Tai Yi tilted his neck and looked at her suspiciously.

"Do you want it all?"

"I don't need these things, I just have you."

He didn't know how to answer, so he had to say a more euphemistic and ambiguous statement, and lay down on her smooth and soft lap, a fragrance of flowers and plants wafted into his nostrils, the rose beast smiled, and stretched out his hand to caress the boy's face, She smiled dotingly as if caring for her own child.

"Oh~ Taiyi~ You are good at everything, but you are too insincere in this respect."

"Why am I being insincere?"

"You are so insincere. Both I and the Celestial Beast know what you want, but you don't have the courage. You have done so many things but you still act like an innocent boy... You are a human being, you You’ve just entered college, so you always have to choose.”


Tai Yi was lying on her knee pillow, obviously it was such a beautiful picture, but Tai Yi didn't even bother to count how many petals she had on her body.

"I know, but I don't want to hurt any of them, so I... I'd better choose to escape."

"The longer you escape, the more things you have to return, Taichi."

"It's okay, I should be able to withstand it."


The corner of Rose Beast's mouth twitched, as if a trick was in his heart, and then his little hand was suddenly very dishonest, along Taichi's leg and inserted into the bath towel around his waist, the boy who was not very happy at first immediately widened his eyes.


Taichi was about to say something, but Rosemon pressed his lips with his fingers.

"They all love you deeply, Taiyi, and it's not because they don't know anything about you. They all made this choice on the premise of knowing you. You should think about it."

"So, back to the question just now, if you really want to choose one... I will vote for Meimei!"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, Rose Beast, Meimei and I are over."

Taiyi thought of the inexplicable conversation at her home, none of them could speak clearly, but Taiyi felt that Meimei should give up completely from now on, and would no longer regard herself as a love object, but purely as a fellow A comrade in arms of one of the chosen children.


However, Rose Beast didn't think so, she suddenly bent down, pressed her plump and bulging peach on Taiyi's face, and then deliberately pressed it hard to rub it back and forth as if provoking him, making the boy's face flushed , I don't know if it's because of being suffocated or being hot from the hot spring, or some other reason.

"Whether to choose a beauty pageant or not! Hurry up and choose a beauty pageant!"

"Otherwise you don't want to breathe! Hehe~"

How could Taiyi bear this kind of stimulation? This is no joke, it is entirely possible to suffocate herself to death, she is a Digimon!Immediately, it took a lot of effort to push her face, which was considered a escape.

"Stop making trouble with the flower fairy beast! How can you force such a thing? If you like Meimei so much, why don't you choose her?"

"Alas." Rose Beast put its elbow on Taiyi's abdomen, held its chin and let out a melancholy sigh. "Who made me meet you first? This is fate. It turned me into what I am now. The former king of flower beasts and now the queen of flowers and plants had to sit with you in such a shameful posture. I have to bear the ravages of you and this thing every day."

While speaking, she waved her hand mischievously and slapped the thing in the towel.

"If you want to decide on a wife, I think Liu Ji is pretty good."

At this moment, Tiannv Beast, who was resting in the pool, also suddenly turned her head, looked at Tai Yi and said seriously.

This was unexpected to Tai Yi, because he still remembers the scene when she met Liu Ji before very clearly.

"Nonsense! If Taiyi marries her, he must be yelled around like a servant every day. What's the point?"

Rose Beast is the consistent beauty party.

"Because I think Liuji and Taiyi are a good match, and marrying Liuji is equivalent to marrying Yaohu Beast, and marrying Yaohu Beast is equivalent to marrying Shaguya Beast. Buy one get one free, and earn blood."

"We Meimei also has a lotus beast! Although the hat of the lotus beast is a bit ugly, but she is also super beautiful, okay? It is also the kind of sexy and mature figure that Taichi likes!"

"The Kesha Ancient Tooth Beast is silver-haired."

"Hiss... this... this is quite competitive."

Faced with such an outrageous and unreasonable speech, Rose Beast actually thought about it seriously, and took a breath to express its surprise.

"Saguyamon is also a very beautiful Digimon, and it is still silver-haired. If Lilithmon returns to the ultimate body in the future, no one will fill this gap~ Taichi, you must like that you can get a silver-haired Yuki skin

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Female Digimon as partners! "

"Yeah, he must have thought about it, he's thinking about it in his dreams, after all, it's a female Digimon pile driver."

The Celestial Beast smiled meaningfully.

