She was still nervous on the road just now, whether she should pay attention to the home where the boy she likes lives alone for the first time, but after seeing that there are still two girls hiding in this dilapidated house, her mood was suddenly disturbed.

"Meimei, they are my partners, the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast."

"Taiyi? You..."

Seeing Tennemon's shocked expression, Taichi continued with a smile.

"Let me introduce, this is Mimi Tachikawa, who is also a 'chosen child'."

In the following time, Taiyi briefly explained the identity of Meimei, and Tiannv Beast and Hua Xian Beast were also relieved, and finally no longer had to play normal humans, Hua Xian Beast took a breath and changed the pink hair back to the original Tiannv Beast no longer held her petite bud, but casually chatted with Meimei.

"That's it... so there is such a thing, Taiyi, you can call me if you are in danger, I can feel the distance."

Listening to Perfect Beauty's brief description of the battle against the Silver Mirror Beast just now, Tiannv Beast couldn't help complaining about Tai Yi.

"No need, you guys finally take a break, and I can solve it myself."

"Really, what if you meet a very powerful guy? Omega beasts can't evolve easily, right? Such a big size might cause panic. Don't you always want to avoid this kind of thing from happening? ?”

Hua Xianshou also agreed, and she can't rest assured about her partner who always likes to have troubles with her.

"Okay, okay~ I will definitely take you next time. The main reason is that I can't send you into the Tyrannosaurus machine to hide like Meimei. You two look like this... It's too ostentatious for me to bring you."

On the surface Taiyi said this helplessly, but in fact it was just too wrong, because Taiyi is going to see Meimei this time, you meet a female friend you haven’t seen for many years, and then you bring two very close women with you, What do you make people think?Aren't you bullying honest people! ?

"There is this kind of black technology? Meimeijiang, can you show us? You also have a partner, right?"

The Flower Fairy Beast is interested.

For Meimei, she always has an indescribable intimacy, maybe because she had some special fate with that little Meimei in that world, or maybe it's just because Meimei is very cute, but she has no love for cute things. resistance.

Therefore, she really wants to know, in this world without "Flower Fairy Beast" to accompany her, which Digimon will accompany Meimei.

"Actually, it's nothing. Then come out, Lotus Beast, and meet Taiyi's partners."

Stared at by the enthusiastic eyes of Tiannv Beast and Hua Xian Beast, Meimei took out the Tyrannosaurus Dragon Machine and summoned Lotus Beast with some embarrassment.

Now the originally small house was full of people, and Taiyi sat on the bed at the back and watched them communicate honestly. The appearance of the lotus beast is actually very good, and the flower fairy itself can also evolve into a lotus beast. branch.

"You look like me! But the hat is too ugly."

Huaxianshou said straightforwardly what Taiyi had always wanted to say.


The lotus beast seemed restless, and Meimei was also a little embarrassed. In the end, the Tiannv beast poked the Huaxian beast's waist with its elbow, and she realized it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to belittle...but if you want, I can give you a break~ You are also a plant-type Digimon, so beautiful and cute, I

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Can help you! "

After all, in order to express her sincerity, the flower fairy beast immediately evolved into a rose beast on the spot. Although she seems very lazy and casual recently, she is still the queen of flowers and plants in the digital world after all. The true queen of the corrupted wasteland brought back to life.

"...You, you are... Rose Beast? No, no."

"What's wrong?"

Rosemon and Lotusmon are really similar Digimon, but after evolution, Rosemon has a mature and beautiful body that is not weaker than Tennemon, and she is more like a sister when they stand together.

But the reaction of the lotus beast was a bit strange.

"Meimei, do you still remember the legend of the King Flower Beast?"

The lotus beast turned to look at its partner.

"Of course I remember, but what do you mean... is she the king flower beast?"

Meimei's expression gradually became serious.

"We were defeated by the evil Zuli beast at that time, and it was because of the power of the past king flower beast that we completed the ultimate evolution, so I remember her voice and specific appearance..." Speaking of this, the lotus beast resumed Look at the Rose Beast. "That's you, the 'lord of the garden' king flower beast of the forest."

--Oh?Unexpectedly, there were unexpected gains.

Taiyi was also shocked when he heard this behind him.

Consistency said a long time ago that each of these eight Digimon was once a famous figure in other digital worlds, but Taiyi felt that the past did not represent the present, and he did not expect to find a clue today.

