Although it doesn't have much experience fighting side by side with humans, the Golden Armored Dragon Beast is still as stubborn as a rock, directly arousing a large amount of stronger spiritual power, and the extreme jihad wave released by the external Taiyi has become more dazzling and intense.

The space was trembling due to the energy confrontation between the two sides, and the children on the ground were also being baptized by the shock wave, but they stood together hand in hand under the encouragement of the rose beast and the holy goddess beast, enduring the energy from the royal knights. The impact of the wind, and at the same time, I finally understood... what kind of terrifying Digimon they declared to fight just now.

In this situation, it seemed that all they could do was to pray for Taiyi's victory, but what happened in the next second caused them to suffer cardiopulmonary arrest.

Just when Taiyi was confronting the Sovereign Beast, suddenly a rose-red pink shadow moved in front of Taiyi like a ghost... Taiyi broke out in cold sweat and wanted to return to defense, but the speed of the Sword Emperor Beast was simply outrageous , even scarier than the previous Red Lotus Knight Beast, almost unable to see what happened, his skills were forcibly interrupted, and his whole body flew backwards.

"Being able to defeat so many royal knights proves that you are indeed not an ordinary person, Yagami Taichi."

Sword Emperor Beast is no longer the previous attitude of being superior and molesting the inferiors for fun. He maintains the posture of shooting, and the side muzzle of the small shield on his arm is still smoking.

"However, our determination will never be shaken. No matter what, we will smash the world tree and usher in a new world and tomorrow."

His "urgent fear" shot made Tai Yi numb all over, and the feeling of being forced to interrupt his nirvana was really not good. As expected, he was still not used to using this form. Tai Yi kept his balance and did not land, but Cracks have appeared on the chest where the Sword Emperor Beast just attacked...Maybe if it was another Digimon, I would have to be injured and bleed now, but now it is only a small crack and wear, which is already the best result.

"...Even if that new world is built out of this world and many other worlds, countless Digimon use their own lives?"

Taiyi raised his head to look at the two guys, and asked in a cold voice.

"Yes, even so."

Sword Emperor Beast has no emotion, and is extremely determined.

"We are royal knights, we only fight for our own world."

Taichi sighed, and put on a serious face again.

Originally, I thought this time was just a simple investigation task, but in the end, it was inevitable that such an ending would happen?No matter what, I must at least repel these two guys today.

"Your plan should have something to do with the 'Bright Beast' of this world."

"You plan to put all the data you can collect from the whole world on him alone, and make him a new god?"

Although they didn't say anything, Tai Yi still accurately analyzed their plan from those words.


"...Don't you think highly of that guy?"

Taiyi found it incredible that the six

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To be resurrected, the Winged Beast needs the data of all the land in the world, and to evolve into a fallen form, it even needs to absorb the data of two royal knights. Even so, he can barely touch the real ceiling "Vajra Warrior" The soles of the feet, how could it be possible to compete with the World Tree that trapped Alpha Beast?

"Of course we don't just want to attack this world. After absorbing the data of the digital world, the next one is the real world, and then we will go to find other worlds until he can completely become a new god."

"Why do you trust the Bright Beast so much?" Tai Yi asked puzzled. "Aren't you afraid that he will fall into trouble and absorb you? Are you not afraid that the world he takes over will become even more chaotic and worse than it is now?"

The World Tree stagnated, the Alpha Beast was sealed, and the entire Royal Knights lost their backbone and started chaos, and every Royal Knight did not evade this responsibility, and began to look for various ways to save the world. Di Limo destroys the world and puts an end to this torture. The Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast are heroes who uphold justice. What they want is to manage the small world of Atlana and send all the remaining lives in the digital world to the jurisdiction of the World Tree. Not here.

But this plan could not be implemented in the end, because it was only a theoretical possibility at all, and the small world simply couldn't accommodate so many Digimon, and it would be overloaded.

The more extreme Monarch Beast and Sword Emperor Beast directly want to change their boss, a boss that can be controlled by them.

"This has nothing to do with you, Yagami Taichi, since we dare to use him, of course we have a way to control him."

"Then there's no need to talk any further."

Taiyi decided to use all his strength to force them back first, and then try to find a way to attack the Bright Beast, but...he suddenly remembered that the original Bright Beast also turned back when the two royal knights were weak when they were defeated by the children stabbed them.

But now, he seemed to have no choice.

It doesn't matter, I can only use all my strength to defeat them. Even if the Bright Beast has a backup, there are still juniors and Rose Beast behind me... There are no unreliable companions in the world, and I have never been alone. So, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Taiyi in the Golden Armored Dragon Beast took out the bright red book of knights, and then began to transform.

【The Crimson Knight and its...】

Tai Yi's hand speed is very fast, and he is not in the mood to listen to the singing effect that comes with the book, so he opened it quickly.

