"Aren't you Jia Er's partner now?"

He didn't answer directly, but the answer was obvious.

If you want to pursue the light, it is never too late to start, this is Tai's promise to her, and she has proved this point herself, she has given up everything about herself.

"That means you agree."

The puppy's tail has unconsciously wagged.

Taiyi couldn't help but find it funny to imagine that the soul of such a powerful and terrifying woman was hidden under such a skin.

"Okay~ I'll stay with Jiaer, but once in a while, you have to come and see me a lot, and then when I evolve to a perfect body, an ultimate body, we can do some things you like~"


Tai nodded, then stood up from the grass, and regained the expression on his face.

"But now, we need to solve the other you first."

"That's for sure." The little dog beast also became serious. "If you lose to her, there is a high probability that I will return to her body as part of my strength."

"I am already so weak, naturally I can't compete with her, I will just disappear."

"I won't lose, this time, I will never lose."

Chapter 291 Chapter 280 Five Jia Er and Heidi Road Beast

"Brother, what did you say?"

When they went back, Jiaer and Koizumi were talking very intimately, while Huaxianshou was pinching their waists, looking after them like a big sister.

Celestial Beast is still lying in the rest room recovering its strength, so it is not here, otherwise... If she knows that the real Lilith Beast is actually here, she doesn't know what she will say.

"It's nothing, I just discussed the enemies we will deal with next."

Tai took a look at the puppy who was sitting on his shoulder.

"Eh? Then the puppy is really..."

"I'm sorry Jia'er, I came too hastily, but I'm in a very dangerous period right now, my power was taken away by a very bad guy who looks like me, so I have to Don't come to see you like this... I am very grateful for the tears you shed for me, Jiaer, now that I tell you everything, are you still willing to accept me?"

Xiaogoumon looked at Jiaer honestly.

Although Jiaer is still very weak now, not even a

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It is a chosen child, but there is no other suitable candidate except her, and Lilithmon also likes this cute child very much, especially, she has discovered some very interesting little secrets of Jiaer.

"Of course!"

Jiaer nodded her head very hard.

"From now on, you are a puppy! Not a Lilithmon! I hope you can let go of everything in the past and start over!"

"Okay, then, I will also dedicate everything to protect you, Kaji Yagami."

Puppy jumped off Taiyi's shoulder, then slowly walked towards Jia'er and said solemnly.

Jiaer also seemed to have a premonition of something, and a black-purple lotus-shaped light suddenly flashed between them. Zhibenquan behind saw this scene and couldn't help getting nervous. After all, this strange color is not good for anyone. .

But what shattered and landed from the black lotus was a brand new black sacred plan.

"This is...! This is mine, the proof of the bond between me and Kogomon."

Jiaer thought of what her elder brother Taiyi had said, and at the same time, she also understood something in a tacit understanding the moment she came into contact with this sacred plan.

"Oh? That's interesting."

As a partner Digimon, Pupmon also has a deep understanding of the meaning of this thing.

"Congratulations, Jiaer."

After seeing this scene, Huaxianshou was also very relieved to send his blessings.

Although she still has some prejudices against Lilithmon, since Taichi thinks it's okay, she won't say anything more, maybe because the current Lilithmon is very cute... It feels like she has faded away from her black body After being skinny, she was much pleasing to my own eyes.

"Brother! This thing is shaking!"

The sacred plan in Jiaer's hands was shaking non-stop as if it was overloaded, and it was the first time she encountered such a situation, and she inevitably became nervous.

"Don't be nervous Jia'er, control this force with your heart and stabilize her."

"Your partner has a dark attribute, but power itself is not good or bad, it all depends on who uses it, so Jiaer, I believe you can."

Taichi figured out the way, so he tried to calm his sister down.

"Hmm... so that's what it means? Jiaer, get ready."

Puppy has a hunch that something good is about to happen.


"Puppy Beast Evolution - Heidi Lu Beast!"

In a blink of an eye, the sacred plan in Jiaer's hand shot out a deep purple light, shining on the puppy, and causing her body to undergo rapid changes, but this is only a small mature evolution, of course there will be no earth-shaking changes The big waves, and the subsequent body shape of the puppy has not changed much, but it has faded away from those weak and young, and has become such a Digimon that Taichi is very, very familiar with.

It's just that his one is only white, but this one is black. The tips of the ears, tail, and gloves are all dark purple, and there is no sacred ring at the tail.

"Well~ I feel much better now."

Heidilu beast licked its paws, and seemed very satisfied with this body.

"Brother... Has she evolved again? Is it not good to evolve so fast?"

Jiaer was a little worried, her brows were wrinkled, and Tai, as in the past, stroked her hair to reassure her.

"Don't be afraid, Jia'er, although this guy has lost her previous body and strength, but her memory has not been worn out at all, so there is nothing wrong with rapid evolution."

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong, Jia'er, let's work harder and evolve into an ultimate body that combines two into one like Ruhime, and you can do what you want to do."

The black kitten covered its mouth and smiled like a vixen.

"Eh? What's the matter?"

Jiaer blinked her eyes, not understanding what Heidilumon meant, but it probably wasn't a good word, because her brother Taiyi had already grabbed the little black cat's ears with one hand, making her meow in pain.

"Meow meow meow!! Don't pull my ears! I'm joking, Taiyi!"

Taichi didn't really exert too much force, but Heidilumon deliberately pretended to be in pain.

This guy's words are too inappropriate, his sister can't be used as a joke... Even so, but like this, it's still a little small in my heart to use such a small trick to subdue the once mighty lust demon king A small sense of accomplishment, and at the same time, I also like such an interesting little interaction.

