Kouji in the form of a war wolf beast walked slowly to his side. The two of them had carried out the most difficult battle so far, so before they knew it, they also changed from disliked each other at the beginning to now very much. A tacit partner.

"This time, I want you to come with me again."

"...Damn it! You guys are really crazy!"

Junpei closed his eyes annoyed.

"Junpei, if you really want to go back, you might as well quit." Koizumi also understood his feelings very well, and didn't ask for moral kidnapping. She looked up at Sword Emperor Beast and shouted loudly.

"Sword Emperor Beast! This guy is no longer our companion, he will surrender his fighter soul, please send him home!"

"What are you talking about! Koizumi! I don't want to quit!" Junpei was extremely annoyed when he heard this, and vented his emotions hysterically. "I am also the man who inherited the power of the Ten Warriors! I am afraid, but... But if it is everyone's decision! Then I will not back down!

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Isn't it just fighting!Watch me beat those two knights to pieces! "


"Of course I will be afraid too! That's the enemy who kills Cherubimon! But... But I also have love! Of course I can't bear to watch Digimon die with this world! Bogomon... You, you want Write down our deeds for me fiercely! Don’t make mistakes in a single word, and don’t make mistakes in a single word we say! Do you hear me!”

Junpei turned his head and yelled at Pogomon who still had tears in his eyes.

"No matter what the ending is! We have all fought hard for this world! Be sure to pass on this story to me!"

"Hahahahaha... So, human beings are really interesting!" The Sword Emperor Beast couldn't help but burst into laughter after hearing what they said, and nodded to show their approval while laughing.

"Very good, very good, I've changed my mind. From now on, I'll do it gracefully, so that you can go on the road without pain."

But before the Sword Emperor Beast finished speaking, a shock wave followed one after another. The powerful destructive force overturned the entire ground. Takuya and the others had no power to resist. They were blown into the sky and then fell down hard. On the ground, with an understated nirvana attack by the Monarch Beast, all the children who were hit were undone from their evolution.

"The words are so beautiful, but what's the use in the end? Nothing can be changed by words and intentions alone."

Suffocating despair fell on everyone's hearts. With such a huge disparity in strength, it is really impossible to imagine what kind of ending they will usher in next. The children were injured and fell to the ground, and it was difficult even to stand up. , It's really ridiculous for them to choose to fight without knowing their lives.

"You're right, but they didn't get here by word and heart alone."

Finally, Taichi decided it was time to step out.

The army green coat on the man was blown by the wind, and Taichi was covered with a faint digital soul, and landed from the sky between the royal knights and the children. Koizumi was about to shed tears of excitement at this time, she held her hands Mouth and eyes moist.

In fact, she is not much better than Junpei when it comes to fear, but it is because she knows that Taiyi will not sit idly by the Royal Knights, so she can be so determined to fight, and she can overcome these fears in her heart. Persistence is not in vain.

"That seems to be...human? Who is he?"

Hui rubbed his eyes and confirmed again, but how can humans fly?

"Xiaoquan, is that the man who saved you when you were in danger and brought you back to us?"

Kouji was very clever, and Koizumi's weeping reaction immediately reminded him of what she had said.

"Yes! Everyone."

Koizumi wiped away his tears, his painful body was full of strength at this time, and he stood up again.

"Although we are forced to face enemies outside the world, there are not only enemies outside the world, but also our 'predecessors'!"

"Are you Yagami Taichi?"

Sword Emperor Beast looked at the man in front of him in shock.

"What kind of skill is bullying children? If you want the soul of a fighter, try to defeat me first, both of you."

Holding the book of Crimson Knightmon in one hand, Tai is already ready for battle.

Chapter 313 Chapter [-] Golden Armored Dragon Beast VS Two Royal Cavalry

"I once heard a legend from another digital world."

Bokomon didn't go to get the book this time, but frowned and closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to think hard.

"In the digital world without any hope, there is a human man who shouldered everything and finally led the Digimon there to defeat all evil forces, and his name is..."


The Q&Amon, who was always sleepy, wobbled and said the name.

"Don't take my word for it!"

Pogomon habitually pulled up the infinitely elastic waistband of Q&Amon and then bounced it back like a slingshot. Just by the sound, it must be painful.

