"To defeat you, this is our...the responsibility of the chosen ones!"

The lightning of the Cherubimus fell, but the black lightning that was invincible and could easily kill her in seconds before had no effect. Under the eyes of all the companions behind him, including the Divine Celestial Beast, two shapes appeared between the hands of the Celestial Beast. model body.

"Twin souls...evolve!!"

"Jet Wind Spirit Beast!"

The girl shouted passionately, and at the same time, her body began to suffer more severe torture than the animal-shaped fighter soul, screaming as if her flesh and blood were being torn apart, but at the same time, the two fighter souls gradually fused and covered the her physically.


Tai Yi seemed to feel something, an abnormal energy fluctuation.

This thing didn't come from Cherubim, but according to his speculation, there shouldn't be any unexpected sounds at this time, and then the castle will be destroyed, and the children's fighter souls will be taken away, but Next, the holy goddess beast will activate its maternal aura to confuse Cherubimon, and steal the remaining fighter soul and its own life force to Takuya and others, and then start "super soul evolution".

- It shouldn't be.

And over there, Takuya and the others also realized that Koizumi did not face Kirubimon alone, and the new form of three twin soul evolutions plus Kazuichi's special attack on the dark attribute finally achieved certain results... But Immediately afterwards, Cherubimon finally made a real move, shattering the entire top of the tower of the rose-colored star with a flick of its fingers, exposing the entire battlefield.

The sacred Celestial Beast imprisoned in the birdcage, the evil black rabbit Cherubimon, and those familiar fighters, as well as Koizumi's strange new form, are all displayed in front of Taiyi and Rosemon.

"Jet Wind Spirit Beast? Koizumi...you are amazing."

Information about Koizumi's new form popped up in his own machine, and Taichi reacted immediately.

Taiyi didn't know what Koizumi had experienced during that adventure with him, but he was still indescribably moved when he saw that she was able to use her own power to perform twin-soul evolution.

When watching the fourth generation before, due to schedule restrictions and market considerations, in the end, the set twin soul form belonging to Koizumi and Junpei Yuki was not allowed to appear on the stage, but now he is fortunate to see Koizumi gradually grow into a real soul. This moment of being a woman in her own right.

"You bloody brats!"

The cherubimus got angry again, and its anger ignited the sky, and a black-purple thunder cloud rose up in the sky. The "Heaven's Judgment" that killed everything before was about to fall. The children stood side by side, waiting in full force. They were ready to resist the blow that made them unable to fight back... But at this tense moment, at this moment when everything was decided in an instant, a change occurred.

When even Taiyi was wondering if these children could really defeat the Cherubimon without supersoul evolution and without sacrificing an angel, the instigator himself suddenly stopped moving.

"What's wrong? Taichi...he doesn't look right!"

Rose Beast also exclaimed.

Tai Yi looked up, and the backlog of thunder and lightning clouds above his head began to gradually disappear, and the big black rabbit body also stopped as if it had been stopped in time, Tai Yi frowned, suddenly, he felt something!It was an extremely familiar feeling... It was those guys!


Finally, the cherubimon reacted, and he screamed. A huge hole was opened in his abdomen from back to front, and an extremely powerful shock wave was released. The huge cherubimon could no longer maintain it and fell directly. on the ground.

The children were dumbfounded, they were unexpectedly backstabbed by the cherubimus, and at the same time, what appeared in front of them were two cool-looking men who were unfamiliar to everyone except Koizumi. But a weird Digimon.

"Don't make such an ugly sound, Cherubimon, I've tried my best to make you die gracefully."

The slender knight in rose-red armor said with some disgust.

—Taiichi, it really was them.

The voice of the Red Lotus Knight Beast came in his head.

——The sixth seat of the 'king' monarch beast, and the seventh seat of the 'supreme' sword emperor beast!They are indeed here!

"Don't waste time, Sword Emperor Beast."

The Digimon with gorgeous and fierce white armor beside Sword Emperor Beast said coldly.

"How dare you...why! Didn't you promise not to interfere in our world!"

Cherubimon suffered such a backstab, its body could no longer bear it, and it began to show signs of data decomposition on the eve of death.

"Sorry, that plan has changed."

"You just said that you have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Coincidentally, we are too~" Sword Emperor Beast looks like a performance artist, while smiling proudly, it also uses its body movements.

