"I don't like it, but I like Taichi!"

Hua Xianshou was able to say these words without changing his face or beating his heart.

"And exploration and adventure don't necessarily require fighting, and I... I don't hate fighting, I just don't want to face those terrifying monsters."

The monsters she mentioned should refer to those super-large monsters like the Millennium Beast, or the powerful Digimon at the level of the Royal Knights, then she is really hard to come by, they are too strong.

"Next time I will let the Celestial Beast look after the house, but this time I may face Lilith Beast's liquidation, so I still need her help."

"I knew that Bichi didn't die so easily, she must have a conspiracy, we will break her veil with our own hands this time, so that she has nowhere to hide! That guy pretends to be a boss in front of me every day, Put on an inscrutable look that you know everything."

"Even if she's going to die, it's only meaningful that she should die in my hands."

Tiannv Beast doesn't care about the image of an angel or not, and speaks outrageously.

"Okay, okay, let's go, go back early, if you haven't come back tonight, I don't want to spend the night alone at home... I might go to Meimei and the others."

Huaxianshou also has her own mobile phone. She has stored Meimei's number and can contact her at any time.

"Okay, oh, by the way, I also told Jiaer your number, you have to remember to answer her call, don't turn up the TV too loud, okay?"

"Understood, I understand~ Why didn't I answer Jiaer-chan's call? No matter what, I'm better than your careless brother, right?"


Taiyi wanted to complain, but he didn't say anything in the end, anyway, as long as Huaxianshou remembered this matter, it was enough.

It should be no problem, I have been so careful, and Taiyi will not delay too long this time, according to what Red Lotus Knight said later, the area of ​​that small world is equivalent to about two file islands, which belongs to the real It won't take too long to run around in the mini world, he just needs to come back as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, Taichi, even though Agumon isn't here, Bichumon and I will do our best to help."

Beetle Beetle has activated the instrument, and the whole ground began to tremble and roar, and the thing like the time machine in many sci-fi movies was gradually lit up. Last time, Tiannv Beast and the others came to Liu Ji through this thing. They are from the other side of the world, and this time it shouldn't take too much energy and time, because the place to go is very close, and the number of people is small, which is much safer than the last flight when they were looking for themselves.

"Okay... let's go, Celestial Beast!"




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After passing through the dark passage accompanied by countless unstable factors, Taiyi finally came to the designated coordinate point.

The Celestial Beast is beside him. She is fully armed at this moment, wearing an authentic angel battle suit, and her eight gorgeous white wings are fully unfolded to protect Taiyi's back... After Taiyi communicated with her wordlessly, Hold that false divine plan in your hand, and then push it towards the sealed light gate... In an instant, the light flashed, and Taiyi's field of vision was filled with white, and he couldn't see anything, but he could really feel the celestial maiden beast. Still behind them, until their vision gradually recovered, a white world appeared in front of their eyes.

Snow, snow everywhere, and even heavy snowfall in the sky.

The land in front of me is completely covered with snow. It seems that this snow has been falling for many years. If you try to look into the distance, you will see some forests and mountains, but they are also covered with snow.

"... so cold."

This sudden change of seasons almost made Tai Yi tremble, no matter how much power he added, he was still just an ordinary human after all.

Then he used the Digisoul of Courage to cover his whole body, which was much better, but this method could not last long, because Taiyi's Digisoul is limited, just like the firewood will burn out, he must Hurry up and look for clues to Lilith Beast.

Tiannv looked around, although she didn't feel the presence of enemies, the visibility in this snowy day was indeed very unfavorable for the search mission... and she herself was quite cold. Like a specific effect, it is not the same thing as the coldness of the human world, even she can't bear it.


She grinned her teeth and couldn't help rubbing her arms.

"Do you want to change into thick clothes?"

Tai saw through her appearance and couldn't help asking.

"It's useless." Tiannv Beast shook her head and smiled. "This kind of coldness is a special environment set up by the Digital World for Digimon. It is for the birth of Digimon like Yeti in this area. It can't be solved by wearing some clothes. It doesn't matter, I can still Bear with it, let's go."

Tai nodded, then pulled out the ring, and swiped in the "seeking enemy" card that Beetlemon had updated before, so that as long as there were other Digimon around them except Tiannvmon, the ring would sound an alarm, so You don't have to worry about being attacked in the snow.

But the moment the card was swiped, the ring began to flash red light frequently like a police light.


