I can't wait to go in and beat him up, these kids are too good, they are all taken care of by Tai Yi, even though this Tai Yi is also very good. "

"Well, don't be so deeply involved in watching animation."

Taiyi couldn't help laughing after hearing her venting anger.

"Actually, this animation is quite real. They are just ordinary kids. I think if I entered the digital world at that age, I wouldn't be able to do better than that little Taichi."

Tai took a look at Tiannvshou who was sitting on the computer chair by the bed, but was strongly stimulated again.

She came out of the bathroom and directly evaporated the water with her own power, then put the towel on the chair, and sat there naked, very casual... It was completely a hostess posture, from the perspective of Tai Yi Looking at the past, her eye-catching snowy buttocks pressed the towel into a wonderful arc, but she didn't realize all this and was still complaining about the animation.

"But Yamato is really cool... I feel that the screenwriter's brain is out of order. Is this supposed to be deliberately delaying the number of episodes to deliberately create conflicts? It's too stupid to make fun of Yamato, and the person who finally awakened the friendship badge is the first. Doubt friendship, too stupid, I am better than him in writing."

"It is precisely because Yamato lacks friendship that Badge wants him to have friendship."

Taiyi turned his head away from looking at her, because he had no strength left, and he might not be able to hold back if he continued to look at her.

"But Tai has never lacked courage, has he?"

"People cannot be generalized."

Perhaps in Yamato's heart, Taichi's sense of inferiority and anxiety overwhelms friendship, which is also his flaw, so now Taiyi doesn't want to meddle in his affairs, unless he begs himself in tears, unless he understands why If you are fighting against others, then you can think about it.

"And me in the anime too... It's really embarrassing, how can I be beaten like that by a female demon beast? I have to rely on the help of Super Bidomon to win, and it is better for Taichi to be my partner!"

Taichi was already very tired, so he didn't think about Tennyomon watching anime anymore, but the nameless and nameless anxiety that plagued him didn't subside much because of the efforts of Tennyomon and Huaxianmon, but he felt a little tired , and soon fell asleep.

When he woke up in the morning, Tiannv Beast and Flower Fairy Beast were sleeping on both sides of him. Taiyi was used to this situation. After covering them and tidying the quilt, he got out of bed and prepared to wash and meditate for a while before thinking about going to bed. Don't go back to sleep, but just as he walked past the computer, he suddenly found a new email notification on the browser.

Taiyi's computer is connected to a black box-like device via USB. This is a device prepared by Beetle Beetle to receive signals from other parallel worlds. He didn't think much about it, but for some reason, he came back and clicked on it. Look, only to find that the sender of the email was Makino Ruki.

"Liu Ji?"

A maroon girl's face appeared in front of Taiyi's eyes. According to Taiyi's sense of time, they had only been separated for a few days. Did something happen again?

——Taiyi, there is a royal knight looking for Lilithmon and you, and it is heading for you now!You have to be careful!

The content of the letter is such a short sentence, probably because he just woke up and his mind is still not very clear. Taiyi sat on the chair for a long time before finally realizing what was written, and the sleepiness disappeared immediately.


He subconsciously wanted to wake the two of them up, but suddenly realized that it seemed useless, because he couldn't figure out what the situation was, why did the Royal Knights rush at him?Could it be that someone came to seek revenge because he killed the Red Lotus Knight Beast?

Thinking of this, Taiyi finally realized that what he really should wake up now is not the celestial girl, the flower fairy, but that guy.

He ran to the hanger on the wall, frantically rummaged through the satchel and took out the book. The Red Lotus Knight Beast seemed to be sleeping too. He seemed very impatient when he was awakened by Tai Yi. After all, he was also a royal knight. , Now he is so confused that he doesn't even have the right to sleep until he wakes up naturally.

But when Tai put him in front of the computer, he finally woke up from his dream.

"...Could it be your good brother who wanted revenge on me because I killed you?"

Taichi asked nervously.

A royal knight almost killed Taiyi, let alone others, Taiyi really didn't want to fight against these guys now.

"Impossible, we have agreed a long time ago, in the absence of Alpha Beast, none of us can agree with each other's thoughts, so we can get together and break up, even if I die, no one will come to avenge me... ...We are not as united as you think, Tai."

"But after all, they are also partners who recognize each other, aren't they? Think about it, who is it?"

"Because they all agree with each other, they will not interfere with other people's choices. Even if they die for this, it is their own choice. I know the royal knights, and they will not do such things as revenge."

The tone of Red Lotus Knight Beast is decisive, very sure, almost without thinking.

"Then why?...Could it be!"

Taiyi's eyes lit up, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast also reacted, and they both thought of the only possibility at the same time.

"It's Lilith Beast!"

"It's definitely that guy, the thing Lilith brought has the aura of a golden-armored dragon beast! So the only one who can find us now is that guy!...The eighth seat of the royal knight, the inscription of justice, the skull

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Bone beast! "

"That guy, like the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, is the two powerful knights guarding the small world 'Atlana'. Only when the two of them are present at the same time can that small world be opened. He must have come here for this, and this is the only possibility. Sex is too one."