"Knight Soul Evolution!"

[Red Lotus Knight Beast! ! 】

"Let's go, Red Lotus Knight Beast, let them see your true power."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast stimulated its remaining power in response, and Grani roared and soared from the depths of the sky behind, and merged with the Taiyi evolved Red Lotus Knight Beast.

[Red Lotus Knight Beast True Red Lotus Form! 】

Chapter 315 Chapter 4 Then Just Don’t Want This Power ([-]K)

In front of the two royal knights with rich combat experience, it is too difficult for Taiyi to win them. Although he has liberated from the red lotus knight beast to the true red lotus form, in Taiyi's hands, this form may be at most Play 80% of the strength, because he is not the red lotus knight beast, because he also borrows power from his partners, because after all, he is just a human being.

However, because he is a human being, he has more possibilities than normal Digimon... As long as he works hard, he believes that one day he will be able to fuse the power of all the royal knights together, and he firmly believes in destiny That's what guides him.

"It's terrible, it's terrible."

Sword Emperor Beast couldn't help being surprised when he saw that Tai Yi could even evolve this posture.

Even their old comrades who have been with each other for many years, the chance to see the red lotus knight beast in this posture is very rare.

"True red lotus form... It seems that you didn't simply plunder their power."

The Sovereign Beast blinked, thoughtfully.

The Red Lotus Knight Beast has always been a dull gourd, and only likes to talk and deal with his dragons, but he rarely talks with his colleagues, so the Monarch Beast has never liked him very much.

"You two, do you really know what you're doing?"

After getting Taichi's permission, Crimson Knightmon was finally able to ask what he had held back from the very beginning until now.

"When did the teachings of our royal knights ask you to do this kind of thing that hurts others and benefits yourself!?"

"...Don't use your senior status to oppress me there!"

After hearing the familiar voice, the Sovereign Beast was stunned for a moment, then its pupils trembled, and suddenly it roared like a maniac.

"What do you know! You sanctimonious guys! You can't do anything without Alpha Beast!"

"Even you were defeated by a mere human! It's a disgrace to the Royal Knights! Now you are shamelessly mixing with this human!" The Monarch Beast seemed to realize that this was not in line with his noble status, so he paused immediately. , first try to calm down your mood.

The situation seems to be easy to understand, the red lotus knight beast was defeated, and then temporarily succumbed to this human being... Just like the children below can obtain the souls of the former ten fighters to evolve into Digimon, Yagami Taiyi seems to have obtained them The souls of these royal knights, and he already has at least two souls of royal knights.

"I may not be much better than you at this, but... let

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This world, which originally had a chance to be repaired and had a great chance to return to its perfect form, has completely fallen. In this way, I absolutely do not agree that you are the royal knights. "

"I'm ashamed of you."

"Do you think I'm willing to do this?" The Monarch Beast gritted its teeth in hatred. "But to me, our world is bigger than other people's world, it's that simple."

"That's for ordinary Digimon, but you are a royal knight! The value of the world, the value of life! They cannot be compared!"

What Crimson Knightmon wants to say is also what Taichi wants to say.

"It's because I'm a royal knight that I'm going to do this!"

"Red Lotus Knight Beast, Sword Emperor Beast and I will never turn back no matter what! What honor, what etiquette, those vulgar principles, you can tell the wall thousands of times by yourself! What we have to do is Save this messed up world by Alphabeasts!"

"As for you and Yagami Taichi, you two are working together and working together, if you really have the ability, come and kill me! Don't talk about it..."

It's rare that the Sovereign Beast, who was so cold and murderous just now, spoke so many words in one breath, but before he finished speaking, a shining gun flew over his dragon's horns, smashing his dragon horns. The root cuticle is broken.

"That's what you said."

Of course, Taiyi and Red Lotus Knight Beast were deliberately thrown sideways, just to have a deterrent effect.

The contradiction between them is like complete black and white. One side sticks to faith and justice, and the other side is the paranoid justice only for their own people. It is absolutely impossible to adjust. There used to be Alphamon, and he and Omegamon can As a mediator to ease this conflict, but now neither of these two people can be present, the only thing they can do is to fight until one party falls, which is also the simplest and most direct way to solve problems between Digimon.



"Can we just watch?"

Seeing the sky, the senior was fighting two royal knights alone, but he could only watch from here, and Tuo couldn't help kicking a small stone away.

"That's not a battle we can touch. Blindly trying to help will only harm yourself, and it will also harm Senior Taiyi."

Koizumi is well aware of what kind of battle Taichi has been fighting all along, so she absolutely does not want to interfere in the battle over there, she is only worried about Taichi.

"I know, Koizumi, it really okay for us to stand like this?"

