At this time, the unconscious Tai Yi suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, as if he was having a happy dream, and the rose beast was a little annoyed when he saw him like this... Damn, let this stinky man take advantage of everything!

Rosamon looked down at his chest and started working.



"Damn! Laughing so happily! You're not pretending to be asleep on purpose!"

Rosemon feels empty, as if all the essence has been lost... It stands to reason that she, a Digimon, cannot have this kind of thing, but she is Rosemon, and she happens to be good at some crooked ways.

At this time, Taiyi on the bed suddenly let out a comfortable groan... For some reason, seeing Taiyi's appearance, Rose Beast was really upset, but anyway, they have done what they should do, so it's not a big deal.

After it was over, Rosamon left the room, and Holy Celestiamon was waiting for her outside.

"How is it? Does it work?"

"Yes, Tai Yi's condition is much better."

Tai Yi, who was sleeping like a dead pig, suddenly reacted so much, it must be because his "recovery technique" has worked, Rose Beast thought so.

"How about continuing to increase the dose?"

"No... I can't make so many in one go."

It's strange to say that it's obviously not a good thing, but the reserves are limited. The Rose Beast is even a little hungry now, and desperately wants to supplement some nutritious food.

"That's it." The holy celestial female beast was thoughtful after hearing this. "Then why don't I go and treat Taiyi too, I should have this kind of energy in my body, after all, I am one of the three great angels."

"? No, no need!"

Rosemon's eyes widened immediately, as if hearing something unbelievable.

——It’s tiring to deal with this kind of Digimon who have absolutely no common sense in human society... How can such a thing be done casually?

"Why? I think I can try it, the machine

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will be big. "

The holy celestial female beast began to understand again.

"This... this is because... ouch, I don't know how to say it."

Rose Beast hesitated but couldn't think of how to explain such words.

"Are you, do you care about the difference between men and women? Don't you want me to have intimate contact with that child?"

"...Don't say it if you know it."

Rose Beast was shocked, so she knew everything but still wanted to do this?

"It's okay, I can fill the cup without touching it directly."

"It's not a matter of contact or not!"

"Our Digimon are all genderless. There is no need to include those rules and regulations between humans. The situation is critical now. I don't know when the Bright Beast will appear. We need the power of Taiyi."

"Rose Beast, you don't want Taiyi to remain unconscious, do you?"


Recommend a friend's book (make up the word count)


"You think about mechanical prosthetics replacing human arms to gain more strength. But is there a possibility that you can use external mechanical devices to achieve the same effect without chopping your hands?"

"20 potential points have been consumed, and an improved blueprint has been obtained——Power Gauntlet"


"If you think about the power gauntlet, there is still room for further expansion. You need to collect Tyrannical steel spines, ankle reinforcements, smart chips, and any weapon modules... If you think about combining them, you will definitely be able to create stronger equipment. "

"100 potential points have been consumed, and advanced drawings have been obtained - exoskeleton armor"



"In this era of proliferation of prosthetic bodies, you have never been lost in the crazy transformation. Instead, you insist on tempering your body and sharpening your mind until your body and mind become one."

"No matter how powerful weapons and prosthetic bodies are, they can't match the peace of mind"

"You have conceived the Wuji swordsmanship"


Adam Heavy Hammer looked at Su Xiao in front of him, dumbfounded: "What kind of fucking monster are you?!"

Chapter 322 Chapter 310 Five Why is this water so weird?

"I choose to summon a Tyrannosaurus, and activate the effect to specially recruit two Digimon below the growth stage from the deck. I choose two Agumons, and then stack a V-dramon to produce derivatives. A V Baby Beast, activate the magic card "Dragon Warrior's Sigh" from the hand, and specially recruit a Digimon from the Dragon's Domain below a full body, I choose Tyrannosaurus..."

Taichi has fully entered the state, immersed in the battle of the Digimon card game.

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast is sweating profusely from being tortured by a novice like Tai Yi, and he is in danger, but so far he still maintains a record of complete victory, but if this trend continues, his defeat is only a matter of time.

Unfortunately, at this time, Tai Yi's body in reality has finally recovered to the level where he can move normally, so the boy has not finished explaining his deck, he has already woken up in reality in a daze.

There seemed to be a lot of things squeezed into his mind at once, and the huge amount of information made him feel dizzy for a short time. He straightened his body in a daze, and this seemed to be the tree house created by the rose beast...then the vines weaved into The door suddenly opened to both sides spontaneously, and a woman in a red tights walked in in small steps.

"You're finally awake, Taichi."

Rosa Beast walked in, and then helped Taiyi who wanted to get up to lie down again, then took a bowl of clear water that she had prepared from the flower wooden table next to her, and fed him to drink.

The cool and sweet underwater belly made Taiyi feel much better, and his brain was completely awake.

"How long have I slept?"

"Almost three days."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Tai Yi let out a sigh of relief after hearing this. "After you go back, you have to keep it a secret, and don't let anyone else tell you the truth."

"Are you afraid of Tiannv Beast and Liu Ji, and you are not afraid of me?" Rose Beast laughed angrily. "Next time you dare to act like this again, I really won't help you anymore, let them know about it right away!"

"There won't be a next time. I also value my life very much, but I didn't expect that this move would consume so much..."

After all, the two royal knights are still such difficult enemies. Taiyi will consider a more mature plan next time, but fortunately, the Bright Beast didn't take the opportunity to intercept the data of the two royal knights, but now, they shouldn't either. Completely dead, maybe waiting for rebirth at the World Tree.

