Tiannvshou immediately saw the little guy on the table who was as quiet as a doll.

"Taiyi, I was in this form when I was a child, that is, when I was a child!"

"Shh, Tiannv Beast, don't make such a loud voice, your parents will hear you."

Jia Er hurriedly pressed her finger against her lips to signal her to keep her voice down.

"Sorry, Jiaer, I forgot."

Tiannushou suddenly recalled that she first came to the real world in Taiyi's house, and that experience like being a thief, and finally Jiaer's wonderful reaction that made her have a nightmare.

"Brother, is its name Meow Mew Beast?"

After Jiaer closed the balcony door of the room, she took the initiative to give her little pink swivel chair out for Taiyi to sit down.

"what is the problem?"

"I don't know...that is, I suddenly felt something under the bed. I thought it was a mouse or something to scare me, but when I got down to look, I realized it was this little guy." Jiaer smiled with a nostalgic expression. "It feels like when we saw Tailumon when we were young."



It wasn't that Jiaer suddenly mentioned Taiyi and almost forgot about it, it was that there was a discrepancy in his memory with Jiaer and others, but what he cared more about was the meowing beast, which evolved into a puppy, And then there's Dilu Beast... Lilith Beast just died, and this little guy appeared, it's hard not to let people think about it.

So, Taichi's expression

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Seriously, he sat down and put his hands on the table, and started to look at the meowing beast.

Although I don't know what my brother is thinking, Jiaer didn't interrupt him when he saw him so serious, but just stood aside and watched nervously. Tiannvshou also understood Taiyi's thoughts, and stood behind him to talk to him. They stared at the meowing beast together.

So, for a while, the picture looked weird, Taiyi and Tiannvshou seemed to be playing a game of who blinks first with that little guy, or they were trying to boil the eagle, and this stalemate lasted for about 3 minutes... Jia Son didn't even dare to take a big breath, until finally Taichi slackened his strength.

"No, I can't see it at all, how about you, Tiannv Beast?"

"Me too, Taichi."

"This guy should be just an ordinary child, and it's unlikely that the woman pretended to be it."

Tiannvmon also sighed, she is obviously an Archangel Digimon, she is extremely sensitive to any evil dark power, if even she can't see it, then there is definitely no problem.

"But it doesn't matter at all, I don't believe it."

Taiyi stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of Meow Mew Beast, but the little guy avoided it in fear.

"Maybe... the Great Sin Demon King has his own unique way of reincarnation that we don't know about." Tiannv Beast thought while pinching her chin. "And wouldn't all the Digimon in that world be reborn? Lilithmon should return to the World Tree and wait for rebirth."

"Makes sense."

As long as this rule exists, then it is impossible for Lilith Beast to have the way of turning into an egg and reincarnating directly after death like the three angels in the fourth-generation animation. Maybe...

"Perhaps it's a small miracle."

Taiyi felt that it was ridiculous for him to say this, because he was already a very mature and chosen child, yet he said such idealistic words.


Although Jiaer didn't quite understand the conversation between her elder brother and Tiannv Beast, she probably understood that the two were suspecting that Meow Meow Beast was the reincarnation of Lilith Beast.

"It's possible that Jiaer's wish triggered some kind of miracle to make it happen. After all, cute girls are omnipotent."

Taichi answered very easily.

"Brother means, this little guy... is it the reincarnation of Lilith?"

This news cleared up Jiaer's clouded heart. She hugged Meow Mew, and looked at it differently... like a loving mother, full of tenderness.

"I, can I adopt it? Brother, I want to raise it and let it grow up slowly. Then I can also help my brother and the female beast."

"Taiyi, this is not very good... Although theoretically this cannot be Lilithmon, but just in case..."

"It's okay."

Taiyi didn't think too much about it.

"Even if it is really Lilith, I believe she will protect Jiaer sincerely."

Taichi really underestimated the influence of Lilith Beast on Jiaer before, but he didn't expect that there was a special relationship between them. This may also be because Jiaer didn't have an accurate idea of ​​her identity, but... this little girl The guy can't be Lilithmon, maybe it's just an insignificant miracle that appeared in this idealistic Digimon world. In the original animation, it's not an example of a Digimon that didn't sacrifice being directly revived under the influence of the wish of the chosen child. , such as Chong Chong Beast and Yi Cheng Temple Xian.

