"Taichi, is this kind of opponent calling me out?"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast didn't even bother to pay attention to what happened outside, but since it was Taichi's call, he had no reason to refuse, and responded to him simply.

But when he came out, he was very disappointed... because there was only a silver mirror beast in front of him. This guy looked so weak that he was not worthy to be his opponent at all.

"...I didn't bring the ring and the sublimator. I really don't have any space on my body. There are too many people on the street, and it's not easy to hide with the Digi-soul. Just bear with it."

Taichi is in the body of the Red Lotus Knight Beast at this time, but it is not the same as being wrapped in the digital core. He almost completely constitutes the soul of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, but he can hear the red Lotus Knightmon's voice and have a conversation with him.

"Tai, Taiyi? Are you Taiyi...?"

Meimei's mind seems to be stuck, because this picture is too abstract, she can't understand it at all.

——But there is one thing to say, he is really handsome, he is worthy of Taiyi, and he is worthy of being a hero passed on by word of mouth.

But isn’t Tai One already Tai One?Why did he become a Digimon?

【Red Lotus Knightmon, Ultimate, Virus, Holy Knight Digimon. 】

"I'll explain some things to you later."

Taiyi moved slowly, making a dull sound of heavy metal rubbing against the ground, and the bright red cloak shook slightly.

"Oh? I've heard that there is a human who can obtain Digimon data. I didn't expect you to become that Red Lotus Knight Beast."

The silver mirror beast was also shocked when he saw this scene. The reason for his shock was not only because he met the rumored very powerful chosen child, but also because it was a red lotus knight beast... Hearing just now Before he evolved, the announcement from the "book" containing a large amount of data was exactly the Royal Knight body he knew!

This news made Silver Mirror Beast scared but excited, because it meant that he would have the opportunity to obtain the data of a royal knight, but the premise was that he could beat this guy.

"It's time for your silly farce to end."

Taichi was actually very disappointed. He thought he could catch Lilithmon's tell, but he didn't expect that it was not what he thought. This guy simply used the name of the death of his master Barbamon to collect it for himself. The reality of power.

"But I have a question, how did you collect the Barba beast data?"

"Shouldn't the killed Digimon be resurrected somewhere else after a while?"

"You... how do you know about this?"

"answer my question."

Taiyi, who has the outer body of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, exudes a terrifying aura, and the sharp eyes under the helmet are murderous.

"It's none of your business! Don't get carried away! You think you're really a red lotus knight! I'm not afraid of you!"


After hearing this, Taiyi slowly raised his left hand, his arm turned into a Gramer knight's spear, and the tip of the spear began to condense a silvery holy light, which was the precursor to launching the special attack "Royal Savior".

"Tai Yi! Don't use the nirvana on it! It will be rebounded!"

The Lotus Beast, which was still under control, saw that Tai Yi was going to attack irrationally, and endured the severe pain to remind it loudly.

But what she didn't expect was that in the next second, Taiyi suddenly turned the tip of the gun, and a royal savior pierced like a silver needle, breaking the ice-like black and red energy that trapped the lotus beast, and freed her.

"Thank you, Tai—watch your back!"

At this very moment, just as the lotus beast regained its freedom, before it took a breath, it saw that the silver mirror beast had made a surprise attack while Taiyi was helping itself, and the huge claw belonging to the Barba beast was popping out from the mirror on its arm. Attacked towards the unsuspecting Tai Yi's back.

But Taiyi had expected all of this.

Although it was his first time to use the Crimson Knightmon form for actual combat, but thanks to the "blessing" that he was beaten violently when he fought against Crimson Knightmon last time, Taichi knew the real horror of this body very well. It is this almost incomprehensible reflex nerves, the fighting skills worthy of his name as a royal knight.

When the silver mirror beast just made a small move, his body sent out an early warning signal.

Red Lotus Knight Beast's hundreds of years of combat experience have gradually integrated with him now.

Taiyi suddenly turned his head, first raised his shield to block the claw, and then threw the shield on his hand directly. The round shield with silver and red edges turned into a frisbee and spun rapidly, hitting the silver mirror beast directly.

