——Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of, I have decided to stay, so I cannot... let my brother down!

Taiyi evolved into the Red Lotus Knight Beast, and immediately released all its strength. The Red Lotus Knight Beast, which was as tall as a person, immediately began to increase, and turned into a real Royal Knight more than 40 meters high. He raised the shield, and the holy shield released the energy field , blocked the energy storm that was about to blow to them, and pushed it forward to shatter it.


There was a creepy cry from the energy storm that fell from the sky, and then the eyes formed by two red lights first appeared, and then the monster's body also walked out of the storm, completely exposed in front of Taiyi and the others.

The devil's horns on her head had grown on her head, and it was no longer a simple headgear. A seemingly very unstable black energy cluster was connected to her body, engulfing her body from the lower abdomen. Her upper body was pale and clothed. The skin covered with black mud, two huge black mud covered the chest, and there was no clothes on his body, his face was hideous and terrifying, his whole body was as huge as a mountain, like a world-destroying demon god.

But her image, after all, has not reached the level of the real demon king that Tai Yi imagined, and she is now more like a crazy, maddened monster.

Although it has changed a lot, it can still be seen that her face is the same as that of the Lilith beast, but the difference is that this guy is now many times bigger than the enlarged Tai Yi, and his body size is second only to that of the Lilith beast. than the previous Millennium Beast.


Taiyi had nothing to say, and at the same time, Taiyi himself in the body of the red lotus knight turned on the Tyrannosaurus machine, and the name of the Digimon in front of him was displayed on it, which was - extremely evil Lilith beast, ultimate body, demon king type .

"You look like this after you evolved? It's too ugly."

Celestial Beast brushed its long hair and looked down at Heidi Lu Beast at Jiaer's feet.

"Indulging in power is the end. Unfortunately, she is not me after all, but more like a me who has embarked on the same path as Barbamon and those guys."

Heidilu Beast is also very novel about this form. Its power is indeed explosive, but its appearance is too ugly... In contrast, I once fantasized that if I can continue to evolve, I will become the kind who wears black The most important thing for a fighter in tights is not to destroy his beauty and such a graceful figure.

"Shouldn't you suddenly turn against the water in the middle of the fight and go to fit with her?"

Tiannv Beast frowned and asked.

"We Digimon are very weak creatures."

She said something that only she could say, and actually said that Digimon are weak creatures in front of such a terrifying monster.

"Even if I get so much, I still can't match the rules and fate in the end, so I gave up a long time ago, but you... Tiannv Beast, we trained well just now, wait a minute, don't lose the chain because you don't trust me."

"Stop worrying about those idle thoughts."

Did the Celestial Beast stand still?

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There is a move, and the Bichumon and Beetlemon have evolved into Phoenixmon and Lishenbidomon, standing in a row with Taiyi, and she has to prepare for more critical tasks.

"Taiichi, that guy seems to have absorbed the data of Skullmon and Golden Armoreddramon."

"Absolute defense and this manic mana storm... are synonymous with their strength, and she is now several times stronger than last time."

Red Lotus Knight Beast said after analysis.


Taichi took a deep breath, and then tried his best to connect his consciousness back to the Digicore of this body, making himself a Red Lotus Knightmon completely.

Red Lotus Knight Beast's heart is very heavy, because he knows that this battle is absolutely impossible to win. With the power of a big sin devil plus two royal knights, and the power of the world core accumulated in the small world for many years... She has grown For a monster that I can't even imagine, unless Alphamon makes a move, Red Lotus Knightmon really can't think of anyone who can beat her.

"We'll lose, Taichi."

After Taiyi flew, Red Lotus Knight Beast still couldn't help saying it, he hoped Taiyi would think it through.

"Battles don't depend on strength on paper alone, and I promised the Golden Armored Dragon Beast that I will definitely defeat her."


The Red Lotus Knight Beast suddenly felt that he seemed to have underestimated this human boy too much.

It's just that the mood suddenly became lighter, as if he was pretending to be close to Taiyi, as if he had returned to many, many years ago, when he just became a royal knight and was still a young boy, he didn't think about anything, just enjoyed the battle , just go ahead.

"Taiyi, why do you always move forward with courage?"

he asked.

"That's because I am Taichi Yagami."

Although he didn't understand why he asked, Taichi still gave the answer he thought was best.

"I see."