The Rose Beast gracefully turned around and landed on the ground, just in time to meet this scene, silently mourned for the poor guy for half a second, and then slowly walked towards the children.

"The battle is not over yet, everyone, stand up quickly."

"You are……?"

"My name is Rosemon, and I am Taiyi's partner, Izumi-chan~ Long time no see~"

She first introduced herself solemnly to others, and then waved hello to her acquaintance Koizumi.

"Sister Rose Beast..."

Koizumi knew that he and his companions were safe now, no matter what, at least Brother Taiyi was not so easily broken through, but they couldn't just stand by like this, this is their home field after all.

"Well, Senior Rose Beast? What I want to ask is, is it okay to leave Senior Taiyi there alone? Does he also have the soul of a fighter?"

Takuya stood up from the ground, looking at the sky over there with some worry.

"That's not true, but...his soul is not weaker than those fighters."



"Taiichi Yagami, I know you, the man who defeated Crimson Knightmon."

Monarch Beast looked at the seemingly ordinary man in front of him, but he already felt something was wrong in his heart.

That is, judging by his appearance, he should have been on the sidelines for a very, very long time, but I and the Sword Emperor Beast didn't notice his existence at all... He is like a ghost

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common observer.

"I think you probably already understand what kind of crisis our world is in. Even so, you want to stop us?"

The Monarch Beast's eyes stabbed like two sharp swords.

"The soul of the fighter, the three angels, and the data of the whole world are the cornerstones on which this world depends. No matter what your reasons are, you can't tear down other people's homes to repair your own. This kind of selfish Behavior does not deserve to be called a royal knight."

Although Taiyi didn't know what the two of them were going to do, it must be an act to save the original world.

"Stop talking beautiful words there! You human beings, one counts as one! You are all good-for-nothings who don't do practical things and only know long-winded speeches!"

Sovereign Beast is very angry, he doesn't want to stick to words anymore, it doesn't matter whether he is scolded or selfish, but this is the path he chooses.

As if to intimidate the ignorant human being in front of him, the Monarch Beast released the hurricane energy cannon "Dragon's Breath" like a Gaia energy cannon from its hand in an instant. Blast all the kids to the moon...but now, Tai has nothing to fear.

He randomly selected a book with one hand, opened it one second before the breath of the dragon was about to hit him, and immediately popped out a phantom of a complete golden-armored dragon beast, knocking the breath of the dragon away, and then he stood like a statue Standing motionless in front of Tai Yi, the opened book of knights also shouted a simple but passionate eulogy.

[The light of miracles, the storm of hope that shines in a desperate situation!It is the name of 'Order'!Golden Armored Dragon Beast! 】

"Knight soul evolution."

The boy twisted his neck, a smile appeared on his lips, and he said these words.

The phantom of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast merged with Tai Yi backwards, emitting layers of brilliance in the night sky, and then Tai Yi successfully evolved into the Golden Armored Dragon Beast entity. He opened his eyes, flicked his wrist, and was ready to fight.

"Golden Armored Dragon Beast? Could it be that you..."

Sword Emperor Beast realized something terrible.

"Yes, the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, the Red Lotus Knight Beast and the Skull Beast have all been defeated by me, and you will be next."

Taiyi started to accelerate with the body of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast. Compared with the Red Lotus Knight Beast whose spear skills are extraordinary and holy, the Golden Armored Dragon Beast is characterized by being very strong and has explosive defensive attributes, so he also learned to use his unique advantage to fight. In addition, even though the Golden Armored Dragon Beast has such a strong defense, its speed is not much slower at the same time.

Taiyi instantly came to the Sovereign Beast, and a heavy punch hit him in the face. The guy was caught off guard, and his body was ejected to the ground like a cannonball fired from the chamber. You can only fight immediately.

"Spiral Hua Dance!"

The Sword Emperor Beast stretched out many golden blades from its armor, and slashed towards him at a speed so fast that there were only afterimages. Taiyi didn't dodge or dodge, so he let him strike, and slashed at his golden armor with the blades. There are only some rattling feedbacks, which are completely irresistible!

Then Taiyi gave him another high flying kick, Sword Emperor Beast immediately raised its arm shield to defend, but was still kicked tens of meters away.

