"I am the only one, the real Lilithmon!"

Chapter 296 Chapter 290

"Those two people can actually evolve together..."

Phoenix Beast looked dumbfounded. She once thought that Celestial Beast was the Digimon that hated Lilith or Female Demon Beast the most in the world, but she didn't expect that she would still have a low EQ after all, or in other words, this was also Celestial Beast's awareness.

As long as you can win, it doesn't matter even if you have a joint exhibition with the guy you hate the most, this is the Tiannv Beast!Taiyi's greatest partner!

"However, even so, they have only changed from a perfect body to an ultimate body. This power may become stronger because of the particularity of the combination of the two hedging elements, but that's all."

Lishen Bidomon is still not optimistic about the status quo, things have not changed, they still have not acquired the ability to be stronger than each other... However, the battle is not over, they cannot rest, they must continue to create more s damage.

"let me."

— Be careful not to break it!can you?

Said another soul in the body.

——This punch... must be hit by me, I really endured it for a long, long time.

Tiannv Beast's attitude is very firm.

——Didn't you just meet her?

——I have endured you for a year.


At this time, Mostimon is dominated by the consciousness of the Celestial Beast. She also likes the structure of this body very much. It is the kind of melee Digimon that is very suitable for her to control. The whole body armor, but the difference is that this battle armor is obviously more modern, with a lot of joints and bones, almost no restrictions on body movements, and even the armor on the hands and legs has energy blocks to strengthen its strength.

She enjoyed this unprecedented power, and after taking a pose, she accelerated forward, flying towards the extremely evil Lilith beast like a demon god like a shark sprinting freely in the sea.

"You are... no, you are not another me."

The huge Lilith beast could tell the smell of this black and white guy at a glance.

"Who am I? It turns out to be the angel just now~"

"What? Are you not convinced by the previous results?" The extremely evil Lilith Beast made no secret of its contempt and disdain for the Celestial Girl Beast. After all, the other party was indeed helpless when she was beaten by her in a frontal confrontation, and she also There is indeed a capital of ridicule.

"Don't you think that joining forces with that cowardly and incompetent 'Lilith Beast' can win me?"


The huge female demon goddess stood in front of her like an unattainable mountain, but Mosti Beast didn't say a word. She just clenched her fists tightly and endured the other party's ridicule.

"What? Are you too angry to speak?"

"In my opinion, you are just a fusion material. It is indeed a good idea to fuse with an angel, but the other me~ You are too stupid to give the initiative to your own fusion material. Do you really think her Is it my opponent? Or are you too scared to face me?"

The vicious Lilithmon laughed at Mostimon again and again, coupled with the huge size difference between them, just like Tom who often mocked Jerry in "Tom and Jerry".

Now even Taiyi couldn't stand it anymore, how strong Tiannv Beast was along the way, how much she had sacrificed for herself and the whole world, he could see it all, how could she tolerate such humiliation for her high self-esteem?

"Heavenly beast!"

After Taichi regained some strength, he flew to Mostimon's side.

"Taiyi, wait and help me open the way."

Her reaction was very calm, but Taiyi understood that it was precisely this that could prove that she was extremely angry.

Tai Yi also understands very well that as her partner, what he can do now is definitely not to vent his anger on her, but to help her complete this attack.

"it is good."

But it's weird no matter how you think about it, because I'm in the true red lotus form now.

The True Red Lotus Knight supports Mosti... It's a bit weird no matter how you think about it, but if it is in the game, Mosti has its own real damage, so it might not be impossible to try it, and now it seems That's all there is to it, the fight was so fierce just now, and Tai Yi even used double nirvana at the same time, he also needs to recover, and at the same time, let the mosti beast, whose strength is no less than that of the emperor's knight, and has the aura of the first battle, be the best to attack However.


Mosti took a deep breath, then released some golden energy from its hands, and then covered its whole body. The energy gems on its body flickered at high frequency, and then began to accelerate explosively, towards the huge monster rush away.

Tai Yi was a little astonished at her acceleration, but this body followed instinctively. He prepared the holy sword in his hand to cover her, but found that... the Lilith beast didn't seem to have any intention of hiding at all, but just covered her face. With a smile, he quietly looked at the Mostimon that was sprinting towards him at full speed.

Yes, there is no need for her to dodge at all, the opponent is her own defeat, and now she has the data blessing of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, her defense power is already so high that it is outrageous, even Taiyi's "Where is the king going" can't

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She didn't need to be afraid of a Mosti beast if she broke the defense.

However, for some unknown reason, Tai Yi just felt that the Celestial Girl Beast couldn't lose.

Celestial Beast focuses on the power of the whole body to release the original Musty Beast's nirvana "Holy Hope". hand.

