Shagu Yamon didn't know how to answer, she must be Taiyi's partner, but not her soul partner.

"That guy is here for Taiyi, which is also

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It's the reason I came to this world, if you know Taiyi, please notify him as soon as possible to help, otherwise we can't stop the skull beast alone! "

Although Liu Ji is one with Sha Guya Beast, she does not need Sha Gu Ya Beast to open its mouth when she speaks, so these words are also the most direct and effective communication made by Sha Gu Ya Beast by its own will.

"Wait, this kind of thing..."

Before the lotus beast could react to the huge amount of information, standing above the sky, the purple-skinned skull beast had already launched its final attack. The magic spear with double-headed blades waved at high speed in its hands to form a hurricane of energy. It was the skull beast His nirvana "End Waltz", this tornado made the sky dark, and the aftermath of the top powerhouse's anger made the sky change color.

Just looking at him made his scalp numb and his heart chill, but Sha Guya Beast still clenched its teeth, intending to squeeze out its last strength to fight to the death.

But she also knows that that kind of thing can only be done by a mantis arm. The gap between her current strength and this royal knight is too big. If it weren't for this guy, he still had principles and didn't vent his anger on her. Both Ren and Jianliang have long since become dead souls.

At this juncture of life and death, more than a dozen huge crystal balls flew from behind and re-formed the pattern of the tree of life to block this move. At the same time, a crimson energy wave blasted from the side. Only when the two merged into one could this end waltz be blocked.

Sha Gu Ya Beast knew who these two skills belonged to, so it couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief... Liu Ji also sighed, lamenting that the guy was really so timely.


The skull beast seemed to have figured out something, he turned around silently, and saw the two ultimate bodies of the holy goddess beast and the rose beast that had surrounded him from behind.

"Liu Ji, didn't I say you can't mess around without my permission?"

Under the cloudy sky, a man walked towards him step by step, stepping on the orange-red Digisoul's changing flame cloud.

"Don't accuse me, Taichi, I said I'm going to meet the adventure."

Ruki replied angrily.

"You are Yagami Taichi who defeated Crimson Knightmon."

The Skull Beast finally gave up its attack on the Shaguya Beast and the Lotus Beast, and he knew that this was the main dish he wanted.

"I did it, do you want to avenge your old comrade?"

Taichi frankly admitted that he was even a little provocative.

"That's the ending he chose, and it has nothing to do with me."

"I just want to know, you have a close relationship with Lilithmon, right? Do you know what you have done?"

"I don't care what she did, but she helped me, but you caused chaos in the real world of two human beings, don't you know what you are doing?"

"They refused to tell me your whereabouts, of course I will teach them a lesson." The skull beast threw the weapon aside, and then put its hands on its chest with an extremely arrogant attitude. "This is coercive means necessary in the administration of justice."


Taichi seemed to understand what kind of character the Skullmon might be.

Bearing the inscription of justice, he is naturally also a resolute guardian of justice, but he should have his own bottom line to some extent. Knowing that the three primary color trio and these animal trainers are also fighters who work hard to protect order and justice, so he did not because of If they had anything to do with Lilithmon, they would kill them, otherwise Shaguyamon and Ruki would have no reason to be able to form a confrontation with him.

"I don't know where the Lilith beast has gone, you have found the wrong person."

"This is impossible."

The skull beast shouted decisively.

"My source of information is absolutely reliable. You have an unusual relationship with her. If you continue to be stubborn, then I don't mind extorting a confession from you by torture. You should understand me."

—Information sources?

——Could it be that there are some "dimension information dealers" somewhere?Could it be that what happened that night between himself and Lilith Beast has spread all over the streets?

Taiyi is a bit difficult, but he also knows that there is no way to communicate with the skull beast normally now. He already believes that he knows the whereabouts of Lilith beast. Even if he tells the clues of the "divine plan", it will not help. Talk with your fists.


"Then let's have fun, but I don't want to start a war here, why don't we go to a higher place?"

"Are you going to challenge me?"

The skull beast found it incredible.

Although he had known for a long time that this Yagami Taichi was very powerful, he had never seen a few who dared to take the initiative to challenge him, and it had been a long time.

Skull Beast is not a battle fanatic, he only finds it weird and weird, and he doesn't think Taiyi is very interesting because of this.

"No, I'm here to inherit you."

