Tonight's moon is extremely clear, as if hanging above the head, Taiyi can even see the shape of some potholes in the pale white light, it is only dinner time now, there are still many pedestrians on the road, but Taiyi has disappeared Time passed slowly, and in the night sky illuminated by neon lights and the moon, Tiannv beast and Huaxian beast held his two hands respectively, and flashed across the sky at the fastest speed.

This trip may have taken only a few minutes, but Tai Yi really took seconds like years.

Finally, he continued along the direction of the river near his home, saw Jiaer standing helplessly on the bank of the river, he immediately let go of the hands of the Celestial Girl Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast, and fell directly to the ground, relying on the The assistance of Digital Soul landed smoothly.

"elder brother!"

Seeing that Tai Yi finally arrived, Jia Er couldn't hold back for a moment and ran forward and threw herself into his arms.

"I'm here, don't be afraid of Jia'er, it's fine."

"Look over there! Brother! Lilith beast...?"

Jiaer's voice stopped abruptly, like a kite with a broken string, she suddenly lost her words.

That picture made Taiyi's eyes widen in shock, and both the Celestial Girl Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast had the same shocking expression... The Skull Beast pierced through Lilith Beast's abdomen with a magic spear thrust, and what came out this time was no longer Blood, but energy particles, data fragments, and the rapidly passing life of Digimon.

"No, don't! Don't!!!!"

Jia'er covered her mouth and cried bitterly.

Taichi's first impression was only can't be true, how could Lilithmon be killed so easily?

He looked at the open space on the river bank a few hundred meters away from here. It seemed to be the battle field where Taichi and the mechanical tyrannosaur fought against the blood-sucking monster in the original animation on the night Jiaer's identity was revealed. Of course, the result was Taichi. Miserable here.

But now, standing there are Lilith Beast and Skull Beast, the Seven Demon Kings and Royal Knights who symbolize absolute order and absolute chaos. A simple shot took the life of a great sinner.

The aura belonging to Lilith Beast is passing away quickly, Taiyi is not in a hurry, and even has time to confirm that this is definitely not an illusion. Lilith Beast is indeed dying and has entered a state of near-death.


When Taiyi came back to his senses, he had already run to Lilithmon.

The black-haired woman is lying on the grass under the moonlight, the wound on her abdomen can directly see the grass below her body, the black and purple data is losing and flying to the sky, scarlet warm blood flows out of the corner of her mouth, and she is dressed in a graceful She lay there in a dress like a black dahlia.

"You are here... Taiyi..."

Lilithmon let out a weak voice.

"Sorry, I still can't keep my promise."

Tai Yi couldn't say anything, he wanted to say a lot, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only silently hold her cold hand.

"Maybe this is what I deserved... You shouldn't feel sorry for me, right? After all, a Digimon like me deserves to die."

"It's just that, if I can start all over again, I also want to embrace... that 'light' that I have denied."

After speaking the last words intermittently, Lilith Beast's body completely turned into dust, and she subconsciously wanted to hug her body, but she didn't touch anything, just some bits and pieces of sand data.

Lilithmon died, just like that.

Although Taichi had a hunch when she said that she and him would never be partners, he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"I'm sorry, Yagami Taichi."

Skullmon completed his mission, but he also spent a lot of energy trying to defeat Lilithmon.

Seeing Tai Yi's disappointed, expressionless look of loss... the skull beast also felt a little guilty.

"However, I'm still very grateful that you understand righteousness and didn't help Lust Demon King... I think she will be reborn in our world soon, but that has nothing to do with me."

"Goodbye, I will continue to search for the clues she left behind. I wish you and the Red Lotus Knight Beast good luck."

The Skull Beast didn't want to stay any longer, because he still remembered Tai Yi's terrifying appearance during the day, and he always felt that if he didn't evacuate in time, if the man turned against him because of love, he would be absolutely invincible with his current posture.

But the fact is that the skull beast thinks too much, Taiyi just sits quietly on the ground, without saying anything, but he still can't accept this fact in his heart.

Lilith Beast, what a shrewd woman, will she really die?Would she really be killed by such a fool?

