"You still like eating these so much."

"Because it's delicious and low in fat, you don't have to worry about getting fat if you eat too much!"

Meimei was always looking for topics, and she didn't feel forced or embarrassed at all. She told a lot of stories about herself abroad. It can be seen that she lived really well there.

"Tai Yi has really grown a lot taller...he is already so much taller than me." After entering the lively seafood restaurant, Meimei suddenly gestured to Tai Yi and said this. "I remember we were about the same height before, alas."

"I always want to grow taller~ You are also a lot taller, but you are not as well developed as me."

"Hmm~ You've really grown into a reliable mature man! Taichi! Even your skin is tanned, do you still play football now?"

Meimei continued to talk with Taiyi while coping with the waiter who came up to her. Their pleasant conversation continued until they sat down at the table. Meimei also became very talkative, or because of Taiyi, she always There are endless topics to talk about, but none of them mentioned that matter again.

Maybe, Meimei’s thoughts are the same as her own. Today is not only the reunion between her and Taiyi, whom she has not seen for many years, but also a stage to bid farewell to her past self. She will no longer look back on the regrets of the past, and must bravely move towards tomorrow .

"Wait, do you want to play the secret room game?"


Taiyi didn't expect that she, who has always been timid, would send out such an invitation, so she agreed directly.

"Hey, then you have to hold on to me, Taiyi, I'm very timid."

"Just like playing big adventure games when I was young, I will always stand in front of Meimei, so if you are afraid, just close your eyes~"

"Ugh... It's okay if you don't remember those lines so clearly."

The girl pursed her lips, and the shiny lip gloss on her lips made Taiyi worry that she might accidentally lick it with her tongue.

Nothing unexpected happened, this was just an ordinary day in Taiyi’s daily life, he could let go of those things about Digimon and be himself at ease... This is the long-awaited relaxation and vacation of Taiyi, and Meimei is really beautiful He likes to say that being with her makes Taiyi feel very comfortable, even though he hasn't seen her for many years, he doesn't feel any restraint.

After dinner, Taiyi and Meimei took the tram and went to the amusement park together. On the way to the escape room, they rode Meimei's favorite carousel when they were young, and other exciting projects.

"Come on, you two! The truth is hidden in your eyes."

Encouraged by the host, Taiyi, Meimei and other couples entered the level challenge as teammates. The dark passage and humid and closed air made Taiyi think of playing with Meimei and other classmates many years ago. The adventure (death) game, but this time Meimei did not hide behind Taiyi in fear like before, or grab Taiyi's arm.

she is so natural

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Yes, I walked forward by myself and thought about everything that happened in front of me autonomously.

——It seems that she has completely overcome her immature past.

——I'm so proud of you, so happy for you... Meimei.

After all, this room escape game is just a playground project, and Tai Yi can tell the clues at a glance. The clue is simply a dimensionality reduction blow, but he didn't deliberately show it. After all, it would be too disappointing, because teaming up with them The man and woman... are quite interested in solving the case.

Although this kind of game is not exciting for Tai Yi at all, he still plays it patiently, because Meimei seems very interested.

Until a certain moment, Taiyi suddenly came back to his senses as if he had fallen asleep, only to find that there was no one around him, and the environment was no longer the simple room layout, but a strange space full of various mirrors. Each mirror reflected himself from different angles, which made his nerves tense instantly.


"I'm here, Taichi."

"Do you know what's going on here? We're stuck here."

Meimei trotted all the way to his side.

"How could this be... I didn't feel anything just now, it's impossible!"

Taiyi is very nervous, because he understands that this is definitely not caused by manpower. Could it be that another unknown enemy has come to the door?And the two teammates who came with them didn't know where they went.

"Are you the same? Well, it seems that there is no way."

Meimei said something that seemed ordinary but strange.

"Meimei? What are you talking about—"

"There's no need to act anymore, Taichi, I know you are a chosen child, you have already saved a world, haven't you? I didn't expect you really didn't intend to tell me."

She covered her mouth in embarrassment and sniggered, the words were astonishing, Taiyi's brain was completely shut down... The conjecture at Koshiro's place yesterday, actually came true?

The girl who hid behind Taiyi in the past, and who was very capricious and coquettish, is now showing the firm eyes of a real "warrior", holding a pink device that looks like an arc machine in her hand, clanging and powerful shouted.