"Puchi—what's that? Hahahaha, but it's so apt, hahahaha."

Rose Beast let out a loud and exaggerated laugh, as if it heard some great joke.

"It's decided! Taichi's nickname from now on will be 'Female Digimon Piledriver'!"

"You two are almost done."

It was the first time to be scolded and ridiculed by them like this, and Taichi's toes started to dig into the ground in embarrassment, maybe he could get out of the bath again.

But it happened to be that kind of situation again... He couldn't refute it, he had even tasted the taste of Sha Guya Beast, and there was even a Liu Ji in it, even he himself felt that it was a bit of a nickname to put on his head Not wronged.

Although the psychological aspect is very uncomfortable, but I can't find any reason to refute.

"Seriously, Taiyi, in fact, Liu Ji is a very good girl. She has always been thinking about you. Although I have no evidence, I think...the reason why she continues to be a beast trainer is not for the sake of you. The so-called dream of always taking risks is for you."

"Impossible, Celestial Beast, you don't know her. Liu Ji is different from others. She is the kind of character who enjoys challenges and difficulties. How could she do it for me?"

"I don't know Ruki, but I know girls."

Tiannv Beast also came out of the pool, and slowly walked towards Taiyi and Rose Beast, the water dripped down on her body, and the smooth mirror-like floor even reflected her current appearance like the water surface.

"Taiyi, she knows that you have to do many dangerous things, but because she doesn't want to lose you, she took the initiative to leave her safe world and come to join us."

"You will understand this in the future."



After leaving the hot spring bath, Taiyi and the others went back to a big bed room in the castle designed by the celestial maiden, and wasted a lot of time... Then, three days later, Taiyi finally completed the base He can finally call everyone over to announce the good news.

"It's a stunning view. If this small world can be integrated into other digital worlds in the future, it's completely fine to use it directly as a pilgrimage shrine."

The Bhikkhu looked down and into the distance from the edge of the entire floating island, expressing some emotion.

According to Taiyi's idea, what surrounds this land is no longer the vast ocean, but the endless sky... But this is just a visual effect, in fact, the edge of the world is not too far away from here, and a certain degree of safety is maintained At the same time, there are countless defensive weapons carefully developed by Beetlemon and Koshiro hidden in these seemingly ordinary skies and clouds.

Yes, many people may have a sea view room, but this real sky garden may be the only one.

"Hey... It would be great if Agumon was here too. I also prepared a combat training ground for him that he likes, which can simulate all the ultimate Digimon I have seen."

"I don't know where he went, but if he is in trouble, he can notify me at any time, so Taichi, don't worry, I think he may have gone to another world to have fun."

The beetle beast flew over and agreed.

"Well, I don't worry if you look at me."

At this moment, a circular portal opened not far from them, on a platform close to the border of the island. Under the guidance of the flower fairy beast, all the current members of 'Atlana' have also been in place, Meimei And Lianhua Beast, Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast, Guang Zilang, Su Na, Jia Er and Heidi Lu Beast.

Taiyi greeted everyone with a smile, and then led them to visit along the way. He held the golden core sphere in his hand, and could use it to change the seasons and weather of the sky around the island at any time... Sometimes it was clear to cloudless , Sometimes the clouds are thick and the cool breeze is blowing. Taiyi also plans to add some Digimon in the future, so that they can live here safely, and it can also add a little more life to this world.

There is no need to worry about the occupied area, because the island designed by Tiannvmon has a layered structure... a bit like Chuangjie Mountain, but the difference is that there are many roads between each layer that can be connected, and the elevators are distributed. Very evenly, only Taiyi himself can use these elevators at present, he can turn other empty layers into desert world, forest world, science world and ocean world.

After walking around outside for many times, they finally came to the conference hall, which is also divided into two floors. The first floor is a large conference hall with many luxurious chairs around the big round table, and there are materials stored on the wall. There are bookshelves, decorations such as vases or Digizoid weapons, a huge projection screen in the middle, and a bar counter in the corner.

"There is a bar, Lilith Beast. From now on, it will be your work area. Don't you like bartending? But we also have minors here. I suggest you learn to make other non-alcoholic drinks."

"It's really convincing, Taiyi, is that why you want me to join you so much?"

The elegant little black cat wriggled and walked towards the bar over there, and began to study the drinks on the shelf.

To her, this kind of thing is just a child's toy, just like playing with building blocks when she was a child. If the wine made is delicious and has a unique taste, it will be a great sense of accomplishment.