Back and forth, Tai Yi actually suppressed the two royal knights, but he knew that this was only because of the false advantage brought about by the sneak attack and their incompatibility with being able to "steal" the power of the royal knights. start.

"Come out, holy goddess beast."

He didn't waste precious time either. He flew over and shattered the birdcage that imprisoned the sacred female beast with one punch, and then grabbed her hand and forcibly pulled her out.

This guy's body is much lighter than her own sacred female beast... I don't know if she is too fat from eating, or because the sacred female beast here is very weak now, it stands to reason that she should only have one breath left now Well, she didn't intend to survive tonight, but now that the situation is serious, she has nothing to do.


"Don't talk, go back to the children first, and leave it to me."

Taiben wanted to throw her directly, but he was afraid that her slender body would not be able to bear such a big impact, so he picked her up and returned to the ground, and the Rose Beast immediately caught her. The Sovereign Beast, who was punched flying, also returned, and Taichi turned back and continued to the battlefield.

"I don't care what you say about me, but I am the royal knight of that world, and I am the 'king'! I want to fight for my people! For the identity of the royal knight, for that world!"

The Sovereign Beast seemed to have entered a state, its whole body was emitting hot air, a cold light flashed in its eyes, and it roared loudly at Tai Yi.

"Could it be that only your world is home, and only your people can be considered people!"

Taiyi gritted his teeth and retorted.

"Golden Armored Dragon Beast! He is willing to sacrifice himself to let us, who have never met before, live! Your consciousness is worth nothing compared to his! You have insulted your title of Royal Knight!"

"Hmph, stupid, not only stupid, but simply stupid!"

The Sword Emperor Beast also returned to its place quickly, and flew to the Monarch Beast to stand up. The classic combination of the two, just looking at it, always reminded Taiyi of the scene where they violently beat up Takuya and others in the original work. It can really be regarded as a childhood shadow. , no wonder the ratings are not going up, who wants to watch handsome protagonists being beaten every day?

"How to be a royal knight, you don't need a human to teach us."

"We are the royal knights of our own world, and I

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We only fight for our own world, this is our justice. "

The Sovereign Beast and the Sword Emperor Beast talked to each other, and at the same time began to brew their own nirvana.

"Then I will stop you, justice is justice, it cannot be defined, no matter what you say, repeat a hundred times, a thousand times, it cannot be what you say."

Taiyi's golden battle armor also began to shine.

"Extreme jihad wave!"

The body of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast has three abilities, one is a small skill, and the other is the extreme jihad wave, which is the move that killed Kimiramon in the second generation, and the third is a forbidden move that will It puts a lot of load on the body, and that is the "golden solar storm" that Jinjiadramon used to save them from the small world.

"The Roar of the Dragon!"

The Sovereign Beast rushed forward with all its killing power, and began to collide with Taiyi's golden light.

Chapter 314 Chapter [-] God-making Plan

Tai Yi stood in the air, and every inch of the golden armor on his body turned into a particle emitter at this time, firing a large number of golden energy cannons in the direction concentrated in front like a mirror.

The concentrated Dragon's Roar that smashes everything and cuts it to pieces, and Taichi's ultimate jihad wave produced by Sovereignmon create an impact.

"Taichi...are you alright?"

At this most tense moment of complete competition of internal strength and basic skills, Taiyi suddenly heard the voice of the golden armored dragon beast.

"I am fine."

This is the first time that Taiyi has used the form of the Golden Armored Dragon in actual combat, and the opponent is still an extremely powerful Royal Knight, so it is normal for the Golden Armored Dragon to be worried.

"Next, I will use all my strength, Taiyi...I don't want to lose this battle."

Compared with the Red Lotus Knight, the Golden Armored Dragon is more like the kind of good student in the class who is rigid in everything he does, strictly abides by the rules and regulations, and doesn't let oil and salt in. He has been very polite to himself from the very beginning until now. That is to say some jokes when facing the skull beast.

"The Sovereign Beast thinks so too."

Taichi thought of his resolute attitude in what he said just now, and felt regretful.

"I can't agree with his idea. We don't need this kind of salvation by sacrificing another world for our own."

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast's attitude is very firm, as a defender of "order", he will never allow this kind of behavior.

"So Taiyi, you have to pick it up! I want to fire at full power!"

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