
"Bright...beast...be careful..."

After saying these words, Taiyi fell into a coma.

"Don't! Don't scare me! Hey!"

Rose Beast's anxious tears flowed out without her noticing, she straightened her plump chest, hugged Taiyi with the princess in both hands, then kissed his hot and rough lips without any hesitation, and tried to blow into it.

"Don't be like this... Taiyi... If you have an accident because I'm the one who came to accompany you this time, then I... What do you ask me to do? How do you ask me to face all this."

"By the way, the Holy Celestial Beast...the Holy Celestial Beast must have a way!"

In a flash of inspiration, the rose beast thought of the holy goddess beast on the ground. After saving her life until now, it was finally able to recover the foreshadowing. She and the goddess beast have exactly the same evolutionary form, and compared with Taiyi's goddess beast, the holy goddess here The beast lacks a lot of the hostility of a warrior, but has a bit more divinity. She must be a more pure archangel.

She didn't dare to delay any longer, hugged Taiyi tightly and flew towards the ground.



"His condition is not optimistic, but he is not in danger of life, but the mental and physical exertion is too great."

Taiyi was lying on a stone that they had found temporarily, which was barely considered a bed, and was covered with the coats that the children took off on their own initiative.

"We don't have this kind of situation... We have obviously won the battle, but it still becomes like this."

"Humans are very fragile creatures, but they are also more powerful creatures than our Digimons. But now, the child's spirit and soul are too strong, and his body is gradually unable to keep up. That's why this kind of thing happened. thing."

That is to say, Tai Yi is like drinking a dozen cans of energy drinks and playing the game for two days and two nights, and then after the mental excitement is over, the backlog of physical fatigue is multiplied and fed back, making him unable to bear it anymore.

Rose Beast understands this way.

"Then what can I do to wake him up?"

"He may sleep for a long time this time, and we have no choice but to wait for him to recover slowly."

The holy goddess sighed.

"Is there no way to supplement him? For example, feed him something delicious?"

"I don't think there is any food that has this effect, but in the digital world, even a human's body will turn into data, so...if he can get data and information, maybe his situation will be better."


Rose Beast blinked her eyes, she seemed to have thought of something, but in a blink of an eye she tightened her lips again, her face flushed slightly, that kind of thing seemed too... But at this time, she can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Anyway, God knows what she knows, the comatose Tai Yi will not know what happened.

If you want data, doesn't she have it on her?

She is the queen of flowers and plants, the reincarnation of the king flower beast, she has the power to create life, and what Taiyi needs is the power to create life?

Chapter 321 Chapter 310 Chapter [-] Restoration Technique of Rose Beast

At a certain time in the original world, a young man covered in blood and who had completed ascetic practice was sitting cross-legged alone in the desolate temple. He suddenly opened his eyes and slowly raised his head to look at the dark sky. .

There, two staggered golden lights flashed, flying towards the tall tower connecting the sky and the earth in the distance—the World Tree.

Soon, he showed a strange smile, and the ten wings on his back suddenly opened, and he flew slowly into the sky, chasing the two fading rays of light.




When Tai woke up, she knew she wasn't awake.

He sat on a hard and cold stone seat, with nothing in front of him, but a light seemed to fall from above his head.

His body still can't bear the full release of the two knights' power. Just accepting a red lotus knight plus Grani seems to be his current limit. He thinks it shouldn't be like this. No, how can you bear thirteen?

"Do you think you are the World Tree? You can bear thirteen royal knights at every turn."

In the darkness, Taiyi heard a somewhat arrogant voice, although it was reproaching, but it also contained concern. Accompanied by the sound of heavy boots trampling on the water, the skull beast walked in front of him.

"Just now, Taiyi, you were too impulsive."

At the same time, the Golden Armored Dragon Beast also came out from the shadows.

"In fact, you have basically mastered this power, but you shouldn't use such a taboo move. I have no problem with the skull beast, but you will be injured."

