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I'm afraid it's too illusory for Taiyi's two lifetimes of human beings. After all, he is just an ordinary human with a lifespan of only a few decades, and in the real world, he only spent about 18 years of his life. The digital world has already spanned a thousand years. Thinking about it, there is really a feeling of vicissitudes and changing things.

——In this way, Lilithmon should not be very old according to the real world calculation... But it can't be counted like this, after all, she has indeed spent a real 100 years.

"Does this have anything to do with the Celestial Beast?"

"I haven't heard much about the Twelve Gods, but times will change with time, just like the real world 100 years ago is very different from now, but I know that they must have experienced something, It fell apart, and finally our world ushered in the world tree, with the current order."

"So, to you, they are just a story."

When passing by a restaurant, a girl in a doll costume stuffed a piece of advertising paper into Taichi’s hand. Just looking at her exposed, sweaty forehead, she could see that she was working hard. She wanted to go straight away. Taiyi lost, because she didn't want to disappoint her, so she accepted the flyer anyway.

"Yes, it's just a story. I'm not even interested in knowing it. It's just that many years ago, in the war against the three angels, I was fortunate enough to participate in the ambush of the holy goddess beast, and finally wounded her and forced her into the human body. world."

"Is there still this?"

He had been to the human world before, but Taichi felt something was wrong about it.

He still remembers that before he met Digimon, Taichi's memory was already very blurred at that time... But this kind of blurring is not the kind of thing that happened for too long and the memory became disordered, because many children Taiyi still remembers the events of the era, and that incident, as if he was deliberately crushed by something, all he knows is that he met Rollermon, Rollermon turned into Agumon, and finally sent him to Back to the digital world.

It was just a small thing that happened in one day, unrealistic like a dream, but Jiaer and Koziro said that what they saw when they were young was not a dinosaur, but an angel.

"Yeah, but I didn't chase after the human world, because the royal knights were very afraid of such things at that time. Even if we were the Seven Great Demon Kings, we couldn't make trouble in the human world, otherwise we would be punished by the royal knights." The youngest one... I think about his name, oh yes! Jessmon! He will be his target."

"Although we have so many demon kings who are not afraid of him alone, if we dare to hurt the royal knights, we may face more than two-digit royal knights. Those guys eat public food every day and have nothing to do, so we can't provoke them casually. "

"You are not afraid of being heard by them. Don't forget that I always carry those books with me."

Speaking of this, Heidilu Beast shook its paws angrily. After all, it was those thirteen scary names that gave her the greatest sense of insecurity over the years, but now even if she knew that Taiyi had three "Books of Knights" on her body. She is not afraid of being heard by those three guys.

"Just like I said, those disputes between us are just a story. Now I rely on Jiaer to evolve into a perfect body, and don't even think about the ultimate body. They... can only cling to On you, without your authority, they don’t even have the chance to show up, we are all people and things in the past, now, it’s you and Sister Tiannv, it’s your era.”

"One day, I too will become a story."

Taiyi stopped in front of the traffic lights on the sidewalk and waited quietly, expressing his feelings.

There are a few girls in JK uniforms watching him secretly, maybe they are guessing what kind of cat this guy has. After all, the black and purple color scheme is quite rare.

"Wouldn't that be nice? Because we're all in this story."

"Taiyi, you can't always be the savior and always wipe other people's asses. Now that you are young, you will understand in the future. In fact, just a very small, but very important part of life. Most of the time , are still those ordinary, same-size-fits-all daily life, especially life in the digital world, so many years have passed without paying attention.”

"Huh... I am also looking forward to the day when all the battles will end."

Tai Yi imagined such a beautiful picture, but felt a little unrealistic, after all, he still had some way to go.

The red light is over, Taiyi continues to move forward, and Heidilumon continues to wag its tail and tell its own story.

"Although we didn't dare to go, the ultimate monster still went to the real world without authorization to kill her, but in the end...the ultimate monster didn't come back, and the holy goddess beast disappeared. It seems that something happened in the human world that caused them to die. In the end, we will die together."

"You suspect that my Celestial Beast was actually one of the three great angels, the Holy Celestial Beast? But Digimon, there should be no so-called reincarnation, right?"

Taichi understood her meaning immediately.

"It's true, it's something written in human mythology, but... when the world tree was normal, we did return to the world tree after death, and then turned into digital eggs again and came to the world from the founding village to start the next life. For god-level Digimon, some things can never be erased."

"The reason why I make such a conclusion is because I once fought against the sacred female beast. The strength she showed at that time and the way she fought made us miserable. From the very beginning when I saw her

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, I have a sense of déjà vu... Taiyi, that guy, is also a holy celestial beast who is very good at using weapons to fight, and he is completely different from the other two archangels. "

"I understand."

Perhaps, what I encountered back then was the sacred female beast that fled to the real world, but for some reason, my memory was messed up, but Jiaer and the others did not, perhaps because they did not get in touch with the core of the whole thing Bar.

