
Tai Yi knew all about this, but he wasn't worried because Su Na was not such a fragile girl.

"It's almost ready. In fact, this matter is like drawing with a digital board. I can finish it soon after I prepare."

"By the way, Su Na, don't forget to tell me the style of your home that you want."

"Well, don't worry, Taiyi, what you should worry about is whether you can restore it for me... After all, I am very picky."

Taiyi’s plan is to make the big world first, then arrange the residences of each member in it, and then slowly customize their private areas according to their own preferences. In theory, this small world with endless fun wants to be made There is no problem with anything, so Tai Yi is equivalent to giving the members of this organization a first villa for each young man.

"Then I am very interested."

"Haha, just kidding, Taiyi, don't take it seriously, then I'll hang up first, my mother is calling me."

Su Na ended the call with laughter, Tai Yi also put down the phone, and let out a long sigh while lying on the bed.

He has completely settled a concern this time, and now he feels like the light-weight feeling he felt after his first college entrance examination many, many years ago, like a person who has wandered in the wilderness for many days and finally returns. When you are at home, you feel good about everything around you, even the most annoying mosquitoes become cute.

The matter of Lilith Beast was resolved, and he got the inheritance of two royal knights, and passed the university entrance exam.

For this reason, Tai was very excited for 5 minutes, stared at the ceiling on the bed and smiled foolishly, and then calmed down quickly.

The more you have to stay tense at this time, the only useful experience he has gained after living for so many years is to keep himself vigilant at all times and maintain a sense of crisis. When the danger is more dangerous, it must be the most proud time.


At this time, Tiannvshou who was sitting at Taiyi's learning desk suddenly sighed, and then lay down on the desk as if she had lost all her strength.

Her long blond hair was messy and casually scattered on her snow-white smooth shoulders, the sling of the small vest slipped down on the side of her arm, her light blue eyes were dotted with slender eyelashes, and her eyes were lifeless.

"what happened?"

Tai Yi walked up to her side, stretched out the back of his hand to rub her cheek as smooth as egg white.

Tiannv Beast's eyes gradually came back, and then she lay her pillow under her own arms, so that Tai Yi could better touch her face.

"It's not designing that new home, it's exhausting me."

"Tired? Is it more tiring than fighting the extremely evil Lilith beast?"

Tai felt a little out of order.

"At least it's more tiring than eating steak with her."

The Tiannv beast raised a smile, then grabbed Taiyi's hand that was attached to her face, and slowly returned to the normal sitting posture.

"Why? Does it take a lot of brains?"

"I don't know, I just...wanted to design a nice, vintage courtyard look, but for some reason, whenever I try to think back, I keep having weird images in my mind, some from the last time we were there The castles of the royal knights, but some, it seems that this is not the case..."

At this time, she gave Tai Yi a sense of déjà vu, as if she had become Jia Er. She just held her hands on her chest like this, and her sitting posture was also very girlish, very quiet, with her face drooping and a little uneasy, even a little Very cute, but the turbulent waves that the little vest couldn't handle at all made Tai Yi just have an illusion.

"Sometimes, I still have nightmares, dreaming of scenes that I have never seen before, which is really strange."

"You've worked hard, Celestial Beast."

Mrs. Tai took her hand away from her, and placed it on her head, stroking her blonde hair lightly.

"Don't think too much, just rest when you're tired."


Tiannvmon didn't think too much about it, she wasn't that good at thinking Digimon, and even regarded Taiyi as her external brain for a long time.

She sighed, and then she seemed to have thrown away all the unhappiness that bothered her, stood up with a smile on her face, and then hugged Taiyi, and the two of them fell down on the big bed behind them like this, and then looked like It was to tease him on purpose, the little hands of Tiannv Beast were not very honest, and deliberately attacked Tai Yi's very sensitive itchy flesh, making the boy cry and laugh for a while, and the sheets were messed up.

In return, Taiyi also launched a tickling attack on her body, laughing and laughing, as usual in this small home again.

——Fortunately, Huaxianshou went out to line up in order to grab today's limited merchandise, otherwise she would be ridiculed again.

"I'm going to move to a new place soon, but to be honest, Taiyi, I'm not willing to be here."

After the fuss was over, Tiannv Beast calmed down, lay down beside Tai Yi and looked at the ceiling, showing some reluctance.

There are too many unforgettable memories of her here, the bits and pieces of being with Taiyi, and her transformation from an ignorant Digimon to the current Digimon veteran driver who can perfectly disguise as a human being. Most of the stories are in the Happened here.

The day she carried the mattress and the sofa upstairs, the night she and Taiyi stayed here for the first time, Taiyi went to school every day, she was restless at home, and even said nervously because of the old lady who came to pay the apartment management fee She can't speak... and the Christmas of exchanging gifts with Taiyi, those are all fond memories she will never forget.

But people always have to move forward, the old will not go,

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New ones are not coming.

"Although we can't afford to buy this house, we can recreate an identical one in that small world, so don't worry."