The Red Lotus Knight seemed to be laughing. Afterwards, Taiyi felt something more in his hand. Suddenly, a roaring red dragon flew out of the book of knights that carried him. It was the best partner of the Red Lotus Knight, Ge Lani!Not only in the space inside the body, but also in the real world outside, Grani also flew from behind, catching up with the pace of the Red Lotus Knight Beast like a bow and arrow off the string.

"Again, fight with me! Grani!"

[When the red dragon and the knight become one, you will know the meaning of meeting]

[Red Lotus Knight Beast True Red Lotus Form! 】

The power of the Book of Knights was completely released, and Taichi was able to evolve into the true red lotus form.

"As long as you die, everything will be over!"

The extremely evil Lilith beast let out a hoarse monster roar, and then opened its huge mouth to spew out a black energy hurricane that is very similar to the skull beast's end waltz. Withstanding this storm, Tai Yi realized just how terrifying her strength was after just this one round of confrontation.

However, Tai One is not affected.

"Where are you going!"

Her attack was over, and it was Taiyi's turn. The young man roared, raised the silver-white holy spear with the body of a real red knight, and then threw it forward in a standard posture. The crescent-shaped light blade fell on the extremely evil Lilith Beast. This should be an unsolvable and omnipotent nirvana, but it was blocked by a black light shield propped up by her hands.

Where did Jun go to break the shield, but did not hurt her body.

The power of the Golden Armored Dragon Belonging to "Order" is at work... Now, Taichi can somewhat understand the Skullmon's feelings at that time.

"Crimson Lotus Knight Beast...Hmph, good power, come and be a part of me."

The eerie female devil continued to smile slyly, and then spread her arms wide, releasing a large number of claw-like objects from all directions to attack Taiyi, almost completely surrounding him. Taiyi held a sword in one hand and a gun in another. Moving at high speed and constantly shooting down, these claw weapons try to double-team themselves.

The battle was at a stalemate for a while.

Chapter 295 Chapter 280 Chapter [-] Taiyi Fascinates Me

The support provided by Phoenix Beast and Lishen Bido Beast is very limited, and they can only help Tai Yi and his gang to destroy some fish that slipped through the net, but the balance of the whole battle is still gradually tilting towards Lilith Beast, because she is really very strong. It is difficult to solve it by normal means.

Unless you can find a few more royal knights to come over, but there is really no other way now, even if you turn on the true red lotus form, you can only barely guarantee that Taiyi will not be at a big disadvantage, otherwise fight in the normal form, He's probably already defeated.

It is also impossible to use the Omegamon Mercy form now, because the condition for its existence is "to bid farewell to a former friend", and now this Lilith beast is completely crazy, and the real Lilith beast has returned. By Taiyi's side, this condition cannot be fulfilled.

"Invincible Sword!"

"Where are you going with you!"

Taiyi threw two powerful weapons with both hands, and the two nirvana moves were released at the same time. This time, Lilith Beast seemed to be aware of the danger, and didn't even choose to take it hard, but suddenly the entire huge body began to float. The flying speed of this pair of nirvana has been so fast that it is almost stable, but it was still dodged by her predicted action in advance.

"Stop the useless struggle, Taichi, Royal Knights! You are all just ants after all! Submit to my wisdom and power!"

The extremely evil Lilith Beast not only escaped the sun by floating

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One's double kill, and even used it to release an overwhelming energy shock wave forward again, shaving the entire surface of the earth clean, and Taiyi, the Phoenix beast, and the Lishen Biduo beast together propped up a light wall to block it. To stop the torrent, but the Lilith beast over there is also constantly increasing its strength.

They are going to be overwhelmed.

"How could it be so strong... this guy..."

The phoenix gritted its teeth anxiously.

"Isn't it alright... Celestial Beast?!"

Taiyi knew that his hole cards were about to run out, and he couldn't do it, so he could only try the extremely risky but absolutely feasible method, but this process would be very painful for himself and the Red Lotus Knight, so it was not a last resort. He doesn't want to do that.

"Don't worry, Taiyi."

Heidi Lumon doesn't seem to be in a panic.

"I'm fucking in a hurry! I'm in a hurry!"

Taiyi couldn't even hold back from swearing in front of Jiaer.

In the end, it was still her problem, but I didn't expect it to become so troublesome. Now Taiyi is equivalent to fighting one of the Seven Great Demon Kings and two Royal Knights at the same time. How the hell is this going to be fought?If even the form of the true red lotus doesn't work, then he really has nothing to do.

