The energy that was just lingering water at first has turned into a huge torrent, and the tide-like data has been completely absorbed into the body of the Bright Beast, and his eyes have undergone extremely strange changes, flickering with an evil black light. The pure whites of the eyes began to be quickly corroded by black.

The evil seed that was buried in the heart of the Bright Beast a long time ago has finally begun to germinate and grow rapidly under the power of the Royal Knights. The god who once brought gospel and faith to the world, the great light The beast, at this moment, is about to walk into another abyss according to his own destiny.

"You don't have to do this. As I said, we will bestow our strength on you sooner or later."

But at this time

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, the Sovereign Beast seemed to wake up first, and of course, he also realized what was happening to him now.

"But not now, your body can't bear all of us, you will die."

"I'll be fine, Sovereign Beast, and Sword Emperor Beast."

The Bright Beast looked at their gradually becoming transparent bodies, and the continuous energy poured into his body, like water pouring into a shriveled leather bag. The Bright Beast's body could no longer bear these powerful energies.

"Because, I am the kind of...great Digimon you say."

The Bright Beast smiled, and its body began to glow and expand rapidly at this moment. It was half a demon and half an angel, surrounded by a pure black and white two-color data ring and accelerated rapidly.


The Sovereign Beast has nothing to say, and the Sword Emperor Beast seems to have lost the power to wake up again, and his consciousness is gradually disappearing. This time their life data will also become part of the Bright Beast, but now, he There is no more strength to struggle.

He didn't think about anything, but he just felt a little surprised. Whether it was losing to Yagami Taichi or being plotted against by the Bright Beast, it seemed that it was not the right time... and this Bright Beast didn't seem to be the kind of thing he could rely on. God, because of his evolution, has already gushed out a lot of strong dark breath.

The Bright Beast was like a very hungry beast, and finally sucked the two huge royal knights into his body, and then his size continued to expand. Finally, after the black and white halo burst, the Bright Beast let out a painful but excited sound Roaring, almost a brand new life was born.

On the right is the wing of an angel, and on the left is the wing of a demon, which is somewhat similar to the one evolved from the Celestial Beast and the Female Demon Beast, but the appearance and physical signs are undoubtedly the Digimon of an adult man——Bright Beast: Fallen Form.

His face became completely white, and he was quietly suspended in the air, quietly immersed in this evolutionary moment that belonged to him alone.

Yes, this is the power he was after.

However, the Bright Beast was not overly excited about this, and was complacent, because now he still has more goals, and wants to completely capture the world. His current strength is still not enough, and it is still a lot worse.

So he didn't think about anything, just spread his wings and disappeared into the air in an instant, heading towards a higher place in the sky like a sharp arrow.

Then he is about to acquire the most powerful data aggregate in the world... Like a monster, like a world, the royal knight named "World"—Examon.

That Digimon has an incomprehensible huge amount of data, and its size is also the largest among the Royal Knights, but what is a little troublesome is that Examon has completely lost its mind in the process of impacting the World Tree in order to save the world, so this Digimon It means that Bright Beast must defeat a runaway monster next.

At the moment when the black and white figure flew across the sky, a certain man who was sitting high in the royal knight's castle woke up.

A knight in white armor, with a red and white cloak, and big blue eyes shining like stars appeared in the dark eyes. He sat up, and the dragon head and wolf head of his left and right hands made a slight sound, and he walked outside with a solemn expression. , Looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds below, thoughtful.



"You guys wait here for a while, I don't know how the time here is calculated, but I should come back to tell you the news soon."

After the dinner time was over, Taiyi decided to go back directly. He also stayed in this world for almost ten days. How the digital world has grown.

"During this period, if something happens, use this to contact me directly, understand?"

Before Taiyi left, he handed over to Koizumi the communication device he had brought to communicate with Beetlemon and others in the small world.

"I will."

The girl carefully took the communication device from Tai Yi, and seriously agreed.

Her appearance was very similar to the expression on his face when he sent her back here. This was the next promise between them.