"In that case, there's nothing I can do. Those two guys are too cunning, and I don't want to let them go."


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Calm down now, try to recall the scene just now and still feel sweat on the back.

"In any case, you must use this trick with caution in the future."

"Are these the only limits I have? I can't even fully grasp the double volume."

"According to what we know about you so far, your physical upper limit is that you can bear the power of a royal knight at most."

"And the remaining one must be an ordinary royal knight like Sovereign Beast and Sword Emperor Beast. It must not be Omega Beast, Exa Beast or Alpha Beast...their data volume is too huge, Omi Plusmon is fine, but with Examon or Alphamon, you probably won’t even be able to do double volumes.”

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast analyzed their current situation.

Although they don't know what will happen in the future, they have long recognized Taiyi and are willing to fight side by side with Taiyi, so of course they must stand on Taiyi's side and think carefully for him.

"Can't I work harder? For example, insist on exercising for three hours a day..."

"It's not a question of exercising or not. It's that as a human being, the highest limit you can accept is here. It is impossible to break through unless you surpass human beings."

The skull beast explained again.

"That's right, although Taichi can evolve into many, many Digimon, it essentially uses the power of others to fuse with itself, so you are a human after all, and your upper limit will not be raised again."

"So, if I want to use the power of the thirteen royal knights at the same time, I have to become a real Digimon?"

——Physical pain, mechanical soaring, it seems that it is time to transform into a cybernetic person!

"That's unrealistic, because you are you, your existence is unique and unique, just like other parallel worlds, there will be royal knights, but they are not us after all, even if they look the same and have the same name."

"I'm joking... In that case, my idea is not realistic."

"It's not sure." The skull beast folded its hands in front of its chest, pacing around Taiyi. "The plan is just an expectation. We won't know exactly what will happen until then. We just provide you with some references so that you can be mentally prepared."

"...Thank you both."

"We believe that you can do it, so we will do our best, but in the end it is you who really bears everything, Taichi... Come on."

"And the Red Lotus Knight Beast, I know you're listening, right?"

Taichi can feel that there are three Digimon around him, but only two have come out so far, so the remaining one must be the Crimson Knightmon who had a conflict with himself because he made a mistake in the battle.

"I'm sorry, Taichi."

The familiar voice came from the darkness, followed by the sound of footsteps. After the Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Skull Beast looked at each other tacitly, they spread out to the outside respectively. The Red Lotus Knight Beast walked out of the shadow with its head bowed, and came to the In front of the One.

"Although I don't think I did anything wrong, the result still caused you to be seriously injured... I'm really sorry."

"You don't have to be so nervous."

Taiyi is far less oppressive now than in the battle. Seeing the majestic Red Lotus Knight Beast humming so low made him very uncomfortable. In fact, in the battle just now, no matter what, he had to use the Knight Double Book. At that time, the true red lotus form could no longer be maintained, and it was impossible to break through these two guys.

However, thanks to the Red Lotus Knight Beast, Tai Yi was able to master the fighting habits of Sword Emperor Beast and Monarch Beast, so as to create their flaws.

"I just had a bad attitude and offended you, and I hope you don't take it to heart."

"...But Taiyi, I, I may really have too much sympathy. You are right, and this is the reason why I failed to defeat you."

"This is a good thing. Facing comrades who fought side by side in the past and have deep feelings for each other, it's normal not to want to kill them." Tai nodded his head to express his understanding. "There is a character in a famous book in the human world. Once he faced an enemy at the end of the road, but he did not hesitate to disobey the order and let him survive. It was just because the enemy had taken good care of him and he couldn't bear to kill him. "

"People don't criticize him for it, they just praise the guy for being 'just as good as the sky'."

Taiyi brought out the classic case of Guan Erye in the memory of his previous life to provide him with psychological counseling. Although this incident did not exist in history, it does not affect its status in the hearts of thousands of readers.


The Golden Armored Dragon Beast finds it very interesting. It seems that among human beings, those who follow others and pursue snobbery are still a minority.