Atlanta is exactly the name of the small world that the Red Lotus Knight Beast said was used as a testing ground under the authority of the World Tree.

"In that case, did Lilith Beast really lie to me? She threw that hot potato to me, making Skull Beast think that I killed Golden Armored Dragon Beast?"

Taiyi frowned, closed his eyes annoyed and rubbed his temples.

Although he just woke up, he has recovered now, and his mind is spinning fast at this time. The picture about Lilith beast comes up from the depths of his memory and is placed in front of him. Taiyi is caught in a brief brainstorm. Could it be that Lilith The beast really lied to itself?She is such a cunning woman, wouldn't she think that she would really be stumped by this kind of guy?

Although it is difficult to fight the Skull Beast, no matter how difficult it is, it cannot be more difficult than fighting the Red Lotus Knight Beast. As long as Taiyi works hard to suppress that guy a little bit, then explain clearly and hand over the thing, the Skull Beast will naturally not embarrass itself anymore. On the contrary, she will still Does it make sense to lose a hard-earned treasure?

"It doesn't matter, Taiyi, I'm here, as long as I come forward to explain, the skull beast will definitely not embarrass you."

Seeing Taiyi's distressed appearance, Red Lotus Knight Beast immediately spoke to comfort him.

Chapter 270 Chapter 260 [-] I Believe in Lilith Beast

"Just hand over what the Lust Demon King got. There is no need to worry about such things."

The idea of ​​the Red Lotus Knight Beast is similar to that of Tai Yi. Since the Skull Beast came for such an item, it is no big deal. As for the Lilith Beast, she betrayed it first, so there is no need to feel guilty feel.

"No, I can't do that."

Finally, Taiyi figured it out and made his decision.

"? What are you talking about Taiyi? If you don't hand it over to the skull beast, even if I come forward, I'm afraid he will have a hard time letting go."

"I can't betray the Lilith beast, we already have an appointment."

"Are you stupid? That guy is the demon king of lust! She must be trying to kill people with a knife. Few of the royal knights are really smart. The skull beast and the golden armored dragon beast are serious 'double walls'. If you have deep feelings, let alone it concerns the small world, you can't trust that woman!"

"I don't want to betray Lilith, and I don't trust the Royal Knights that much."

Taichi knew that he would offend Crimson Knight Beast by saying this, but this was his choice, and he never regretted it.

"...I understand, that woman is indeed very attractive to you, and you have already had sex with her. I understand the temptation of you being greedy for her, but this matter is not determined by whether you like it or not. .”

"I don't make decisions based on my likes, Red Lotus Knightmon, I can't trust your colleagues."

"That's the Demon King of Lust! You're crazy! You want to fight the Royal Knights for her?"

The red lotus knight beast's eyes under the small helmet are wide open. He thought Taiyi would listen to him, but he didn't expect him to be so crazy.

"I'm sure she won't hurt me."

"You trust her? Don't you trust me?"

"You almost killed me, but she didn't do this kind of thing, and she didn't lie to me."

Taichi also knows that he looks stupid, but the basis for his belief in Lilithmon is definitely not because he is infatuated with her, but the above reasoning and an indescribable intuition.

And Lilith Beast didn't do anything to harm her, even the most excessive one was just trying to make a fuss in front of Tiannv Beast, the most important thing is that she didn't lie to herself.

"You——! Taiyi, are you awake!"

The Red Lotus Knight Beast was about to explode with anger, but when it came to his mouth, he found that he couldn't find a reason to refute, so he could only stomp his little feet angrily.

"I'm fine, Red Lotus Knight Beast. Don't worry. I feel that these things are not that simple. Although I am a normal man, my mind has never been so rational. This matter involves a lot, and we don't need to rush to stand in line."

"...Okay, I respect your opinion."

"After all, I strongly opposed those two guys at the beginning. That's all, I was a little impatient. Taiyi, then do as you want. After all... I am just a witness. After losing to you, I will I no longer have the right to influence your thoughts."

Red Lotus Knight Beast also realized that he really shouldn't be in a hurry, but he was also thinking about Taiyi and didn't want to see him fail.

However, Digimon partners will not interfere with the choice of human partners, so he also decided not to mention this matter, just listen to Taichi... He really lacks some experience in following human actions.

"Follow your heart and do it, Taichi, and do your best."

Just when Red Lotus Knight Beast was about to close the book and reflect on himself, suddenly, both he and Taiyi heard that inexplicable sound, as if something exploded outside.

It wasn't just the loudness of the volume, but a signal that both he and Taiyi could catch immediately, the signal of two extremely powerful Digimon fighting.

Taichi and Crimson Knightmon looked at each other wordlessly, as if confirming each other's thoughts, and then Crimson Knightmon immediately returned to the book and closed the pages. Taichi put it back in his pocket and began to put on his clothes. Shouting to his two partners on the bed.