Without time to think, Taiyi and Tiannvshou immediately took action, flew into the air, and flew towards the direction indicated by the ring.

They flew over the snow-covered forests and canyons, and came to an area under the snow-capped mountains. Along the way, they could already see many dark-type Digimon, such as evil dragon beasts, demonic beasts, ice demonic beasts, etc. Old faces... They don't seem to be the type that can withstand the severe cold, but Taichi didn't think much about it, and the celestial beast shot them easily.

"Taiichi...these guys don't seem to want to fight."

Tiannvmon found that those Digimons seemed to be in hibernation and did not respond to their arrival at all. There was even a demon beast that just stood there quietly watching them without saying a word.

This scene was so weird that not only the skin of the celestial female beast was cold, but also a slight chill rose in the heart, and they didn't know what was waiting for them next.

"This place used to be the experimental site of the World Tree, and some strange phenomena are understandable. Let's hurry up and find clues to the Lilith beast."

At this moment, an evil dragon beast suddenly passed by them, but it didn't pay attention to them at all, and just kept moving forward. The goddess was very annoyed when it saw this, just like a car stuck in your car when you were driving. It is the same, and the moment you raise your finger to take out the sacred bow and arrow, you will shoot it down.

"Wait for the Celestial Beast! Don't do anything yet."

Taichi reached out and pressed her finger that was about to shoot an arrow.

"Let's follow that guy and see where it goes."

"... Next time Taiyi just tell me directly, don't get involved, it's very dangerous."

If it wasn't for the Celestial Beast not having time to charge up, the holy thunder would have burned Taiyi's hand no matter what, even if he possessed a digital soul, it would be useless.

The two of them followed the evil dragon beast, turned left and right in the grand canyon and entered the area at the bottom of the mountain... and as they got closer to a certain target point, Tai Yi also saw more Gathered Digimon of the dark system, but these Digimon have no idea about him at all.

"What? Is that... is that a living Digimon?"

The Tiannv Beast has already seen the target location of the Evil Dragon Beast.

There is a Digimon that is covered in wounds, but is still fighting bloody battles with those dark Digimons. It is a humanoid Digimon with bird characteristics, wheat-colored skin, and wearing light armor in the shape of a falcon, but it is almost unable to stand up. Woke up.


The half-bird-shaped Digimon called out the name of the trick, and killed a Dark Dragonmon standing in front of her.

Of course Taichi knew her name.

—Wind Warrior, Wind God Beast.

Chapter 283 Chapter 270

The Fengshen Beast was seriously injured, and the exposed muscular thighs were dripping with blood, and the light blue wings on the back and the small wings on the head were also damaged to varying degrees. status.

Tai one initially and

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I didn't have any other associations, I just felt very strange, why would there be such a Digimon in such a closed and secretive small world?

But Fengshen is not an evil Digimon, so Taiyi didn't think much about it, and decided to help her, and then asked what was going on.

"Go and save her, Celestial Beast."

"it is good."

Tiannv Beast has long been itching to see these dark-type Digimons showing off their power here. The feeling is like finding that there is a mosquito on your arm that is sucking blood, but you can't shoot it for some reason.

After getting Taiyi's permission, Tiannv Beast was finally able to clean up the group of "mosquitoes" flying around in front of her eyes. She immediately stepped forward, raised her arms flat and then stretched them quickly, a cross-shaped heavenly purple light was released. It can be seen that this power and scale are already comparable to the one she used against the Millennium Beast for the first time, but this was just a move she did not have the strength to understate.

It is not only Taiyi who is growing up.

The purple holy light lit up the entire battlefield at this time, melted the bloody snow on the ground, and burned all the dark Digimon that arrived later to ashes, leaving only the few that surrounded the Fengshen beast on the field. Only Evil Beast and Evil Dragon Beast.

Afterwards, the Tiannv beast sprinted forward, its fist with sacred bubbles looked like a fruit ninja, punching a child, and quickly helped the Fengshen beast out of the siege.

"Thank you... thank you."

Seeing that the danger was lifted, Fengshen Beast's weak body almost fell down, but Tiannv Beast helped her up in time.

"Are you okay? What happened here? Who are you?"

Taiyi walked up to her stepping on the snow and asked her.

"Help, save me! Please!"

The moment Fengshen Beast saw Taiyi, she suddenly burst into tears for no reason. She left Celestial Beast suddenly and then stepped forward to embrace Taiyi's arms, crying with blurred eyes.

"Please save me!"

