"Senior Taiyi!! You, can you teach us how to be as strong as you?"

Takuya seemed to have wanted to say these words a long time ago, even though the powerful man standing there still reminded them of the star that fell from the sky into the earth and caused a nuclear explosion three days ago, but he still had the desire to become stronger in his heart. desire.

"You are already very strong."

Taichi knew what these children were thinking.

It is normal to feel unwilling to see the seniors displaying such fighting power, otherwise it will show that they are not worth being saved by Tai Yi, and they have no self-motivated and sense of responsibility.

"But we...that royal knight knocked us all down with just one move. I'm talking about wanting your strength."

"My name is Takuya Kanbara, and these are my friends, Kouji, Koichi, and over there are Yuki and Junpei."

"Well, I know your names."

Tai nodded and faced them with a very friendly smile.

"You know us??"

"In other parallel worlds, there are characters with the same name and appearance as yours. They have successfully saved that digital world, so I know very well that you can still do it without me."

"But we couldn't even defeat the cherubim with our own hands..."

"No, you have defeated him."

The holy goddess beast also came out, looking at these children, and the little bada beast flying and circling beside it.

She also felt a little emotional in her heart. Although the current situation is in a direction that she did not expect, but fortunately, the cherubimus can return to reincarnation and wait for rebirth, and the next thing to face is the former savior of this world, who is also the world-destroying demon king. up.

"Successfully collected all the souls of the fighters and pushed the cherubim to a desperate situation. If there is no accident, according to my idea, I will bestow my remaining life energy on you so that you can awaken the true power of the souls of the fighters. With this, you can defeat the cherubimon."

"So, don't feel ashamed, children, you are still the savior of this world, you are the real heroes, please hold your chest high."

"If the current result is that you can survive, then we don't care about it. Hehe, the most important thing is that everyone is fine."

Takuya patted his head and laughed foolishly.

The sacred female beast is worthy of being an archangel who has been guarding the world for so many years with a strong divinity. After a speech, all the guilt in the hearts of the children was completely eliminated.

"That's why you came here on the route arranged by the holy maiden for you, and I appeared here because I knew from Koizumi that there might be royal knights here, so I came here to have a look. I didn't expect it to really surprise me." Hit."

"But I know that even if I didn't come, they must not be your opponents."

In the original work, the royal knights the children face may be slightly weaker than the two they fought, but not much weaker. For children who may develop the evolution of ancient souls in the future, it is absolutely not What an insurmountable moat.

"Can we... really beat those two guys?"

Takuya stared at his palm, with a look of anticipation and a hint of unconfidence on his face.

For children who have not yet mastered the evolution of super souls, this kind of thing is indeed unimaginable.

"Yes, you can."

"Hey~ It's okay, Takuya, it's over anyway, we can go home soon."

Junpei put his hands behind his head and said with a smile.

The past few days have been quite comfortable for him. He doesn’t have to worry about Digimon looking for them anymore. His life is like living in wasteland or traveling in the wild. Every day he goes out on a motorcycle to observe the world and look for supplies. When I come back at night, I can eat the delicious meal made by Rose Beast, which is really much better than the previous days when there was no next meal.

"Have you found any clues about the Bright Beast?"

The holy goddess beast asked.

"That's exactly what we want to say."

Kouji took a few steps forward and looked at them.

"We found a Death Beast, which told us that before our arrival, the Bright Beast was awakened by two royal knights, and then sent to other worlds through a portal."

"... Is it reliable?"

Taiyi immediately frowned upon hearing this.

According to the idea of ​​Monarch Beast and Sword Emperor Beast, Bright Beast is going to replace World Tree as the maintainer of the new world order, but although he has a high fate, although this vessel is huge, the things inside are not. Therefore, urgently increasing the data volume of the Bright Beast is what the two royal knights want to do most.

"I don't know... But what does this mean? Senior, our last enemy, the Bright Beast, did he go to your digital world?"


Tai nodded, and then slowly told the children about the origin of the identities of Sovereign Beast and Sword Emperor Beast, as well as the current predicament of that world.

"It turned out that it was for their own world to be saved... If they were originally the guardians of the world, but they made this choice, it must be because they have reached the end of their rope."

Hui was very touched when he heard it, and for a moment he no longer felt that the two imperial knights were such heinous sinners.