The Silver Mirror Beast was caught off guard, and never expected that he would have such a move. Although his body still has those special mirrors, it can indeed absorb much stronger than himself, and even the ultimate Digimon's tricks bounce back without any weakening. But he can't do anything about this kind of complete physical attack.

"How is it? Do you think I'm a 'Red Lotus Knight Beast' now?"

"Smelly brat! How dare you be arrogant in front of me! You just stole some power that doesn't belong to you! Next, I will show you my true abilities!"

Silver Mirror Beast intends not to keep his hand anymore, to release all his power, that is, the data he collected about Barbamon, so that he can become Barbamon, just like Taichi now, completely absorbing Digimon animal

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The data becomes another Digimon.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that the chosen child in front of him was extremely familiar with all his abilities, and had already seen through all his thoughts.

"Barbamon-sama!! I will--"

He could not finish his sentence, because a spear had penetrated his body.

Tai Yi sprinted directly on the spot at an unimaginable speed, stabbing the silver mirror beast with a single shot, and the strong penetrating force continued to push forward until the silver mirror beast was completely nailed to the wall behind.

"You... stinky brat... how dare you?!"

In front of the weapon of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, this guy is completely like a paper doll, which truly interprets what it means to be broken at the touch of a touch. What a high gold content.

"I won't give you a chance to transform, I've already seen through your tricks."

In the past, Taichi might have been very interested in wanting him to complete his transformation before completely defeating him and enjoy the fun of fighting, but now he has no such idea at all, neither he nor Red Lotus Knight Beast can enjoy such a battle.


Taiyi had no emotion, and even let out a somewhat impatient voice, outputting energy again, smashing the Digicore of the Silver Mirror Beast.

I thought I could catch clues about the Lilith beast, but now it seems that I was thinking too much, and Taichi didn't want to get any useful information from this guy. On the contrary, the disgusting ability possessed by the other party will continue to harass For himself, he didn't want to be led by the nose by such a clown-like character.

Taiyi shattered the body of the silver mirror beast, and at the same time the surrounding space began to collapse, turning into countless glowing particles and dissipating, but at the same time, the large amount of data needed to maintain this space also disappeared with the death of the silver mirror beast itself. There are streams everywhere, some of which come from Barbamon, but more are things he collected from many "missing" people.

After the space was broken, everything did not return to reality as Taiyi thought. On the contrary, the data of the Barba beast that was killed by Taiyi began to overflow from the Silver Mirror Beast. Like a clogged sewer that starts to blow out because of too much silt.

These data belonging to the "greedy" demon king Barba are deadly enough for any normal person.

"Woo, woo!"

Meimei was frightened, even if the lotus beast wanted to help her, there was nothing she could do. She had not recovered from the frontal attack by this force.

"Help me, Red Lotus Knight Beast, I won't use your other powers yet."


Taichi's request was answered, and in the next second, some unique images entered his mind. As the Red Lotus Knight Beast, he gradually rose up, his cloak spread out, and he released silver shock waves in all directions with himself as a singularity, like an inflatable Like a filled balloon, it supports the entire space as a protective wall.

Blocking the invasion of all Barba beast data, the evil power was gradually destroyed under the barrier of the sacred attribute.

"Taiyi, how strange, these are the data of Barbamon."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast destroyed those who spoke suddenly.

"Of course I know."

"But why, there is only such a little... As the Great Sin Demon King, this power may only be about one-tenth of his body, why is this so?"

Chapter 262 Chapter 250 Six Ready to Be a Hero

Taiyi couldn't answer Red Lotus Knight Beast's question, but his main purpose was to prevent Silver Mirror Beast from continuing to be a demon, so he didn't care much about this kind of question.

——If it is only about one-tenth, then it can be explained. Even if it is only a few fragments, the influence of the majestic Great Sin Demon King should not be so weak.

The power of the Barba beast used by the silver mirror beast is very weak. Generally speaking, a great sin king should have the same strength as the royal knight. Life is to test who is stronger... The duty of the royal knights is only to protect the order of the digital world, and it is definitely not to fight evil.

When they came to their senses, they had returned to the real world, and the amusement park was still overcrowded, singing and dancing.

In a corner that no one knew about, the chosen children saved the world again. Although this time it was just a trivial matter, if there was no Taiyi, there would probably be more victims.


