Tai Yi was in a good mood when he saw Jia Er, but he immediately noticed her expression, as if he had switched to the mode that made his back feel cold again, the little girl who seemed to be smiling but not smiling was extremely oppressive.

"Ah, her name is Zhibenquan, and she is a chosen child I rescued over there."

Although he didn't know why, Taichi knew that if he didn't release Koizumi's wrist immediately, he would be in trouble.

"I am now preparing to send her back to her world."

"Hey~ Taichi, you can always find fresh girls."

After seeing it, Huaxianshou showed a smile that was expected, and even somewhat satisfied.

"What, it turned out to be like this." Jia'er heaved a sigh of relief, the little devil's smile that made Tai Yi-class cold sweat disappeared, and she returned to her usual cuteness.

"Hello, Koizumi, my name is Jiaer, and I'm my brother's real sister."

It was obviously a friendly self-introduction, but it seemed to be deliberately emphasizing his identity.

"You... hello."

Koizumi seems to be a little shy of strangers, he seems very unnatural when talking to Jiaer, and he can't let go.

"Don't be nervous, Koizumi, Jiaer is easy to get along with."

"Because my brother usually brings his older sister back, this is the first time I see a girl younger than me. Are you a middle school student? Koizumi?"

"No... I'm only in the fifth grade of elementary school, and now I'm 11 years old."

Koizumi replied cautiously.

Koizumi here is the one in the original work, unlike Liu Ji, who is a grown-up version of the parallel world, which also reassures Taiyi a lot... At least there is no need to worry about the Shura field or the like something.

"Eh? Eleven years old? Then you should call me older sister, Koizumi."

"But she looks about my age..."

"Ahem, she is already a high school student."


Although at first glance they seem to be of the same age, but that is because Jiaer's appearance is too immature, her sister has not experienced the training of adventure, and she is more dependent on herself than the original Jiaer, which leads to her current appearance. She still has a childish face, but there are not a few girls like her.

"Sister Jiaer, Izumi-chan~"

"Jia'er, do you have something to do with me? Is there something wrong with Meow Meow?"

"I'm fine."

At this time, a small creature hidden in Jiaer's backpack suddenly popped up, although it was immature, but the voice was very loud. She was lying on Jiaer's shoulder, with a mysterious smile on her face. .

It's a puppy.

It is impossible for a Digimon to skip the infant stage 1 directly to the infant stage 2 when it was just born, and then evolve to the growth stage in less than a day, so her identity is no longer in doubt.

"...you should have an explanation for me."

"I was about to do this, so please Jiaer came to you."

The puppy showed a self-deprecating wry smile.

"Sorry Koizumi, I have something to clarify with her, Jiaer, take care of her first, I will be back soon."

"Well, let's go, Brother Taiyi."

Koizumi is also very sensible, knowing that he can't force others to do anything, he immediately nodded and accepted, Jiaer didn't say anything but she knew everything... But until her brother got the answer he wanted, she wouldn't get too involved.



Taiyi hugged the puppy, came to a secluded tree and sat down, and placed her well in front of him.

"Go ahead."

Although he was almost beaten to death by the Lilith beast just now, but somehow he was able to talk to this guy calmly.

"Tell me about your glorious deeds, and tell me why you suddenly turned against me."

"Of course it's because you broke my heart once."

Puppy Beast replied as a matter of course.

"But you have already said that you don't care. I even almost broke up with the Red Lotus Knight Beast because of you, in order to keep the secret of your thing."

Speaking of this, Taiyi was really so angry that he took out the fake divine plan and threw it in front of her.

"Don't I do this to prove that I am a man who keeps my promise? On the contrary, it is you, what are you thinking? What have you done?"

"...It's a long story, but Taiyi, I think you should have already discovered that the Lilith beast that fought you over there is not like me, or she is just me when I was young. look."

The puppy sighed, and walked a few steps slowly on the grass with her white and fluffy feet, showing a melancholy expression that didn't match her childish appearance.

"It's okay, we still have time, but don't start from the beginning of the world."

After getting real affirmation from her, Taiyi suddenly sighed.

There is a feeling that a certain lump in my heart has been untied. Sure enough, it is not the real Lilith beast. Sure enough, the sincerity and affection I have given to her have not been let down. , is not the Lilith beast that I am familiar with... She is still her, and has not changed.

"Before the other you come, it's best to make it clear."

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"It's actually very simple, Taiyi."

Taiyi was sitting under the tree with one hand on his knee, posing in a very relaxed posture, while the puppy slowly walked to his feet and squatted down, and then began to talk.

"A long time ago, Barbamon developed a new technology that could be used to save its own life in a critical moment."

"That's this 'split technology', which divides one's digital core into two or more, but one main body always controls all the splitters."

I saw it at that time, what the Silver Mirror Beast used should be a part of the data left by Barba Beast when he experimented with this function, and he collected it as his own power, but the power of this small part of the Demon King is too small. The complete power of the Royal Knights was easily crushed in front of it.

"I have a pretty good relationship with him. After all, I was his subordinate before I became the Great Sin Demon King."

"I know he has a plan, that is, when there is a problem in the small world of Atlanta, he will find a way to take it over and build it as a general base for his future development of new forces, because you have already clearly felt that if you have a small world If it is the core of the world, what an invincible force it would be."

"If this plan is successful, then even if his future hegemony is crushed by selected children like you, he can at least save his own life, keep his body in the small world, and use his avatar to go outside to do evil , so that we can remain invincible.”

"But you betrayed him."

Taiyi's gaze was as sharp as a sword.

"I don't trust him."

