Tai Yi yelled, and immediately pushed back, and at the same time turned around and pulled out the divine sword that was shining with silver light, and slashed towards the direction of all the killing intent in the wind.

"Invincible Sword!"

It was a Monarch Beast caught in fear, he never expected Tai Yi to react in such a situation.


Both the attack and defense attributes of the true red lotus knight beast are all higher than these ordinary royal knights in an all-round way. Once it is cut to the point by this "invincible sword", it is not surprising that it will be killed directly, but Taiyi sword at this time The front tilted so much that it only cut off one arm of the Monarch Beast, and the dark red scalding dragon blood spurted out, and the left arm of the Monarch Beast was cut off directly.

The Sovereign Beast howled on the spot when its limbs were severed. This bloody scene shocked the Sword Emperor Beast, and also shocked Tai Yi.

Because he just slashed at the forehead of the Monarch Beast, and planned to kill one first, because it is really difficult to fight one against two when the strength is not much different. The royal knight of this brother and noble combination It was too difficult to deal with, and I hardly gave myself a chance to breathe.

Moreover, this attack opportunity was created by Taiyi who had to use his body to bear the Sword Emperor Beast's special attack "urgent fear", but only broke one of his arms, which he couldn't accept.

"Wanhua Dance!"

The Sword Emperor Beast was very worried about his friend, and immediately tried his best to speed up. For a while, there seemed to be seven Sword Emperor Beasts around Taiyi, but they were just phantoms created by his high-speed movement, and then there were golden bladed beasts flying all over the sky. .

Taiyi had no better way to deal with it in a hurry, so he could only curl his fists on his chest to withstand these attacks like a boxer in a defensive stance.

And the Sword Emperor Beast didn't keep pestering it, after forcing Tai Yi back, he immediately turned around to check the Monarch Beast's injury.

They hugged each other as if they were talking about something, Jianhuang Beast seemed to have wrapped up his arm with its own golden ribbons, but Taiyi was already a little hypoglycemic at this time, dizzy.

"...Crimson Lotus Knight Beast, could it be you..."

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong, even if the Sword Emperor Beast had affected him just now, that sword shouldn't be so far away.


He didn't answer, probably because he was ashamed to answer.

He clearly knew that it was irreversible, but he was still a Red Lotus Knight Beast after all. Although he could do it subjectively if he wanted him to kill his colleagues, he still hesitated when he really wanted to do it.

In the end, he still lacked the awareness of being able to make a decisive move when it was time to make a move, no matter who the opponent was, and "do whatever it takes" to win.

Back then, when he was fighting with himself, before he turned into the form of compassion, he had countless chances to kill himself, but he stopped in time... He is really a gentle guy, this is his advantage, but It is also his fatal weakness.

"It's a terrible guy... he didn't hesitate to injure himself to kill me."

Sovereign Beast is also a royal knight, but the broken arm doesn't hurt so much that he can't move, he recovered quickly.

"I very much recognize your will as a fighter, but unfortunately

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, the guy who gives you strength doesn't have as much awareness as you. "

After fighting this move, the Sovereign Beast probably understood what happened just now. He was saved by the Red Lotus Knight Beast.

"It is indeed a remarkable person. No wonder you can defeat so many companions. Now I no longer feel that you are an inferior human being, Yagami Taichi."

Sword Emperor Beast also spoke his heartfelt words seriously.

"However, how long can your power last?"

"You are at the end of your battle, don't you give up now?"


Taiyi didn't answer in a hurry, he just slowly raised his hand into a fist, and the Monarch Beast and Sword Emperor Beast immediately re-arranged their combat stances to fight back, but unexpectedly...Taiyi chose to attack not them, but himself.

He punched himself in the abdomen, and then let out a painful groan, and then the true red lotus form was also forced to release.

"what are you doing??"

The Sword Emperor Beast was dumbfounded, could it be that there is something wrong with this person's head?

"When did I say you can make up your own mind? Red Lotus Knight Beast."

Taichi was panting and tired, but his voice was very, very annoyed.

"Now this is my battle, if you have this mentality from the beginning, then I don't want these powers at all."

Section 316 Asking for a day off

The rhythm of the plot is not right, I need to consolidate it, and I will speed up the update from now on.

And the recent post needs to be reviewed, so when to update it depends on the meaning of the review, and I can't help it.

