The female evil beast said from behind.

"Aren't bright beasts more dangerous?"

Taiyi was anxious and helpless.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! Ultimate V-Dramon! Get out of the way if you don't want to die! Your world is at stake, and I'm here to help you!"

About a few seconds after he yelled, a dot first appeared in front of him, and then that dot enlarged at an incomprehensible speed, and he came to them in the blink of an eye. If he was still a human body, he would not even be able to distinguish his body. Trajectory, it will be thought to be some kind of spatial movement.

This is the royal knight who uses speed as his greatest weapon, Ultimate V-dramon.

"I have made it very clear, go back, Yagami Taichi, I know you are very powerful, but with me here, you cannot enter this world."

He said this in a tone of superiority and absolute confidence.


Taiyi is very anxious, it feels like they are facing a problem that they are helpless, and they obviously have a solution to the problem, but they are very stubborn, they refuse to do what you say no matter what, and even think You are going to kill them.

To be honest, Taiyi doesn't bother to care about this kind of person. No one can save the person who he wants to destroy, but this is still the digital world corresponding to the world he lives in. If something happens to them accidentally, I have to Then suffer.

He immediately stabbed at the royal savior, but it seemed to hit, but it didn't hit. Even in terms of explosive power, the ultimate V-dramon is not inferior at all. It is completely different from the one that evolved from Agumon. After firing this shot, the V-shaped light blade on the arm fired again.



The back-and-forth magic battle started, but Taiyi's moves couldn't hit this guy at all, and it became more and more difficult to avoid his sword energy, and there were already many wounds on his body.

But Taiyi didn't come alone this time, and the Celestial Beast and the Female Evil Beast didn't communicate too much when they saw this. They found the feeling of harmony just like last time, and they quickly evolved into Mosti Beast in a joint exhibition. After she joined the battlefield , Tai Yi's pressure immediately eased a lot.

"You are faster than that guy, but how long can you maintain this speed?"

The Celestial Beast controls the sovereignty of Mosti Beast. This time, the female Evil Beast did not compete with her like last time. Just as she said, let her enjoy that time. After that, the Celestial Beast can play whatever she wants, half The rose-red energy crystals on the black and half white female angel's armor are shining.

She set up a posture, pointed her finger forward, and continuously released the light arrow "Holy Hope", cooperating with Taiyi's royal savior to continuously compress the activity space of the ultimate V-dragon beast.

It's a pity, it's still useless to do so, Ultimate V-Dramon stopped his rapid movement, and used the light bracelet on the other hand to prop up a huge energy shield, defending all the skills of Taiyi and Mostimon down.

——This combination of speed and skills looks too easy to use.

Taichi looked at the ultimate V-dramon who was walking so leisurely in the face of the joint offensive of himself and Mostimon, and he couldn't help but think of something else. This power seems to be useful... If it becomes his own That's great.

——I will put you in a book!

"If you still refuse to look back, I'm going to get serious."

Ultimate V-dramon is expressionless, like a simple defense machine.

"It's the same with me. If you still refuse to give way, then I will show my true skills."

Taiyi is about to open the true red lotus form, and at the same time, with the help of the consciousness of the red lotus knight beast, he must know the opponent better than himself for his former companion. Although what happened last time, Taiyi has no real intention this time. To kill the ultimate V-dramon, so it doesn't matter, they have reconciled.

As he said that, Taiyi who was inside the Red Lotus Knight Beast took out the book, and prepared to summon Grani to fit him. The Ultimate V Dragon Beast seemed to understand it too, and he also planned to get some big ones... But just as the sword was on the verge of breaking out... Suddenly, an orange-red sword energy fell between them, forcibly interrupting the battle.

"Give me enough time!"

There seemed to be some effect added to the voice, it was extraordinarily loud and clear.

The three ultimate Digimon looked to the other side, and at some point, a Digimon they were all very familiar with appeared there, the steel wolf on the right and the violent on the left, with a beautiful white body and a red and white cloak, it was Omi Plus beast.

"...Is it the royal knight Omegamon of this world? I remember his inscription is—the sun."

The arrival of the Omega beast made the two royal knights on Taiyi's side also nervous. This is the second-in-command of the Royal Knights after Alphamon, but he is not Alphamon after all, so there is no way

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Letting everyone obey him is just to the extent of being very jealous.

"What are you doing? Omega Beast, why are you here?"

The flashing green light on Ultimate V-Dragon's body went out, and he looked at the latecomer in puzzlement.

"I want to end this meaningless battle. You don't need to fight to the death here."

Although Omegamon doesn't know much about the strength of that Yagami Taichi, but he has been able to defeat so many of his colleagues along the way, and even let a few of them willingly help him, which means that he must have his own unique talent. place.