"Hello, Miaomiaomon, I'm Jia'er, starting today, I'll be your partner!"

Jiaer hugged Meow Mew Beast's body with both hands, and said to it gently.


Miaomiaomon doesn't seem to be able to speak yet, but it can understand this true emotion, and responds to Jiaer with a wagging tail and a happy smile.

"Jia'er, I have to make something clear. Even if it can really evolve into a Lilith beast in the future, it won't be the one you are familiar with. It's just the same individual."

Although it's not appropriate to pour cold water on it, Taichi still wants to speak clearly.

"I know, brother... But don't worry, I know it in my heart, and I won't use it as a substitute."

"That's good, be careful, just ask me if you have any questions, don't feed it too much, even a small Digimon will get diarrhea and get sick, and then teach it to find a place to go to the bathroom as soon as possible, oh It's best to tell your parents about this, after all, it's inconvenient to steal small animals and it's easy to be discovered, so it's better to just confess..."

Tai Yi thought that what came out was what came out, so he said a lot of precautions in one go, and he didn't know whether Jiaer remembered it or not.

"Brother...why are you talking like your mother?"


What Taiyi wanted to say was that I was doing it for your own good, but he realized that his words were really too offensive, too offensive, too much like his own mother, so he simply shut up.

"Haha, don't worry, brother, I'm a girl, no matter how you say it, I'm more careful than you, I will take good care of it."

"Don't worry about your parents. I will make it clear. If they really don't agree... Then I will entrust you to take care of me. Don't worry, it's okay."

I haven't kept a small pet since I was a child, but Digimon is better than those small pets, at least in terms of intelligence. Nothing to worry about.

Although she has not obtained the Holy Plan or other types of Tyrannosaurus machines as bond props, Jiaer has indeed become a

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An animal trainer... this should be the best ending, right?Lilithmon died, but left such a Meowowon to Jiaer.

But even so, Taiyi still has to continue to study that false divine plan, and must find out what secrets lie here, which is worthy of such a life-and-death fight by Lilith Beast. She clearly said that everything she did was for herself, and How can you sacrifice yourself for things that don't matter?

Chapter 281 Chapter 270 Five Detective Yagami Taichi

"To put it simply, Taiyi, this thing is a transmitter."

Beetlemon was just getting ready to start the parallel world observation equipment again, and Taiyi came to the door with Lilithmon's relics.

"It's like a compass that can help you locate an extremely precise destination in the vast sea called parallel universes."

"Then where does it lead?"

Taichi asked calmly.

He was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, leaning on the armrest with one arm to support his cheek, thinking hard. Just by looking at his expression, he could tell that he was serious now. Knight Beast is sitting cross-legged in mid-air in the posture of a miniature villain, and also joined this discussion meeting.

"Of course it is 'Atlana', Taiyi, the experimental field of our world."

Red Lotus Knight Beast replied immediately.

"But if this is the case, shouldn't it lead directly to that digital world? Just like the small worlds we saw with Ruhime and the others, they are still part of the big world as a whole."

"Taiyi, it's not what you think."

"The small world of Atlanta is an existence completely independent of our world. Those born here are generally new breeds of Digimon, and they are all experimental products that will be abandoned sooner or later. Connected to your own main network, there is just a very simple closed world, jointly guarded by the Golden Armored Dragon and the Skull Beast."

Red Lotus Knight Beast spoke eloquently, but fortunately, Taiyi's mind is clear now, and he can clearly understand what he is talking about.

And there is a very noteworthy place here, that is, this small world is not connected to the world tree network, which means that it has a certain room for operation.

"...Could it be that what Lilith Beast wants to do is actually...using this small world to free itself from the control of the World Tree?"

"It's hard to say, but I don't think it's realistic, because she's dead now, do you understand Taichi? I mean, if she died in the small world, then she would just be completely wiped out, just like ordinary Digimon, but If you die anywhere outside, you will return to the world tree and wait for rebirth."

"In this way, death is indeed a complete release and unfettered freedom."

The red lotus knight beast summed up for a long time and summed up in this sentence.

"Do you want this freedom for you?"

It was too white for that guy to glance at.

"... To be honest, Taiyi, although I seem to be trapped in this book and feel very unfree, in fact, this state has relieved me of all responsibilities. I just need to help you from time to time, and I am quite at ease. of."

"If possible, I also hope to give Lilith the freedom she wants in this way, but unfortunately... alas."