Chapter 317 Chapter 310 Knight Double Volume, Skull Beast·Gold

"Taiyi, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"However, I don't regret my choice just now."

Red Lotus Knight Beast was also frightened by his behavior. Since entering Taiyi, Red Lotus Knight Beast has always regarded Taiyi as his future guarantee. When he is with Taiyi, he will be very happy, as if he has returned to Taiyi Many, many years ago, when he was not a Royal Knight, he was always like this, with courage and courage.

But later, his status changed. He was no longer a Digimon, but a royal knight. Therefore, many things that he could do before could no longer be done, and he gradually became what he is now.

In the dark inner world, the Red Lotus Knight Beast sat silently on the watery ground, his face was calm.

"Taiyi, I'm sorry, I think I should stop helping you deal with the Royal Knights in the future."


Tai Yi heard these words, but did not know how to respond.

Coincidentally, the true red lotus form has reached its limit, so let him have a good rest... Taiyi didn't really blame him, maybe more, this is a way for him to vent his emotions and regain his sanity .

It's really troublesome without Tiannv Beast, but it doesn't matter, the separation was never because I didn't need her, but because I wanted to make myself stronger so that I could better protect them.

Just like what Taiyi said to Dilumon back then, the more you have to overcome such extreme challenges of unknown life and death, you can raise your upper limit, and what Taiyi has to do now is to raise your upper limit, which is almost to this it's time.

"It seems that there is internal strife."

The Sovereign Beast also understood what happened between them.

"You are very good, Yagami Taichi, but your fault lies in the fact that your compatibility with Crimson Knightmon doesn't match...you shouldn't choose him."

"If you are a Digimon, I believe you will be able to become an existence not weaker than us, but unfortunately, you are only a human being."

Sword Emperor Beast also expressed his opinion. He felt that it was a pity that a soul like Yagami Taichi was just a small human being.

"Really? But why do I think this is very good."

"Because I'm human, I can do things that Digimon can't."

Taiyi unlocked his evolution and revealed his original description. He took out two books of knights with both hands, his eyes were unusually calm and natural. The two books were unlocked in his hands at the same time, and purple and golden glare came out from them, entwining As Taiyi's arms converged on his body, the souls of the two royal knights, the Skull Beast and the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, began to wrap around Taiyi's body.

[Golden Armored Dragon Beast!Skull beast! 】

[Double knight volume! 】

"Double Soul Evolution!"

Simple twin-soul evolution, or just combining their souls together, is like the twin-soul evolution of children using the soul of a fighter. Whether it is a fire dragon beast or a war wolf beast, if it is not an old fan, it is simply impossible. I can't tell the difference from the previous form. After all, they are just twin souls, not "super souls".

But Taiyi has already figured it out. Although he and these royal knights are usually partners, it doesn't matter if they joke with each other, but when the battle starts, it doesn't matter whether you are a red lotus knight or an omega beast. You have to listen to him alone!

Taiyi completely suppressed the will of the two knights with his own will, and thus evolved into a golden skull beast. Because they did not have a fusion form, it was difficult for even Taiyi to create a corresponding evolutionary form. Let's say it is ...Skullmon (gold), the appearance has changed slightly, and then the purple armor has turned into gold, which means that it now has the power of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast

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, with a pair of dragon tails on the back, and dragon horns wrapped in golden armor on the head.

"Do you still have strength? How much strength do you have? Yagami Taichi."

The Sovereign Beast's face was a bit bitter, but he felt that this difficult feeling... really excited him.

Before becoming the guardian of order, there was no royal knight who did not love fighting. If they did not love fighting, they would not have achieved what they are today, so now the monarch beast is completely ignited to fight.

"Until the two of you are defeated, I will never cancel the evolution again."

Holding the magic gun in one hand, Tai spoke his mind.

Except for the discoloration of the armor, the eyes of this skull beast are no longer the pure red light eyes, but the star-like eyes that are similar to the golden armored dragon beast, or the kind that many protagonist series Digimon have. Sharp blue pupils.

"It's exactly what I want...Whoever has the stronger will, let the outcome of the battle decide!"

Even if a broken arm can't recover for a while, Monarch Beast doesn't seem to be affected, but he must have forgotten the pain.

Taiyi started to move, and he flew to a farther place, the Monarch Beast and Sword Emperor Beast immediately chased up from behind, while flying Taiyi's brain to think about the next attack plan... If it is in the game, deal with it at the same time Two bosses are indeed a very difficult battle, but in this case, the early stage should be mainly defensive and counterattack. Try to let the opponent lose one first, and then the remaining one will be easy to deal with.

