"Then get to work, everyone."

Even if all of them understand that the so-called simple "investigation" in Taiyi's mouth is definitely not as simple as he said, because if it is really that simple, he can let others go, because Taiyi is the leader, he always He will entrust the most dangerous tasks to himself.

However, they also knew that Tai Yi would not listen to persuasion, so there was no need to quarrel at such a time, as long as he obeyed his wishes.


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, Take out that big map. "

Taiyi stood up, turned around and waved to Koshiro and Beetlemon who were standing on the second floor of the high platform. They nodded immediately, and then began to manipulate the instrument in front of them. A huge map was projected to the back. It is a small map in the game, with blue circles representing different worlds, and within the observable range, other dotted circles can also be found.

"Everyone, please see."

After Koshiro and Taiyi confirmed their eyes, they started their speech. The serious posture was very similar to the excellent PPT speech he gave to everyone in the computer class before. The general content is to explain. The golden circle represents their At the same time, the original world was also intimately marked with a red no-entry sign, which means that it cannot be entered now.

The small green circle around the gold circle represents the little world they are in.

"Although the original world is closed, the small world we live in is still safe. The relationship between them is like the earth and the moon. Now, the earth is surrounded by a huge protective wall, so the ultimate goal of all of us is to save This 'Earth', the digital world that saves us all."

Koshiro gave a very comfortable explanation, which not only explained the various situations marked on this map, but also effectively boosted everyone's morale, explaining that if the world continues to be in this state, it will lead to other problems. Many neighboring worlds generate anomalies, and eventually the consequences of this backlog feed back into the real world we live in, sooner or later.

"This is where Tai Yi will go next."

The light pen in Koshiro's hand hit a circle that was a little far away.

Just like some strategic games with the background of the cosmic starry sky, after he clicked, the circle was enlarged and turned into a blurred picture, and the digital world similar to the earth in the picture had become incomplete. , like an old globe that was bumped and pitted, Meimei and the others took a deep breath.

"There's even a picture... Where is the lens placed?"

Su Na asked in surprise.

"It's a telescope, Su Na. Just like the Hubble telescope, it is placed on the border of this world and can be explored in parallel time and space. It's just that there is a certain delay in the returned pictures, but it's not as exaggerated as an astronomical telescope."

"It's amazing...like the universe."

Su Na sighed, she felt more and more that these maps and worlds were like thumbnails of galaxies in the universe.

"Pause for a moment, hey Taiyi! After growing into this bird-like world, you actually said you were just going to 'investigate'?"

Liu Ji stared at him, frowning deeply, as if very angry.

"It really doesn't matter, there are already chosen children in their world, and it's only a matter of time before they are saved, but what I care about is that those children will be disturbed by outsiders from our world."

"I'm really just going to have a look... Let's not talk about my problem, Koshiro, turn the page quickly."

If I had known it earlier, I would have explained to Koshiro in advance to tell him not to open the real shot screen casually...but it was harmless. Afterwards, Kokoro introduced the situation in other worlds to everyone, and briefly introduced the pictures observed by that telescope equipment. Check out the situation in other worlds, including several worlds that have problems and need to conduct investigation tasks, and these are the places where Liu Ji and the others will go next.

"In short, everyone should trust your companions and report the situation to the headquarters in a timely manner. Our goal is not to defeat the enemy but to investigate the situation. For example, what level of Digimon is the biggest hostile force? Is there any military force? Is there any local resistance? Military strength and so on."

"Then, make some preparations and leave in an hour!"



Taiyi pushed open the door and entered the room of Flower Fairy Beast.

The area he lives in is connected to the home of Tiannv Beast and Flower Fairy Beast. Of course, as long as he thinks about it, he can reach any corner of the world at any time. After all, the control core is in his hands.

But Taichi will not absorb the data of this world like the extremely evil Lilithmon, which will cause the small world to become as bumpy as the world of "Digimon Infinite Zone" where Izumi Orimoto is located, lacking one piece and one piece, and He doesn't need this kind of thing at all.

"What? Are you nervous?"

The Flower Fairy Beast seemed to be in a panic, and turned around with a jerk, only to breathe a sigh of relief when it saw Tai Yi.

"No, Taiyi, I'm just... a little uneasy for the first time. I'm actually asked to be responsible for your safety. I'm obviously so weak..."

"Don't talk nonsense, you are not weak, Huaxianshou, I promised you before, so of course I won't break my promise, and I also have those guys helping me, don't be nervous, just treat this as a difficult game Just the game."

Tai hugged her with both hands and smiled reassuringly.

"But Taiyi, I really..."

"I'm not afraid of your anger, Flower Fairy Beast, but if there is no Tiannv Beast behind me, I really dare not let everyone take risks in other worlds easily, so... I hope you can understand, if you really don't want to go, I will It won't be forced."

Compared with the Celestial Beast who has always been by Taiyi's side, the Flower Fairy Beast is so petite and exquisite. She is like a cute little flower that I still feel sorry for. When you are in danger, you only want to take care of her instead of letting her face it. Meet...but she is always Taiyi's partner. Now Tiannv has unlocked more powerful forms one after another, but she

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But there are still only bare rose beasts.

