his strength when he was so stimulated.

"Why, Taichi? Let's play~ Anyway, it's still early, isn't it~"

"Lilithmon!! Help me get them away!!"

Taiyi really doesn't want to be forced to become a demon like this, and with the posture of the two of them, they don't know when they're done, and they smell like alcohol, so it's possible that they suddenly didn't hold back and vomited in the middle of the job. Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

"Huh? I thought you'd like it, honey."

"Are you kidding, uh...don't, don't touch there, uh..."

Taiyi's face was blushing. Faced with the two-sided attack of the goddess beast and the flower fairy beast, he felt helpless like a steak caught in the middle of a hamburger. When he was about to be crushed, Lilith The beast finally made a move.

Facing two drunk full body Digimon, she easily made them fall asleep with one shot, but still stuck to Taichi.


Tai sighed.

Maybe it's not a good thing to be so popular... He spent some effort, carried the Celestial Girl and Flower Fairy back to the bed, helped them cover the quilt, and admired their sleeping profiles for a while, before putting them down. Come on.

"They are asleep, Taichi~"

Itchy ears.

Lilith Beast suddenly leaned over from behind, put its face behind his ears, and blew out a mouthful of hot air.

"do you understand me?"

"...You drank a lot of beer, right? Don't you have desires?"

"I won't be fooled by you this time, your evil ability of the Lust Demon King can't change me anymore."

Taichi took a deep breath and immediately calmed himself down.

"No, it's impossible, I don't believe you can resist the temptation."

Lilith Beast is very cunning, even sticking out its tongue to secretly lick Taiyi's fair neck, but she didn't succeed, Taiyi quickly turned around and interrupted her spellcasting.

"You know? Some things, once you get them, you don't want them so much."

Taichi touched the place that was wet by her, and looked at her calmly.

"Oh?... This is the first time I've heard of it."

Lilith Beast saw that this plan was not going to work, so he had no choice but to give up.

——Hmph, originally I wanted to take a sneak shot of this part, and leave it for Tiannv Beast to see later, to let her know that Taiyi refused her request but turned around and threw herself into his arms when she was asleep. Hahaha, she will definitely be angry Are you crazy?

"You don't know enough about human beings, Lilith Beast, even Celestial Beasts understand this."

"Is it valuable just because you can't get it? It's interesting."

"It seems that I was careless, Taiyi, I should continue hanging on to you."

Lilithmon showed a regretful expression.

"...I really admire you. I don't understand what's so arguable about it. Originally, this kind of thing is just a casual pastime. You and the Celestial Beast don't have much conflict. Why do you have to fight over it? ?”

"Maybe it's because she's an angel and I'm a devil."

Lilith Beast gave a very reasonable answer.

"Oh~ forget it, since you don't have that thought, I won't force you."

She sighed, slowly straightened her body, and her clothes gradually changed from the everyday wear for camouflage to the graceful costume that could highlight her plump breasts and slim waist of the water snake, and then she actually showed a weird smile.

"It's almost time for me to go, Taichi, I've been happy with you these few days."

"I'm happy too, Lilithmon."

Taiyi didn't intend to keep her, because it would be very dangerous to let her stay by his side, and now she is the target of "revenge" by others.

"Really? That's really an honor, dear, I thought you didn't want to find a reason to kill me all the time."

"I'm not the kind

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People who are black and white, I used to resolutely kill you, just because you chased to the real world and killed many citizens on the street. "

"Oh? It was the time when I turned into Dark Knightmon."

"But I found that you don't seem to be such an evil person. Even later, without you, it would be difficult for me and Tiannv beast to live to this day, but I can't just forgive you like this. I just want to really confirm that the real you, What kind of person is he?"

"I'm not acting. I'm just the kind of person you can see. I will disregard the lives of unrelated people for my own purposes. I like to play tricks on others. I like to play some interesting games with you. At the same time, I also yearn for freedom. It is the real Lust Demon Lord Lilithmon."

Lilith Beast narrated this passage proudly, without any regrets, because this is her truest appearance.

"If this is the case, I hope that one day, I can clear the darkness in my heart."

Tai Yi was a little moved and said what he had wanted to say a long time ago.

"Haha, it's kind of funny, Taichi, are you so naive?"

She has a big smile.

"If my darkness is eliminated by you, can I still be considered a Lilith beast?"

Chapter 255 Chapter 240 Chapter Nine

"That's right... then there is no way."

Indeed, as she said, compared to others, even Taiyi, she is not as important as herself in her heart. If Lilith can be changed by herself, then she is no longer the real Lilith.

"I am one of the seven great demon kings. All demon kings disregard life and are the enemy of all good things, but you are the chosen child and the savior of the world. What a pity, Taiyi, what a pity. "

"Sometimes, I also think, if I could meet you when I was born... how wonderful it would be..."

Taiyi wanted to tell her that if he wanted to stand on the side of the light, it was never too late, but he thought about what she just said, so he restrained himself from saying it.

That's right, as early as the moment she received the brand of great crime, she had already lost the qualification to walk towards the light.

"We play for fun, and make trouble for trouble, but I don't want you to cross this line, do you understand?"

"If you cross that line, I'll look down on you."

"Okay, I remember."

It was rare for Lilithmon to say such reasonable words, and Taichi solemnly agreed.

"Well, then I can rest assured~"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when Lilithmon said this, her expression seemed... really hiding some sadness.

After saying this, the figure of Lilith Beast disappeared in the portal she opened. Taiyi didn't know where she went, but he could only silently pray that this was not the last time, and that Lilith Beast could get rid of the pursuit of the enemy as soon as possible. kill.

Then, he sat back on the sofa and took out the Book of Knights. This is also Taiyi's biggest secret right now, and he hasn't had time to tell the Celestial Beast.

"Taiyi, are you alright?"

The small figure of the Red Lotus Knight Beast turned up from the book, he looked at Taiyi's serious expression now, and tried to ask a question.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

However, it seemed that he was going to give up his illusions and was ready to fight.

Next time we meet, if Lilithmon does evil again, Taiyi will definitely send her on the road without hesitation.

"Okay, you can tell me, Red Lotus Knight Beast, what kind of tricks have you seen?"

"There is the breath of a golden-armored dragon beast in it."

"Oh? The Fourth Royal Knight? I remember his title is Order..."

Golden Armored Dragon Beast is actually a very embarrassing royal knight. His status is seriously inconsistent with his combat effectiveness shown in the animation. However, this is the Royal Knights with a special "inscribed name", so we still cannot judge them with common sense. combat effectiveness.

"And Taiyi, the feeling of this aura is despair, anger and sadness... The golden armored dragon beast seems to have suffered a serious injury."

"But Lilith said it was something she snatched from Barba. Could it be that she's lying?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen the other companions for a long time."

"What kind of person is the Golden Armored Dragon Beast?"

Tai Yi felt more and more strange about this matter, he had never been so confused before, it seemed that he couldn't even find a point of entry for this matter, it was just a cloud of blinding fog.

"He is an honest man, very conscientious, and after such a big incident, he is still sticking to his post."

Tai Yi brain made up the image of a simple, honest and honest golden blue-skinned dragon man, which is also in line with the character of the golden armored dragon beast.

"What is his position?"

"Guard a subworld."


"It's a bit complicated for me to explain...but it's like a virtual machine in a computer. There is an independent small world in it. That small world is usually used by World Tree as a test site. Whenever there are some new mechanisms , new Digimon, new plants and new landforms must be tested here several times before they are put into the big world before they can be officially put into the digital world.”

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