The extremely evil Lilith Beast was in great torment, but she knew that it was not her own power, but the power gained by plundering would eventually be lost.

First is the Skull Beast. His phantom was the first to escape from the control of the Lilith Beast, and then the Golden Armored Dragon Beast also successfully escaped... But they are the dead Royal Knights after all. They were successfully liberated at this time and should have returned to the world. The tree waits for the next unknown awakening, but because Omegamon Mercy Form and Taichi are here, because Taichi used the power of the Aryu Cannon.

So, a miracle happened, just like the last time they faced Red Lotus Knight Beast, the two of them turned into two warm currents of gold and purple at the same time, flew to Taichi's side evenly and entered the body of Omega Beast, At the same time, two brand new "Knight's Books" appeared in Taichi's hands.

One is in a gold package and the other is in a purple package, with the images of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast printed on them respectively, symbolizing their power of "order" and "justice".

"...You have a companion, Red Lotus Knight Beast."

Maybe next time I can consider the "Trinity of the Royal Knights"?But now is not the time to think about these things. Finally, under Taiyi's all efforts, the extremely evil Lilith finally separated the last and most important Mostimon.

Mosti beast is no longer the same as before, the armor is torn all over the body, and there are many gaps in the wings, dying, her body starts to shine, and it splits into a black and white celestial beast and a female evil beast. Taiyi immediately stepped forward , the huge wings covering the sky and the sun behind it stretched forward and closed together, and used their arms to protect the celestial beast and the female evil beast, letting them lie on their arms.

"Thank you, Celestial Beast, Lilith Beast."

"...It's nothing, Taiyi, it's just this kind of thing that I don't want to experience again."

Tiannvmon woke up, sat on Taiyi's wrist and retched a few times, it seems that the inside of Lilithmon's body is not a good place.

"Don't call me Lilithmon. I'm a female demon beast now. Lilithmon is over there."

The female demon beast is fine, she can even stand up, and she's in the mood to crack jokes.


The Tiannv beast is disgusting here, and the appearance of the extremely evil Lilith beast is even worse. Because she lost the power of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast, she was forced to return to the original Lilith Beast, but the body still radiated outwards. The dense black air still proves that she still has the power of the core of the small world.

Taiyi knew that the battle was not over yet, and the Celestial Beast flew up with the considerate support of the female Evil Beast, and stood on Taiyi's shoulder. Taiyi spread his wings again, and the tyrannosaur spit out the Yuling knife inlaid with blue photon lines, ready to fight .

"We Digimon... are all creatures with their own destiny... and I... I was given a 'big crime' by fate, so I became one of the seven great demon kings... Fate has long chosen me to stand at the top. "

"But... Damn!!!!" Lilith Beast tore her hair angrily, she removed the exquisite hair accessories, and her black hair was scattered on her face, looking embarrassed and pitiful. "However, this kind of me! This kind of me... would actually lose to a mere me who lost even a quarter of its strength!! You group of insignificant creatures! You don't have the qualifications like me at all! Why! What is it? why!"

After uttering such anti-riot remarks, Lilithmon's eyes were fixed on the huge Omegamon.

"Taiichi Yagami! You sucky human! Why! Why can you have so many great Digimon flocking to you!"

"Because I'm not alone."

Taiyi put down his sword and said frankly.

"I'm not alone either! I've got so much power! Why! Why! You brat! Why are you... why are you!"

Her anxiety is visible to the naked eye. Seeing this scene, Tian Nu Beast suddenly wanted to listen to and watch more, because this was the purest enjoyment, but the female Demon Beast felt a little ashamed to face people... After all, there It is indeed another possible self to be ashamed of breaking the border.

"You just take away their power and express your greedy desires. You have always been alone, and you have never had any partners!"

Even Lilithmon, who created her, doesn't like her. She inherited the memory of Lilithmon's life just after she was born, but she has a completely different personality, just like a brat who knows nothing about reality. Too short-sighted.

"You killed the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, but his will and actions sent me out of that small world where you were invincible. From that moment on, you have already lost."

"When all the hypocrisy fades away and all the truth is completely exposed, can you really not be destroyed? Lilith beast."

He raised his sword again.

"Let me see you on your way."

In this way, Lilith Beast can truly be born into the world.

Tai Yi raised Yu Ling Dao high, and slashed at Lilith Beast. Her ferocious face was full of veins, and she roared something, and rushed towards Tai Yi recklessly, but that attack was disorderly, like A brat who has been robbed of his cherished toy looks scary with his fangs and claws, but in fact it shatters when touched.