Taiyi also hoped that she could become stronger to cope with the difficulties that may arise in the future, so Taiyi chose her this time.

"Of course I want to go! I'm just worried that if I can't help you, it will drag you down!"

But Huaxianshou didn't think so, she was only worried that she couldn't protect Taiyi like Tiannvshou.

"No, I really didn't go this time to collect those two royal knights. The enemies we will face will probably be very strong, but I am confident that I can defeat them, so you don't want to have a flower fairy beast!" Stress, just as usual."

"... How do I feel, you seem to be coaxing a child."

Hua Xianshou always felt that his words were weird.

"It would be very boring to go to a strange place alone, just like I used to like to ask Guangzilang to go with me when I went to buy a drink, Huaxianshou, you are my traveling companion on this trip, not my bodyguard, you should understand Bar?"

"...Okay~ Taiyi, I really can't do anything about you, who made me follow you, alas~ Now that I think about it, I have really delayed my life's decision."

The flower fairy beast blinked its nimble eyes, and suddenly touched Taiyi's face, and then kissed him lightly on the lips.

"? What are you delaying? Then you eat snacks and play games at home every day, sleep on the sofa or even go straight to cooking without washing your hands. I haven't scolded you! You still blame me?"

Taiyi also spoke out all her dark history directly, and even pinched her smooth and slightly round baby face with her hands, and pulled her skin outward twice with a little force. After the skin rebounded, the skin began to turn red, very cute up.

"Woo!! It hurts!" Hua Xianshou rubbed the red spot and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. "Why does it hurt so much when I'm a Digimon?"

"And when do I pick my feet... ok! Yes, there were a few accidents! But don't keep mentioning it! Besides, my feet are always clean! When we used to do that kind of thing Wouldn't you still hug and lick it, make it so itchy that you can't struggle, and even say it's sweet while licking—"

Taiyi heard cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly covered her mouth. Fortunately, there were only the two of them here, otherwise, once this kind of thing got to Liu Ji and the others, his name as a pervert would really be lost. I can't wash it clean.

"...Didn't I tell you not to talk about these details casually?"

"There's no one else here, what are you afraid of~ Hmph."

"Okay, I won't talk about it, I'm sorry, Flower Fairy Beast."

In order not to let her tell the matter, Taiyi had to compromise and admit his mistake.

"Huh...there's 40 minutes left to go, Taichi, can you see if I need to prepare anything else?"

But the flower fairy beast is also very pure, if this matter were changed to Lilith beast, she might not be used to threaten him.She turned the page directly, and opened the flower backpack she had prepared, to let Tai Yi see if she needed to bring anything else.

The girl in the petal skirt bent over to pack the package, her beautiful buttocks dangling under the petal skirt...Taiyi leaned involuntarily, embraced her from behind, and wrapped her arms around her soft waist Limbs, face leaning on her shoulders, sniffing the fragrance and taste in her ears.

"Why? Are you feeling it again? Taichi?"

Huaxian Beast asked with a smile.

"No, I just want to hug you."

"Hmph, stop pretending."

"There are still 40 minutes, don't waste too long."

Chapter 309 Chapter [-] Taiyi's descendants

After Orimoto Izumi came back from the world over there, he found Takuya and the others quickly. After everyone reunited, they started a decisive battle with the last few evil ten fighters around the soul of the fighter. After killing him, he obtained all the souls of the fighters, and successfully instigated the original dark fighter Diablo Beast, so the five-member team became a six-member team.

His name is Kimura Kouichi, and he is another relatively maverick guy in the original team, Gen Kouji's older brother. The situation of the two is similar to that of Ishida Yamato and his younger brother, but in comparison, they have nothing to do with each other. So lucky... Even Huiyi didn't know that he had a younger brother, but the two brothers went through all kinds of hardships and dangers, and finally walked together again.

"Taiyi, aren't you going to meet them?"

Rose Beast stood behind Taiyi, while the boy was sitting on the edge of the cliff in front, watching those children from a distance.

The boy with chestnut hair is wearing an army green coat with orange long sleeves, slim jeans and outdoor high-top boots. He is carrying a black satchel and a binoculars on his chest. He is looking at the canyon The slow-running locomotive below seemed to be laughing.

"No need, what I have to do is wait for the Royal Knights to show up, there is no need to spoil their adventure."

"But Taichi, is it really all right?"

Rose Beast clasped her hands on her chest, looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and then scanned the surrounding environment, even though she was an ultimate body, she couldn't help but feel a chill down her back.

Because the environment of this digital world can no longer be described as harsh, it is almost impossible to find an area where Digimon can live and live in peace, even if there is, it may be directly scanned and disappeared someday... Rosemon really has no Thinking of it, the so-called world she thought was at stake, compared with this place, is simply a paradise.

Of course, if Taiyi hadn't appeared and led everyone to defeat the Dark Four Heavenly Kings, sooner or later her world would become like this, and she might not be able to activate the ultimate evolution until she died.

