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Let's start a new life together for the holy female beast. After all, she must have made up her mind. This is a kind of destiny, and the fate of the three angels is also connected.

Just when he was thinking about this, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the cherubi rioting, raised a kick and kicked the poor motorcycle beast into the sky, its jaws were smashed but Still can make a shrill scream.

Rose Beast didn't think much about it, and immediately released a large number of vines with one hand to weave a net, firmly caught the locomotive beast that took off, and quickly put it back on the ground before it realized what happened , to recycle vines.

"Taiyi, those children are about to evolve."

Chapter 310 Chapter Three Hundred and Four

Rose Beast heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time noticed that on the ground, the children climbed out of the carriage and started their respective fighter soul evolutions.

"But how could they be the opponents of this big rabbit now?"

"Can you beat Cherubimon?"

Tai Yi secretly glanced at the battlefield over there, relying on a rock to block his figure.

"...I'm afraid it will be difficult, but the Celestial Maiden can definitely win."

Rosemon realizes that he is no match for Cherubimon.

Although Cherubimon is not the final boss, it takes up most of the chapters. In the early stage, it includes those evil fighters who tormented the children sent by Kirubimon. A group of people, and the fighting power of the fourth generation is a strong and superior generation, so it is absolutely no problem for this cherubim to beat the four kings of darkness.

Even if it is Taiyi, I am afraid that he has to activate the Omega form to kill him with certainty. Of course, this is only calculated according to the strength level in Taiyi's heart.

Omegamon = a royal knight, and Takuya Teruji combined the souls of all fighters. Caesar Greymon and Armored Garurumon can defeat Cherubimon in the early stage, and they can single-handedly defeat Kirubimon in the later stage. Pick the royal knights, so rounding up, cherubim = two unawakened royal knights = one awakened royal knight.

—I'm such an arithmetic genius!Koshiro is nothing more than that!

"Don't talk about you, I'm afraid I have to attack in the form of an Omega beast to have a chance of winning."

"Is it that scary?"

"Why do you think I didn't attack rashly... I'm not that arrogant, Rose Beast."

"How about it? Do you regret not bringing the Celestial Beast?"

"She can definitely win against Cherubim, because she has attribute control and appearance restraint. In fact, her combat power is not much worse."

Taiyi sighed and said, and at this time, the children over there also exchanged fire with the cherubimon, but the result is predictable, the fire dragon beast and war wolf beast that only rely on the evolution of two souls have absolutely nothing to shake their foundations. As for the possibility of Lubimon, Koizumi's Fengshen Beast is also completely scraping. In the end, a thunderbolt from Cherubimon came to a group to quit Internet addiction.

"Why are you making such a big fuss with a fight..."

The Rose Beast touched her ears, and the Cherubi Beast did have the oppressive power that a top demon king should have. When this nirvana was released, it made her eardrums itch even when she was standing here.

"I understand attribute suppression, but what is shape suppression?"

"He is a big grudge. He already had a strange feeling for the sacred female beast, but he couldn't ask for it, just like a child. If you like a big sister, you only hope that she will take care of you, but you don't expect Big sister is very loving and kind to another guy you hate, what will you do?"

"Then I definitely don't care... But if it's a human child, I probably won't be happy."

"Yes, children will be unhappy, but that's all. But Cherubi is a child with the power to destroy the world. The death of the ultimate angel beast will become violent and dark and affect the whole world. The starting point of all this may be because the holy angel beast did not do what he wanted."

"...That's why you didn't let the Celestial Beast come."

"Yeah, I don't want her to be targeted by other guys."

"Hoho~ You really love her, even I'm jealous."

The Rose Beast covered its mouth and snickered.

"But most of the time it's because I'm narrow-minded. Cherubimus can do this. For him, the only sacred beast he wants must be that one. It's the only one. It can't be replaced by another one that looks like it. of."

"I didn't expect it to be so complicated. Taiyi really understands this kind of thinking very clearly. Have you ever had experience in pursuing a big sister?"

"...a friend of mine had that experience."

Facing this question, Taichi was a little embarrassed and could only answer vaguely.

That is actually what he experienced when he was not Taiyi. Of course, the object is not the big sister but a girl he likes, but he is not as crazy as Kirubimon. It's just an ordinary boy, the girl you like won't be moved by your unilateral contribution, that's all.

The situation on the ground is also progressing according to Taichi's expectation. Facing the dark fighter Kimura Kouichi who once served him, Kirubimon continues to persuade him to return to him, but whether it is reason or reason, it is impossible to go back at this time. It is the most stupid behavior, Huiyi has already understood that Huiji is his younger brother and why he came to this world, and even if he goes back now, Cherubimon will no longer trust him, and at most uses

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It will be discarded after a while.

No matter how you look at it, there is absolutely no way to go back.