"Juniors, please also take care of everything here during this time, and I will be back as soon as possible."

Taichi opened the portal, and waved goodbye to Takuya and others.

"Goodbye! Senior! Be careful!"

Chapter 325 Chapter 310 Chapter [-]: Jess Beast's Trace

"So... nothing really happened?"

After returning, Taiyi sat side by side with Rosemon on the sofa in the meeting room, in front of her was a golden long-haired celestial maiden wearing suit pants and a white shirt. What is the reason for such a long delay over there.

"Yes, nothing happened, it's just that I played there for two more days, right? Rose Beast."

Taichi winked at the Rosemon next to him.

"Stop winking, Tai Yi, it's too ugly."

Tiannv Beast was obviously smiling, but that smile made Tai Yi's back shiver.

"Let's be honest, did you evolve the double book of knights?"

Before she set off, she knew that Tai Yi was just a little short of being able to break through the bottleneck, and could accept the power of two royal knights to fight at the same time, and she knew Tai Yi very well, so she probably understood that the reason why he did not come back in time must be Also for this reason.

"No, I'm not that capable..."


The blond lady in formal attire gritted her teeth.

"Okay, okay, I'm here

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What did you do!But it's okay, really. "

"Impossible, you didn't contact me for a few days, this is not your style."

Tiannv Beast really knows Tai Yi too well, he will be seen through at a glance if he tells a little lie, making Tai Yi a bit embarrassed, but Rose Beast, on the contrary, clearly promised to help him get around, but now he doesn't say a word.

As far as Rose Beast is concerned, she certainly doesn't want to see Taichi's repeated adventures again and again, especially since she can't help him much now with her own combat power, even if she is hated by Taiyi, she still hopes Taiyi's next adventure And the battle can be safe and sound.

"After eliminating two royal knights, it is impossible for you to be undamaged."

"Tell me the truth! How many days have you been lying down?"

"...About two or three days."

Too much of an answer.

"That's three days."

Tiannu Beast pursed her lips, her brows were tightly furrowed, and her blue eyes seemed to be burning with flames, very angry.

"I said, can you pay attention a little bit, didn't you tell me that if you really value your companions, you must value your own life?"

"When you have a deep connection with other people, your life is no longer yours alone. You are so irresponsible to yourself, are you worthy of what you said? Could it be that you want me to be a widow?"

"Do not……"

Such a noun made up by Tiannv Beast made Tai Yi really feel bad for his conscience.

My motivation for fighting is to hope that they, as well as Jiaer, and those friends can be happy and happy, and if I am gone, then no matter how beautiful the world is created, it must be like cutting out their chests for them. A scar that would never heal, Tai would never hurt them like this.

"It should make us widows."

Rose Beast added leisurely.

"Sorry sorry, I'll be more careful next time."

Taiyi could only raise his hand to surrender, and promised that he would not make such a mistake again from now on, and the goddess finally calmed down. She sat on the other side of Taiyi, slowly resting her head on his shoulder, and after sending out After losing her temper, her voice was much gentler than before.

"When they all come back, let's just cancel the plan you set up." Tiannv Beast said slowly, as if talking about family matters. "Now is an extraordinary period. Your task is much more difficult than that of other companions, so let me stay by your side."

"I'm going to think about it."

Taiyi silently closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while.

"Where did they all go?"

"Kōshiro and Beetlemon are in the research room every day. They are researching to make the defense system more perfect, and at the same time, they are always paying attention to news and abnormalities from other worlds."

"What happened to the people who set off to adventure in other worlds?"

Taiyi wasn't worried about those two, but he didn't see Liu Ji and Meimei who set off at the same time as him.

"They have all come back, but they set out again."

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

"It seems to have found the trace of an acquaintance, in a certain world." The gentle body of the goddess beast left Taiyi, she stood up and walked to the equipment console in front, and after knocking on it a few times, a brand new projection screen was ejected. "It's this world, Taiyi. Something similar to the original world has happened here."

"Tell me."