Chapter 305 Chapter [-] Knight Double Book, Small World Completed

On the first weekend holiday after becoming a college student, Taichi once again entered the small world of Atlanta.

Although the creator of this place is the mysterious and supreme World Tree, but now the old man can't take care of himself, and was sealed by the ghoul by the Alpha Beast, so of course his property belongs to Taiyi, and now Taiyi holds it like the Garden of Eden The apple-like golden control core manipulates the digital soul to float itself in this rewritten nothingness.

"It is said that the beginning of the world is chaos, and now it seems that it is true."

Tiannv Beast looked at the vast fog around it, and couldn't help feeling it.

"From order to chaos, and from chaos to order, and so on, this is the law of all things."

For some reason, Tai Yi thought of this sentence, and said it pretending to be profound.

"Even though I don't understand it, it looks amazing! Taichi!"

The Flower Fairy Beast excitedly threw two fists at the air in front of it.

Even if her Rose Beast form has the ability to create plant life, it will take time after all.

"Now, we are all going to rebuild the world together, and I want you to be ready."

"We are all fine, but you, Taiyi...can your body bear it?"

If you want to use the power of the core to change the world for the small world, you must obtain the authority of the world's double guardian knights. Like the previous Lilith beast, it is just using part of the power of the golden armored dragon beast to forcefully intervene. There is no chance of escape at all.

But now, if Taiyi wants to completely achieve a custom world as he likes, he needs to use full authority and follow the rule told him by the red lotus knight beast "Knights are in pairs, and the world opens".

"Don't worry, they are all partners and won't hurt me."

Taiyi nodded confidently, and then took out the dark gold and purple knight's book from his clothes with both hands.

Behind him are Beetle Beetle, Celestial Maiden Beast, and Flower Fairy Beast. They have already made preparations. According to the plan assigned by Taiyi, Beetle Beast will be responsible for setting up the firewall on the outermost layer of the entire world, and in that place. Afterwards, there were no less than ten defensive counterattack programs and various Digimon weapons, which were very simple for him who had devoted himself to researching various Digimon combinations.

Then, the flower fairy beast is responsible for the ecological construction of all things in nature after the whole world has changed from chaos to the creation of the world. In a word, it is to make the whole world more vibrant and more beautiful, and transform this death star into a livable planet.

In the end, Tiannv Beast will start to build her well-designed Heavenly Garden at the decided location, where Taiyi and everyone's base is located. The whole structure is intricate. Although she doesn't understand architecture, human architecture also knows There are no buildings that can float forever, so it is enough to arrange the space reasonably and beautifully.

And the premise of realizing these three steps is that Taiyi can become light and gather the power of the double wall of the golden armored dragon beast and the skull beast.

"If an accident happens, end it quickly, Taichi, I will watch over you."

Although Taiyi didn't care, Tiannv Beast was still very worried, because the power of the royal knights was too strong, it was too early for Taiyi to rashly accept the power of two people.

Tai injected his digital soul with both hands, and after unlocking the two books of knights, a miniature blue-skinned dragon wearing a golden armor and a miniature purple-skinned little knight turned their heads from the book. jump out.

"Should I come out for such a simple matter? Taiyi, you are too stupid."

The Skull Beast crossed its arms around its chest, still looking so proud, but it was so cute with its small three-headed body.

"Skull Beast, he hasn't used this thing before, we should teach him."

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast is friendly, he gave his old buddy a look, then flew up to Tai Yi, and told him very carefully.

"Remember, Taichi, you will feel very uncomfortable at first, but don't panic, and don't be nervous. The Skull Beast and I will look at you. If we can't hold it anymore, the Red Lotus Knight Beast will rescue you at any time."

"it is good."

Too nodded.

"After touching it, your consciousness will enter another space. You must remember that at that time, you are the creators of this world. Everything is at your fingertips. Just one thought can change the structure of the space and control the weather. , four seasons, flowers and trees, no matter how magnificent and great buildings will rise from the ground, and the vicissitudes of thousands of years are all in one thought."

"Anyway, I'll leave 'Atlana' to everyone."

Although it is not a battle, no matter who it is, it is very serious now. For them, this is also a difficult problem that must be overcome, and Tai Yi has already started to accumulate his own strength. I saw him holding the two books of knights again. After closing it and reopening it, the original three-headed little knight immediately returned to their original appearance, and the double figures of the golden armored dragon beast and the skull beast popped out from their respective books!

[Double knight volume! 】

The book made a sound at the same time.


Taiyi immediately felt as if his body was hit by a falling bookshelf,

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It was almost sunk, but still gritted its teeth and resisted the oppression of the two royal knights with willpower, and tried hard to suppress the golden and purple souls that wrapped around its body, and then control them.

It is true that he does not have the ability to evolve the double knights now, and there is no option for the joint exhibition of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast in the related settings, but he only needs to do this.

Maintaining the power of the knight double book, and then input this huge force into the golden core, a flash of white light flashed in an instant, Taiyi and everyone around were pulled into a magical space, and the surroundings were like pitch black Starless night sky.

