Red Lotus Knight Beast thought for a long time before finding such a metaphor.

Metaphor is a good thing, it can make people quickly understand things that cannot be understood.


"He is one of the guardians of this subworld, and the other is the eighth royal knight, the skull beast with the inscription 'Justice'. If you want to enter the subworld, you must obtain the permissions of both of them at the same time.

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It is a perfect measure to prevent accidents. "

"I don't know much about other things. Taiyi, I'm sorry, I really can't see what its body is. That power is a strange existence that I have never seen before, or in other words, its disguise is too good. It's too subtle."


Taiyi racked his brains to piece together these fragments to see if he could come up with a reasonable explanation, but no matter what he thought, it was still a mess. Could it be that Lilith Beast wanted to use the subworld to get rid of the World Tree link?But then why didn't she take it herself?Could it be that she lied to herself after all, and wanted to use this to lure the skull beast to find herself?

But what's the point?He could have just handed over this thing and explained that he was just being deceived, and there was still the Red Lotus Knight Beast. As long as the Skull Beast still had justice in its heart and did not go astray, then there would be no so-called dispute between them.

"Don't think too much, Taiyi, with me here, you and your companions will be fine."

"But Red Lotus Knight Beast, I can't use your power yet."

"That was the very beginning. Now we are real 'companions'. You have also passed my test. Sometimes we just need a chance, and we can become one, allowing you to fight in my full glory. It can even summon Grani."

"May I have Grani too?"

Taichi was intrigued, because what man wouldn't want to have his own dragon mount?

"He was sealed together with me, so he is naturally also part of the 'Red Lotus Knight Beast'."

"That would be great, thank you, Red Lotus Knight Beast."

Tai let out a long breath.

Now, he not only has Omegamon but also a series of subspecies changes of Battle Tyrannosaurus, and even got the Red Lotus Knight Beast and even the power to unlock his true Red Lotus form. Now Taiyi can almost stand out from the crowd, finally Really touched the ceiling of Digimon.

"This little thing is nothing, but it's me...I did something wrong to you, Taiyi, this should be my atonement."

"It's okay, I don't care."

It’s easy to say anything to the power. In this way, he defeated the Red Lotus Knight Beast and made him a book of his own. If he defeated all the royal knights, wouldn’t he be able to get thirteen books and summon the dragon?

The thirteen meteors merged and converged!Thinking about that picture too soon, I get goosebumps. Collecting all the thirteen imperial knights is not easy, but it is indeed very fulfilling.

"But there is one thing, Crimson Knightmon."

"Sometimes in the future, I may have to isolate your hearing."

Taichi's digital soul can create a sound-shielding stance.


"It's just... I also have a little privacy. Sometimes I don't want you to hear, you'd better not listen obediently."

"I see. Isn't that what you do? Don't worry, I'm not interested."

——That's right, after all, your XP is Grani.

"It's not a question of whether you are interested or not, it's a question that I will be very sensitive to."

"Okay~ You decide, anyway, I can only act in the book now."

Chapter 256 Chapter 250 Long time no see, Meimei

After bidding farewell to Lilithmon, Taichi hid the divine plan in an absolutely secret place that only he knew...under the seabed mud and sand somewhere in Tokyo Bay, and used certain powers to block it to ensure that it would not It was accidentally caught by anglers, or was taken away by fish creatures in the water. It was made very strong, and this place was marked. Please ask Red Lotus Knight Beast to make a second seal.

In this way, even if someone really came to the door, it has nothing to do with him, and Taiyi can also receive the alarm signal at the first time, so there is nothing wrong with it.

After Tiannv Beast and Hua Xian Beast sobered up, of course it was inevitable to criticize and scold Lilith Beast, but this was just some aftermath. They returned to their peaceful daily life, but this time they had already done I have prepared myself mentally and made a fixed training plan, and I can no longer be ruined by this happy life.

"I'll go out for a while, you don't run around at home."

"Don't you need me to follow? Taiyi."

Tiannv Beast looked away from the book and looked at the boy who was getting dressed.