"Waiting for the moment when the souls of the ten fighters gather with the three angels!"

Chapter 312 Chapter 4 Courage of the Same Line ([-]

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Good guy.

Tai Yi originally thought that Kirubi was fantastic enough, thought he was invincible in the world, and wanted to raise his self-respect and ask others to collect fighter souls for him, but it turned out that someone was braver than him, and the two royal knights had already set their sights on this The two core forces in the world-ten warriors and three angels, but what can they do with these?

Could it be that Sovereign Beast and Sword Emperor Beast also want to imitate Lilith Beast and become Stitch Monster?But if the Red Lotus Knight Beast is already very proud, then these two people are even more morbidly arrogant. How could they be contaminated with such messy power?

"You... plot against me! This is different from what you said!"

Cherubimon was furious. He thought he was fishing, but he didn't expect to be caught as a fish.

The damage done to him by the Sword Emperor Beast is irreversible, and there is no reason for the rest of the people present to save him. This guy is not happy at both ends now, except for the holy goddess beast who is still imprisoned in the golden birdcage. Except for giving him some sympathy, no one would have the heart to help him.

"Shut up, no one cares about your life or death anymore, a guy like you is actually one of the three great angels... It's really chilling."

The Sovereign Beast holds a blasting bomb that gathers a large amount of airflow in its hand, and its oppressive feeling makes all the children present shudder.

"Just take your doubts and go where you should go."

This "Dragon's Breath" hit the cherubimon once again. Pity this big boss who had been standing in front of the children and tormenting them for so long was wiped out by the royal knights for no apparent reason. Next, the children It was the two of them who had to face it.

The difference in strength between the two sides is vast, but now the children are all stunned, and they don't know whether these two guys are enemies or friends. Only Zhibenquan has retreated now. This is definitely not cowardice, because They were...not opponents that people like me could deal with!

Although the children had no Digimon companions, they were accompanied by two special Digimons with little combat power, and one who had just been sacrificed and was reincarnated from the Ultimate Angelmon to Badamon.

One is Pokomon, who is in charge of the encyclopedia, and the other is the quizmon, who is in charge of being funny. They were also trembling with fright when they saw this scene, and Pogomon also dug out the encyclopedia from its pants and found information about the other party. .

"Yes...the Royal Knights!"

"Royal knight?"

The Q&A beast let out a question lazily.

"The thirteen paladins who guard the highest order in the digital world! But our digital world doesn't have this system! These two guys came here from another world!"

These words cast another shadow over the hearts of the children, but in the end it was Takuya in the form of the dragon beast who stood up and spoke to the royal knight first.

"Who the hell are you!"

"Hand over your fighter's soul, chosen children, then I can consider sending you home safely."

Sword Emperor Beast issued orders to the children, using his neutral and magnetic voice.

"Send us home? Really?"

Junpei in the form of Thunder Beast couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Yeah, as long as you hand over the fighter's soul, you have nothing to do with this world. The Monarch Beast and I are not bad people, of course we won't have trouble with a few human children, right?"

"Don't ask me, you decide."

Sovereignmon doesn't seem to be interested in these seemingly weak humans.

"Don't trust them! Everybody!"

Koizumi, who sprayed the new posture of the wind spirit beast, walked to the front, turned his head and shouted at everyone, his voice was so anxious that it was out of shape.

"Koizumi, don't you want to go home?"

"This guy is not a good person! I was imprisoned in another world by him before, and if I wasn't lucky, I wouldn't be able to come back!"

"It's actually these guys..."

Kouji in the wolf form was shocked when he heard this sentence.

"Oh~ What do you say about that human saying? Eighteen changes in the female university? Or is it as if you haven't seen each other for three years? Little girl, you really didn't disappoint me. It seems that you have experienced many things, and you can see you again You and I are still very happy."

"You bastard! Do you know how much Koizumi suffered there!"

Takuya was still hesitant at first, but he was also annoyed seeing Sword Emperor Beast's frivolous and indifferent attitude.

"But didn't she come back safely? She has become stronger than before. Instead of thanking me, are you going to blame me instead? What a bunch of stinky kids who don't know what to do."

"But it doesn't matter, I will forgive you all, who made me a sword king beast?"

He is like a drama actor who is immersed in and enjoying his performance, his body movements are very rich, but it is a pity that his expression is sealed by the thick helmet.