Then, after a series of chaotic reincarnations, the holy goddess beast who died there finally came to that digital world, became the chosen Tailumon, and finally reunited with herself.

It's quite a romantic story. It turned out that it was not an undecided encounter, but a destined reunion.

"But what does this have to do with the twelve gods you mentioned? Isn't this just a few decades ago?"

It's strange to say that what happened decades ago is only about ten years ago in Taiyi. According to this time ratio, how can the digital world survive a thousand years? ...Forget it, there is no need to be so clear about the time of Digimon.

"Because we found out later."

Heidilumon finally said what Taiyi had always wanted to know.

"The reason why the sacred female beast is so powerful is because she is most likely to be the defender of order before the World Tree era-the goddess of love, one of the twelve gods, 'Venus beast'."

It seems to be very right, and it seems that something is not right.

Chapter 301 Chapter 290 Five About Love and Desire

Venus Beast is the kind of god who conveys love and beauty with kindness and her own charm. No matter how powerful she is and her passion for fighting, she is not suitable for this setting, let alone always hot-tempered. , careless Celestial Beast... Taiyi really has no way to link these two Digimon together.

Unless, that Venus beast is also like her, a master who likes to talk with his fists. On the surface, he is a "god of love", but in fact he is the god of war.

"Taiyi, I actually thought so too."

At this moment, the voice of the Red Lotus Knight Beast came from his mind.

"I wanted to tell you the first time I saw her, but I... I didn't know how to say it, and I didn't have evidence. If I said something wrong, it might destroy the relationship between you. I'm sure, she is That great holy celestial beast."

His voice was very affirmative.

"For a long time, you have had a fortune that exceeds that of ordinary people. Every Digimon gathered around you has extraordinary power. This is because you are born with more burdens than ordinary people. Now, Taiyi, you have embarked on a path. There is no way back for a hero, and I also believe that there will be more and more powerful Digimon like me, Golden Armored Dragon Beast, Skull Beast and even Lust Demon King gathered around you."

"At the end of this road, whether it is success or failure, we will never abandon you, Taiyi, so please relax and continue to walk boldly."

The Digimon in that world seem to believe in the so-called destiny. They believe that every Digimon born in this world has been designed by the gods in advance with its own trajectory, just like a developer who develops a program must have himself Some programs have the same purpose, some programs are for management, some are for defense, and some are for operation... Therefore, they also feel that Taiyi is the trigger that can start a new era.

"Why are you in a daze? Taiyi, don't you feel anything?"

Suddenly, Heidilu Beast's little cotton paw patted his cheek.

"Oh~ quite surprised, but also reasonable."

"Hey Hey hey."

Heidi Lushou looked at the young man who suddenly came back from the sluggishness, and saw his abnormal appearance of being dumbfounded and unresponsive...suddenly realized.

"Could it be that, after hearing that the Celestial Maid Beast has other forms, your heart starts to stir again?"

"? Are you sick? Am I such a perverted man in your eyes?"

Taiyi was very speechless... He used to think that Tiannv Beast was always making naughty jokes with him in private, it was impolite, it seemed that she was slutty, but now compared to Heidi Lu Beast, it is still a little bit worse.

"Why not? In fact, the Venus beast is called the 'God of Love' and the 'God of Beauty'. Her name is derived from the real world, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty in Greek mythology... so you can probably imagine that Tai One, It is not an exaggeration to put all the imaginations about "beauty" in your mind on the Venus beast, how about it? Have you already reacted?"

Heidilumon smiled evilly, and even had time to sneak a peek at Taichi's pants.

"It's pure beauty, not something nasty."

"? Shouldn't the more beautiful you have the more desire to defile?"

Unknowingly, the topic shifted to a strange place.

And Taiyi didn't think about bringing Heidilou home, but went around the city to send her back to Jiaer.

"That's still a different nature. Pure beauty will give me the urge to fall in love with her, but that kind of coquettishness will only give me evil thoughts and desires."

Taiyi explained seriously.

"? Are you scolding me?"

Although he didn't say a single word about himself, Heidi Lumon felt that every word was a knife pierced in his face.

"Don't take your seat by number."

"Yes, yes~ Your Celestial Beast is an angel who combines truth, goodness and beauty~ You can't help but fall in love with her, but like me, she is a succubus who has nothing but coquettishness~ She has nothing but to vent your emotions~"

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Heidilu Beast said sourly, and even jumped off Taiyi's shoulder on purpose, and walked forward quickly with four claws, as if he didn't want to pay attention to him anymore.

"If you really want to do this, I won't give you any freedom, how about letting you get into it yourself with a book?" Tai Yi knew that she was just joking and wasn't really angry, so he was happy to play with her like this.

"Whenever I need it, I'll let you out to vent, and then lock you in. It's convenient, so you won't be nagging me every day."

"……you dare!"

Now, Heidi Lushou seemed to be really angry. After all, she was once a sinful devil. If she was really treated like this, all her dreams would be wishful thinking.