"Heavenly Girl Beast! Flower Fairy Beast!"


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Such a big movement has already woken up Tiannu Beast. As Taiyi's partner who has experienced many battles, it is impossible to remain indifferent to this blatant and big movement. Although Huaxian Beast is reluctant, but heard that there may be a royal knight outside, He also got up immediately, and the group of people rushed outside after some preparations. When they looked up, they saw the two Digimon fighting in the air.

One of them is covered in purple heavy armor, holding a double-headed ax and spear, and a black shield with a skull engraved on one side, while the other is not a Lilith beast, but...

"Sha Gu Ya Beast... Liu Ji??"

Tai was taken aback, she never expected Liu Ji to chase him here.

But Liu Ji obviously suffered a big loss. She is not the opponent of the skull beast at all. She has tried her best just to protect herself with her strength. Ring defense, knocking Shaguya Beast down to the ground.


Taiyi's fist hardened all of a sudden, not only because his companion was injured, but the fact that he dared to openly start a war in the real world was enough for Taiyi to teach the skull beast a lesson.

"Another royal knight? These bastards are so entangled."

Tiannv Beast gritted her teeth and cursed. After saying this, Taiyi obviously felt the book of Red Lotus Knight Beast in his pocket tremble, as if he was protesting something.

"Let's go and stop him."

Taiyi manipulated the Digisoul to make himself fly, and the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast also rushed to the battlefield, but what he didn't expect was... Shaguya Beast flew up again with the support of another familiar Digimon , and the skull beast started the second round of confrontation.

The white backswing like a princess dress, the purplish red skin and the lotus root hat that has been complained about by the flower fairy beast, is actually a lotus flower beast... Did Meimei wake up so early?Or was she awakened by the sound too?

At this time, Meimei didn't even put on her clothes, and she ran out without time to paint makeup. At this moment, she doesn't care about her image anymore. As a chosen child, when the real world is invaded by Digimon, she should Come forward.

She wasn't that scared, even though Lotus Beast reminded her that it was a very, very powerful, unprecedentedly powerful Digimon, she still came.

Because she is a chosen child, she can't ignore this situation, and she believes that Taiyi will definitely come, as long as Taiyi is there, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Lotus Beast! Can't lose to him!"

Meimei was running on the empty street in the morning. There were not many pedestrians at this time, and even if there were, she would have been frightened by this situation, so she would not be in the way even if she looked at the sky while running.

Although I don't know who is the enemy or the friend, but as far as Meimei is concerned, the female Digimon wearing a fox mask has a unique and mysterious beauty, while the one over there looks like a dark knight beast , with a purple armor, a skull-shaped shield, and blood-red eyes, she doesn't look like a good person no matter what, so she naturally helped the inferior Shaguya Beast.

Liu Ji also had a headache at this time, she was actually involved by accident, but this guy was too dangerous, so she didn't intend to ignore it, so she chased after him.

But now, her physical strength is almost exhausted, and the fox beast is almost at its limit. Even with the help of a lotus beast she doesn't know, it can't change the situation of the battle, but Liu Ji doesn't back down at all.

She knew that Tai Yi would definitely come, and she couldn't let this guy go one step further before that!

The ring of the mandala in the Vajra world reappeared, and the skull beast smashed it with a double-headed axe. Taking this opportunity, the lotus beast used the illusion skill of the rainbow magic wand in its left hand——Seven-color Fantasia, both of which are partial to magic The Digimon activated the joint technique.

But it was the Royal Knight Skull Beast, and even Lilith Beast's illusion couldn't work, let alone the two of them.

"Enough, you chosen children."

The skull beast easily deflected the attack, pointed its weapon at them, condescended, and issued a declaration of not being angry.

"I have largely forgiven you for the crime of collaborating with the Great Sin Demon King. If you still come to stop me now, I will truly impose 'just sanctions' on you!"

Chapter 271 Chapter 260 Five I'm Here to Inherit You

Meimei has not yet realized that this Shaguyamon is not just a simple Digimon, and it is even more impossible to imagine what kind of terrifying enemy is standing in front of them.

"I don't know who you are, but thank you."

Sha Gu Ya Beast glanced at the Lotus Beast beside her who was helping her, but she was already lacking confidence just by saying these words, and she really didn't know what to do next.

"I have another question."


"Do you know Yagami Taichi?"

Sha Gu Ya Beast's voice was a little weak.

"...Are you Taichi's partner Digimon too?"

The Lotus Beast is different from the Shaguya Beast. Meimei can't hear their conversation at all on the ground, so now the Lotus Beast can only answer by itself.

She finds it unbelievable, but within reason, in her world, Taiyi is a character who has been completely deified. If something suddenly turns around and develops towards the good side, don't think too much about it, it must be the savior The foreshadowing made by Taiyi!

"I'm...but not really, it doesn't matter, friend."

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