"Compared to these, I want to talk about other things, Taichi... What are your plans? Didn't you say before that you want me to join your team? That means there are other Digimons besides me. Human beings who have broken the fetters?"

"I do have a plan to discuss with you, Meimei, but it's too narrow here, come with me, let's go somewhere."

Taiyi's smile has his unique self-confidence but also looks very mysterious, which made both Meimei and Lotus Beast have a strong curiosity about what he will do next.

His hand suddenly stretched out to his side, and at this moment, Meimei realized that at some point, a completely transparent substance appeared in the air... She couldn't even see what it was, and then Taiyi took out a card-like object from inside. Then she shook her head and put it back...then her eyes widened suddenly, this abnormal gesture also made Meimei nervous.

"It's over."

The boy scratched his hair angrily.

"Taiyi, what are you looking for?"

The flower fairy beast glanced at him.

"I want to take you to the digital world, but my ring..."

"Is it lost? Is it something important? Will it be in that amusement park?"

Meimei also became anxious, and even began to recall the suspicious places they walked.

"No... I, I gave it to my mother."

Chapter 266 Chapter 260 You Can't Be Brother's Bride


Meimei even wondered if she heard it wrong.

But... Mom?Why is it very important that props related to Digimon are taken by Taiyi's mother?What the hell is going on with this guy?It's fine to live with two beautiful Digimon aboveboard, so that even the family members know about the Digimon, right?

"It's okay, Meimei, I'll call Jiaer to see if she's free, and ask her to steal it for me."

"? This is not very good, Taiyi, how can you let Xiao Jiaer do such a sneaky thing?"

"Hey, don't go online, my sister and I have a very good relationship." Taiyi didn't care about Meimei's opinion of him at all. "The two of us have often colluded since we were young, and we are very skilled in this kind of thing~"

Taichi's smile was somewhat showing off.

"Jia'er, I remember her as a shy child who followed us, she should have grown up now, right?"

What appeared in Tai Yi's mind was that when he was a child, he didn't go home after school and went out to hang out, and he confessed to Jia Er, or some other things that she asked her to hide for him... Before there was no Tiannv Beast, Jia Er was the one who had the most tacit understanding with him The person she loves, even sometimes does not need Tai Yi to say hello, she can perfectly help herself pass the test with her parents.

Taiyi is very satisfied with their interesting brother-sister relationship. Jiaer is not the kind of good boy who will listen to what her brother says, and often she will even be tricked by her, but she is just... very dependent on herself, and she will be right when she has anything to say. She asked for her own opinion, so Taiyi also helped her fend off many suspicious boys who wanted to pursue her.

——Among them, even Daisuke Motomiya was included.

That's right, Daisuke and the children of the second generation are also living a good life here, but they are just ordinary people now, and Taichi doesn't want them to be involved. This big event must be up to him, and he can only be Do it yourself.

At least Tai Yi couldn't imagine what Jiaer would do in the future if all this hadn't happened and he had married and entered society normally... He felt suffocated just thinking about that picture.



"Brother, you are really too much."

Taiyi took them to the downstairs of his house and waited for them. Soon, he didn't see anyone, but he heard his voice first. After the girl went out, she squatted down and picked up her unworn shoes, complaining as she went down the stairs.

"If mom finds out about this kind of thing, she will definitely scold me. If you expose it, don't betray me...?"

Jiaer's words reached her lips but she couldn't finish.

The changes in her expression are indeed very exciting, first dull, then unbelievable... Finally, it turns into surprise, but in the surprise, there is a little bit of it, very secret, that only Tai Yi can see... unhappy.

"Sister Meimei? You, are you back?"

"Yes, long time no see, Xiaojiaer."

"……Ha ha!"

Jiaer happily rushed forward and threw herself into Meimei's arms. The reunion after so many years made her so excited that she almost burst into tears. Tiannvshou felt very surprised, because from what she knew, Jiaer It should be because she doesn't want Taiyi to get close to other girls... She still remembers Jiaer's sick behavior when she first came to the real world.