"Are you mistaken? I'm not a king flower beast, I'm just a rose beast."

Rose Beast looked dazed.

"I'm not mistaken, it's you! You are the King Flower Beast!"

"Why don't you tell me what's going on? Meimei, I also want to know what the world you have been to is like."

Taiyi poured a few drinks and put them on a plate, walked over, took out two cups and handed them to Lianhua Beast and Meimei, and they didn't hide, and began to tell their stories.

The digital world that Meimei went to was a world completely covered by forests, where the forest was everything, a world as beautiful as a fairy tale as Tai Yi had speculated, but a few years ago, the forest was peaceful. It symbolizes that the noble "lord of the garden" Rafflesia beast has left, causing corruption to spread in the forest, and the main task of Meimei and Lotus Beast is to clean up these corrupt infected Digimon and purify the forest.

From Zhong Taiyi also learned that Meimei's lotus beast evolved from Lalamon's route. It is Sunflowermon at the mature stage and Lilacmon at its full body.

Meimei also suffered a lot along the way, but she also met many friends in the forest. In the end, they saw the afterimage left by the dead king flower beast, which gave them the power to evolve and defeated the last The enemy, cleared the source of mutation.

"Meimei... You mean, the afterimage left by the king flower beast tells you that the reason for the corruption in the forest is because of the darkness flowing in from another nearby world?"


Meimei nodded.

"The lotus beast and I used the power of everyone in the forest to block the loophole at the bottom of the forest, so that the darkness of the next world will no longer pollute the forest."

"Taiyi, do you want to say that the corruption of the forest and the death of the king flower beast are all due to the chaos caused by the original world tree?"

"Exactly." Tai Yi said with a serious expression. "Actually, this is also the reason for your world. The original permanent plan was perfect. Even if the four dark kings reacted, they could not destroy the divine plan, but some power intervened to change everything."

"Then, if you don't save the original world as soon as possible, won't more digital worlds fall into a big crisis?"

"That's the truth..."

Taiyi closed his eyes, recalling everything he saw there, the sad and indignant words of the Red Lotus Knightmon and the last entrustment, he must have heard these too, I don't know what he would think.

"Taiyi? Are you okay? You don't look very well."

"I'm fine, Meimei."

——Looks like I can no longer hide.

Taiyi had to make a quick decision, set off as soon as possible, go to the next world to continue honing and improving his strength, and then look for other royal knights.

"Did I turn out to be such a great Digimon in my previous life? I actually... don't remember it at all."

Rosemon looked at his hand, feeling unrealistic.

But my power to revive the earth is really weird, and I can't explain it. The appearance of the lotus beast and Meimei perfectly answered this question.

"It's okay, king... no, Rose Beast, you are you now, you have been rejuvenated, just seeing you, Lotus Beast and I are very happy! Thank you for your encouragement and support to us, and we have lived up to it." Your hope saved the forest and your former homeland."

Meimei suddenly stood up and grabbed the Rose Beast's hand, her pretty face was a little sad, and tears were already in her eyes unconsciously.

"I just want to tell you this in front of you, Rosamon, thank you for everything you have done for the forest."

Chapter 265 Chapter 250 Nine I Lost to Digimon

However, Tai had one more problem to figure out.

In the knowledge about Digimon that I know, Dawanghuamon is a typical representative of the kind that is beautiful but fragile, powerful but has a very short lifespan.

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This is also the reason why Taiyi dissuaded Rosemon not to use the "force of nature" any more.

"fake news!"

After hearing Taiyi's worries, Meimei immediately gave a straightforward answer.

"It's not like that, Taichi, the King Flower Beast has guarded that forest for nearly a hundred years. It is a true Queen of Flowers, the patron saint of Digimon. There is no such thing as the rapid loss of life as you said."

"That may be due to differences between individuals."

Taiyi saw that Meimei was in a state of satisfaction after telling about her glorious past, and even if she had doubts, she was too embarrassed to dismantle her face to face.

Both Meimei and Lotus Beast have said that Rafflesia Beast is very mysterious, and usually hides in a big flower in the deep mountains and old forests, so Taiyi immediately thought that Rose Beast can only maintain the ultimate body forever in her domain. This feature, so the king flower beast probably also used this method to extend its life.