——For the Royal Knights, Taiyi has only one attitude, obediently hand over your strength to Lao Tzu!I'm going to turn all thirteen of you into my book!


The skull beast didn't understand, but that's not important, he will understand the meaning of this sentence sooner or later.

The boy raised his eyes, the bright brown pupils seemed to be shining, he was obviously just a weak human being, but his whole body exuded an aura that was not inferior to that of an ultimate Digimon, and he took out the book from his pocket.

【Crimson Knight and his best friend Flying Dragon!The ultimate power of two in one!Doomsday: Royal Knights! 】

The Book of Knights was opened, and the power of Red Lotus Knight Beast began to be stimulated after getting Taiyi's Digisoul. A phantom of Digimon described as similar to Red Lotus Knight Beast flew out of the book, flying around Taiyi's left and right.

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"Crimson Lotus Knight Beast? How could you—"

The Skull Beast was taken aback, he had never seen such an evolutionary method, instead of relying on two partner Digimons, he had to use his own power to evolve?But that's all, why can he summon the Red Lotus Knight Beast?

"Knight soul evolution."

Taiyi used the digital soul to fully activate this power, and the phantom of the Red Lotus Knight Beast fell steadily on Taiyi's body, and gradually overlapped with his figure, becoming the complete Red Lotus Knight Beast body.

[A loyal knight riding on the back of a red dragon!Open up a new future with the inscription of the end!Crimson Knight Beast! 】

Chapter 272 Chapter 260 Six We Are All Traitors

"Tai Yi? How did he become... Qiren? No, no."

Ruki was waiting to watch the play over there, but she didn't expect Taichi to become Crimson Knightmon instead of Omegamon, which surprised her.

"That's the Red Lotus Knight Beast, not Qiren."

"Ruhime, Taiyi has always had the ability to use the power of his partners for his own use. Didn't he also get our card?"

Sha Gu Ya Beast was a bit disappointed, she still wanted to watch the battle of Kai Huang Beast again, after all, in a sense, it could be regarded as fighting side by side with Taiyi... For other animal trainers Sha Gu Ya Beast In her opinion, she is a simple comrade-in-arms, but with only Taiyi, she must have a little more personal relationship. After all, without Taiyi, it is impossible for her and Liu Ji to be so harmonious now.

"This should be something he got in the process of chasing the Red Lotus Knight Beast."

"It's a terrible guy. After being separated for a few days, he has mastered stronger power again."

Liu Ji was surprised here, and Meimei and the lotus beast on the ground also relaxed after seeing the appearance of the red lotus knight beast. As long as Taiyi is there, there is nothing to worry about.

However, some families were happy and some were sad. Taiyi's evolution shocked Ruhime Makino, but it also completely angered the skull beast.

"You... are unforgivable! Yagami Taichi! How dare you desecrate the remains of the Royal Knights!"

Not only did he kill the Royal Knights, but he also stole their power for his own use... unforgivable!The skull beast was furious at the moment, he provoked himself face to face, and even despised himself, the skull beast didn't feel ashamed or angry!But now Taiyi turned into a red lotus knight beast in front of his own face, this behavior is no less than hanging the head of the opponent's captured general on the flag to show off his power before the war.

"? What are you talking about? Brain is broken?"

Taichi questioned with Crimson Knightmon's face.

"Be aware!"

The skull beast is still a skull beast after all, he suppressed his anger forcibly, and did not disobey the previous agreement because of this, he turned around and charged above the clouds, Taiyi also followed closely behind, the holy goddess beast and the rose beast did not fall, of course they Also be there to witness the duel with your own eyes.

"Taiyi, do you really not know why he is angry?"

After breaking through the clouds, the whole sky suddenly became extremely bright, and the morning sun appeared at the end of the sea of ​​clouds,

"I know."

"...You are really bad, Taiyi. Although that guy has a good temper, he can't stand your tossing like this."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast has somewhat guessed Taiyi's intentions. It is true that it would be difficult to convince that guy if he jumped out and explained directly, because only the facts that have been doubted will be true, and that guy seems to have reservations about Qiren and Jianliang. Ji's shot made them suffer a lot, and even just now he had to use his ultimate move to attack Sha Gu Ya Beast. If Taiyi's two partners hadn't made the move, Sha Gu Ya Beast would have been beaten at least to be de-evolved or even seriously injured. It is possible to be killed directly.