——Why is Meimei fine?Could it be that she didn't notice that Meimei liked Taiyi?

"Hey! My ring, the ring fell to the ground!"

Taiyi's heart aches.

"Just drop it, it won't break anyway."

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Jiaer replied nonchalantly.

"...Really, when you see a good sister, you forget your brother."

Tai picked up the ring and blew the dust off it.

"Taiyi is an older brother, how can he talk to his younger sister like that?" Meimei said with a little reproach, and then laughed at herself. "I remember that you were not like this when you were young. You almost spoiled Jiaer to the sky. Even when I was young, I envied her and hoped that my mother would give me a brother... Hahaha, now that I think about it, I'm really stupid. "

"That was when I was a child. She didn't understand anything back then. Of course I wanted to protect her, but now she..."

——She's full of bad ideas and has more tricks than I do. I'm afraid it's too late for her.

Tai Yi did not say this in the end, because he was afraid that Jiaer would take these jokes seriously... Tai Yi is still too gentle.

"Then what's the matter? Now that we have Tiannv beast and Huaxian beast, don't I need me?"

Jiaer left Meimei's embrace, turned around and said in an unhappy tone.

"No, it has nothing to do with us, we're just here to watch the show."

Hua Xianshou was quite happy watching this scene, but when he heard this, he immediately opened his mouth to draw a line.

"Is the relationship between Meimei and Jiaer good?"

Tiannv Beast couldn't help asking, she still cared more about this matter.

"I don't know the Heavenly Girl Beast. In fact, apart from my elder brother, Mei Mei spent the longest time with me when I was young." Jiaer couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled. "Brother takes me out to play, and he will always call Miss Meimei. As long as she is there, brother can rest assured to play with other children... and Miss Meimei gives me a different feeling."

"Tiannvmon, you are a Digimon. You may not understand it if you haven't experienced these things, but the little girl definitely likes to play with the big sister."

Meimei also explained.

"Yes, Miss Meimei is the best older sister. When I was a child, I even made a wish that you would become my brother's bride in the future, so that we can be together forever, and Miss Meimei agreed!"

"Jia'er, don't say such things suddenly, it's all ignorant nonsense when I was a child."

Meimei couldn't help being embarrassed when she heard this. It would be fine if it was just the two of them, but the key is that Taiyi is still here. It's not because of whether she likes it or not, it's just that it's too shameful to say what she said when she was a child.

"That's why I said it was when I was a child. I don't think so now. Sister Meimei can't be my brother's bride."


At first glance, this is not a problem, it is nothing more than denying the nonsense I said when I was a child, but why does Meimei always feel that something is wrong, as if Jiaer's meaning is different from what she thinks?Why does she always feel so terrified with her eyes... as if mocking her?

"Jia'er, why are you looking at me like that...I still have to go to university, how can I think about these things? Haha..."

Meimei reluctantly answered and laughed a few times, even Huaxianshou could see that this perfunctory answer was against her will.

But it was only for a moment, and Jiaer returned to normal.

"...Ahem, let's finish the chat, you two."

Tai Yi listened more nervously than the person involved, for fear that Jia Er would say something terrible.

"Brother, what are we going to do next? Going to the digital world?"

Jiaer turned around slightly, and the snow-white skirt spread out like a flower along with her nimble waist, and then closed it quickly.

"Well, I have a plan to tell you."

Holding the ring in Taiyi's hand, the digital soul has been filled, fully activated, the silver-white halo exudes an iridescent halo.

"I'm going to find a place to build our own base... and then start a team that will work on solving the Digimon crisis in the real world."

"Meimei, do you want to join? If you join now, you can get the No.2 ranking."

Chapter 267 Chapter 260 Beetle beast, cute

In fact, this team has basically taken shape now, but Taiyi wants to have a sense of ceremony and build a decent base, but he still doesn't know how to implement it.