Even if she can be reborn again, no one knows how long it will take for a Digimon of her level to regenerate, and no one knows her memory

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Will it be swallowed by the world tree, without memory, what's the point of rebirth?

"Taiyi...don't be sad, this is also the path that guy chose."

Tiannvshou was also very heartbroken seeing Taiyi's appearance.

"Jia'er, why are you crying? That guy is a bad woman!"

Hua Xianshou found that Jia'er was holding back her crying and wiping her tears, and couldn't help but wondered.

"Although she did bully me... But she is really not a bad person. To be honest, after my brother left, I really suffered every day. It was because of the Lilith beast that I regained my strength. If she does If something is wrong, then just punish her, but I don't want to see her die like this!"

Jiaer is very sad now, wiping away tears while talking, she once fantasized that maybe Lilith Beast changed her mind, and she still had a chance to be her partner, because she didn't hate this big sister, but who would have thought that it would usher in Such a futile ending.

"She is clearly our enemy."

"But now I'm very sad, Tiannv Beast." Tai Yi didn't cry, but his chest was very congested. "It's like... losing an important companion."

Chapter 279 Chapter 270 Chapter [-] Celestial Beast, Your Clothes Are Wrong

"But I know that she is not a companion, it's just..."

Tai Yi didn't know what to say, he just sat on the ground with his eyes closed and remained expressionless for a long time, he couldn't tell how much he was sad, but it could be seen that he was very disappointed now, with a very heavy sense of frustration.

"Actually, I am the same too, Taichi."

Tiannv Beast looked down at Tai Yi, with some indescribable complex emotions in his eyes.

"Although that guy and I have always been noisy and feuding, but now that she is gone, when I look back on those things in the past, I only feel emotion, and even a little bit of nostalgia."

"Really, only a little bit."

Tiannu Beast tried hard to squeeze out a bitter smile, its long golden hair was slowly raised by the night wind, and the eight snow-white wings on its back swayed gently.

In fact, having a friend who likes to play tricks but doesn’t really hurt you is a rare blessing. Whether it’s Taiyi or Celestial Beast, they all have the same heart, that’s Lilith Beast, definitely not an enemy .

There was the sound of a ship's whistle in the distance... Taiyi gradually came back to his senses, he pressed his knees and stood up vigorously, then walked towards Jiaer, and embraced her who was crying silently.

"Don't be sad, Jiaer."

"Brother... I'm fine, I just feel sorry for her. If there were no such things, we might have a chance to be partners."

"I will definitely find her again, Jiaer, I promise you."

Taiyi's words are not only addressed to Jiaer, but also to himself.

He must find Lilith Beast again, no matter how long it takes, he will definitely find Lilith Beast again.



After calming Jiaer, Taiyi and his two companions returned home.

The delicious potato and chicken drumsticks on the table were already cold. Seeing that he and Tiannv beast were not in a good mood, Hua Xianshou took the initiative to heat it up, hoping that they would be happier.

In fact, Taiyi calmed down and thought about it, all these things are not quite right, Lilith beast is really impossible, it is impossible to die so simply, unless it is her intention... But what can be gained by this?Her disappearance was not a fake death, when she just touched her who was on the verge of death, Taichi did clearly feel the shattering of the Digicore, the moment the Digimon died.

This is definitely not the kind of golden cicada she escaped from her shell last time, but what is she going to do?

Or is it just that she thinks too much, and she is really just unlucky?

Obviously what the skull beast wants is the truth, and to recover the "anchor" guarded by its old friend. Is there anything in this world that is more important than life?

She is the demon king of lust, not a royal knight or an archangel. In her opinion, nothing is more important than her own life. She even said such a sentence that Tai Yi still remembers.

"I don't care so much about other people's lives. I only care about my own life. I have a good relationship with you because it helps to protect myself."

"Don't worry, Taichi, isn't it the same for you humans?"

"The reason why human beings judge people who kill innocent people indiscriminately is not to consider other people's lives, but also to consider their own, because if taking other people's lives becomes a common thing that is not prohibited or questioned, then their own personal safety is also a matter of concern." There will be major threats ... so people will only value their own lives in the end."

Tai Yi couldn't refute these remarks at the time, because there were indeed such factors, and this was a fact.

