Meimei and the Lotus Beast looked at Jiaer from a tacit understanding, their eyes filled with surprise and even admiration.

" Taichi's sister, are you sure Beetlemon is cute?"

Bhikkhumon was very puzzled, even he didn't get Jia Er's appreciation.

"That's right, Bhikkhu, Jiaer has always liked strange things since she was a child."

Taichi cleared his throat and said.

"Taichi, you..."

It turned out that the man whom I had been helping with all my heart and soul thought of me in this way!But rather than being angry, he felt it was inexplicable, why did Taiyi suddenly bring so many people back, and even brought back his own sister?

I remember the few days when he disappeared, Tiannv Beast stayed here every day waiting for the latest news. At that time, she also mentioned about Jiaer when chatting. It turned out that this little girl was Jiaer. Didn’t Taiyi love her very much? ?Wouldn't bringing her into the digital world lead her into unknown dangers?

"Sorry Beetlemon, I didn't mean that. Meimei, Jiaer, Beetlemon and Bichumon are all my comrades in arms and irreplaceable partners."

After talking for a long time, I finally got to the point.

In fact, Taiyi's purpose of looking for him is very clear, that is, to use the equipment he used to search for his parallel world observation before, to see if there is a suitable place for him to build a base.

"So that's the case, wouldn't it be good to just use our place?"

The Bhikkhu beast flapped its wings, tilted its bird's head and asked.

"In this way, I can also see Taichi every day!"

Taiyi, Celestial Beast and Flower Fairy Beast are here to discuss business with them, while Meimei and Lotus Beast took Jiaer outside to play, they really want to have a good look at the digital world here,

"No way, with the energy provided by the ring, the number of digital worlds that can be opened in one day is limited, and the permanence has clearly told me about this before, although I didn't listen to it... But for you, for this world not to be It is impossible for me to open the gate of the digital world too frequently with other evil forces staring at me."

It's good to come back at least once a month or even a few months like now, and it can't be more frequent.

"Taiyi, your idea is good, but I think it's too difficult to realize."

"No matter what happens in the digital world, wild Digimon will exist,

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Security cannot be guaranteed, it is too difficult for you to find that kind of comfortable world, and you also know that you cannot use the ring to open the door of the digital world multiple times in one day, if you want to return to the digital world in the real world It's like going home, it's too difficult. "

Beetlemon's answer poured cold water on Taichi who was full of expectations.

"...Taiyi, I think it's better to forget it, it's good for us to live there."

Tiannv Beast found that Tai Yi was frowning, and couldn't bear it.

"I'm trying to find a solution for the local affairs, but Beetle Beetle, I have other questions. Have you used that device for observing parallel worlds recently?"

"No, that thing consumes too much energy. It almost used up the energy I accumulated in the previous six months." The beetle scratched its head and replied. "What's wrong Taichi? You need to use it?"

"Recently, some Digimon from other digital worlds have appeared in my world, and the failure of the world tree in the original world has also caused abnormalities in many digital worlds, including yours. I am worried."

Alas, it’s a pity at this time, if only Mitsuo Yamaki and his network administration are in his world, he doesn’t have to worry about everything with their help, after the Silver Mirror Beast incident, he is really worried about his real world Will be targeted by other Digimon.

"Then I'll think of a way next, Taichi, remember to check my email."

Chapter 268 Chapter 260 Let's have some fun

For Beetlemon, Taiyi's failure to achieve what he wanted due to technical limitations is his biggest failure, which is much more serious than failure in battle. In the past, he was very confident that Taiyi could do whatever he wanted , all the technical issues should be left to him, but now that Taiyi is so troubled, Beetlemon feels ashamed.

There must be some way, such as the small world seen in the world where Di Limo is, is there any way to create a small world?

There is also the energy needed to restart the equipment for observing parallel universes. This thing is not difficult to solve. Anyway, there are still a lot of legacy left by the infinite dragon beast, so it is not worth it.