"World Tree seems to be promoting a new mechanism, so that a large number of discarded Digimon data can be eliminated, leaving only the selected ones, so as to avoid the crisis of data overload reaching the memory limit."

Taiyi is not used to Tiannv Beast's tone and posture like a female doctor, but she is not the kind of old lady who can't understand mobile payment, so she has already learned the operation and professional terms after staying here for a few days up.

— Could it be the X antibody?

When Taiyi heard this explanation, he immediately thought of this special digital world. In his previous life, this was just a somewhat special 3D animation theatrical version, but it introduced a very remarkable "X evolution" setting, from maturity to The ultimate Digimon all have X-evolution settings, like a special enhanced form.

"In that case, wouldn't many Digimon that were not selected die?"

Rose Beast asked.

"That's right, the Royal Knights responsible for guarding that world are now executing the orders of the World Tree to slaughter all Digimon that cannot achieve X evolution."

"This is too cruel, outrageous!" The Rose Beast opened its mouth wide in astonishment, and it took a long time to say such a sentence indignantly.

Having dealt with the Royal Knights so many times, Tiannv Beast and Rose Beast have basically understood what kind of group of people this is. Although their methods and personalities are different, and even a little extreme, they still burn all of themselves to protect the world. warrior of justice.

But the royal knights of that world could rashly kill innocent Digimon just for a word from World Tree?Has this put the cart before the horse?

"How can there be such a royal knight? This is not justice at all."

The skull beast complained in his mind.

After completing the two volumes of knights, these two can also communicate with Taichi directly like Red Lotus Knightmon.

"But if it's an order from the World Tree, I think they can't do anything about it even if they are unwilling." The Red Lotus Knight Beast said helplessly after deliberation.

"If this plan is for a better tomorrow in the digital world, then they will definitely go to

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implemented. "

"If it was you who ordered it, would you do it? Golden Armored Dragon Beast?"

Taiyi asked this question.

"I can't do it." The golden armored dragon beast sighed. "I'll probably find an excuse to stay home, but..."

They don't dare to think about this kind of thing. Once they put themselves in their shoes and think about it, they will fall into a huge contradiction. On one side is the irresistible World Tree, and on the other side is the sentient beings in the Digital World who have sworn to protect them. A painful choice.

"Yes, so they must also be struggling with this contradiction."

"The most important thing is that Liu Ji and Yaohu Beast, who went to explore that world, found signs of human existence, and they seem to be your acquaintances, Taiyi."

Back in reality, the Celestial Beast said something amazing again.

"In addition, there are traces of the Royal Knight Jesmon."

Chapter 326 Chapter 310 Chapter [-] Omega Beast VS Bright Beast

This amount of information is a bit huge.

Originally, Taichi thought to wait and see to unlock an X evolution or something after killing Brightmon, but now it can no longer be so easy, and there is Jessmon, which is a Digisoul Tyrannosaurus machine for himself, and Guide Tailumon to find his benefactor, Taiyi is really eager to see him.

Hearing that there was Jessmon, the three knights in the book cheered up.

"who is it?"

"The names seem to be...Yamato, Shirotojo, and their companion Digimon Gabumon and Gomamon." Tennyomon also seemed to understand some of the reasons. "It is the two Digimon that were sacrificed in our world."

"Could it be, Taichi, are those two, like Koshiro and Su Namimi, the owners of those destroyed sacred plans?"

"Well, as expected, fate also allowed them to join the world here."

He had heard about Yamato for a long time, but it was unexpected news that the big brother Cheng Huzhang also joined the battle, but he was not too surprised, just according to the intensity of X evolution, is it too difficult for them? point?

"Liu Ji has passed now?"

"Yeah." The celestial female beast nodded. "She wants those two people to return temporarily and wait for you to come back. After all, there are royal knights Jessmon, but there is no news about her departure... Meimei also left in the morning. I just got her reply I have already met with Ruki, but the situation over there is very complicated, it is said that Jesmon has acquired the X antibody, and I want to play a challenger game with them."

——Jessmon X?

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