Therefore, Keichi, who made up his mind, evolved into a black lion beast, and began to attack Cherubimon, and Cherubimon's acting skills were also excellent, obviously it was a painless attack, but he pretended to be quite Out of apprehension, they immediately turned around and ran away, and the children who were attacked by surprise did not have the ability to continue chasing, so they could only stop at the spot for a while to rest.

"Why didn't that guy kill the children? Speaking of which, I was thinking about this from the very beginning. Taichi, with the strength of Cherubimon, wouldn't he be able to kill them and get all the fighter souls if he appeared early? Why? Do you have to give them time to grow?"

Taichi looked at her who was seriously thinking about this question, and didn't know how to answer it.

He felt that this question should not be answered by himself, but by the screenwriter.

"If I have to explain, Cherubimon hopes that the children will fully develop these fighter souls. At this time, he will collect the benefits of the fisherman and fully obtain the power of the fighter soul to fight against the even stronger fighter behind him. Horrible monster."

"Is it the Bright Beast? You told me, Taiyi, the final enemy of this world is the Bright Beast that is more terrifying than the last time."

Before Taiyi's eyes, the King of Angels that he had seen in Odaiba in another world - Bright Beast appeared, and next, he would probably have to deal with a six-winged beast with full strength, but it was not necessary What are you worried about, because he is no longer who he was back then, whether he is in a fallen form or a Satanic form, he has the power to fight.

"Rose Beast, I don't think those two royal knights will serve that Bright Beast honestly. That's why we're here. We want to see what those guys are up to."

Chapter 311 Chapter [-] 'King' and 'Supreme', Royal Cavalry Spoiler

The children rested for a while, and Taiyi and Rosemon also found a place... With her, this kind of thing will be very convenient. She only needs to shoot a ball of green energy towards the cliff wall to create fresh and thick vines Woven into a large basket that can be used for feet, it can not only shelter from wind and rain, but also be so strong that it is almost impossible to destroy it without external force.

Rosemon lay down for a while to rest, but the ultimate evolution was not canceled, and Taichi was still sitting by the basket, with his feet in the air, holding a telescope to observe the juniors below, and at the same time, he did not forget to take out the bottle of alcohol that could not be drunk I drank some drinks.

"Ahhh... is there a need to be so serious? Taiyi, it's already so late today, I think those children will have to wait until tomorrow even if they take action, why don't you go to sleep first."

Rosemon yawned and patted Taichi on the back.

"I'm not sleepy, you can sleep for a while, but not for too long."

Taiyi turned around and smiled at her, then turned back very seriously to continue his observation.

"I think they will probably find a place or sleep in the same place." Rose Beast stretched on the soft bed he made, and touched Taiyi's waist with his hand, obviously teasing him on purpose. "So you don't have to watch a group of children sleep all the time, Taichi."

"You don't understand, Rosa Beast, they are in that kind of state right now, imagine, when you play the game, you plan to finish this level and go to sleep, but in the end, you are turned off by a disgusting boss card, and now you are asked to turn off the TV Go to sleep, can you go in peace?"


Rose Beast understood the reason at once, and soon there was a restless sound from below. It turned out that the locomotive beast that was kicked away by Cherubi Beast and almost fell to pieces drove back again. The Rose Beast saved his life only after grabbing him, but he didn't expect to drive back "unrepentantly". It can be seen that he also likes the children below.

Then, under Taichi's attention, they were not disappointed. Although their opinions were not unified, under the persuasion of Koizumi and the two main boys, they decided to go to the broken tower castle in front of them to find the foundation. In the Lubi beast decisive battle, the carriage pulled by the locomotive beast was broken. They simply lay on the locomotive beast's body, stepped over the broken rail, and continued to move forward.

"They are really brave... I thought it would be at least until tomorrow."

Seeing that the children were on the road again, Rose Beast didn't want to sleep anymore, so it got up immediately.

"For them, as long as the cherubim dies, everything will be over. Although this fantasy journey has allowed them to grow a lot and meet a lot, it is a rare wealth, but anyway, suffering is suffering, so they I definitely want to seize the time to end all this, and then go home with success."

"Since you think so, why don't you help them in the first place, or simply let them go home and take over the task of saving the world yourself?"

The Rose Beast pinched its waist and looked at the boy's side face.

" you think I'm a robot?"

Taichi glared at Rosemon angrily.

"If I could arrive at the beginning of their arrival in this world, then I would definitely do so and let them go home as soon as possible, but not now, I have troubles one after another, if I treat every threatening world I If you take over directly, the year of the monkey will save the original world, right?"

"Besides... those children will not agree with me doing this."

Taichi took a deep breath and activated the Digisoul again, allowing himself to fly in the direction of the wind and the train below.