The corner of the puppy's mouth slightly raised an angle.

"Don't think I'm heartless, Taiyi, if you were in my position, you would do the same."

"He's not as kind and principled as I am. When I get along with them, I can never treat them as companions. This is my code of conduct."

She chuckled, as if showing off her life experience.

"You do have goodness in you."

Tai nodded affirmatively to her words, but immediately added another sentence.

"But, not much."

"?" There was a hint of displeasure between the puppy's brows. "Hey, I should be the kindest Demon Lord."

Chapter 290 Chapter 280 [-] I Have Always Loved You

"I betrayed Barbamon and took away the Small World Anchor Point he just obtained from attacking Golden Armored Dragon Beast, as well as his special splitting technique."

"So, do you want to do the same thing as him?" Taichi rested his elbow on his thigh and rested his chin. "You also want a base camp where you can be absolutely at ease?"

"I'm not interested in those, Taichi, I remember I told you." Pupmon was very unhappy, so he sped up his speech. "My goal has always been freedom, to get rid of the bondage of the World Tree to me, this is my ultimate goal."

"I separated a quarter of myself as my own body, and then sent the body with most of my strength into the small world to stand by."

"You should also know that the world controlled by the small world and the big world tree is completely separated from life, and dying there will only turn into nothingness, so...my idea is to get stuck in its BUG."


Taiyi's pupils trembled, as if he had guessed the reason why she did all this.

"Yes, as you can imagine now."

Puppymon was very satisfied with Taichi's reaction, after all, without a qualified audience, it would be boring to tell these stories by himself.

"I want to let this part of me be in the outside world, and then be killed, so that this part of me will return to the world tree."

"But only a small part of me will not be recognized by World Tree. In its system detection, I am a file with missing keywords. I will not be recognized by it at all, and I will just wander outside. Go...and as long as you give me time, I will be ready to turn this scattered data into a brand new Digimon individual, just like me now."

"Taiyi, I have got everything I want, I am free, and now I can no longer hear the voice of the World Tree, but the price is that I have to re-evolve, and I have lost the qualification to be the Great Sin Demon King. Another Lilith beast."

When saying this, Pupmon's eyes are full of pride, she deceived the world that no one can escape, she got rid of the long-term entangled nightmare, she realized her long-cherished wish, even if she did so in the eyes of other Digimon It would be foolish to sacrifice the evolution and strength accumulated over the past hundred years, just for the so-called "freedom".

"...But you didn't expect that after your main consciousness temporarily died, the Lilith beast lingering in the small world would wake up. She has all your memories and most of your powers, and she has made a complete promise to you. Different options."

Taiyi has connected all the things together, and even finished the second half of the sentence for her.

"That's right, this is indeed not what I expected, and I didn't expect this to happen, Taichi, I'm sorry."

Puppy lowered his head, looking frustrated and defeated.

"I used your home network to observe the battle between you and her. She is almost the same as me 50 years ago... At that time, I was young, thin, and grumpy. I was no different from other big devils. I just wanted to Expand your influence and dominance, and punish any Digimon who look down on me and rebel against me."

"But now you have become Buddhist."

"Yes, already

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It doesn't make any sense anymore, what I want is no longer those boring things. "

"But is this really good?"

Taichi also felt incredible that she could do this to get rid of Yggdrasil, and was even a little incomprehensible, and couldn't even see if she was still the Lilith beast when they first met.

"You gave everything for this, and what do you get when you are free?"

"Actually, guys like Barbamon are just looking for peace of mind, and what I want is 'peace of mind'."

The puppy raised his head and looked at Tai Yi carefully, there was no longer any teasing and teasing meaning in his eyes, only sincerity, and his blue eyes were as clear as water.

"But after meeting you... I seem to have discovered another definition of peace of mind."

"I feel nauseous when you say that. It's you who said not to try to get emotional with you. It's not good for everyone."

Hearing what she said in his heart, Tai Yi's heart was already trembling with emotion, but he still laughed and teased her.

"? You silly boy, don't you understand? The more I say that, the more you will try to fall in love with me. Of course I hope you will fall in love with me and give me a hard heart."

"By observing your expression and reaction when I died... I know I have succeeded." Puppy now feels very fulfilled. "You sure don't want me dead, do you?"

"yes, I……"

"Don't talk, just listen to me."

She interrupted Taichi.

"I always thought that I could control everything. I was just using you and not against you because you are strong. I slept with you so that you could keep your promise to me and help me complete this task of my own. The curtain call."

"But when I came back to my senses... I have already, I can't look at you like a tool."

"I have always, loved you."

"Because of you, and because of what you said to me, I am truly determined to carry out this plan, because being by your side... is the place where I can feel most at ease."

"I know I don't deserve to have these. In your eyes, I have always been different from you, but this is my choice. I personally rejected the opportunity to walk towards you...but that Lilith beast is dead, and she has I died at the hands of the eighth seat of the Royal Knights, Skullmon, and now I am just an ordinary puppy."

"So, are you willing to give me the right to stay by your side? Taiyi?"

This kind of words has never been said to myself in the world, because the word "love" is always too far away, its meaning is different from liking, and it is also the first time Taiyi heard this kind of words said to himself from others. sentence.

"... I can understand that this is something you deliberately said to get me to agree?"

"Of course, do you want to reject me? Then I can only wander alone, maybe I will fall into darkness again."

The puppy replied pitifully.

Taiyi showed a somewhat helpless smile, he looked at the sky, the sky of the digital world seemed to extend infinitely, able to connect to other more distant places.

"I don't think you should ask me, Li... Puppy."

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