Meimei was still in shock, bending over with her hands on her knees and panting for breath.

"Meimei, are you okay?"

Taiyi cleared up his mood, turned around and looked at Meimei, the data that built his body gradually disappeared, and returned to his original appearance, and the scattered data returned to him in the form of a book.

"Well, thank you, Taichi."

"Is the lotus beast okay?"

"Small injury, I'll be fine after resting for a while."

The lotus beast knelt on one knee, with its hands on its chest, and the pleated white skirt fell to the ground.

Now the area they are in is the back wall of this secret room game facility, so no one would come to such a remote corner, otherwise it would be hard to explain.

The lotus beast suffered from double critical damage, and it still hasn't recovered... Meimei also feels sorry for her partner. She stepped forward and gave the lotus beast a hug, said something to comfort her, and put The lotus beast regained its tyrannosaur machine.

——For some reason, seeing this

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Tai Yi always felt a little heavy.

He thought about it, and soon understood the reason...Because Meimei, she is just an ordinary person, and her partner is just an ordinary Digimon, not everyone can have their own like the trio of primary colors They are protected by a senior like a nanny, and even except for Qiren, they have not even experienced any setbacks, and there may be only one special person like myself.

No one has such opportunities and luck as him. He met Tilumon, who was born with extremely high combat potential, and also encountered a series of opportunities to help him realize the evolution from human to Digimon.

So he feels a kind of pressure, maybe he really can't be alone...until all the enemies are down, he can't return to the daily life he wants.

—No, there is nothing to be afraid of.

——Since I have become Yagami Taichi, since I have become a partner of Tennyomon, and since I have obtained these hard-won powers, I must have the determination to bear all these. I can't just think about myself alone.

Looking at Meimei who is still holding the Tyrannosaurus machine, Taiyi's mood quietly changed.

- It's time to get ready and become a real hero.



Taiyi and Meimei left the amusement park before the two secret room teammates rescued by Taiyi woke up.

After such a thing happened, of course they didn't have the intention to continue playing. Meimei didn't stay discouraged and shut herself up, and quickly adjusted her mood.

"It's great that that person is you, Taichi."


Taiyi was thinking about where to go to sit and rest for a while, and after thinking about it, it seemed that only the park would be more suitable, but when walking on the breeze-breathing path beside Lin, Meimei suddenly said something inexplicable.

He turned his head to look at Meimei, who was a head shorter than him. Behind the girl's hands, the expression returned to the enthusiasm and vitality when they first met.

"I said, it's great that you're the hero in that story."

"Without you, the Lotus Beast and I might not be able to leave that place today... Thank you for saving me."

—Thank you for saving me.

In a daze, the girl's smile gave Tai a sense of déjà vu, and his mind had a vision for a moment, as if he had returned to a certain night many years ago. It seemed that because of some games, Meimei was trapped in the In a place that was difficult to find, Taiyi finally found her who was crying. At that time, Xiao Meimei also said this sentence.

"Fool, isn't this what it should be?"

"Oh...Taiyi is really different from us, I thought I could perform well in front of you." Meimei lowered her head and smiled wryly. "I didn't expect that I was the last person to be rescued."

"I can't do anything without my partner, and I won't be the person that Digimon say."

"You haven't explained how exactly you became a Digimon!"

"Well... well, luck, I met a royal knight, oh, that is, the thirteen ultimate holy knight digimons who maintain the security of the digital world corresponding to our reality."

"I defeated him, and then I got his inheritance."

Tai Yi explained very briefly, and waved the small booklet in his hand in front of Meimei.

Although she doesn't understand Taiyi's words very well, Meimei knows that this must be as difficult as heaven, and she can never do it. She really deserves to be Taiyi... always so reliable, and always able to make things that make her eyes shine. Bright thing.

"What about your partner?"

However, Meimei still wants to know what kind of Digimon can be Taichi's partner.

"Huh? Didn't Wizardmon tell you who my partner Digimon is?"

"What he said is very general! It's almost like telling a legend that doesn't really exist, saying that you have gathered the power of the digital world, and you have many Digimon partners, and even he doesn't know which one it is."

"...She's at home, I didn't take her out today."


"Yes, it is a very strong Celestial Beast. It is because of her that I can defeat every enemy."

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