"No matter what, this is not a reason to attack other worlds and lives!"

"Everyone! Our mission has not been completed yet. Although Bright Beast has escaped now, it still carries a large amount of data from the Digital World. If he is not completely defeated, this world will not be able to survive."

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He can't get back to his original form, and he will come back sooner or later, so..."

"This is our duty, let's go after it, everyone."

"Do you want to go? That scary place that Senior Taiyi just said?"

"Go, if you don't defeat the Bright Beast, there will be no real peace in this world! So go!"

Junpei is still a bit backed down, mainly because Taichi's description is a bit scary, and then he has to face an enemy who is theoretically stronger than the two royal knights... and Yuki is also afraid, but as long as everyone is there, there is this enemy. With the reliable Senior Taiyi around, he felt a little more strength in his heart.

"In order for Bright Beast to become the new god to replace the World Tree, I think they should let Bright Beast eat up a lot of data, and more importantly... Maybe those two royal knights have been 'resurrected' now."

If they were not made into the book of knights by Tai Yi, they would definitely usher in rebirth after a period of time, but they don't know how long this time will be.

Chapter 324 Chapter 310 Seven Great Bright Beast·Degenerate Form

"Why, then, isn't the Digimon born in that world invincible?"

Koizumi also fully understood the meaning of the so-called "immortality" from Taiyi's words just now. As long as ordinary Digimon die, they are dead. In childhood or growing up, everything starts from scratch.

But the mechanics in that world don't seem to be the case.

"But that kind of resurrection will lose the memory of the past, and all actions will follow instinct."

"It doesn't matter even if the young Digimon have no memory, because their own fighting power is equivalent to that of a child, even worse than a pet cat or dog, but if the Digimon of the Royal Knight level have no reason, everything depends on Instinct, that's pure monster."

"It sounds scary..."

Yuki seems to have thought of something. They also have experience with Digimon rampage. At the beginning, Taku also ran away because he couldn't control the flame dragon beast of the beast-shaped fighter soul, leaving only fighting instinct.

"We, are we going to fight the Royal Knights again next time? Isn't this too foul? Even if we win again, they will still be resurrected, won't they?"

Junpei's scalp tingles when he thinks about the terrifying strength of those two guys. Even such a powerful Taichi won the battle by killing himself half to death. If there is another fight, the outcome is really hard to say.

"You don't have to go there."

Taichi thought about it for a while, and said his decision.

"?? Why? We are ready, that is our battle, senior, please bring us along!"

Takuya was already full of expectations to meet the new challenge, but he was directly poured cold water, how could he agree?

"Because it's too dangerous."

"There is no need for this. That world is currently in a closed stage. Even I have to find a way to get in. It is not realistic to bring you together."

Only those who have the authority second only to the world tree can be qualified to enter that world. The royal knights have this authority, the seven demon kings have it, and the three angels have it, but Taiyi does not. He is not sure whether he can successfully enter, and Will there be any obstacles, so I still didn't agree to the challenge of Takuya and others.

"Just stay here, don't worry, if there are no accidents, you will probably have a chance to face the Bright Beast."


"The situation over there is very complicated, even I can hardly imagine it, so it is not an area suitable for adventure for you." Taiyi did not leave them any room for maneuver, whoever has decided what he has decided It didn't work either. "You should stay here for the time being. After all, this world cannot be separated from people. Protect everyone and wait for my news."

Takuya seemed to want to say something, but at this moment Kouji came from behind and patted him on the shoulder. The boy wearing goggles looked back at his friend. Kouji didn't say anything, just shook his head as a signal.


Takuya sighed.

It's true that he couldn't convince Tai Yi, and the other party didn't know him very well, and he didn't even say a few complete words, and Tai Yi wasn't such a troublesome guy...he might as well be obedient.

"Juniors, for the time being, I have to wrong you to stay for a few more days, but believe me, all this will end soon, and you can go home."

Taichi realized that the atmosphere had become very tense before he knew it, so he quickly smiled and said something relaxing to make everyone happy.

"No, it doesn't matter to us! Brother Tai, you must be careful and safe, and don't take any more risks."

Youshu is a very sensible child, knowing that Taichi is taking risks for them now, he didn’t need to take care of Bright Beasts, but this is all to protect their world, he has taken over the burden that should have been provoked by them .