The pure white Omega Beast and the violent Lilith Beast () passed by, Lilith Beast's body was already surrounded by white and blue sword light, and gradually accepted the punishment in this blazing holy light

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, and then a clear knife edge appeared on her body... Lilith Beast closed its tearful eyes, and its body gradually turned into countless powders and scattered in the white light.

"Lilithmon, what if she is reborn as another Digimon like you?"

"No, she will return to the World Tree."

The female evil beast sat on Taiyi's shoulder and replied with a smile.

"But isn't she missing a part? Won't she be rejected by World Tree?"

Omegamon's blue eye moved slightly and landed on her graceful body.

"Why do you think I should take a quarter of myself?"

The female evil beast raised the corner of her mouth and smiled triumphantly.

"Don't underestimate our world tree... If you can escape its inspection by cutting off a small part of yourself, then I would have been free long ago, so why is this happening now?"

"...In other words, she will be resurrected, right?"

Tiannv Beast asked with some concern.

"Yes, but it should take a long time, because she is a strong person at the level of the Seven Great Demon Kings." The female evil beast replied. "We just need to repair the world tree before then."

... Huh, everything is finally over.

Tai just wanted to go back and have a good rest, he was about to die of exhaustion, after such a series of battles, he even took a trip to the fourth-generation world in the middle, after disabling the evolution of Omegamon, Tai relied on a simple digital soul to maintain The body flew, and at the same time, he saw a baseball-shaped golden sphere floating at the place where Lilith Beast died just now.

--what is this?Could it be the evolution prop left by Lilith Beast?


Just before that, the female Evil Beast took the golden ball in her hand.

"What is this? Lilith beast."

"It's already been said that I'm not Lilithmon." The female demon beast didn't wear a mask, so her pouting and coquettish look was a little cute.

"It is the core of the small world. With it, you can change the environment and climate of that small world as you like. Taiyi, you are its master now."

Chapter 299 Chapter 290 Three

Taiyi unknowingly saved the world again and got the power of those two royal knights at the same time.

Although Taiyi and them are not friends, and they don't even have a good impression of skull beasts, but... when Taiyi's Yaliu bombarded Lilith beast's body and liberated them from the demon's body, they were all still. Agreeing with Taichi's choice, between returning to the world tree and Yagami Taichi, he chose the latter.

Because that's what the Red Lotus Knight Beast did, and because Taichi did something that even they couldn't do, so they were willing to entrust everything to Taiyi.

"The core of the small world..."

Taichi held the golden apple-like ball in his hand and padded it. It felt quite heavy, as heavy as a shot put.

correct!Didn't the beetle beast say that he couldn't find a place that could meet the conditions of his new residence?It was almost effortless to get it. After solving the incident caused by Lilithmon, Taiyi obtained the small world "Atlana" that Red Lotus Knightmon had repeatedly emphasized before. This is a world that can be completely owned by the core. Or customize the space.

Whether it is the season, the temperature, the environment can be changed at will... and the confidentiality is high, and it is also very safe. There is simply no place more suitable as your own residence than it!

Before Taiyi completely ended the crisis of World Tree, he would use this place as his base camp, but before that, he still had a lot of things to do.

"This can be our home, Tai."

Taiyi suddenly felt as if a mass of soft object was attached to him. The female evil beast intentionally rubbed against his body, put her arms around his waist with her hands forward, put her chin on Taiyi's shoulder, and stared at the thing in his hand with great interest. .

"I think so too."

Although Tai Yi felt that this was not good, for his body that was in urgent need of cultivation... the two soft lumps at the back of his head were as comfortable as a pillow.

"what are you doing?"

It's a pity that there are not only Taiyi and the female evil beast here, how can the heavenly female beast endure such a scene?Immediately came over, forcibly squeezed the female demon beast away with his body, but because the two of them were pulling each other, Taiyi was caught in the middle and couldn't move.

"Should you worry about this kind of problem? Your partner is Jiaer, why don't you go find her and stay with us?"

"Is there a possibility that Jia'er will also have a place in the new home?"

The female demon beast can still handle the heavenly female beast stably.

"Such a large space can be used at will. If you give full play to your imagination and transform it, it will not be a problem to create a paradise that only exists in fantasy. Isn't it enough for me and Jiaer?"

"...You guys, let me take it easy."

It took some effort for Tai to escape from the dangerous middle ground between the two of them.

"Let's go down first, Jia'er and everyone are waiting for us."

"Okay, Taichi~"

They answered sweetly at the same time, as if the quarrel just now had never existed.

Although the two of them are still the same as before, one thing is certain... that is, the two of them are already undisputed partners, and even have a "better" relationship than other people, because they can realize the evolution of the joint exhibition. The most important prerequisite for two Digimons is to be connected with each other and to trust each other absolutely.

