
Meimei repeated a sentence suspiciously, although this sentence sounds fine at first glance, but after careful analysis, it will feel that something is wrong.

"Wait a minute, Lotus Beast."

Taiyi was holding his Tyrannosaurus machine at this time, and the data of these bomb Abelmons popped up accurately, which proved that they were living Digimon, not phantoms created by someone with power.

"Whose subordinates are you?"

He stepped forward without fear and shouted at those guys.

"Stop talking nonsense! Human beings! You just need to be obediently killed by us!"

"There is still an ultimate Digimon, but she looks so weak, we will not die here! Because we are the subordinates of Lord 'Silver Mirror Beast'!"

Although the appearance has become a lot more ferocious, Abelmon still can't change the setting of the funny role.

"Silver Mirror Beast? The Silver Mirror Beast of the Ten Warriors?"

Taiyi frowned.

"What ten fighters? The Silver Mirror Beast General is Barbamon's subordinate!"

"oh, I see."

Barbamon, Taiyi knows this name, and Lilithmon told that guy was killed, so the series of disappearances caused by the mirror space are caused by the remnants of the Barbamon Legion?

"Stupid! Don't say anything!"

Bomb Abel, who just proudly announced his belonging, was punched hard in the head by a teammate next to him.

"Ah! But, hateful human! How dare you lie to me? You are too despicable!"

The naive and stupid Bomb Abel cursed angrily.

His voice is also very funny, it sounds like the voice of a starfish in a well-known animation.

"Huh, after a long time I thought you guys are so powerful, but it turns out that you are just the subordinate of that weak chicken of Barbamon." There was no bad intention, but I just thought they were very interesting and fun, so Taiyi started his performance, Let's sneer presumptuously. "What a disappointment, didn't that guy die a long time ago? Why don't you disband?"

"Shut up! Human! You are not allowed to slander the Demon King!"

"You want to talk to me? Don't think about it!" Bomb Abel, who had been taught by his teammates, scolded angrily. "I won't reveal anything to you! I'm the one with the strictest mouth on our team!"

"Now I'm going to harvest your soul as food for General Silver Mirror Beast, so that Lord Barba Beast can be revived sooner!"

He yelled at Tai Yi confidently, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong with his words.


Tai Yi was stunned, and the two teammates of the bomb Abel were also dumbfounded.

The matter is already very clear, because Lilith assassinated Barba beast, causing his army to fall into chaos, but fortunately, a silver mirror beast stood up, wanting to learn from the previous vampire beast, in reality The world keeps arresting and absorbing human data to help Barbamon revive.

But Taiyi has a question, that is, Barbamon should be one of the seven demon kings on Lilithmon's side, that is to say, he is also affected by the World Tree network, even if he is killed, he can be resurrected after a period of time, so what? Is it necessary to use such a stupid and inefficient method?

"No... no no! I didn't say anything! Forget it!"

"You idiot! Huh, forget it, let's kill him directly, and no one will remember this!"

The Bomb Abels continued to play tricks there, but Taiyi was no longer in the mood to watch the funny drama they performed, and they had nothing left to spare, so Taiyi turned around slowly and threw at Lotus Beast and Meimei. With just one look, Meimei is still digesting the guy's revelation just now, while the lotus beast has already understood it.

Although this man doesn't have a partner Digimon to follow him, his self-confidence, the ease with which he can handle three large full-body Digimon with such a terrifying appearance, is simply impossible for ordinary people to have.

"Destroy the giant snake!"

The lotus beast holds a rainbow-colored crystal flower staff in its left hand, and a gorgeous golden staff with black and white double snakes in its right hand. Compared with the rose beast that is very similar to her, she has a more

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It has some sacred and fairy attributes, and looks like a noble lady, while the rose beast is more like a fierce and proud queen.

In the double snake staff in Lotus Beast's right hand, the part belonging to the black snake was released forward, and the three bombs Abel Beast were sent flying in an instant, but the power was not enough to kill them instantly... Although there are some data types The reason for the time-reverse restraint against virus species, but this can also be seen that the attack power of the lotus beast is not particularly strong.

But she couldn't kill in seconds, it doesn't mean she can't win, she threw the double snake staff to the sky and let go temporarily, holding the rainbow crystal flower staff in both hands, waving forward in a very girlish and delicate posture, like a The cute host who played whack-a-mole in the preschool education program, the crystal decoration on the front of the staff is directly used as a hammer head, and wipes out all the Abels who can't get back together one by one.

——It's really a cute way of fighting. It would be great if the flower fairy beast could learn from her.

"Good job ~ Lotus Beast! Thank you!"

Meimei was also very happy to see the victory, and did not forget to thank her partners for their efforts.