"...It's just a trivial matter, there's no need for it."

Tai gave a vague excuse.


The Flower Fairy Beast couldn't help laughing.

"Is it really a trivial matter? Could it be that we are going to meet the 'Meimei' of this world, because we are afraid that she will see us misunderstood something?"

"...Don't say it if you know it. Save some face for me, okay?"

Taiyi looked at her helplessly.

"That's not the case. The main reason is that she doesn't know about Digimon. I really can't explain it..."

"It's as if, if others know Digimon, you can explain it clearly."

The Tiannv beast held her chin with one hand, with a smile on her lips and a playful look on her face.

I always feel that after Lilith Beast "trained" her, she became more and more like a bad woman. Flower Fairy Beast, as always, looks like a little devil on the surface, but is very simple in heart, and occasionally does some weird things. Childish and childish behavior.

"I don't have to explain that."

Taichi thought about it, and was confident.

"Well, even though you said that, after dressing up for so long, you even trimmed your eyebrows meticulously, and even let you apply the lotion I bought... I haven't seen Taiyi so fully prepared to meet a girl."

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"I'm going to see her now as an ordinary old classmate I haven't seen for a long time. It's just a normal dressing up."

"Alright~ let's go, let's go, come back early!"

After the two of them rebuked each other, Tai Yi fled the house in some embarrassment.

He actually dressed up seriously today. After all, he was going to meet Meimei, whom he hadn't seen in three years, so he had to tidy himself up beautifully, not only wearing the new clothes he had carefully selected before.

Black short-sleeved with trendy patterns, wearing a khaki turtleneck jacket, black jeans with a bracelet made for him by the celestial beast as decoration, and a thin silver necklace hanging around his neck. A white satchel, which contained a mobile phone and some personal belongings, and even went to the barber shop to have a very capable and comfortable haircut.

Because Taiyi hasn't trimmed his hair for a long time, in the world of Ruhime and the others, Taiyi never cared about this kind of thing, but after returning here, he found that his hair has grown almost as long as Kenshi Yonezu's.

Before leaving, he was praised by the guy who cut his hair as a handsome guy. Tai Yi was also very happy in his heart. Who doesn't like being praised as handsome by others?Although the current self is indeed handsome and confident... probably because of the buff of being the savior who saved the two worlds, Tai Yi now has a "confident" temperament all over his body.

—I'm here, Taichi.

The phone beeps, Taiyi turns it on and sees a text message from Meimei.

Last night, Taiyi called Meimei and wanted to ask her out, but Meimei hung up directly. Just when Taiyi wondered if she had done something wrong, she sent a text message, which meant that she hadn't seen her for a long time, and wanted to Hear Taiyi's voice with your own ears, not from the phone.

—Sorry I'm late, I'll be there in 5 minutes!

Taiyi returned a message to her, then quickened his pace, and finally saw that unique girl at a glance on the streets of the busy city like the opening of an idol drama.



Meimei actually made a lot of preparations before coming here, including she struggled with which outfit to wear for nearly two hours, and she didn't even sleep well... But in the end, she decided to wear what she likes, there is no need to be particularly gorgeous , Just be a little more youthful, free and easy, and have a little personality.

Her light pink hair was coiled into a very delicate shape, and she also wore many ingenious hairpins. She was wearing a very fashionable rose red top with yellow spots, her legs were covered with pure red leggings and white shoes , with colorful bracelets on her wrists, this kind of dress is usually too contrived for traditional women, but it is just right for Meimei.

She also saw the boy from the crowd at a glance. At that moment, she seemed to return to many years ago. At that time, every precious memory of her had a boy named Yagami Taichi participating in it, but after that incident, The One simply disappeared from his life.

"Taiyi, long time no see."

Meimei suddenly wanted to cry, but she held back, she was no longer a child, so she still waved to the boy and gave her the brightest smile.

"Long time no see, Meimei."

"Is it the first time since then to speak? Taichi, I thought you didn't recognize me."

"How could I forget you? You are also my very important friend."

Tai replied with a smile.