Taiyi still doesn't want Rosemon to work hard in this direction, Taiyi also understands her, she is different from most other Digimon, she is the kind who doesn't like fighting and just wants to live a good life, let alone take the initiative to challenge herself The upper limit, so I am not very worried that Rosemon will do dangerous things after learning about this.

"I don't know what I did before... I don't even remember. For me, life here is more important now. Even if I say that, I may feel sorry for you, Lotus Beast, but I really am not you anymore It is the king flower beast in my impression."

After the rose beast explained, it also deliberately degenerated back into a full body flower fairy beast, as if it wanted to tell them in this way that this is the real self.

"This is my home, Taiyi's side is my best destination!"

The flower fairy beast smiled like a child.

"...Well, since you say so, I won't mention it any more."

The lotus beast didn't say much either.

Although she very much hopes that the king flower beast can go back to that world to see, because she knows that her compatriots are looking forward to the return of this godlike queen... However, it seems that there is really no need for that.

"We're just telling you this, Flower Fairy Beast, don't get me wrong! Just be yourself! Besides, Lotus Beast doesn't have to think too much. I think when we go back, take the King Tell everyone that the flower beast is alive and doing well in another world, and they will be very happy too!"

"She has guarded the forest for 100 years, now let her live the life she wants with peace of mind."

There is a touch of maturity in Meimei's voice.

It's hard to imagine that she said this kind of words, but this is the current Mimi Tachikawa. The adventures she experienced with the lotus beast in that world made her become the most reliable person that Taiyi has ever seen. Beautiful.

"Don't talk about this, Meimei, Lotus Beast, you are guests, Taiyi don't just stand behind, sit down, I'll cook something delicious for you!"

The Flower Fairy Beast doesn't want to think about these things anymore, she just wants to be a simple Flower Fairy Beast and live happily every day!

"...Do you think I have a place to sit?"

Tai Yi felt more and more that before leaving, it was really necessary for him to change places to live.

Next time, it won’t be such a simple house anymore. In fact, he has already thought of a perfect solution. He doesn’t have to worry about the small space or financial constraints, because he is indeed running out of savings, and he doesn’t have much time in the future. Taking jobs to make money, in order to save the world... It's okay to use some small means that are not so excessive.

"It's okay, you can sit on my lap."

Tiannv Beast suddenly put on a smile inviting you into the urn, and patted her plump thigh.

"You treat me like a child?"

It's okay to do this at home, it's just for fun, but Meimei and Lotus Beast are still watching, he doesn't want to lose face.

"But Taiyi is like a child in front of me, who made you too short~"

"You are a Digimon, my height is already very good among humans, okay?"

Taiyi has only met a few boys who are taller than him since he was a child, most of them are on the basketball or volleyball teams. He is very satisfied with his height, which is normal but not too tall.


Seeing this scene, Meimei stood there in a daze, her expression gradually changed.

From the very beginning, she felt that the relationship between Taiyi and these two Digimons had an indescribable sense of discord, and now she finally figured out what it was!Just like when her good friend is with his boyfriend, she feels that she is if her own existence limits the interaction between them, they are definitely not the partners of humans and Digimon relation.

--No way?However, it seems that there is no precedent for such a relationship between humans and Digimon.

——Have you lost to a Digimon?But if the target is's normal that you can't win.

"Taiyi sit here with me, I'll prepare dinner! I'm very happy that Meimeijiang and Lotus Beast are here. In order to thank them for bringing my story, I have to make preparations to repay them."

"Just make a few according to the recipe normally, and don't engage in scientific research."

"...the pots and pans are for you, you do it!"

"Okay." Tiannv stood up as if accepting the challenge, then twisted his wrist as if preparing to fight, and made a "click" sound. "It just so happens that I haven't cooked for a long time."

Sitting beautifully

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Looking at the extremely tall Tiannv Beast on the sofa, she looks very mature, and her measurements are even beyond her reach. Even standing, she needs to lower her head to meet the eyes of Meimei and Lianhua Beast. With her light biscuit-blond long hair, Meimei always hallucinated that she used to be the head teacher in an American school.

But the other party does not have such an outstanding appearance and figure as the Celestial Beast, but the temperament is very similar, but the Celestial Beast is still much softer.

"No, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Taiyi and I just had a full meal, and we're not hungry yet."

Meimei said with a light smile.

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