"But actually, Taichi, have you ever thought about it?"


After a brief recap, Taiyi planned to go back, but before leaving, Taiyi sat with Beetlemon and talked a lot about the future direction.

"Doesn't Lilithmon have this kind of power? She can observe every parallel world, that's why she saw us."

Beetle Beetle also heard about it from Tai Yi.

"If you can make her a partner, it will definitely be of great help to your ultimate goal - to destroy the world tree and save your original digital world."

Beetlemon seems to want to facilitate this matter.

Taiyi looked at his serious look, and suddenly thought that he was the first one to see through Lilithmon's true identity.

In the past, Taichi regarded him as Koshiro in the original work, and Beetlemon did not disappoint Taiyi, and instead did a better job. In addition to technical support, Beetlemon also often has some unique insights of its own.

"I also think it's very suitable, but she and us... are not the same after all."

"Is it important to have people along the way? Even if you use strong methods, Taichi, she is not the kind of stubborn Digimon that can't be taught. Maybe she did some excessive things in the past, but she also helped you and helped you. Aren't we?"


Taiyi couldn't answer because he didn't know what to say.

"Actually, I know yours. You don't need to pretend. Although I don't understand human preferences very well, Taiyi must have no resistance to a Digimon with her body shape. You must want her to be your partner."

" don't understand these things."

"I don't understand, it's just that I don't understand why I should do something against my will."

"Although we all call you a savior and a hero, you said yourself that you don't want to be a hero, don't you? When did you become bound by these stereotypes and labels?"

"It's not what you think, beetle beast, of course I don't care that she is a devil Digimon, what I care about is..." Tai Yi was speechless for a moment, his eyes were full of complicated emotions. "She's not sincere enough."

"I always feel that there will be a life-and-death battle between me and her sooner or later, otherwise, we will not be able to truly meet each other honestly."

"……All right."

Seeing that Taiyi had his own thoughts, the beetle beast felt relieved a lot.

"In short, don't worry too much, Taiyi, although you don't have Mr. Yamaki and his management team, and you don't have the wild team, but at least you still have me... By the way, if you plan to form a team to resist the invasion of reality Digimon, why don't you think about Koshiro?"

"I feel like I'm a good match with him. You might as well bring him with you next time."



After finishing this conversation, Tai Yi finally returned without success, but at least it made him think clearly about one thing.

If you want to stabilize yourself and the order of other parallel worlds before breaking the world tree, then Lilith is a must, and you must find a way to get her. The next time she came back to ask herself for the item, she would have confessed and stayed.

But Taiyi always felt that it was not that simple, because it was a Lilith beast, and she could only believe half of what she said.

In the following time, Taiyi took advantage of the kitchen utensils provided by Beetle Beetle and the others to prepare well

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He entertained Meimei with a big meal, and then returned to the human world.

"Goodbye, Taichi, please contact me in time if you need anything! I don't plan to go back to the United States recently, so I'm always on call!"

In the setting sun, Meimei waved goodbye to Taiyi and Jiaer, and got on the tram.

"Brother, do you still like sister Meimei?"

Looking at the tram gradually going away in the setting sun, Jiaer suddenly asked.


Tai answered very simply.

"I've always liked her."

"Brother should know what kind of liking I'm talking about."

Jiaer's smile was still quiet and pleasant.

"Jia'er, why are you getting more and more weird, why do you ask such a question?"

Although Tai Yi was questioning her, he actually understood Jiaer's thoughts to some extent, but he didn't dare to think too much about it.

"Actually, I know about what Miss Meimei did before she went to America."


"So brother, I want to remind you, if you still like her, don't miss her again, I don't want to see you or sister Meimei sad."

Jiaer said something that didn't fit her age and young appearance.

"Thank you Jiaer, I'll make a note of it."