Taiyi closed his eyes and imagined that he was in a dream. In his dream, no matter how absurd and unreasonable things could become reality, surrounded by the knight souls of the two colors, he was like a sea in the sea. Swimming fish, he imagined the appearance of the land, like a perfect drawing drawn in infinite acceleration.

Countless data overflowed from the void in all directions, and they reconstructed the surface of the earth, formed the vast and boundless structure of the earth, formed mountains and rivers, and the prototype of the world has been constructed, but now it is only the most basic model at best, Overlaid with blue grid lines like cyberspace, it is their task to turn it into a beautiful home.

Taiyi turned around and passed on the power of himself to his Digimons. Now each of them seems to be coated with a layer of silver film. Now Tiannvmon, Huaxianmon and Beetlemon all have Gained the ability to freely edit the world.

"Go ahead, remember what the Golden Armored Dragon Beast said just now, imagine yourself as the Creator, just let go and do it."

Taiyi worked hard to maintain this model. Now that he has finished all his work, he only needs to hand it over to the Celestial Beast.

They didn't say much, and they couldn't wait to move. The flower fairy beast evolved into a rose beast, dancing in the air, setting off thousands of roses, skimming the grid lines on the ground, and changing them into emerald green in an understatement The grass-colored land, the trees are rising from the ground, and hundreds of herbs and flowers are spread on the land. In the blink of an eye, the rough house is about to become a top villa.

Tiannv Beast is not as ostentatious as Rose Beast, she came to the pre-selected position, spread eight wings to stop in the air, spread her hands forward, the prototype of a multi-layered castle began to appear, and Beetle Beetle also evolved into the ultimate body, flew to the border of the sky, and began to fly around the world, pulling up a firewall.

—Our world... is about to be completed.


Chapter 307 Chapter [-] Female Digimon Pile Driver

It took nearly a day for Taiyi and the others to finally successfully shape the small world. The general appearance and world have been generated, which is roughly equivalent to the area of ​​a file island. As a world, it is basically miniature or even unworthy. It is a term like the world, but as a home, it has become the world's most luxurious and luxurious private island with a top courtyard, a real palace.

Although, it is only made of data, but in the universe with Digimon, data is everything.

Next, Taichi stayed busy in the small world of Atlanta for several consecutive days, mainly to fill up the floating castle built by Tiannvshou like a box garden world, and divide each space into its own area. , Arranging their respective residences, private spaces, and other necessary facilities, such as hot springs, gazebos, gardens, libraries, research rooms, and combat training grounds, are all in the charge of the female beast.

Of course, Taichi has basically been with her all the time, and the Beetlemon has also completed an all-round defense system. Once any outsider or Digimon tries to enter this world, it will cause an alarm signal from Taichi and the entire castle palace. There are various other security procedures. In short, he is very relieved to hand it over to Beetlemon. In addition, Koshiro also came to communicate with him yesterday.

"Koshiro really helped a lot."

Taiyi sat on a delicate and smooth wooden stool, only the lower half of his body was covered with a towel, his pale yellow skin was wet, emitting water vapor, and there was a hot spring shrouded in mist like a fairyland in front of him, the floor was so smooth that it could reflect light, A golden chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the water quality is crystal clear. A statue of a goddess is placed in all directions of the large pool, and hot spring water is continuously poured into it.

This kind of hot spring bath that he had only seen in movies before, like a myth or ancient palace nobles, has also been successfully realized in the small world.

He was finishing his day's work, and he was sitting here to rest for a while. Of course, there were his two companions in the hot spring in front, Tiannv Beast and Flower Fairy Beast.

"Taichi~ I feel that the relationship between the two of them is already better than you and Beetlemon."

A moist big rose appeared from the mist, accompanied by the sound of splashing water, a beautiful figure loomed in the water vapor, a woman with long blond hair and a flower hat came out of the hot spring, her body still There are many rose petals on it, which just cover up the key parts for her.

Tai Yi just looked at her like that without avoiding suspicion, anyway... There is nothing to be twitchy between old couples.

"Isn't that normal?"

Tai replied with a smile.

"Yesterday, Beetlemon told me that he had learned a lot of advanced knowledge about human society thanks to Koshiro's advice.

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In order to improve the firewall, in short, it must be no problem to entrust the two of them with security measures. "

"Hey, Taiyi, the house you built for Su Na was quite thoughtful."

Although the Rose Beast has become a Rose Beast, her words and deeds are still in the pattern of that Little Flower Fairy Beast.

She walked over and sat beside Tai Yi, a seed quickly sprouted and grew under her body, and immediately grew into a thick white flower, the pale yellow soft stamen just caught her.

The strength of the Rose Beast is also getting stronger and stronger, and it can already easily create plants out of thin air...It's a pity that she has no intention of training her fighting ability, otherwise, Taiyi might really help her develop a nirvana such as "Descent from the Tree World" .

"So Taichi, which girl will you choose?"

"? Why should I choose?"

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