But the moment she finished saying this, Meimei's face suddenly became very bitter.

What she said "since then" actually means that on the day she graduated from middle school, Meimei knew that she was going to the United States to study high school, but she didn't want to leave, she wanted to continue to be a classmate with Taiyi, so she made a very A bold decision...that is to confess to Taiyi.

——The result, of course, was rejected.

Taiyi knows her thoughts, and doesn't want her to ruin her future because of herself, and Taiyi has also seriously confirmed before that whether it is Su Na, Meimei or other girls, they are all like children and juniors in his eyes, because they They grew up together, and Taichi also has two life experiences, so it is difficult to treat them as love objects.

And Taiyi is also someone who has experienced it, and would not find a girlfriend just for fun, so he also rejected her very kindly and tactfully.

Till now, Taiyi still remembers how Meimei was crying that day, Taiyi sometimes wonders if he takes it for granted, is he a bit conceited, ignoring other people's feelings.

"Don't think about it too much, Taiyi, I have long since given up on that matter."

Meimei smiled and showed a pair of white teeth.

She seems to have undergone some radical changes, such a sunny, enthusiastic and contagious smile, it is hard to imagine that it can be made from Tachikawa Mimi, even if it is Meimei who grew up in the original work, she still has not given Taichi this kind of smile Feel.

"I'm really, really happy to see you again!"

"A few days ago, I heard from Guangzilang that you were hospitalized. I was worried for a long time. Ah, fortunately, you are fine."

"Well, something happened. Didn't some alien creature invaded a few days ago? I was accidentally recruited, and I was isolated and observed for a long time... Meimei, you don't know, it is really torture, not human place to stay."

"A few days ago?" Meimei's fair fingers gently poked her beautiful chin. "It should be more than a month ago? Taiyi, your memory is not very good~"

As expected of Meimei, she is so sweet even if she laughs at her.

"Ah... I misremembered the time."

"Really, because of being in that torture

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It should feel like years in a human environment, right?Why did you shorten the time? "

Meimei's smile seems very strange, she has been laughing without stopping.

"Could it be Taiyi..." The girl suddenly took a step forward, and the earring pendant swayed like an elf. "Like your time in the 'isolation room'?"

"How is it possible? I really just said the wrong time, Meimei, don't laugh at me."

Although Taichi thought this conversation was weird, he still followed the girl's lead.

"Haha, sorry sorry~"

Chapter 257 Chapter 250 The Chosen Child, Mimi Tachikawa

The reunion with Meimei was just as wonderful as Taiyi had imagined. Now he seemed to have really entered his original role, just a student who was a little clever and mature beyond his age.

"Taiyi has really changed a lot, I didn't expect to become so handsome."

"Meimei, you are also... more beautiful than I imagined."

Taiyi and Meimei walked shoulder to shoulder in the lively neighborhood, the fashionable girl full of vitality and youthful atmosphere and the handsome boy who was so clean, no matter who saw them talking and laughing, they would regard them as a couple.

"Really? It's great that you can think so. I thought you would think I'm hypocritical when I dress up like this."

"Of course what you like is the best. If you change yourself to cater to others, you will no longer be yourself."

"Wow~ What a handsome line, as expected of Taichi!"

"...Why do you always feel that you always treat me like an idiot?"

"Taiyi is not an idiot." Meimei smiled meaningfully again. "How? Where are you going next? Are you going to eat?"

"It will be all right."

In fact, Taiyi doesn't know much about the specific process of dating, he just follows his heart. Although he has dated Liu Ji before, the personality gap between Liu Ji and Meimei is too great, and there is no reference value. I came here with the mentality of an old friend, definitely not for the purpose of improving the goodwill, now it is just a date between ordinary friends.

"Looking at Taiyi's stupid appearance, he really has no experience communicating with female voices."

"...I'm really sorry."

Taiyi also pretended to be sullen and replied.

"It's okay, actually I don't know very well, so we don't have to be so restrained, just say what you want, let's go, I'm going to eat seafood!"

Meimei grabbed Taiyi's sleeve and strode forward.

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