The voice of this Fengshen Beast... seems a little immature, and it feels seriously inconsistent with her own image, and this voice seems familiar to Taiyi, could it be...?A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

"Don't worry, I'm right here, we won't hurt you."

Taiyi caught her hands with his backhand and smiled softly.

"My name is Yagami Taichi. This is Tiannvshou. We are here to investigate the case. We are not bad people."

"Tell me your name first? Who are you?"

The Fengshen Beast looked troubled, but still barely stood, and then its body suddenly glowed, exposing some white data strips like a barcode, and then, the Fengshen Beast degenerated into a golden-haired man who looked like Jiaer. The little girls who were about the same age, with their exquisite facial features, looked a little different from traditional oriental people.

"My name is Izumi Orimoto."

Even after she degenerated, she couldn't heal her injuries, but the injuries didn't look so scary. She sat slumped on the snow, and the Celestial Girl still supported her very intimately.

Taiyi raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

Sure enough, it is Koizumi, and Koizumi who has already mastered the soul of a beast fighter... The only female member of the protagonist group in the fourth generation of Digimon animation "Digimon Frontline", but why does she appear here?

Although I still don't quite understand why this kind of thing happened, but Taichi can guess a little bit, most of the abnormalities in his original world also affected the world where Koizumi is, leading her to come here.

"Taiichi, why can she also evolve into a Digimon?"

Tiannv Beast is more concerned about this issue.

"It should be the power of that Tyrannosaurus machine."

Taichi looked at the pink and white Tyrannosaurus machine with relatively rough lines in Koizumi's hands. It should have stored at least two fighter souls, the human form and the beast form, of the wind fighters.

But now she shouldn't be here at all.

"You are also a chosen child, right? Don't panic, I will help you, sister Koizumi."

"I... I don't know, big brother, can you help me go home? I don't want to stay in this place anymore."

Koizumi doesn't quite understand what this big brother is talking about, but after experiencing so much pain and suffering, she can finally see other living human beings. This feeling is indescribable, like being trapped in the deep mountains and old forests for many days The people who were originally desperate, and even gave up the chance of surviving, suddenly saw other people. The feeling cannot be described in words.

"I'll take you back, but now you're going to tell me how on earth did you get here?"

"I am me……"

Koizumi seemed to be very tired, but she didn't know where to start, because she had experienced too many inhuman tortures along the way, but Taichi was not in a hurry, and then the girl Koizumi, who was already extremely tired, suddenly stood up, feeling agitated Said.

"By the way! Golden Armored Dragon Beast! The Golden Armored Dragon Beast of the Royal Knights, he is on the mountain behind! I have to help him! Only by helping him revive can I have a chance to go home! Only then can I defeat Lilith Beast!"

Koizumi said something that interested Taichi again.

"Have you ever seen Lilith Beast? She is really here, isn't she?"

Tiannv Beast asked anxiously.

"She... no... I..."

Koizumi seemed incoherent in the face of Tiannv Beast's sudden questioning.

"Don't worry, Tiannv Beast, let her think about it." Tai Yi was very calm. "Sister Koizumi, take a break first, and then explain things to me slowly after you think it through.

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Catch Lilith Beast. "

"No! Big brother doesn't understand! That guy is very, very scary! We can't delay any longer. If this continues, I'm afraid the power of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast will be completely absorbed by her, and this small world will be destroyed. Even We will die here too! Kekeke..."

Koizumi seemed to have remembered something, and grabbed Taiyi's clothes again, broke his voice in a panic, and then coughed a few times, because of the low temperature environment, the little knees exposed under her skirt were also red from the cold, The tip of the nose is also red.

Taiyi realized that the situation was really serious, and there was really no time for her to rest and recover her strength. She couldn't even bear it if she stayed in this place for too long, but Koizumi, who doesn't know how to use the digital soul, didn't know how long he stayed here time.

He released more orange-red digital souls with one hand, and then took the initiative to hold her little hand... Obviously she is about the same size as his sister, but it may be because Koizumi has long hair, I always feel that she is more mature than Jiaer a lot of.

"This is……?"

By touching Taichi's hand, Koizumi felt an unprecedented miraculous power, which flowed all over her body like hot water, and the severe cold that almost paralyzed her body was dispelled at once.

"Thanks, big brother, I'm much better."

Although the temperature problem was resolved, her chapped lips and pale face showed that the owner of this body urgently needed food and water. Unfortunately, Tai Yi didn't think he would stay too long on this trip, so he didn't bring any supplies.

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