——Yes, Lilithmon is gone. Now, she is just Jiaer's partner, Heidilumon. She has exchanged her 100 years of accumulation for a chance to start all over again.

But that kind of thing, if it's just a simple Lilithmon, Taiyi is still... somewhat looking forward to it.

"Let's stop playing around here, Koizumi, let's go quickly, I will send you back first and then take care of things here."

Taichi shook his head, walked towards Koizumi, and took out the ring at the same time.

"Is it too late? Brother Taiyi, what if that bad woman comes here now?"

Koizumi looked worried.

"I can feel her presence. Don't worry, she is still far away from us. I think she will fight us without the protection of that small world. She will definitely make more preparations."

Heidilumon said in a mature and wise voice that was very close to Lilithmon.

"I know her all too well, trust me."

So Koizumi has no objections anymore, although she is a bit reluctant to leave Taiyi and Jiaer, but she still hasn't forgotten the golden armored dragon beast who sacrificed for them, it's time for her to go back

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Take your own responsibility.

"elder brother……"

"I'll be back soon after I'm gone, don't worry, I'm just going to see someone off." Tai looked at Jia'er, she seemed to be the child who could only follow behind her now, but Bird couldn't stay there all the time. In the cage, it's time for him to let go.

"Heidi Road Beast, Jiaer is asking you to talk to her more."

"No, brother, what I want to say is that I also want to participate in this battle!"

Jiaer's attitude is very firm.

"No, it's too early for you."

Even he himself is not very sure about this battle, but he is determined to win. Taiyi is such a person, he will not think about what to do if he loses before the battle, because the battle of the selected children has always been A battle that must be won.

"But brother! Heidilu Beast will join the battle, right? Then as her partner, how can I leave her alone?"

Jiaer seldom disobeyed her own opinions, even if there were, it was just a trivial incident to oppose him in order to get Taiyi's gentle scolding, it was the first time in my impression that she opposed him so decisively like this.

This made Tai Yi a little unsure how to make a choice.

"Okay, okay, go quickly, a man is moaning."

Heidi Lumon pushed Taichi's butt from behind.

"What is your sister afraid of if I watch you? I won't let her have trouble."

She couldn't stand Tai Yi's hesitant look.

"Don't look at me as a Tailmon now, but my experience in fighting Digimon is enough to drown you, Taichi, not to mention that the enemy is still the Digimon I know best."

Heidi Lumon didn't wait for Taiyi's response after he finished speaking, he immediately grabbed Jia'er's hand and walked towards the Digimon camp.

"Let's go, Jia'er, come with me to pay a visit to little sister Angel~ I really want to know how she reacts when she sees me~"

Chapter 292 Chapter 280 Chapter [-] Lilith Beast · Evil

Heidi Road Beast dragged Jiaer away.

Taiyi had no choice, but he didn't have time to think about it. He immediately took Koizumi's hand, and then used the ring. Relying on the breath of the "fighter's soul" stored in the Tyrannosaurus machine in Koizumi's hand, he quickly sensed the distance. The location of the "Digimon Frontier" world not far from this world.

"Brother Taiyi, I feel that I am different from you."

Traveling through the lengthy space tunnel, Taichi held Koizumi's arm tightly to prevent her from falling, but Koizumi spoke suddenly.

"What's the difference?"

"I remember that you also have Digimon as partners. Sister Jiaer also got her partners just now, but I...and my partners, we don't have Digimon as partners, we can only use our own bodies Evolve into a Digimon and fight."

Koizumi wasn't complaining, just feeling a little emotional.

"What are you talking about, Koizumi?"

Tai looked back at her with a smile.

"Isn't your partner in the Tyrannosaurus machine in your hand?"

"... But, but I don't have Digimon here, only the soul of the fighter."

"I have heard of the legend of the Ten Warriors."

Taiyi now looks like someone who has come here, an old senior.

"They are the heroes who once saved the digital world, but in order to protect the world for a long time in the future, they divided their bodies into two types of fighter souls, human and beast, and now, Koizumi, you have obtained two wind fighter souls. a soul, that is to say, you have obtained the complete Wind Warrior."

"It's not a strange thing to fight with a Digimon, including myself with such power."

"I know, but Brother Taiyi and Sister Jiaer told me that the reason why you can do this... is because you have established a deep friendship with those Digimon, so they are willing to lend you their power and let you use."

"And I... I don't know that Wind Warrior."

"But Koizumi, think about it, if you were a wind fighter, would you be willing to lend your power to someone you don't like?"

Koizumi shook his head without thinking about it, and at the same time seemed to have figured something out.

"Brother Taiyi is saying that the Wind Warrior has been watching me? Does it have its own consciousness?"

"That must be it." Tai Yi answered logically.

"No wonder... no wonder the fighter's soul skipped Junpei and came to me at that time."

Koizumi seemed to have thought of something funny, and actually covered his mouth and started laughing when he was so nervous.

--Ok?Could she be talking about Junpei, the incident where she tried to obtain the soul of a wind-type fighter?That is indeed quite high, but fortunately, the aesthetics of the ancient rainbow beast of the wind fighter is online, otherwise it may be possible to see a fairy beast in a meat costume.

"So, the Wind Warrior has been watching you. She is your partner, Koizumi. These once powerful Digimon have lost their power, but their memories have not disappeared. She is staying with you. I definitely hope you can Use her power to save the world again and create a new legend."

"I seem to understand, Brother Taiyi, is he like sister Jiaer's partner, right?"

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