Jiaer doesn't know why, but seeing the sky

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The female beast and the female evil beast supported Taiyi back to the ground, seeing that the doomsday dark and hopeless sky regained its previous tranquility and clearness due to the arrival of the Lilith beast, she shed tears unconsciously and could not stop.

Only now did she finally understand why the Tiannv beast and the beetle beasts in this world trusted her brother so much, because he was a well-deserved savior, and the brother who bears this burden... has always been with such and such a cruel Digimon battle, he is really hard.

The female evil beast saw Jiaer who couldn't help wiping her tears on the ground, so she stopped Taiyi who was about to go up to comfort her, turned around and fell towards Jiaer, and embraced the little girl in her arms, with a look on her face love.

For her, Jiaer is also her real salvation, which is different from Taiyi, because perhaps Jiaer is the only human in this world who has no other purpose and simply wants to save her.

Looking at this scene, Taiyi felt warm in his heart, as if he had watched the flawed girls grow and transform with his own eyes, and he also gained a lot from it.

"How does it feel to kill the person you've always hated the most?"

He looked at the Celestial Beast standing beside him and asked with a smile.

"...Nothing special. All my unhappiness towards her was released in that punch."

Tiannv Beast didn't express her feelings as excitedly as Tai Yi expected, but just stood there silently looking at Lilith Beast and Jia'er, and at the surrounding land where some dark energy still remained.

"Although personally speaking, I don't really want Taiyi to have another partner, but I don't really hate her now."

"I hope that her current dream will never fade away, that her old obsessions will never return with that Lilith beast, that darkness and despair will never harm this land again, and that the bond between Digimon and humans Stay forever, and may justice always favor those lives who yearn for a better future.”

She may have changed her speech because she read too many messy books, but this is indeed the first time, in Taichi's eyes, the Celestial Beast has become a little strange.

Yes, because this kind of words don't seem to be spoken by the celestial female beast that Taiyi is familiar with, and she seems to have some special "divinity" at this time, but Taiyi doesn't know if he used the words improperly.

"Let's have a good rest, and we have to check this side thoroughly later."

Taiyi sighed, he can't go back for the time being, because such a large piece of land may have many, many dark fragments left by the Lilith beast buried in the ground, if they are not cleaned up, it will lead to disaster sooner or later Yes, for example, if a certain Digimon passes by here, it is suddenly attracted by this energy and then triggers a series of mutations.

For a moment, for a lifetime, facing the wreckage of the Seven Great Demon Kings, Tai Yi is not qualified to take it lightly.



After finishing the battle here and cleaning up the battlefield, Taiyi also returned to the real world with Jiaer and Tennyumon.

Although Lilith Beast really wanted to stay here with Taiyi, it was too crowded to live with four people, so he had no choice but to give up... However, Taiyi's new home plan is also on the way, but because of a sudden arrival Zhang is seriously ill, how to customize from scratch is not a small problem, and Taiyi will soon have to face that exam and university admission.

Although many things have happened recently, Taiyi still decided to pass that test first. In the real world, he can't give up no matter what. At the same time, he will arrange the new home plan and hand it over to Tiannv and Huaxian. Responsible.

"Taiyi, I have something to tell you."

After sending Jia Er home, Tai Yi had just left and was walking alone on the path when the little black cat he had sent away chased after him.

Under the night, the Heidilu beast almost merged with the night completely, only the golden eyes could be seen emitting fluorescence.

"It's something that other people can't hear. It's about your partner, Sister Tiannv."

"...I'm all ears."

Chapter 300, Chapter 290, "Venus Beast"

Taiyi bent down and inserted his hands into Heidilu Beast's armpits, picked her up and put her on his shoulders, with his hands in his pockets, he walked forward easily.

She told Taiyi a lot, about the stories before the World Tree became abnormal, but what Taiyi wanted to hear was not these, but about the past of the Celestial Girl Beast. Although Taiyi didn't care about these past stories, he also liked them. Curious, I want to know which kind of fairy the former Celestial Beast is, to have such an outstanding talent.

Heidi Road Beast sits firmly on Taiyi's shoulders. Following the boy's pace, she sways her small body gently, and slowly begins to recall her own memories. Taiyi leads her to walk on the street at night with flashing neon lights, intentionally going around It's a long way, and I want to hear more from her.

"I have only heard about these things. After all, I have only lived for 100 years."

"I just heard that before the formation of the current world tree order, the world was guarded by the 'twelve gods', but that was a very, very long time ago, and Tai Yi might not have been born until then... ..."

Heidilmon talked about what Taichi wanted to hear.

"Is it like our BC?"

"That's right ~ B.C., and the World Tree is equivalent to the Jesus of the digital world. After having it, we have the world we have today. That's at least a story from a thousand years ago."


this concept, which

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