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"I'll help if you have any questions, don't worry."

"Sure enough, it's still like raising a child."

Rose Beast smiled helplessly, and also walked to Taiyi's side, the high-heeled boots lightly stepped on the ground and made a crisp sound, at the same time a green vine grew tenaciously through the cracked stones, consciously rolled into a woven blanket , let Rosemon sit down naturally.

She has become more and more proficient, and she is the queen who can really make flowers bloom and rejuvenate the earth, and Taiyi will not stop her from using this power after learning that the king flower beast of her predecessor is not that short-lived type .

So after arriving in this world, Taiyi was not in a hurry. After finding the children, he followed them secretly without them noticing. If he saw that they had nothing to eat, he would find a way to get some from nearby and put them closer to them. As long as they are willing to walk and explore the places they can find, and then go camping at other times, usually the rose beast builds a vine house to shelter from the wind and keep warm.

This is where she is more powerful than the Celestial Beast~ The Celestial Beast will definitely turn into a king at such a time, pulling Tai Yi to kill Kirby Beast, and go directly to fight with the two royal knights.

"So what's the matter? Those are my lovely juniors. Although my target is not them, I also hope to see them thrive here, and the waves of the future will push the waves of the front."

"This is called a sense of accomplishment, Rosamon."

Taiyi smiled smugly, then took a sip of the small wine he had prepared in the jug.

Before leaving, Lilith Beast gave it to him after mixing it in 5 minutes, saying that there was a strange seed in it, it doesn’t matter even if you drink it up, it will recover on its own after a few minutes, until the bottle is full , and the taste is also very good, although it contains alcohol, it is more like that kind of alcoholic beverage.

"Give me a drink."

Seeing his leisurely look, Rose Beast couldn't resist reaching out to grab it, but Tai Yi quickly dodged it.

"You also make me a straw mat, this place is very cold, which makes me very uncomfortable."

Taichi stood up and touched his frozen buttocks and said.


Rosemon thought he was boring.

"What kind of cushion do you want to sit on? Why don't you just sit on my lap?"

She said and patted her sensual thighs.

"Cough cough rose beast, now is not the time to flirt."

"Are you still talking about me? What did you do along the way? When they were trapped in the magic bullet, you set up a stove and barbecued by yourself. If I were your junior, I would really want to give you a punch."

"...There is a reason for not helping them casually, because this is a battle they can win, and if they lose, they will suffer. Of course I will."

If you can't even take this bit of pain, then don't even think about being able to evolve into an ultimate body.

Taiyi often feels this way when facing Qiren and the others. It is really an indescribable happiness to see them gradually become stronger and become independent... More and more children are being selected , There are more and more forces that can understand with humans and are willing to fight to maintain the harmonious coexistence of the two worlds. Of course, that kind of future is what he wants to see.

Otherwise, do you really rely on yourself to fight for the rest of your life?He will grow old sooner or later, and he will retire sooner or later. Taiyi wants to train more reliable fighters to replace himself in maintaining the safety of this multiverse, and this is also the original destiny of the children, and he cannot change a little.


Suddenly, there was a loud thunder in the sky, and the kettle was almost lost.

"Taiyi, it doesn't seem too good...I feel a scary guy approaching."

The rose beast restrained its expression and became serious. It immediately stood up and looked at the cloud group carrying black and purple lightning in the sky. In the flash of white light, it could vaguely see the shadow of a split tower building.

"Come on, let's go too, Rose Beast."

Taichi moved very neatly, screwed the lid of the pot and stuffed it into the satchel while putting away the binoculars, and then jumped directly towards the canyon tens of meters high in front of him, a digital soul was born in his hand, wrapped around his body, and flew forward, Rosemon He also followed quickly and lightly.

The source of those lightning bolts is undoubtedly the cherubimon.

There are three great angels in this world, but now one of the blazing angels, the ultimate angel beast, has fallen, the holy angel beast is imprisoned, and the sage angel cherubimon has also been completely depraved and demonized. The big white rabbit turned into a terrifying black and purple rabbit that could be called a childhood insole. He was taller than the cliff he stood on just now.

Cherubi landed on the ground, stepped on the track that the locomotive was moving forward, forced the locomotive to stop, the front of the car was damaged, and the carriages carrying the children in the back also flew out... It is reasonable to say that this level In most accidents, it is difficult to have survivors, but the children have experienced in the digital world for so long, and their physical fitness has long surpassed that of ordinary peers.

"What should I do Taiyi, do you want to make a move?"

"...Let's look at the situation first, and help them secretly."

Taichi has a lot of considerations, he doesn't want to show up rashly to attract the royal knights to come out early, and the cherubim is also a threshold that these children have to cross by themselves, relying on the pressure exerted by cherubim, they can unlock the truth. The evolution of the polar body can also make the holy goddess beast pass away, so that the three angels of the old world can start a new reincarnation at the same time.

If there is a chance, Taiyi actually wants to save all three of them, but among them, the ultimate angel beast is too late, and the cherubimon is hopeless... just let

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