"Thank you, Meimei, Lotus Beast."

"It's nothing, Taiyi, this is just the beginning, we can't relax our vigilance yet." Because of Taiyi's approval, Meimei's already healing smile became even brighter. "You have to follow me carefully, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

"Okay, I see~"

Tai smiled and nodded.

"Huh? Taiyi, why do you look indifferent?" Meimei's eyes were wide open, and the delicately drawn slender eyelashes trembled slightly, which was very eye-catching, and the cherry-colored and red eyes were full of curiosity.

"No, let's go quickly."

Because he didn't want to waste time, and Taichi didn't want Meimei to feel that he was showing off.

Chapter 260 Chapter 250 Soul Evolution, Red Lotus Knight Beast!

"The stories about you that the wizard beast told were all exaggerated. I didn't believe it at first, but after I found out it was you... I realized that it was probably true, so Taichi, you must have defeated many, many powerful opponents. ? Can you slowly tell me your story in the future?"

"Of course, Meimei, stories are also very precious wealth, I am willing to share them with you."

"Taiyi is great! But now... Speaking of which, why didn't I understand the questions you asked them just now? Who is Barbamon?"

Meimei knows nothing about everything.

She just met her Digimon partner by chance, and then completed a fantasy adventure, heard a story about the great savior Taichi on the way, and then returned to reality, that's all.

"It's a long story, or let me...?"

Before Tai Yi finished speaking, there was a sudden vibration from a distance, and even the ground under their feet began to become unstable. Meimei didn't scream out, but slipped and fell backwards.

Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, Taiyi hurriedly tried to catch her, but the distance was simply too short. Meimei was ready to suffer the pain, but found that her body was inexplicably stagnated in mid-air.

There are some light green grass-like data blocks converging into water-like things lingering around the girl, like an invisible hand supporting her, this feeling is very warm... It’s like returning to that fantasy world of adventure , There is a beautiful atmosphere that belongs to plants and forests.

Her wet lips were slightly parted, and she stared at Tai Yi with blank eyes, only to see the boy's five fingers spread out, and she could clearly see the energy released by him to protect herself.

"Taiyi, you, what happened to your body?"

After Meimei came to her senses, she was first worried about how such an "abnormality" appeared in Taiyi's body.

"This is the power to activate the Tyrannosaurus. We use different models, right? No fuss."

Taiyi explained something vaguely and then helped Meimei stand firm.

"So it's like this, woo... I knew that this kind of thing would happen, so I wouldn't wear these shoes." Meimei didn't think much, just stared at her shoes that didn't fit so well and thought about it.

Because she was going to meet Taiyi, she specially chose this pair of shoes. She thought they looked good, but in fact, she bought them in a small size. As for not standing still just now.

——Oh, what a pity, I finally met Taiyi, and now my feet are still hurting to death...

It's a pity that Meimei knows that she still has a long way to go if she wants to completely get rid of the current predicament, but at least she can't let Taiyi worry about herself again and again. Now that he doesn't have a partner Digimon by his side, he can only rely on himself and the Lotus Beast to protect him. he!

Enduring the pain in her feet, Meimei cheered up again, but at this time, the earthquake just now caused some changes in the surrounding space, the most obvious of which was that a huge mirror suddenly fell in front of them, and the mirror did not reflect other people. On the contrary, the picture is a kind of blur like frosted glass, and it also emits a suspicious light outward.

"Taiyi, I don't feel right, why don't we leave first."

"Meimei, there is no other exit."

Meimei was taken aback, and quickly looked around. Sure enough, the exit from when she came here and the mirrors leading to other mirror spaces all disappeared, leaving only the weirdest side...they had no other choice, and Meimei did too. It was the first time she encountered such a situation, but according to her experience, the weirder the mirror, the stronger the enemy hidden inside must be.

After reminding the lotus beast to pay attention to safety, she mustered up her courage and took the lead

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Step into that world first.

Here, it seems to be a place like an abandoned church, there is a green metal with strange shape... a Digimon like an armor doll, but his face is a mirror, in addition, more than half of his upper body is also a long mirror, There is also a pair of bright red lips painted on the face mirror, which only makes people feel very uncomfortable and weird at first glance.

"Hurry up and end the battle, Lotus Beast."

Although I don't know who this guy is, Meimei has been tortured so much that she can't bear it any longer, and she doesn't think much about it, because this guy looks stupid, and his appearance is not cute or scary at all. He is definitely not a powerful guy , don't worry!

"Wait! Don't attack him at will!"

Tai Yi suddenly thought of something and hurriedly spoke out.

Although Taiyi is not the partner of the lotus beast, but her intuition told her that she was right to listen to this man, so she still stopped the release of special moves, and Meimei was also very puzzled when she saw this.