It's a pity that I couldn't get their Knight's Book, maybe because Tai Yi's hostility to them was too strong. If you want to get the Knight's Book, you must use Omega Beast Mercy, but facing two For such a "villain" who is so stubborn at sacrificing other worlds for his own world, Tai Yi can't feel compassion.

"Do you have any special feelings?"

Rose Beast seemed to be expecting some different answers, and moved its butt towards Taiyi again.

"It doesn't seem to be... It's just that I slept soundly, and my body seems to be recovering well."

Taiyi looked down at his body and smiled.

"Didn't you have any special dreams?"

"For example, in the warm childhood summer, you lay in your mother's arms happily and sucked your breast milk."

"? Why do I have this kind of dream?"

Taiyi didn't quite understand what she was talking about, but he was indeed having a dream of playing cards.

"Speaking of which, how can there be water in this water?

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Weirdly sweet? "

He suddenly felt that what he had just drank was not quite right, he couldn't help but licked his lips, and tasted the strange taste, it didn't taste like honey water...but it didn't taste like milk either, it was very weird.

"I didn't brush it clean before. After all, the sacred female beast's is much stickier than mine. There will always be some leftovers. Don't worry about it."

Rosemon explained with a smiling face.

"?what are you talking about?"

Taiyi suddenly felt that something was wrong... He still remembers the state before he fell into a coma, as if all the bones in his body were broken and he was about to lose consciousness. That kind of state is definitely not something that can be solved simply by sleeping. What did he do while he was sleeping, otherwise he should at least be able to wake up after defeating the Golden Armored Dragon Beast.

"It's actually like this~"

The Rose Beast suddenly stuck to Taiyi's ear, and whispered a few words, Taiyi's expression changed very wonderfully, his eyes widened, gradually from doubt to shock to a... very complicated, mixed with various emotions Face.

"So, you have to thank me very much for the sacred goddess beast. How could you recover so well without our milk?"

"I, I see." Tai Yi took a deep breath to calm down, and then touched his face with his hand. "Don't tell anyone about this... understand?"

The rose beast is fine, but the holy goddess beast...Taiyi felt a little bullied by the ignorance of other Digimon, and did such a shameful thing without hesitation, the original holy archangel, now she seems to be more holy the meaning of.

"Okay~ I won't say that you recovered by drinking our *juice."

"Could you keep your mouth shut and fuck the juice if you can?"


Taiyi sighed, trying not to think about these things, and then began to get out of bed and get dressed. At this moment, the holy goddess beast knocked on the door, and the rose beast let her in.

It is a little different from my holy goddess beast, her emerald green armor is neatly worn, and half of her face exposed under the helmet mask, the facial contour and the shape of the nose and lips are also completely different from the goddess beast, She looks older.

"It's good you're all right, Chosen Child from another world."

She smiled at Tai Yi very gently.

"Those two guys came from my world. Dealing with them is a very important responsibility of mine. No thanks."

Tai put on her coat.

"That's right, but we should thank you, Holy Celestial Beast, thank you for your willingness to contribute your own——hmm!"

Rosemon smiled wickedly and wanted to continue to repeat the words just now, but Taiyi predicted it in advance, and directly raised his hand to cover her mouth to stop her dangerous speech.

"Are you talking about that? Don't worry about it, just try your best, as long as you're fine."

"If you think it's not enough, I still have some here."

"...No, no, I'm fine." Tai Yi replied hastily. "But this matter, please don't tell others... because eating this kind of thing is something that only babies do for humans, so it is very shameful for me as an adult, and I don't want others Know."

"Well, I understand, it doesn't matter, Taichi, I will keep it a secret."



The children seem to have gone out to explore the digital world and haven't come back yet. Taiyi came outside to move a little bit. After lying on the corpse for three days, his body is still a little stiff. After warming up, he also took out the communication equipment and communicated with the small world. The Celestial Beasts stationed here sent a contact newsletter to report their safety, and then began to think about the next course of action.

"Didn't the Bright Beast appear?"

Tai felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that if the two royal knights fell, the Bright Beast would not be able to sit still and show up, or at least hide somewhere in the digital world, but he seems to have evaporated from this world and never appeared again. It's very abnormal.

"The kids go to explore the digital world every day, and then come back at night, and then you can ask them what they found, Tai."

Chapter 323 Chapter 310 Chapter [-] Whereabouts of the Bright Beast

"Brother Tai!"

When the children with the fighter's soul came back, Koizumi saw something standing there with Rosemon busy with the boiler, so he couldn't hold back and ran over.

Of course, she didn't come up to hug Taiyi, she just stood in front of him, took a good look at his body, and was relieved when she found that he had indeed fully recovered.

"I...I...I'm really sorry!" Koizumi was a little incoherent under the excitement.

"Why are you apologizing?"

Tai did not understand very much.

"It's clearly agreed that we need to rely on our own strength to overcome difficulties in our own battle, but in the end we still have to rely on Brother Taiyi's help..."

"It's nothing. Those two guys are the ones I'm looking for, but you guys, it's not easy to get to this point. I can see all your efforts."

It was not just Koizumi who said these words, Taichi also went to look at the children standing behind him who were both familiar and unfamiliar. The four generations of protagonists, their worlds were also affected by the activities of the World Tree and the Royal Knights, so Taichi, the Digimon Police of the parallel universe, will of course attack directly.

"And Koizumi also achieved twin-soul evolution through his own efforts, didn't he? Don't feel guilty, just look up."

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