"Okay, it's time for the main character to appear."

Heidi Lumon felt that it was almost done, because the other self had been exhausted by Tai Yi, and she should not be able to release such a terrifying large-scale destructive skill in the next period of time, and this was the opportunity she had been waiting for for a long time.

"Let's go, sister angel."

"Don't order me."

"Don't be like this, it's our first time working together, be happy and smile."

Heidi Lumon didn't panic about all this at all, as if he had a plan in mind, he turned his head and winked at Jia'er.

"Jia Er, please."

"I don't know...whether it will be successful."

Jiaer put her hands on her chest nervously.

"Be confident, you are my partner and Taichi's younger sister, so you can do anything."

"Hmm! Let's evolve! Heidilu Beast!"

The screen of the divine plan began to flash, and projected a symbol that was very similar to the badge of light, but more like a three-dimensional lotus flower, and then it was enlarged, and then fell on the Heidilu beast, like the baptism of the holy light, Heidilumon took the initiative to jump up and pass through this magical pattern, and its body rapidly enlarged, turning into a Digimon that Tiannvmon is very familiar with...and hates very much.

Heidilu Beast Super Evolution - Female Devil Beast!

"Let's go, sister angel!"

"I told you not to order me!"

Although she said so, the Celestial Beast quickly caught up with her. One black and one white, the angel and the demon began to spin in mid-air like twin stars, and finally turned into two black and white shooting stars that merged together.

【Heavenly Beast】

【Female Evil Beast】

[Joint Exhibition Evolution! ! 】

—So...is this what they want to do?

After hearing these lines they yelled, Taiyi suddenly realized that he was a little surprised, but it was also reasonable, but he never expected that the one who even entered a house could start arguing with the other party by taking his left foot first. The celestial female beast who got up... is actually willing to undergo a fusion evolution with the dirty demon she despises.

It was really new to her.

Just when Taiyi was admiring his partner's sacrifice, in the light of black and white intertwined evolution, a brand new Digimon was born, this is the true half-angel, half-demon, angel and devil, the two traditional forces The Digimon camp, which is like fire and water, finally let go of the past prejudices under the unprecedented crisis, and successfully merged the two into one. Its name is Mostimon.

"Wow, I feel completely new. Is this the power of an angel? It's an experience I didn't experience when I was a Lilithmon. I feel that my body has become a lot lighter, especially the chest."

"Tell me, is your data affected? Tai Yi doesn't like small ones!"

Mosti beast passed over the heads of Taichi and the others and flew towards the extremely evil Lilith beast, and at the same time began to stroke his chest with his hands, expressing his thoughts.

"Shut up! I've endured it for a long time, let's break that ugly thing first!"

The Celestial Beast is too lazy to argue with her about who has the bigger breasts. What she wants to do is to get rid of the ugly Lilith Beast, and then go back and discuss the chest problem slowly with the kind Lilith Beast. .

"Hmph~ Then get ready, don't lose your coherence~"


When the figure of Mosti Beast appeared in front of the extremely evil Lilith Beast, she was also stunned for a moment, but soon realized what happened.

"It's ridiculous, you shameful fellow."

Lilithmon's huge face immediately showed a mocking smirk.

"It's hard to imagine that you are another self that was split from my body. It's so embarrassing! I ran to flirt with human men, and abandoned the dignity of being a demon king for so many years... I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. It's connected, it's best for you to die here now!"

"That's because I found something more important than strength."

Mostimon spoke to the extremely evil Lilithmon with the voice of the female evil beast.

"It's ridiculous, what's important? Isn't it Taiyi's (sound-absorbing)? Does that fascinate you so much?"

"...That's right, it fascinated me very much, and I was ruthlessly conquered by Tai Yi's Ou Jinjin." She was not ashamed but proud, and even showed a show-off attitude

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Thanks to Taiyi being far away and unable to hear it, otherwise it would be so embarrassing that it would explode on the spot.

However, he couldn't hear it, but Tiannv Beast heard it clearly, and finally confirmed what he had been suspecting since the last time the bad Lilith Beast leaked his words... Damn Taiyi!How dare you do that kind of thing behind Lilithmon and me!Damn...is this cheating?

"Shameless, scum of the Demon King!"

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