"...I see, Taiyi, I understand what you mean."

"You lost to me at the time, and it was indeed because of this, because the time we got along with each other made you have feelings for me in your heart, so you couldn't bear to kill me, and you wanted to use your strength to force me back and let me go back, but I'm not the type of guy to get scared either."

"Sounds interesting, what happened between you two? I didn't expect that the Red Lotus Knight Beast, who has always been unimpressed with us, could develop a relationship with Taiyi."

The skull beast is very curious about how they met and what kind of interesting story happened.

"...Don't talk about this matter again, skull beast, it has nothing to do with you."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast is in a great embarrassment at the moment. The silly, cute new knight appearance he pretended at that time must not be seen by these colleagues, otherwise his long-standing aloof personality will collapse.


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, that short time was indeed a long-lost relaxation and nostalgia for Red Lotus Knight Beast, because he was not acting, he was just trying to find himself before he became a royal knight. The man he fears also appreciates a like-minded friend like Tai Yi.

"Then forget about this unpleasant incident, we won't mention it any more."

Taichi decides to turn the matter over.

But there is no need for him to specifically mention it. I believe that no matter who it is in the future, it will not interfere with him again in the battle.

"Hey, I don't know when my body will recover. It's so boring to talk to you all the time here."

Taiyi sighed, looking up at the emptiness of light above his head.

Suddenly, for some reason, there was a sweet feeling in his mouth... maybe the Rose Beast was feeding his fainted body.

"Huh?" The Golden Armored Dragon Beast looked at him seriously. "If you're bored, how about a plate of happy Digimon cards?"

"You also play cards?"

Tai Yi never expected that this thick-browed, big-eyed guy would be so dishonest in private... He thought that the Golden Armored Dragon Beast was the kind of incomparably rigid guy who couldn't help but criticize you when he saw you fishing at work. guy.

And his hairstyle doesn't look like he's very good at playing cards. Of course, his own hairstyle is not very suitable.

"This is a game unique to our world, and the Golden Armored Dragon Beast likes it!"

The skull beast also came over and laughed.

"That's all I like."

As the Golden Armored Dragon Beast said, it found a thick set of cards from nowhere. Taiyi saw that there were all kinds of Digimon cards and some effect cards in it, and it looked really mature. .

"Then give it a shot!" Tai Yi eagerly stood up from his seat, sat cross-legged opposite the Golden Armored Dragon Beast, and began to sort out the deck in his hand.Can Red Lotus Knight Beast play? "

"I do not know."

He shook his head.

"What, say that the golden armored dragon beast is rigid, you are the most rigid one, right? Ah, shouldn't you say that?"




Rosemon's healing technique is very subtle... Really subtle, it is the kind of picture that cannot be seen by those children, so Rosemon temporarily built a house that only he can enter and exit, and put Taiyi in it.

After deliberation, the children decided to continue to set off to find the last enemy, the Bright Beast, which the Holy Maiden and Rosemon had told them. At the same time, they also carefully surveyed the situation in the digital world, which was also convenient for Rose Beast them.

"It's all right to do that, if you're confident."

The Holy Goddess Beast was a little surprised after hearing Rosemon's opinion, but in theory, that substance does have a certain healing effect, especially Rosemon itself has the ability to create life, which can help Taiyi quickly recover from injuries.

"Then you go out first, I don't want to be watched by others."

Rose Beast pushed her lightly, his face flushed slightly.


"You don't understand, go out and wait."

The sacred goddess felt strange, but since Rosemon said so, she would not refuse, and left the tree house obediently.

Rose Beast turned around and looked at Tai Yi who lay unconscious over there, sighed heavily, then walked to Tai Yi's bedside, and sat down there... Although this kind of thing is nothing, Rose Beast just felt quite It's shameful, and she doesn't know if she can succeed, but she has worked hard to prepare.

She lifted Taichi's head gently and placed it on her lap.

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