Now, the direction he chooses is—Royal Knights, as long as

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Turn these royal knights into your own power one by one in order, whether you keep them by your side in the form of a book or directly cooperate with yourself, Taiyi has an intuition that once you get Alpha If the power of the other twelve royal knights outside the beast, then he can open the sealed door leading to the inside of the world tree.

"Anyway, I'm just here to chat and travel with you, so don't expect me to help you too much, Taiyi."

Rose Beast felt a kind of urgency and anxiety from his words, and she was also affected by this emotion. She knew that her combat power could no longer keep up with the monster-like Taiyi, so she had already thought about herself. positioning.

"Of course I know, if I'm in danger, I will protect you first."

"Now, consider me your partner, Rosemon~"

Although the young man seemed to be joking, his eyes were serious. The Rose Beast wanted to say something to refute him, but he continued to follow the steps of the children... and she could only pout, thinking Let it out.

——How could I let you protect me?What a fool!

The fate trajectory of the children is not much different from Taiyi's memory that has been blurred to the point where only a few pictures remain. They arrived at the place where the cherubimus was, and at the same time it was the residence of the sacred female beast - the rose star. When it comes to some complete bodies, obstacles such as Death God Beasts stand in the way, but in front of their current strength, it is simply a delay.

Next, under the leadership of Goatmon, they successfully entered the high place of the rose-colored star, which is a place that Taiyi cannot enter, so they simply waited outside. If there is no accident, Cherubimon It will come soon, when the whole castle will fall apart, and the climax of the entire fourth-generation animation "Infinity Zone" will come, but what follows is also the beginning of the next period of suffering.

Tai Yi can't help them more, but at least, it can save them some detours, especially when facing the two royal knights from their own world.



Zhibenquan's heart is beating very hard now.

They have finally come to this point and met the sacred goddess beast who led them to this world, and from her mouth, they and these companions finally understood the truth of all this... and what they have to face now is That berserk cherubim has gone mad.

"What a stupid idea, holy maiden!"

But at this moment, in this space filled with divine radiance, rainbow halo, and extremely warm and holy space, a monster that doesn't fit the scene no matter how you look at it squeezed in, the big black and purple rabbit Cherubimon... Floating in mid-air, violent aura was released from the pupilless evil eyes.


Koizumi in the fairy beast form clenched his fists.

She is very scared now. She knows that if she wants to win the next fierce battle, she must truly awaken the power of the Wind Warrior and realize the twin soul evolution like Takuya and Kouji, but can she really do it? ...She was trembling all over now, and it seemed that there was still phantom pain from the previous attack of the cherubimon.

"Why do you think I waited until now to deal with them? Hahahahaha!"

Accompanied by the wild laughter of the big rabbit, the children who have evolved into fighter Digimon began to have their own attribute coats of arms, and at the same time began to resonate with the words on the castle!

"As long as I collect all the mature fighter souls! I can completely dominate this world!"

Cherubimon said viciously, now he can finally eliminate these annoying little ghosts directly without worrying about disasters, as if to show the children his fierceness, Cherubimon reached out and grabbed that one directly, guiding The Goat Beast who followed them to the sacred Celestial Maiden Beast grabbed the poor guy's horn and shook it non-stop as if showing off his power, and then fell hard to the ground.

—— can't go on like this.

Koizumi had a voice in his heart.


Just when Cherubimon was about to kill Goat Beast, before everyone could react, Fairy Beast Koizumi became the first person to move. She rushed to Goat Beast, opened her hands and threw it Guard behind.

"Koizumi is dangerous! Come back!"

"Sister Koizumi!"

The companions behind her were shocked immediately and called out to her, but Koizumi remained motionless.

She knows very well that if she wants to defeat Cherubimon, relying on her current strength alone is not enough. She must awaken the twin souls to evolve like Takuya and Kouji. It is useless to avoid blindly being afraid!

——Wind Warrior, if you can really hear my voice, if you really have been watching me... please give me strength!

"I won't keep my hands anymore, you have no value, don't you understand now?!"

The Kirubi beast summoned the thunderbolt and was about to kill the weak fairy beast in front of it, but even so, there was no sign of retreat in the girl's eyes.

Izumi Zhiben is getting goosebumps all over her body now, and her surging emotions and fighting spirit are igniting her soul. At that moment, she thought of many things, thinking of herself who still did not give up in that world until the end, thinking of her relationship with Taichi, who made a promise to meet again by himself, thought of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast who bravely sacrificed himself for their survival.

——Luck is a reward for the brave

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"Shut up! You villain! The one who should wake up is you!"

The Fairy Beast and Koizumi inside her shouted at the same time.

"We are the children chosen by the holy female beast! We will not run away, nor will we be afraid of you!"

In her mind, the conversation with the Red Lotus Knight Beast appeared at that time. She asked that person, why did he do this?And the knight's answer was——

Royal knighthood is not an honor, nor a burden, but a responsibility.

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