Therefore, he understood that Taiyi wanted to teach the skull beast a lesson, to let him understand that even a royal knight must obey the rules in the real world, and he can't do whatever he wants.

"How is his strength better than yours? Red Lotus Knight Beast."

Taichi looked at the skull beast flying in the air and asked.

"Ten times as big as me."

"Don't give me nonsense, how can any Digimon win you ten times? Unless Jessmon GX."

"? What is that? How do you understand it so well? I haven't heard of it. Is it a new form of Jessmon?"

"You don't have to know so much."

"Wait, I'm not very good at air combat, you have to come and help me."

Taichi thinks it's funny, maybe this is the humor unique to Crimson Knightmon, right?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the free and easy, simple and honest image he performed at the beginning is quite real, but after returning to his original appearance, he turned into a dull gourd... But according to the later statement of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, he was at that time It's also sincere, but it was his character many years ago, and the edges and corners were gradually smoothed by time, and it became like this.

Even Red Lotus Knightmon doesn't know which one is the real himself.

"There's really nothing I can do about you, Taichi."

Duke A Meng started to register, he can't actually control this body, he just keeps transmitting some of his battle memories to Tai Yi, for example, Tai Yi is the protagonist in the game, and the Red Lotus Knight Beast controls him Players can't master 100%, but can give some instructions in time.

"Even if you steal his power, you can't be him."

The skull beast seemed to have calmed down, and said to Taichi coldly.

"I will let you obediently spit out everything, whether it is the whereabouts of the Lust Demon King or the strength of my companion!"

Holding a gun in one hand and a shield in the other, the purple knight in heavy armor rushed over full of murderous aura.

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The full range of weapons swung vigorously, but under the condition that Taiyi and Red Lotus Knightmon are highly synchronized, these are nothing at all.

Red Lotus Knight Beast is indeed a very humble person, otherwise he would not have performed the image of the weak as a royal knight so realistically.

The shield was set up to withstand the skull beast's magic spear, and at the same time, relying on the stiffness caused by the shield strike, it made a thrust of the royal savior, which immediately opened up a huge hole in the skull beast, and continued to bully and chase after it. If it weren't for the skull beast There is also a solid shield and he has already lost now.

The two royal knights competed high in the sky in the real world. This is a ring with no foothold and no room to breathe. They can only continue to fight each other. Soon the melee battle turned into a tug-of-war. The purple two-color light turned into stars, flying up and down in the sky, and the magic gun Claw Solas and the knight gun Gramer continued to rub and collide with each other at high frequency.

Their speed is so fast that the Rose Beast can't even tell who is who, but at least it can be seen that Taiyi is now the dominant side.

"As expected of that bastard's ability, this sense of oppression is really suffocating."

Seeing such a wonderful duel, the sacred female beast couldn't help itching her hands, but even more, it awakened some bad memories of her. The close combat she was proud of last time was crushed by the red lotus knight beast without any suspense. .

But as a teammate, this strength is also reliable enough to make people feel at ease.



The skull beast's magic spear was bounced off again by the red lotus knight beast at a clever angle, and the skull beast finally realized that something was wrong, so it took the initiative to stop the confrontation.

"...You can't be that human, what's going on? Did you even steal the fighting skills of the Red Lotus Knight Beast?"

Taiyi is a little disgusted now, it feels like after riding a roller coaster for ten consecutive laps, the whole person is not good anymore, with his current mental strength, he can't keep up with such a high-intensity weapon-skill fight, What's more, it was still tossing up and down in mid-air with no foothold.

But fortunately, his willpower is firm, and he barely survived until now.

"Do you still want to sanction me now? Skull Beast, your next defeat is only a matter of time. Of course, I don't mind 'stealing' your power."

Taiyi's voice was full of air.

He has always been a qualified actor, even though his stomach is overwhelmed, his voice is still full of momentum.

"Don't underestimate the Royal Knights! You bastard! Do you think I still care about my own life now!"

The skull beast was impatient.

"Stop, Skull Beast, this man doesn't have the information you want to know."

But fortunately, the red lotus knight beast took over the right to speak in time under Taiyi's instruction, and expressed its own voice through this body reshaped by Taiyi.

"Red Lotus Knight Beast? You? How did you get mixed up with this human? Have you betrayed!"

The familiar voice made the skull beast stand still.

"I betrayed a long time ago, each of us is a traitor, skull beast."

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