"I ask you."

At this time, the most calm Huiyi took a step forward.

"What would the world be like if we went back?"

"It will be destroyed." The Sovereign Beast was already very impatient, he didn't understand why he was talking nonsense with these little kids. "We're going to take all of this world, but that's not enough."

"...Why is this! Why! Isn't the cherubim already dead! Why can't the world return to normal?"

Youshu couldn't accept such a result at all.

Although they can go back safely, after traveling in this world for such a long time, this place is no longer for them.

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It's another hellish world.

"Because we want to take them all, idiot! If you can understand, hand over the fighter's soul quickly, or I will take it by force."

The Sovereign Beast raised its volume and threatened intimidatingly, and at the same time released layers of murderous aura that belonged to its Royal Knights. Koizumi and others immediately felt as if there were countless knives in the air coming towards them, just hanging on their necks, The youngest Tomoki even started to feel weak in his legs.

"Don't listen to him." With a flick of the Sword Emperor Beast's hand, it directly interrupted the aura released by the Sovereign Beast, allowing the children to regain their freedom from oppression. "I'm curious what you will choose...then just tell me."

"Hand over the fighter's soul, you can go home, but this world will come to an end."

"Reject us, fight us, of course you have no chance to win, the result is that you will die, and the soul of the fighter will be taken away by us, of course, the world will still end."

"How do you choose? Children."

Not only them, but even the sacred female beasts who are already ashamed, including Tai Yi who is watching from a distance, are very curious about their choices... If it was him, he would definitely not follow these two guys, he would be full of emotions. Courageously challenge these two god-like characters, and Takuya Kamihara, the fourth-generation protagonist who has inherited many of Taichi's qualities, will certainly not let him down.

"Takuya, don't surrender! We can't trust them!"

Koizumi looked at the entangled and struggling Fire Dragon Beast and persuaded loudly.

"Brother Takuya..."

"Takuya! Don't you want to go home? Don't you want to see your younger brother! We have already won! We met the holy goddess beast, we defeated the cherubimon! There is no need to stay here any longer!"

"No! You can't just go back like this! We... our world will really be destroyed! We won't have a home!"

Bokomon cried out with tears in his eyes, even the usually lazy Q&Amon had a very sad expression at this time.

"I'm sorry, you two, but we have really tried our best, but...we really have nothing to do."

Junpei is of course determined to go home to the party, and from a rational point of view, they really don't need to take on such an obligation. How about the digital world, after all, what does it matter to them?They are just some elementary school students, and it is already said that they are doing their best to do this.

But he is still ashamed to face Bogomon and Q&Amon who have been helping them and placing high hopes on them.

Brothers Huiji and Huiyi remained silent all the time. They had an answer in their hearts, but they were still waiting for the answer from the current leader of the team, Takuya.

"Hand over the fighter's soul, children."

The sacred female beast sat paralyzed in the cage, with a sense of relief in her voice.

Originally, her plan was to find the children with pure hearts from the real world and retrieve the fighter souls scattered throughout the digital world through travel, hoping that they could save the world, but the situation is different now. The arrival of a royal knight disrupts all this.

There is no chance, everything is a foregone conclusion.

"Look, even the holy celestial beasts say that!"

"I'm really grateful that you guys came here... Thank you for responding to my call for help, thank you... But, you still have your own life, so, Takuya Kamihara, you don't have to face an enemy that you can't win at all ,Can you understand?"

Although the voice of the holy female beast was very weak, it was exceptionally clear in this empty battlefield.

Neither Taichi nor Rosemon spoke, just watched the scene quietly, but they were all ready for the next big battle, and Kamihara Takuya finally spoke after a long silence.

"Along the way, many Digimon have sacrificed for us to get here."

"They sacrificed themselves because they believed that we could save their homeland." Fire Dragon Beast smiled and looked at Badamon standing behind.

"For us, everything in this world and the Digimon are just a dreamlike adventure in the end, but for Pogomon and the Digimon, we are all of them."

"So... we refuse to surrender! Royal Knights!"

Takuya spoke out loud about his choice.

"Junpei, I'm sorry, and Yuki...I know this decision is very dangerous, but I can't refuse, I can't just watch the digital world be destroyed!"

"Now that you've made your decision, hurry up and waste your time here."

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