"It's for this dish of vinegar

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Wrapped dumplings. "

Taichi also jokingly replied.

"Hey~ let's talk about the business, Taiyi, didn't you say that you have the first important task to be assigned soon?"

Heidi Lumon put down these toys and looked at Taiyi seriously.

"Well... Then everyone, please sit down in order, and let me tell you about our next exploration and combat missions."

Chapter 308 Chapter 4 Just Want to Hug You ([-]K)

"First of all... everyone, I may be away for a while."

Tai Yi announced his next course of action to everyone.

"Where are you going, Taichi? Are you going to be a firefighter again?"

Liu Ji immediately had an opinion.

Although there is a very beautiful and serious conference round table and chairs that look very high-end, Liu Ji still sat on the table with half of her buttocks crossed, her hands crossed her chest, and she was wearing her old coat. Frowning, he looked at Taiyi seriously.

"No, it's an investigation."

Taiyi wanted to tell her the truth, but suddenly he thought of what Tiannvshou told him before, that Liu Ji may care more about him than he imagined... So in order to avoid unnecessary disputes in the future, he still does not He changed his mouth visibly.

"Because when I was dealing with the cranial beast incident, the little girl I met from another world, Izumi Orimoto, told me that there is a high probability of royal knights in their world."

"And everyone should also know that I...my biggest purpose is to save a series of chain crises caused by the conflict between World Tree and Alphamon that belong to this original digital world, so in order to complete this goal, I need to collect more The power of many royal knights."

"So, Taichi, you... are going to fight those scary guys again?"

Meimei doesn't support his approach either, but she probably understands that although they object, they can't change Taiyi's mind.

"It's not necessary to fight, just to do a simple investigation, because the Royal Knights do not exist in more than one world, maybe they are not the two I'm looking for.... In short, my purpose this time is just to investigate. "

"But Taiyi, isn't it too risky for you to go by yourself?"

Although Su Na doesn't understand, but he knows that last time Taiyi suffered a lot in another world alone, if she also has a Digimon partner now, she would not hesitate to propose to be with Taiyi as a companion, but she is just an ordinary person now. People, even if they follow Tai Yi, it will only add to his burden.

"It's okay, I will let the flower fairy beast accompany me."

Taiyi smiled and looked at Huaxian Beast, she was stunned.

"? Isn't it me?"

The Celestial Beast, who was sitting there listening all the time, couldn't sit still.

"Isn't it me?"

Standing on the table in front of Jiaer, Heidi Lushou also smiled and said.

"I think it's better for me to go with Taiyi, after all, I and the fox beast are two people."

Liu Ji analyzed very rationally.

"No, no, no matter how you think about it, I should go..."

"Don't make noise, don't make noise."

Taiyi patted the table to signal everyone to be quiet.

"I have already decided, everyone, that the Flower Fairy Beast will accompany me, and during this period of time, the Beetle Beast will activate a device. I hope that everyone can also take action and go to other worlds for investigation and rescue missions... After all, we now shoulder a lot of responsibilities, which can not only help the lives of other worlds, but also a good opportunity to exercise your strength."

Taiyi's decision was already told to everyone when she sent Liu Ji back, so everyone didn't have any opinions, especially Liu Ji, who was already eager to try. After returning, she also planned to make this event held by Tai Yi Tell Qiren, Jianliang and Qiushan Liao to mobilize them to help.

But... this kind of effort is thankless, relying purely on love to generate electricity, and risking their lives to act, it's a bit dragging people into the water to mislead their children, so Liu Ji doesn't want to use their righteousness to do these things, she must voluntarily That's good, so at most, in my own capacity, entrust them with some simple favors.

"Don't worry about safety. Anyway, everything is based on investigation. If you encounter danger, Beetlemon and Koshiro will lock your coordinates and open the portal leading to here. If you cannot get out in an emergency, then in the base The Celestial Beasts on standby will be dispatched to support... No matter when and where, there will be a top-level combat force on standby in our base."

"So Tiannv Beast, when I'm not around, all this depends on you."

"...I know, Taiyi, but you have to be careful."

"If the Celestial Beast can support us at any time, it will be a great sense of security!"

Meimei couldn't help clapping her hands after hearing the news, and looked expectantly at the blond angel sitting on her right.

"I will do my best to complete this work, Taichi, and everyone, please rest assured."

Tiannv Beast also understood very well, and stood up to express her attitude.

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