Although we have been discussing seriously for a long time here, the final result is that we only analyzed the function of the Lilith beast's relic, and nothing else came up, but a lot of clues have been listed, especially the red lotus knight beast. The sentence I said, although the small world was created by the World Tree, it is not directly connected to it. This sentence is very important, really important.

"Taiyi... what should we do? Do we want to try to enter that small world?"

Beetle Beast asked him.

"Don't worry, let me make a mind map."

Taiyi felt that he was close to the truth. He stood up and released some digital souls with both hands. Countless cube-shaped data appeared in the energy of water, and then gathered into fonts and floated in the air. These are The clues he has now.

——Lilith Beast died inexplicably, without saying anything, as if it was intentional.

——The small world is not connected to the world tree.

——The person who attacked the Golden Armored Dragon was Barbamon, and then Barbamon was backstabbed by Lilithmon and captured the anchor point leading to the small world.

——Skullmon killed Lilithmon only to seize the lost anchor and avenge its friend Golden Armored Dragonmon.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in front of Tai Yi's eyes, and he suddenly realized... Did he ignore the most important person?

Barba Beast, on the day I reunited with Meimei, they were attacked by Barba Beast's subordinates. Although the Silver Mirror Beast was only a small character, he actually had part of the remaining power data of Barba Beast... Could it be? Lilithmon also split like Barbamon?

No, it's impossible!Even if the data can be split, there can only be one digital core!But...but what if he can do it?Can he just split a digital core into two?

Lilith backstabbing Barba will definitely lose the trust of the other seven demon kings, causing her to fall into the hostility of the two strongest camps of the Royal Knights and the Seven Demon Kings at the same time, completely isolated and helpless, it is absolutely impossible for her to do so. It's a little compass.

——Let's assume that the Lilith beast really split into two individuals, and then a clone died in front of him and the golden cicada escaped its shell, and then the main body hid in that small world to start

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What a big move... That's right, it's very reasonable!This can also explain why she is so weak and shattered when touched by the skull beast.

"Beetle beast, open the door for me."

——Holy fellow, you woman, almost tricked me into tears!

Taiyi felt angry and funny, thinking about his expression of loss sitting on the ground because of her departure, and being appreciated by the Lilith beast hiding in the small world, he couldn't help but want to give her a deliberate blow fist.

"...Okay, I'll do it now."

"It seems that you have already figured out the answer, Tai Yi, but that small world requires the authority of two royal knights to open it, and you may need the help of the skull beast."

Red Lotus Knight Beast reminded.

"No, there should be a problem here." Taiyi looked at him and said. "If this condition is true, then all my reasoning is false, and it doesn't make any sense for Barba and Lilith to snatch this item. I think there must be an omission somewhere in the rule of 'Knights in Pairs', and it was rejected. The two demon kings took advantage of the loophole."

That's a wild guess, but one worth trying.

If Lilith is really found there, then Taiyi will definitely teach her a lesson, ask the reason and resolve the conflict, and then inject the gene of justice into her so that she will stop doing things behind her back. These little bells and whistles.

"Beetle Beetle, I will let Flower Fairy Beast and Mimi Ruhime stay in the real world, and you can contact them if there is any trouble on your side."

Taiyi decided that it would be better for him and Tiannvshou to go. He was still very careful, and while thinking of all this, he also thought of another possibility.

That is, all of this is what Lilith wants to see, because Taiyi has not yet figured out why she would keep such an important thing for herself, unless she deliberately wants to do this, and deliberately wants to find her , Play a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

If it weren't for Tiannv Beast, she would definitely not agree. Tai Yi would have no problem even going by himself, but the foreign aid combination of Meimei, Lotus Beast, Rose Beast, Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast should be enough to deal with any normal disaster, and Lilith Once the beast appears, the skull beast will definitely come by smelling it, and there is no security problem.

"Since you've made your decision, let's do it. I'll keep in touch with you, Taichi."

Chapter 282 Chapter 76 The Fengshen Beast in the Small World

"Are you going to leave again... Every time I bring the Celestial Beast with me, I also want to go on a two-person adventure with Taiyi once in a while."

Hearing that Tai Yi is going to explore a new world again, Hua Xian Beast can't help but start to feel awkward.

"Don't you like fighting?"

Tiannv blinked her eyes. Although she was used to it, she was still very proud to be looked at by Huaxian beast with such envious eyes.

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