"That's impossible, Takuya, you'd better calm down, with our current strength, we can't join the battle of that intensity, just like a leaf falling in a storm, it can only be blown away by the wind, It’s impossible to control the direction of the wind.”

As expected, Huiji still said that it was some literary metaphors, but he himself couldn't bear it long ago, especially since this was supposed to be the time for them to make a decisive battle with Cherubimon, but he didn't expect Cherubimon to He was directly killed by others, and the newly emerged powerful and suffocating enemy was taken over by this senior.

Admittedly, this should be the enemy they need to face, but standing here like this... Kouji is also a little unbearable, but he needs to calm down, because there is already a guy in the team who can't bear it, if he loses at this time Without sanity, the team is finished.

And I just found my brother Huiyi, he is still in an unstable state, protect him and his companions, Huiji is more inclined to do this.

"Is this really the only limit we have? I'm so unwilling."

"What are you talking about, Takuya, we are the ones who shouldn't interfere in this battle, isn't it good to have a reliable senior to shelter us from the wind and rain?"

Seeing him like this, Junpei couldn't help persuading him.

"Takuya, don't worry, that's what I heard when I was young, about the chosen child Yagami Taichi!" Pogomon seems to be the most reassuring one, Taichi's story is not recorded in that book, But his deeds are still heard of when he was very young, and he still remembers them to this day. "There must be no problem!"

"But...but he's no match for four with two fists."

Takuya saw that in the sky, the crimson Digimon were frequently attacked by the Sovereign Beast and the Sword King Beast, but he was able to resist every time, but it was already dangerous. Flying up and down in the air, fighting non-stop.

"Sister Rose Beast, will Senior Taiyi win?"

Koizumi looked at Rosemon, who was standing in front of it and remained silent.

She knew that the rose beast was the ultimate evolution of the flower fairy beast at that time. When the flower fairy beast was beside Taiyi and her companions, it was very cute and cute, and even had the illusion of being her own age... But Now, her serious and focused appearance made Koizumi feel a little scared.

However, fear is a normal feeling at this time, because it is an ultimate Digimon.

But in comparison...Koizumi remembers that at that time, the Digimon who came to rescue her with Taiyi was Taiyi's other partner, the powerful and beautiful angel big sister, she was also the first to challenge Lilithmon Although the one in the past did not succeed, Koizumi's image of a strong female warrior is still fresh in Koizumi's memory.

"Taiyi won't lose, but I'm just worried that his use of that form will put a heavy burden on his body."

Rose Beast looked back at the little girl and smiled helplessly.

"It was clearly agreed that it was only to investigate, but in the end, this kind of development is still unavoidable."


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A... I have something to ask, although it is not very appropriate to ask it now. "

"What is it? Izumi sauce?"

It's rare to see a girl who is cuter than Meimei when he was a child, and Rose Beast couldn't help sighing for a while, if he was still the same person as before, he would definitely try his best to "befriend" Koizumi.

"Last time, about the Lilith beast... and just now, Senior Taiyi turned into a golden armored dragon beast. What happened?"

Taiyi and the others have not dealt with these children since they came to this world, so Koizumi has no way of knowing the result of the last war. Although looking at it now, it must have won, but she still wants to know a lot of details.

"Okay~ I'll tell you."

Rose Beast lovingly patted the little girl's head.



Although Taiyi's divine sword and divine spear can be thrown out and then regenerated, but this also requires an idle time, just where his first shot of the king is, the incomparable tacit cooperation of the monarch beast and the sword emperor beast makes a misplaced position After dodging, the Sword Emperor Beast started to accelerate again, and instantly moved to Taiyi's eyes.

If Ultimate Vdramon is the fastest Digimon, then Sword Kingmon undoubtedly has the strongest, instant acceleration from zero to [-], because that is the necessary condition to activate his nirvana.


Taiyi has fully entered the state, and in such a battle where the body and mind are oppressed to the limit, the fusion with the Red Lotus Knight Beast has become more and more perfect.

Facing the Sword Emperor Beast who was about to score n times to surprise him again, he directly clenched his fist and swung it forward. At that moment, the phantom of Taiyi seemed to appear on the body of the True Red Lotus Knight Beast, and his The voice was also double-fused with the voice of the Red Lotus Knight Beast, and this punch actually blocked the Sword Emperor Beast's nirvana.

"...You are becoming more and more like a real Crimson Knight Beast, Yagami Taichi."

The Sword Emperor Beast didn't relax, and continued to output energy with its own weapons, and Taiyi also refused to give up an inch. At this moment, suddenly a gust of murderous wind surrounded and hit behind him.

It's the Monarch Beast, just like their cooperation before, the Monarch Beast attracts the attention of the Sword Emperor Beast to carry out the sneak attack, but now it's completely reversed, and the Sword Emperor Beast is used as the bait.

"Do you think the same trick can be used against me twice!"

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