"The shield in that guy's hand can bounce off all long-distance flying objects." Tai Yi looked at the guy with the mirror face opposite him coldly. "So don't attack him casually with energy, Lotus Beast."

That guy is naturally the Silver Mirror Beast, the culprit of all this, but he is not the one in the fourth generation, but just a subordinate of the seven great demon kings Barba Beast.

"Silver Mirror Beast... Lotus Beast! Destroy it quickly! He is the culprit who caused all this!"

Meimei's reaction was also quick, and she was immediately overjoyed after checking the opponent's data through the Tyrannosaurus machine.

Unexpectedly, the black hand behind the scenes would take the initiative to step forward. This is a great opportunity to quell the mirror incident once and for all!

"it is good!"

"Hey, wait, Meimei, we don't know what abilities he has yet!"

Tai was shocked and quickly opened his mouth to stop her, but this time it was too late, and the lotus beast did not listen to Taiyi's words. Maybe it was because it lost its mind in the face of the manipulators behind the scenes, or it was eager for quick success. In short, the lotus beast gave up. Using the nirvana, turn to the petal staff and hammer again and rush towards the silver mirror beast.

——No, no, something is wrong.

"...I've been waiting for this moment, the chosen children!"

The silver mirror beast didn't dodge seeing the lotus beast rushing towards it, but slowly raised the silver mirror shield on its arm, the reflective mirror suddenly reflected a red and black evil light, the lotus beast that was directly irradiated screamed, and its body moved again. Also unable to move.

"Lotus Beast!!"

Meimei was shocked, her face turned pale.

However, they can't be blamed for this, after all, they haven't seen the Infinity Zone, and they don't understand the cunning and viciousness of Digimons like "Silver Mirror Beast".

The Silver Mirror Beast itself doesn't have the power to paralyze the ultimate body, but the color of the light is very similar to Lilith, who is the demon king with the brand of great crime... Thinking about it, he probably scanned the body left by the Barba beast after being assassinated. down data?

"Although your strength is very weak, you are still an ultimate body, so, let me accept it... your data! As long as you are eliminated! The two selected children are up to me!"

The mirror on Silver Mirror Beast's other arm began to glow, and began to extract clearly visible data from the Lotus Beast trapped by him.

These things are the source of life for Digimon, and if a part is missing, it is equivalent to the lack of arms and legs of human beings. The reason why Silver Mirror Beast took the risk to appear directly in front of them is because he has his eye on such a wonderful newborn ultimate body, He is eager to absorb the data of Lotus Beast, but whether it is to revive Barba Beast is hard to say.

"Lotus Beast... No! Don't! Let her go! You toilet mirror with cheap lipstick!"

Meimei saw that her best partner was in great pain, and even started talking nonsense in a hurry, but the meaning was well conveyed to the silver mirror beast.

Sure enough, hearing this girl dare to slander her taste and appearance, how can she endure such naked personal attacks?At that moment, she actually gave up the code of absorbing the lotus beast, and was about to release the trick on Meimei. The lotus beast was very anxious, but she was restrained by the power belonging to the seven demon kings, and she couldn't move at all.


Standing in front of Meimei, Taiyi reached out and smashed the energy attack launched by the silver mirror beast.

A faint digital soul was burning in his hands, as well as... that booklet with a red and black cover.

"Taiyi? You... what are you doing? Get out of the way! You will get hurt!"

"Meimei, actually, there are many things I didn't tell you." Taiyi looked back at her, and smiled a little embarrassedly. "Leave it to me, and I will take you and the lotus beast back to a safe place."

【Crimson Knight and his best friend Flying Dragon!The ultimate power of two in one!Doomsday: Royal Knights! 】

The seal on the book in his hand was lifted, and a strange singing sound came out.

Tai Yi's eyes were as sharp as a sharp edge, and he calmly said the name of what he was going to do next, this act.

"Knight spirit evolution." [knight spirit evolution]

Immediately afterwards, the Digisoul rising from the left hand intertwined with the Book of Knights in the right hand, rubbing a lot of sparks, which also caused the book to be completely opened, and the phantom of the Red Lotus Knight Beast exploded and flew out, landing on the boy, and with him gradually become one.

【Pedaling on the red dragon to fly across the sky!Fight evil with the Royal Gun!Shoulder the end of the Ming!Open the key to the future!His name is... Red Lotus Knight Beast! 】

Under an impassioned libretto that sounds inexplicable to outsiders and shameful, Tai Yi made his debut in reality for the first time.

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During the battle, use the power of the book to evolve into Crimson Knightmon.

The third royal knight, Red Lotus Knight Beast!

Chapter 261 Chapter 250 The Defeat of the Silver Mirror Beast

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