"God Body Transformation Fist."

——Don’t just change the name of the nirvana!It's embarrassing, okay?

The female evil beast will inevitably complain about this guy's strange habit. I remember that she seemed to be like this when she was fighting Millennium Beast.

——Shut up, you just need to say that you are handsome and cool.

... Taichi, it's really not easy.

She sighed, but at the same time, Mosti Beast had already set its posture, with one hand clenched into a fist, and the whole body was continuously emitting energy outwards, turning into a meteor flying against the sky, smashing It directly blasted at the Lilith Beast's face at the mighty World Destroyer Demon God.

Taiyi heard the sound, it was the sound of two extreme energies rubbing and colliding, it sounded like two bolts of lightning colliding with each other... So he saw it, he saw the face of Lilith Beast covered by the During the process of the meteor being squeezed and deformed, cracks appeared on her face, and the defense built with the data of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast was broken by such a simple punch.

The mosti beast is blooming, releasing the energy of the whole body to its fullest, she shouted a hysterical battle roar, and there was an absolutely condensed sacred breath flowing from her shining eyes and lips, turning into a flame-like substance, Continue to focus on her fist, pushing forward continuously.

This move, as she named it, transforms the body into a fist, using all her own energy into a fist, and then releases it as much as she wants.

Chapter 297 Chapter 290 Omega Beast Mercy Form, Save My Love


Lilithmon can't think of anything else.

She absolutely couldn't imagine that she would be injured like this by such a weak Digimon. Now her face was beaten to pieces, and blood gushed out. What's more, she couldn't bear the continuous burst of power of Mostimon. Being forcibly overthrown, if it wasn't for the emptiness that carried her body, she would have been knocked to the ground long ago.

Now, the extremely evil Lilith beast is covering its face with its hands, desperately using its strength to fill the wound caused by Mosti beast, but it is a wound caused by very pure holy energy, even worse than the divine angel Taiyi. Pure, so the speed of recovery is not as terrifying as the instant healing before.

"I didn't expect...you actually have this kind of potential...and this power...this feeling, can it be said..."

She seemed to think of something, and the female demon beast in Mostimon's body, that is, the real Lilithmon, was thinking the same thing as her.

The Digimon that appeared beside Taiyi in this digital world, each of them used to be the top figures in other digital worlds, some may be the kings of battles, some may be the gods who protect one party, and some are some in ancient times. The era has left its own legends, and even the lesser-known characters are covered by later legends.

They all guessed the identity of Tiannv Beast at the same time.

At this moment, there was no emotion in Mostimon's eyes, only calmness. She was smoking all over her body, and she released too much energy in one breath, causing her to be temporarily unable to take any action.

But she has done everything in her power.

— Well done, now it's my turn.

The female evil beast took the lead at this time. She moved her tired and sore body again, and launched her nirvana at the Lilith beast who was recovering from her facial injuries - darkness and despair, that is A despicable skill that attacks the enemy's Digicore with the Devil's Claw in its left hand and then crushes it.

But now, Mostimon's target is not the Digicore, but the face that has been shattered by Tiannvmon and is being repaired.

"Don't be in such a hurry."

Mosti beast changed its tone in an instant, and the tone became crazy and there was some excitement that could not be suppressed.

"Do you think that you can become the master by relying on the power you stole? I am the real, the only Lilith beast, and you... are just an old obsession that was split from me and I wanted to get rid of it a long time ago." ' That's all!"

She continued to move forward, and the black claws gleaming with scarlet blood pierced into the open wound on her face, and then swelled and exploded like skin filled with air, the Lilith beast screamed in pain.

This ferocity and viciousness are not like the methods that the Celestial Girl Beast would use, and Taiyi also moved with a tacit understanding at this time.

"You shameful scum!!! What have you done to my body!"

And the extremely evil Lilith beast has been completely ignited, and its face has been physically torn apart by the other party using such brutal methods. No matter what kind of demon king it is, it is impossible to bear this level of humiliation. I feel that she has completely lost the so-called " With the face of Lust Demon King Lilith Beast", she is the woman who should take the initiative, even if she is addicted, it should be Taiyi who is obsessed with her!

Her body immediately bulged outwards, creating a storm of mana from the skull beast around her, and the petite ant-like figure of Mosti beast in front of her was immediately blown away, and the wound was about to be completely wiped out. While it was healing, a voice came that made the vicious Lilith beast tremble.

"Where are you going!"


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Bai's Holy Spear passed over the Mosti beast flying backwards, pierced directly into the last crack before it healed, and got stuck there, like a nail wedged into the wall. He didn't have time to pay attention to her, and immediately came from behind to catch the body of Mosti beast flying backwards.

"Good job, honey."