"I'm strong, don't worry about me."



With many wings, the young man in a simple white dress walked barefoot on the green grass.

Before he came to that high tower, that huge building is called "World Tree" by the Digimons of this world. It connects the sky and the earth. It existed in this place a long time ago. The center... Just standing in front of it makes the Bright Beast's heart throb.

There is a layer of emerald green coating on the outside of the entire sky-reaching tower, and green numbers are continuously sprayed outwards.

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According to the dot matrix, it is like a giant tree that can stand tall in the wind, but its leaves will keep being blown off or fall off naturally.

There is unimaginable digital data, that is, "power". Unfortunately, this power is more supreme than anything he has ever seen. Let alone obtain it, he can't even take a step closer. There was a steady, permanent collision of forces that froze the world.

Both time and space are completely isolated, and there is no way to enter it.

The Bright Beast is like a pilgrim who is pious on the surface but actually hides evil intentions. Standing in front of the World Tree, he waits for an unknown how long... It may be one moon, or two moons, during which there are countless green data fast Falling down into Digimon, most of them are unconscious, leaving the tower aimlessly for other places.

These are Digimon who died all over the world. They have long lost their memory in the constant death after death, but their power still remains. They are like zombie monsters, very dangerous.

Of course, there are also some desperate ones, such as a new kind of evil beast that instinctively attacked the angelic bright beast, but was easily killed by him in seconds.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally found the two he wanted to see.

Among the large number of green dots, the rose red and silver white of the two are particularly eye-catching, and after landing, they quickly turned into brand-new sword emperor beasts and monarch beasts.

"It's been a long time, both of you."

Bright Beast smiled and greeted them.


The faces of the two royal knights are dull, as if they haven't had time to process the current information. They are in a new system that has just started, and are gradually reading their own programs until they complete the response. But at least for now, they can only act like robots Standing there, but also because of this, they regained their true posture as royal knights.

Two huge knights who were at least 40 meters tall stood there motionless, like two huge ancient god statues, more like two combat mechs that hadn't been activated yet.

The Bright Beast looked up at the two huge knights, and then suddenly showed a strange smile... He slowly raised his hands, although in front of the knights, he was only as small as an ant with the height of a primary school student, but gradually, He still seems to have opened up some kind of channel, and built two data bridges of rose red and silver between himself and the two knights.

This is a very dangerous move, but it is also the long-awaited opportunity for Bright Beast.

"I know that you two have high expectations of me."

He spoke gradually.

"Digimon have always been this kind of creatures. Just like humans long for water, Digimon also long for power."

"As long as we are alive, we will continue to fight."

Right here, right now, he can accept the data of these two royal knights in a fair manner, and then continue to load it into his body. At that time, he will be able to obtain the truly supreme power and overcome the power of wandering in this world. Those monsters that he can't avoid...and the more he eats, the stronger he will become, until finally, he will conquer this tall world tree.

Bright Beast is no longer limited to his original world. Although the Ten Warriors and the Three Angels did inflict such heavy damage on him, it doesn't matter now. Through the new world gate opened for him by the two royal knights, Bright The beast has found its way.

But this is a long process. The power of these two royal knights is not trivial, and it will take some time to fully absorb it. More importantly, the Bright Beast dare not make too much noise in this position... It may cause trouble. Some guys I don't want to meet.

"You said, Sword Emperor Beast, you will give me strength sooner or later, and help me complete the long step of ascending to the gods."

The light-colored transparent pupils of the Bright Beast began to glow with brilliance, and there was an expression on his face that was so excited that it was close to madness.

"And now is the time."

——Why, you obviously have such a powerful strength, but you don’t become that god yourself?

——Because the World Tree is a great existence at all times, and no matter how much effort we put in, we cannot be great, only powerful.

— but you, you have the qualifications of 'greatness'.

Bright Beast recalled the conversation he had with Sovereign Beast at the beginning, and now there is only one sentence in his mind, he is great, he is the savior of that world, and ended the conflict between the two camps of human and beast Digimon. The war brought long-term peace to that world, and next, he knew that he was about to become the savior of this world.

What's the point of asking him to do this?That is meaningless, Digimon itself is in pursuit of strength, without any reason.

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