He led everyone to open the gate of the digital world, and returned to the land where he once set out... This is still near the server continent near the coast, where the Beetlemon and other Digimon built a camp. It's the Rebel Digimon who don't want to leave, and Agumon and Bichumon who are always together.

In addition to some very primitive small earthen houses, this place actually has many modern social facilities at this time, such as convenience stores, telephone booths, and even a tall signal tower. In addition, there is the most obvious It's like a scientific research center.

The scale of this place is already quite large, and it can no longer be called a "camp". I believe that it is not impossible for this place to become a huge central city in more than ten years.

"Is this the digital world?"

Jiaer is full of curiosity about all of this... In fact, she has long had the idea of ​​coming to the digital world to see it, but she was not sure if it would make it difficult for Tai Yi, so she never brought it up.

So what is brother going to do now?Could it be that he also intends to make himself a chosen child and fight side by side with him?

"Taichi is back!"

"Taiyi is back!!!"

The Jiazhi beast that was held hostage by Taiyi and the Tiannv beast before, just saw this scene at this time, he was standing on the roof with a trumpet and twitching

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He yelled several times, and the Digimon in the entire camp village popped up like gophers. Apart from some petite individuals like him, there were also many large Digimon above maturity.

This made Tai Yi feel a little overwhelmed, but luckily Bichu arrived in time and took them into the scientific research center where Beetle lived.

"Brother is really popular, so many Digimon suddenly came out, it made me nervous."

Jiaer touched her chest with lingering fear.

"After all, Taiyi saved them. If Xiaojiaer followed me back to my place, everyone would be so enthusiastic."

Meimei understands very well.

"Digimon are actually a group of very innocent and cute guys. Sometimes when you are around them, you feel like you have become a kindergarten teacher."

"If there is any danger, Taiyi and I will protect Jia'er, don't be afraid."


Carrie nodded with a smile.

After coming to the digital world, the lotus beast was also passively released from the Tyrannosaurus machine. It was also the first time for her to go to another digital world. It was obviously empty, because the proportion of remodeling digimon in the world she was in It is very rare, almost extinct, and a large area is covered with forests, so everything here is very new to her, and so is Meimei.

But Beetle Beetle was very surprised, and even hurried out.

Because Tai Yi took the initiative to come to the door, most likely not just to drop by. They just parted ways, did any dangerous enemies appear again?

Beetle Beetle was also wearing a white coat this time, which looked quite like a serious doctor.


Seeing the appearance of the Beetle Beetle, Meimei couldn't help her lips trembling and stepped back a few steps, hiding behind the Lotus Beast.

"What's the matter? The beautiful lady guest?"

Beetlemon had never seen these new faces, but he knew that they were probably friends brought by Tai Yi, so he didn't ask any further questions, never thinking that the big girl would be very scared when she saw him.

"Sorry, Beetle Beetle, Meimei is very afraid of bugs..."

Taiyi hurriedly explained.

"But I'm not a bug, look, am I not a mechanical part?"

Speaking of Beetlemon, it also deliberately exposed its abdomen to prove to everyone that it is not a pure insect-type Digimon.

"Yah!! Don't come here!! Don't come near me!"

"...Is it so scary? You have never been so afraid before."

Taiyi remembered that when he was a child, he deliberately used the unicorn fairy to scare Meimei, but that was only the first time. Later, when he saw her crying in fright, he never did this kind of thing again... After all, he didn't want others to Guys who hate themselves and play tricks on little girls are really missing out on a lot of things.

"That's right, Taiyi, Meimei was captured by an insect army in my world... and she left a big shadow."

"Don't say that, lotus beast!"

The lotus beast quickly patted Meimei's shoulder to comfort her, then forced a smile and said to Taiyi.

But when the atmosphere was awkward, Jiaer suddenly said this.

"so cute."

"Are you Beetlemon? You're still wearing a white coat, so cute. My name is Yagami Kaji, and I'm Taichi's younger sister."

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