"Come out! Lotus beast!"

Chapter 258 Chapter 250 The Legend of Taiyi

Meimei, as expected, has become a chosen child unknowingly.

No wonder, the words she said to herself always felt weird, as if something was wrong, and now that I think about it, it turned out that she had been hinting at herself from the very beginning.

The ultimate Digimon named Lotus Beast got out of the Tyrannosaurus in Meimei's hand, and then landed in a very elegant figure... It was also a very sexy female human Digimon, but It doesn't look that impactful because the skin is purple.

"This is Meimei... Heh heh, he is indeed a nice young man~"

The lotus beast saw the boy next to his partner at a glance.

"Hey Lotus Beast! Didn't I remind you not to talk nonsense?"


Taiyi didn't think much about it, he was just surprised that Meimei found a lotus beast as a partner... However, it seems that the lotus beast can also evolve from the route of the Balu beast, but the branch has changed. Under the premise of the badge, this is normal.

"Meimei, when did you... and how did you know about me?"

Now Taiyi is more concerned about this issue, how come everyone knows that he has saved the digital world?Could it be that his adventures are also made into animations and broadcast to other worlds?

Although this possibility is not ruled out, Taichi still finds it strange, because he knows that his own story is not very exciting, and it does not conform to the positive energy of traditional Digimon animation.

"It was about a month ago, but I spent two months in the digital world!" Meimei smiled happily. "Knowing about you... Actually, I guessed it. The timing of your disappearance and return is too suspicious."

"Of course, it's not all guesswork. When I first went to that fantasy digital world, I met a Digimon who called himself a 'royal knight'. I was very timid at the time... I was afraid of fighting, but he told me, There is one person I know who has saved another digital world."

"Then how are you sure it's me? I have no other intentions, Meimei. I'm planning to do a very dangerous thing now, so I'm afraid you will be used by bad people."

Taiyi is very concerned about this matter, but he doesn't want Meimei to feel the pressure of being interrogated by him.

"Let me tell you, Mr. Taiyi." Seeing that Meimei was a little nervous, the lotus beast took the initiative to help her out. "When Meimei and I were traveling in the digital world, we met several Digimon from different worlds. Among them was a wizard beast who helped us a lot, and we became good friends with him."

"He knew you, told you a lot about you, told how brave and strong the savior he knew was, and encouraged us who were frustrated at that time. Finally, Meimei asked for your name... and confirmed that it was you. "

"I see."

Taichi also couldn't remember which wizard beast it was, it might have evolved from a certain Digimon, or it might be the one whose fate of death was changed by his own arrival in another world.

"Thank you very much, Taiyi. Without your adventure story, Meimei and I would not be able to get to where we are today."

"?? No... I didn't do anything."

Taiyi doesn't understand

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The meaning of the white lotus beast, but the lotus beast showed a meaningful smile, and then suddenly put its hands on its chest, and said bitterly and affectionately.

"'Taichi, although we haven't seen each other for a long time, even though you are not by my side, you have always given me courage and strength since I was a child, so I will do my best! I must help the Digimon regain Own homeland!'”

"??? Lotus Beast! You, you... what nonsense are you talking about!!"

Taiyi was still a little confused, but Meimei's face was flushed, and the roots of her ears were completely red, like a boiling kettle.

Now, Meimei not only has elements of shyness, but also she was taught to be publicly punished for her shameful words. The two knives directly tore up the mature girl image she had maintained in front of Taiyi for so long, and she became popular immediately. .

"'Taichi~ As long as you're here, I can do anything~ Now I'm finally qualified to stand by your side~ I can finally muster up the courage to meet you~'"

It's a pity that the lotus beast was not affected, and continued her vivid performance.

"Lotus! Flower! Beast! I'm going to get angry! Shut up!"

Meimei's anxious tears are about to fall out now.

——She just performed the perfect homecoming, a sunny girl, a completely reborn image! !

"...It's okay, Meimei, if my story inspires you, I will be very happy too, it's nothing."

"As expected of Taiyi, you are so gentle~ As expected, the person Meimei likes is very reliable."

"I, I didn't... Well, forget it, now is not the time to talk about this."

The lotus beast seems to be keen on bullying Meimei. Regarding this matter, Taiyi and Meimei are well aware of it, and there is no need to hide it. They have confessed before, so what are they afraid of?

"Call your partner out, we are in danger now!"