"I abandoned everything I had because I believed in you. I spent so much effort to get rid of World Tree just to stay by your side, but you treat me like this?"

To be honest, she imagined if Taiyi was really a scumbag and treated herself as he said... She couldn't imagine how desperate she would be now.

"So of course I have feelings for you, and I love you too, Lilithmon, don't say such things in the future."

"Oh? Why don't I really believe it." Heidilu Beast stopped, turned around and looked up at Taiyi with a light smile. "My feelings for you are all belated. After thinking for a long time, I decided to attach myself to you. Haven't you always been suspicious and suspicious of me?"

"Probably because you are not the kind of woman I imagined. At the moment you died, I could feel that there was indeed some kind of constant emotion between us... Although this kind of words are a bit strange."

Taiyi sighed, and continued to stride forward with his head down, and Heidilou was obediently walking beside his legs.

"Don't talk about it, I don't like to talk about this kind of issue, it's sour and fake."

"Yeah, I don't like it either, so let's get real."

Taiyi didn't care about her answer, but suddenly the cat at his feet erupted with some familiar evolutionary energy, Taiyi couldn't help but stop where he was, watching Heidilu beast suddenly evolve into a female evil beast.

The street was an uphill path, and there were no pedestrians nearby, so it was no problem for her to do so.

The witch raised her head under the light moonlight, her silver hair fell down like a waterfall, her pale skin showed an inhuman waxy white and mysterious beauty under the influence of the moonlight, just like when she first met her, she was wearing tight and elegant clothes The particularly incomplete tight leather jacket, his eyes are scarlet like blood, his lips are slightly raised, and he always has an expression of being able to grasp everything with precision.

"Come here, Taichi."

She touched Taiyi's face first, her fingers were soft as if she was stroking something precious and fragile, then she took his hand and walked into the small woods beside the road, and then pressed Taiyi against the backlit wall with some strength Then, without waiting for Taiyi to react, he forcefully stepped forward and kissed the boy's lips.

Taiyi felt that his brain was heating up rapidly, and his sanity was passing away little by little. The female evil beast let out a sigh of relief, her forehead was pressed against Taiyi's forehead. Neither of them spoke, and they just looked at each other at a distance of just a few feet... Looking at Tai Yi's bloodstone pupils, he couldn't think of anything at this time, and he couldn't think about anything.

"I guess you haven't tried it on this kind of occasion, right? Taichi... But don't wait too long, it will be bad if someone sees you."

She smiled coquettishly.

Chapter 302 Chapter 290 Six We Are Still Friends

After returning home, Taiyi took off his clothes and took a shower, then lay on the bed and fell asleep, as if his body had been hollowed out.

Although Tiannvshou felt that something was wrong, she was immersed in the big project of designing a "paradise-like home" for herself and Taiyi, so she didn't care about it.

So it came to the next day... Today is the day when Liu Ji is going home. After all, she can't stay here all the time. As Taiyi is about to start school, of course she has to be more anxious, so she doesn't have much time Continue to stay.

All in all, it is still simple for everyone to get together to have a big meal, and the place is chosen at Meimei's house. This time, Taiyi intends to thoroughly announce his next plan to everyone, hoping that they can help him to complete the ultimate goal as soon as possible.

He came earlier, and as soon as the flower fairy beast came in, he started chatting with the lotus beast. Excluding the fact that she used to be the king flower beast, the two of them got along very well, and the lotus beast was like a little sister in front of her. Let the flower fairy beast have a long-lost... the pleasure of finding a new toy.

Taiyi thought that Meimei would go to a nearby big restaurant to buy some things and come back to deal with them casually. After all, this is not a meeting, but simply to say goodbye to Liu Ji, so that everyone can get to know each other and consolidate the partnership.

Unexpectedly, she started to work in the kitchen by herself, washing vegetables and holding knives, so Tai Yi quickly got up and went to help her.

"Meimei, let me help you."

"No need, Taichi! You are a guest! How can I let you come?"

The girl in the apron with her pink hair tied up in a high braid turned around, trying to drive Taichi out of the kitchen.

"...Don't do this, I'm not used to it."


As soon as these words came out, Meimei's brows and eyes, which were quite happy at first, frowned.

"What do you mean? Do you think I can't cook?"

"No... You have always been that kind of young lady image, why did you suddenly do such a thing?"

"Hmph." Meimei knew that she was underestimated, and in this man's heart, she was still the same as before.

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That dainty little girl. "Don't look down on people, Taiyi, I spent these years abroad, and my time in the digital world was not in vain."

"Then I can help, right?"

"...Okay, but I have to cook these dishes myself, and you are responsible for cleaning them!"

It is really hard to imagine that Meimei can cook, but she is indeed no longer the princess sick girl that she has her own stereotype. Taiyi is willing to accept her and enjoys helping her together.

While working like this, I can hear the cheerful and pleasant laughter of the girls in the living room. This kind of comfort that cannot be described in words is actually a great happiness.

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