She smiled lightly, and stretched out her hand ambiguously to caress Tai Yi's current face.

"I will reward you well when I go back!"

"You only have one chance, are you ready?"

Taiyi didn't have time to talk to her, but just checked it carefully.

"of course."

Taiyi pushed the Mosti beast forward with all his strength. The half-god and half-demon Mosti beast spread her black and white wings in the air, and the black claw on its right hand emitted scarlet light. The numbers were almost exactly the same, and the moment she approached, the sharp gun stuck in the gap disappeared, and Mostimon was able to enter the body of the extremely evil Lilithmon.


There was dead silence, the surrounding area was dead silent, the vicious Lilith beast stood there motionless as if it had crashed, Taiyi didn't move at such a good opportunity to attack, and he had ordered Phoenix beast and Lilith beast to attack before. She couldn't attack at this time, because it would disrupt the movement of the Mostimon in her body... Taiyi just looked at the terrifying Lilithmon quietly.

Her image... if it is made into an animation, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money, because the storm clouds that symbolize evil and darkness under her body flow lifelike, which is too deformed after all.

Immediately afterwards, within a minute, maybe only a few tens of seconds, the body of the extremely evil Lilith beast suddenly began to "overlap" in a very chaotic manner, and it raised its head to the sky and let out a scream. This sound was transmitted to the sky, to the other side of the sky, and Go to every place on this continent, and among those double images, there are two familiar figures shaking with the body of the vicious Lilith beast, as if trying to break free from her body!

"It's the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast!!"

The red lotus knight shouted out in surprise.

"Tai Yi! Could it be that what you are going to do is..."

"Well, it's just what you think."

"They create a flaw, and then my lord goes where the characteristic of decomposing data penetrates into her data to make up the knife, paralyzing her consciousness for a short time, and finally the real Lilith beast destroys the guy who just fused inside , a very unstable digital core."

"But can this kind of thing be done? Going into the body of a Digimon to destroy a Digicore is too unimaginable, I've never heard of it."

"Others can't do it, but she can." Tai Yi breathed out a sigh of relief. "Because that's part of who she is, and it's easy to go back home and find the light switches."

In fact, Taichi's first risky strategy was to forcibly enter Lilith's body by himself, or simply pretend to be defeated and be eaten by her intentionally, so that he can let the red lotus knight beast wake up the two royal knights, the big deal is She had a chakra tug-of-war with the extremely evil Lilithmon in her body, and that was it.

Because snatching other people's power is not their own after all, there will be such a loophole for Taiyi and others to take advantage of.

"You bastard... Do you think I will let you go? It's just this level of shaking! I can fix it in an instant! I'm going to swallow you and that angel in my body! You two worms No one wants to leave alive!"

The extremely evil Lilith beast seems to have controlled the situation, and the paralysis caused by Junxiang to her before has also been relieved. Now the Mosti beast trapped in her body, the two very important women in Taiyi's life are about to be killed by the extremely evil Lilith beast devoured it, and the crack created by Mosti beast seemed to be repaired, because the figures of Golden Armored Dragon Beast and Skull Beast were gradually being pulled back.

"...Crimson Lotus Knight Beast, this Lilith Beast is really annoying, I still like her as before."

"Understood, needless to say, what are you saying to me after you have fucked her? For you humans, this kind of behavior should be the highest expression of love?"

"Nothing, just wanted to say it."

Taiyi suddenly released the true red lotus form, and then released the soul evolution of the red lotus knight beast, and returned to the normal human form.

——In order to save the person I love the most, and the friend who is willing to sacrifice his life for me, please lend me your strength again.

He stared at the arc light sublimator in his hand, as if he had heard Taiyi's inner wish, the sublimator began to shine brightly, the orange and blue double lines intersected, Taiyi turned into an Omega beast again, followed by a Phoenix beast, The four capsules of Lishen Bido, Holy Goddess, and Rose Beast passed over his body.

[NEO Fusion Sublimation! 】

【Omega Beast Mercy Form! 】

Chapter 298 Chapter 290 [-] The Old Man Exploded Gold Coins

"Yalu Cannon!"

The pure white and flawless paladin returned to the world, and Beetlemon and Bichumon saw Omegamon like this for the first time. The moment they showed mercy to the Omegamon, they still understood... that person had their own aura of power.

——That's the proof of Taichi's bond with us...Damn it, I really hope that Agumon can see this scene too!

The Yaliu cannon fired by Taiyi directly pierced the abdomen of the extremely evil Lilith beast that was recovering, but he did not stop but continued to amplify the power and continue to output. This power is not for destroying Lilith beast, but for to this share

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For the sake of friendship, for the power of love, pull those people back!

"Taiichi Yagami!!! Stop me!!!"

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