"Well... I was trying it just now, but this place doesn't seem to be able to send out a signal."

Taichi touched his forehead and said in distress.

"So, it turns out that Taichi's partner Digimon can't live in the Tyrannosaurus like Lotusmon."

Meimei was a little disappointed, but also nervous at the same time. This is a great opportunity for her to express herself in front of Taiyi, but at the same time, she must also protect his safety, because without Digimon, the chosen children are actually no different from ordinary people of.

——Let Taiyi see my strength!And protect him!

"Well, but it's okay, tell me what's going on in this environment? What are these mirrors?"

Tai Yi saw what she was thinking, and didn't say much, because if she continued to use her ability to talk, the chat would be endless.

Next, Meimei described her understanding of this mirror world in as short a language as possible. Probably shortly after Taiyi went to the third generation world, Meimei returned to Japan. The report on "Fantasy Creatures vs. Alien Life" in the last replay basically confirmed the Taiyi matter.

She was very worried about Taichi at that time, but she couldn't do anything, but she was as convinced as Tiannvmon that the great savior "Taiyi", who was sung by the Digimons, would never fall easily. On the contrary, during this period of time, This kind of mirror world began to appear in the real world. Each mirror leads to a different area. Only after cleaning up a few Digimon can you leave this place.

——It’s almost like playing a dungeon breakout game, and it’s also very similar to Silver Mirror Beast’s ability.

But Meimei doesn't know what caused this phenomenon. It's just that this mirror world has appeared more and more frequently recently, and some people have started to disappear quietly. Taiyi thought of the few missing persons reported on TV last night. news.

"Then let's go, Meimei, what is the strength of the Digimon here?"

"At least it is a mature stage, but it doesn't matter, the lotus beast is the ultimate body! I am very strong, so don't be afraid of Taiyi."

"...Well, let's go then."

Tai nodded and didn't express much. He wasn't worried about his own safety, but was just wondering if this matter might have anything to do with Lilith Beast's big moves recently.

Chapter 259 Chapter 250 Chapter [-] The Digimon with the Tightest Mouth

But it seems that there is something wrong with the Silver Mirror Beast. Although the Silver Mirror Beast can make mirrors, but in the real world, isn't it a bit too heaven-defying in terms of his ability?

That invisible fate seems to be vaguely affecting Taiyi again, but Taiyi doesn't want to start the next adventure so soon, at least...he has to wait until he finishes the retest, right?Let's take down the status of a college student first.

When the time comes, Taiyi will have to find a way to find a new house close to the school.

"Hand over your souls! Humans!"

After entering one of the mirror worlds, it seems to be a research institute, but the dark wall and the natural steel floor meet an Andurus beast.

But his appearance is very strange, a bit like the kind of Digimon Taiyi has seen that has been alienated and corroded by Dili Demon, but it is still different, the body presents a light evil purple, it is more like that kind of Digimon A mass-produced Digimon weapon.

Unlike Dili's demon cell, which would be robbed of its will, Taiyi felt that this guy was more like being controlled by something like a black gear.

There is no suspense, the lotus beast easily defeated it, and then three more appeared in this space, but this time the enemy changed to a weird style, and the three-headed body was extremely strong, with a spherical body has

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Human facial features and a beard, with sunglasses on his face, is an Abel beast...but the skin is gray-black, and the sunglasses, gloves and boots are also scarlet.

"Huh? How did Abel become like this?"

Meimei also recognizes Abel, but in her impression those guys are very cute, but the black and red appearance of this Abel in front of her has already made her feel nervous, and their size is bigger than the average Abel. Bo beast is many times taller.

"It's the Bomb Abels, I think they're probably full body versions."

Taiyi analyzed.

"What? Didn't Meimei have this breed in the digital world that Meimei went to?"

"Yeah." Meimei nodded. "Everyone is cute, Abelmons are just lazy, but these guys... give me a different feeling."

——What kind of fairy tale world?

Through Meimei's words, Taiyi felt that her own adventure might be more like "Tachikawa Mimi's Dream in Wonderland", which is more in line with her own positioning of the world. Of course, the overall combat power will not be too strong, at most It's almost the same as the original world view of the first part.

"It's okay, Meimei, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Why did you say it? I'm protecting you now! Taichi!"

Meimei toot her mouth dissatisfied.

"...Sorry, I just said it out of habit."

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