Taiyi stretched out her hand to touch her soft and silky short hair, Jiaer also showed a very happy expression, as if she suddenly became a primary school student again, then she suddenly reached out to wrap her arms around Taiyi's waist, the little girl's soft body pressed against her, and used Said sweetly in a softly coquettish but unaffected tone.

"Brother~ Take me home, I don't want to go back by myself."


Jiaer likes to ride the tram with Taiyi very much, because in this way she can lean on Taiyi's shoulder for a long time without being rejected by him.

But Taiyi thought a lot. Although there were some signs before, it seems that since the last time the Celestial Beast came to the house, Jiaer would have that weird expression from time to time... This made Taiyi very helpless, and even thought of it when he was talking to Lily. It was the same in Silk Beast, but Jia Er was a younger sister, Tai Yi could not persecute her, while Lilith Beast had thicker skin than the city wall, oil and salt could not get in, she seemed to be hiding something, and she also started to be "not sincere" to Tai Yi up.

In a sense, the two of them became a was indeed a combination that would give Taichi nightmares.

Although they are all insincere, but Taiyi doesn't think Jiaer is so bad, because it is Jiaer, she can be forgiven for anything she does, this is Taiyi's rule.

After tossing around and returning home, Taiyi felt extremely tired. After taking off his coat and pants, he didn't even bother to change his clothes, so he just lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

"what happened?"

Tiannv Beast found Tai Yi's melancholy expression, so she leaned over with concern and lay down beside him.

The only sound in the room was the sound of the funny show on the TV, and the exaggerated laughter of the flower fairy beast after being amused.

"Nothing, just tired."

Taiyi lazily turned over, and with a natural face, he threw himself into the arms of the celestial female beast.

"You don't have to worry about your home. We're fine with this. If you really don't have enough money, Flower Fairy Beast and I will find a way. You don't have to worry."

"The money is still enough. My parents gave me a lot yesterday."

"Then what are you worried about?"

Tennyumon put his arms around Taichi and told him to bury his face in his chest, hoping it would make him feel better.

"I don't know, it's just an inexplicable uneasiness."

Taiyi looked up at her and smiled wryly.

"If you have nothing to do, it's easy to think too much, why don't we have some fun? How about role-playing? Too~one~master~people~"

Tiannv Beast touched Tai Yi's face, and the other hand sneaked down to touch the things under his belt deftly.

Maybe he was really worrying too much, but Taiyi didn't know why he felt this way, it was weird, but he knew that going on like this was not good, and he would have internal friction, so he couldn't waste his precious energy on nothing. The nothingness of meaning, so for this, he needs to expend his energy on meaningful places as soon as possible.

Because they are old couples, Taiyi didn't answer, and directly used actions to represent his own words, and Xiaoshou began to be very dishonest.


After being boldly rubbed, the celestial female beast let out a low coquettish call, and then Taiyi kissed her lips, and she also quickly entered the state.

"What are you doing?! Stealing behind my back again!"

Huaxianshou, who was still immersed in the funny show, seemed to have heard the movement or smelled something dangerous, and turned around and said very dissatisfied.

"Add me one!"

Chapter 269 Chapter 260 Three Letters from Liu Ji


Because of some strenuous exercise at home, Taiyi was sweating all over, so he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Although Digimon don't need to take a bath, but...maybe Tiannvmon hasn't played enough, she suddenly pulled a towel and opened the door to sneak in and tease Taiyi, which made Taiyi seem to have not taken a bath, and now he is lying on all fours On the bed, she looked exhausted, drained, and then had a loveless expression.

"Taiyi, this Yamato is too outrageous, what do you think he did to you?"

After finishing the work, Tiannvmon didn't collapse like Taiyi, but sat in front of the computer very energetically and watched the TV disc of "Digimon Adventure" bought from another world, and now she has watched more than 40 episodes .

"That's an animation, an animation."

"No wonder Huaxianshou has been complaining about Yamato in the morning, and I feel angry when I see it! And that clown king, I

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