If she really needs it, she can come back to find herself, even at the last moment, as long as she speaks out, then Taiyi will definitely hand over the anchor point, why is there any need to hold back?

"Taiyi, don't think about it, let's eat something first."

Tiannv Beast was wearing a cool white vest and shorts, and the normal women's vest size couldn't cover her plump breasts, but Tai had no intention of admiring these, or he was used to them.

He just raised his head slowly, and pointed to the suspicious bump on her clothes with his hand.

"This kind of thing... wait, Taiyi, anyway, Lilith Beast just left, she is also an old acquaintance to us, no matter what, it should be worth remembering during a meal."

"No, I am

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I want to say, Tiannv Beast, you are wearing your clothes backwards. "


Tiannu Beast frowned, looked down with pursed lips, and found that it was indeed the case, but she had nothing to explain.

"Then I'll change it back."

So Tiannv took off her shirt in front of Taiyi and impatiently turned it over and put it on again. Of course she doesn't like to wear underwear at home, she only puts it on when she goes out, or directly uses data to simulate a whole set Complete the appearance outfit, then tidy up the disheveled long blond hair, take out a knot from the pocket and tie it up.

Of course, this scene is very exciting, Tai Yi usually wants to tease her to some extent, but now he really doesn't have that intention.

It's just... maybe it was squeezed dry by Shaguyamon during the day, or it might be because it didn't feel right for Lilithmon.

"Let's eat first, and then go out with me later, Celestial Beast."


"Don't worry, it's nearby, not the digital world."



After thinking about it, Taichi decided to take back the anchor point that Lilithmon would protect even at the cost of his life.

No matter what she wants to do, whether her death is real or fake, Tai Yi must be fully prepared.

Although Taiyi said that she didn't need to go into the water, she insisted on going with Taiyi, and even used the data to simulate and create a tight diving suit for herself.

Fortunately, there was no accident on the way, and the item was successfully retrieved. Taiyi grabbed the book of knights with one hand, released the breath belonging to the red lotus knight beast, and unlocked the seal like a key, but the goddess beast did not change clothes

"Isn't that the false divine plan?"

Tian Nu Beast stroked her wet hair, walked over curiously with moisture on her body, and even straightened her wrinkled butt wetsuit.

"When did you put it here?"

"I still don't think things will end so easily, Celestial Beast." Taiyi held it in his hand and stared at it, as if trying to see through its inner truth through its appearance. "I'm going to take this thing to the Beetle Beetle to study it. In fact, I should have done that last time."

"Taiyi, I know that her death has had a great impact on you, but you still shouldn't do something in vain. No matter how hard we try, we can't save her."

Seeing his resolute look, Tiannv Beast couldn't bear it.

"I know, but I just want to know the truth."

"That guy is not the same as us, Taiyi, do you really like her?"

Tiannvmon doesn't seem to be able to think of the possibility that Tai is so attached to Lilithmon, but feels that he will inevitably be disappointed in this way.

"I... sorry, Celestial Beast, I actually..."

Taichi was about to tell her that he and Lilithmon had actually done that kind of thing, but at this moment, his cell phone rang again.

The caller at this point in time might be Koshiro or Sona, or it might be Yamato. After all, Taichi had contacted his father, and hoped that Yamato could contact him when he returned home, so he turned on his phone, but I was stunned again...why is it Jiaer again?

After Taiyi got connected, he pressed the hands-free button so that Tiannv Beast could also hear it.

"What happened again, Jiaer?"

", but for some reason there is an inexplicable Digimon under my bed."


"Do you have time to come and take a look? I don't know what to do with it."

Yagami Jiaer on the other side of the phone is sitting on a chair at this time, and there is a yellow cat-headed juvenile Digimon lying on the table in front of her. Its blood-red eyes are staring at Jiaer, emitting a strong Strong curiosity.

Chapter 280 Chapter 270 Chapter [-] A Little Miracle Brought by a Girl

Taichi and Tennyomon immediately rushed to Yagami's house for the second time after getting the news, but now it was dead of night, parents might be asleep or watching TV in the living room, Taichi couldn't find any good excuses, so he could only land quietly from the balcony, and then Jia'er also knew how to open the door and let the two of them in.

"...This, this is a meow beast."

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