There are not many opportunities, and he has very little physical strength left. If you don't want to be scolded by Tiannv Beast or Liu Ji afterwards, which will cause you to lose the opportunity to go out alone in the future, you must win as soon as possible.

"Dragon Breath!"

Several consecutive colorless and transparent air cannonballs with crisp sound effects blasted over. Taiyi did not hide but raised the skull beast's shield Avalon to defend. It was a bit exhausting, but it was still bearable. Immediately afterwards, the Sword Emperor Beast came from all directions The sword dance was dazzling, and many afterimages of sword emperor beasts appeared around.

Taiyi's eyes froze for an instant, and then the magic gun spun to create a large amount of mana hurricane, blocking the incoming golden belt blade with a strong storm without dead ends, followed by another shot of the monarch beast's long-range breathing weapon, trying to break it This storm opened up an unimpeded attack path for the Sword Emperor Beast.

But this was also directly seen through by Tai Yi, no one would recognize the shield once it was lifted, anyway, the attack power of these two people, it is absolutely impossible to break the skull beast shield possessed by the soul of the golden armored dragon beast!

Immediately afterwards, Tai Yi let out a war cry, pushed the shield forward, and then the two spread out to both sides as expected, and then quickly attacked Tai Yi from both sides, but all of this was in Tai Yi's calculations, or in other words already Formed a reflexive memory, I saw that he directly used the shield to withstand the Sword Emperor Beast on the left, and pushed it forward. It bounced back and pushed the Sword Emperor Beast away. The Sovereign Beast flew to its face and threw a magic spear.

The Sovereign Beast also seemed to have expected this process. As a royal knight, he knew that Taiyi had already understood the fighting method between himself and the Sword Emperor Beast. He became alert the moment Taiyi turned around and avoided the attack. Gun assassination.

It was another round, but Tai Yi still recalled his magic spear, put the shield in front of him, bent down and lowered his center of gravity, just like a Spartan warrior, calmly dealt with all this.

Chapter 318 Chapter 310 You Are His Retirement Guarantee

Taiyi started a battle with the two royal knights over there that ended in death. The children and others below were also terrified.

"What's going on? That big brother has canceled his evolution! Could it be that he failed?"

Seeing Taichi recovering from a Digimon to a human, Tomoki thought he was defeated, after all, they themselves would not cancel the evolution casually.

But things seem to be different from what he thought. The senior is the senior. He is the one who can save sister Koizumi from such a difficult and desperate situation. He will always find a way. He hasn't lost yet.


Rose Beast couldn't help but want to help Taiyi many times.

However, he will definitely get angry if he does that. My task is to protect the children and the weak sacred goddess here. She can't just intervene in the battle over there. In the battle, it is best not to defy him. It is a matter of decision, unless it is really a matter of life and death.

It wasn't until Taiyi saw the souls of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast that they merged into a new form that Rose Beast felt relieved.

They flew farther away, and the children couldn't see any more. They could only judge the situation by the lights of different colors flashing in the clouds. a royal knight.

The three meteors traced various trajectories in the sky, chasing each other, catching each other and fighting each other. For a while, they couldn't tell what was going on.

"I can see that the neck is sore, isn't their body sore?"

Kouji touched his neck, and couldn't help complaining.

"They must have all reached their limits, so at this time, it's a competition of willpower to see who can last to the end."

Brother Huiyi walked up to his younger brother and said.

"No, I think we still have to help!" Takuya couldn't take it anymore, he took out the Tyrannosaurus machine, and turned to look at Huiji. "Kuji, you can't fly, so stay here, Koizumi and I will help him, we can both evolve with twin souls."

"Don't mess around."

Rose Beast turned around and scolded

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And Takuya who wants to fight again and again.

"Based on your speed, you can't even see where they are, and going there is just a disservice."

"...Sister Rosemon is right, Takuya, let's wait a little longer."

Koizumi also answered after careful consideration.

"But don't you just look at it like this! Senior Taiyi is already on the verge of limit! He has traveled so far to help us, how can we let him fight alone..."

Takuya was so angry that he was already scratching his hair.

"I know, I really want to help him too! But we have to do our best to protect ourselves. With only this little strength, how can we help him?"

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