Therefore, Omegamon said it was mediating, but in fact it wanted to protect Ultimate V-Dramon and prevent him from becoming Taixia's spoils.

"You told me to stop anyone who tried to enter our world, why have you changed your mind now?"

Ultimate V-dramon seems very unhappy.

"Because circumstances have changed."

The Omega beast turned its head to look at the red lotus knight beast, and with a single look, he could see through the true face of the young man inside him.

"Iori Taichi, you are looking for the Bright Beast, right? The one sent by Sword Emperor Beast and Monarch Beast."

"Exactly, I want to get rid of him to prevent him from going back to harm another digital world."

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, Taichi still answered truthfully.

"He absorbed the data of Sovereign Beast and Sword King Beast in front of the World Tree, and along the way he also collected the data of many lost Angel Digimon, which has evolved."


It seems that it is still a step late, the fallen form of the Bright Beast was born, but it is not bad, Tai Yi did not take the Bright Beast too lightly, but it is a pity that the Monarch Beast and the Sword Emperor Beast, they are too paranoid Yes, this is also a bitter pill that should be swallowed.

"However, he failed miserably when he tried to absorb Examon's data, and now he has been expelled by me."

"If you want to find him, just go back to where he came from, there is no need to come to us."


There is nothing to say for too long.

After making a fuss for a long time, I took a breath?But Taiyi really didn't expect that this Omega beast could easily defeat that light fall. Is he too strong, or is light fall not as powerful as he thought?

Although it feels a bit uncomfortable to be persuaded by the other party, but Taiyi is not in the mood to take care of these things. The light fall has already evolved, and he will soon return to the world where Koizumi and the others are, and he has to rush to support just work.

Those children haven't experienced those tempers, and they haven't even evolved into a super soul. How could they be that guy's opponent?

Chapter 329 Chapter 320 Evolution of the Ancient Soul

Bright Beast was shot through by Omega Beast, and directly pushed out of the Dimensional Wall. This extremely powerful nirvana has locked the landing point for Bright Beast in advance. After he was pushed out of the world, this wave The power still froze the Bright Beast, making it unable to move.

"Is this...'Sun' Omegamon?"

"You two, your boss is really tight, I don't even have the strength to fight back."

The tricks he is proud of are ridiculous in front of Omegamon, and because of this, Brightmon is in a complicated mood now, annoyed at being humiliated by the opponent, and also has that powerful obsession for the opponent.

That person obviously has such a fiery name, but he can use this kind of frozen death-like death. The bright beast is frozen like this, and its body slides uncontrollably between the gaps in the world.

——Just wait, until the day I return to this world... I must get your supreme power!

Bright Beast's current mood is annoyed but also salivating for the power possessed by the other party, but his body is still very honest, and can only be frozen by the strong Garuru cannon factor, and then all the way along the arc Megamon flew backwards on the route set for him.

——The so-called expulsion originally meant this.

Bright Beast found that he was rapidly approaching the parallel universe where he was born. After breaking through another dimensional wall, he saw the scarred and incomplete digital world again. The author who caused all this devastation is naturally Bright the beast itself.

It seems that there is no other way now, but to absorb all the data of this world first, so that one's own strength should continue to rise.

After evolving into a fallen form, Bright Beast obviously felt that his upper limit had been raised again. He was now in a very hungry state, desperately eager to absorb more power.

"What a beautiful sight, Sword Emperor Beast."

"But don't worry, I will show you more and more beautiful scenery, and I am willing to share it with you whenever."

After uttering words of unknown meaning into the air, Bright Beast flew to the world where he was born.

Starting from the moon, the solid ground began to glow and turned into a data link belt, and all his brains were sucked into his palm by the bright beast, and then he turned his target and went straight to the broken land.



Orimoto Izumi and other children have accompanied the holy celestial beasts to various Digimon villages that are still functioning normally these days, to appease the emotions of those Digimons after such suffering, which is another way of travel.

However, everyone was not in a particularly good mood, because they learned that they would have to deal with a very powerful enemy, the Bright Beast, but this kind of uneasiness and anxiety came in close contact, or reunited with those Digimon who had helped them Then it disappeared.

everyone can be chosen

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The children summoned must be the best in mind, and they all have justice, courage, and conscience. After seeing these lifelike, simple Digimons who just want to live...they Of course, this arrangement was accepted.

The holy goddess stood behind, looking at the children playing with those young Digimon, and felt very emotional in her heart. It was really like a miracle that she survived the catastrophe of the cherubimon.

Now, two of the former three angels have died, and only the holy goddess beast is left, so she also understands that she now shoulders some more important responsibilities. In, help the children.

But at this moment, her body twitched suddenly, and she looked at the sky in disbelief. The sky was still clear and blue, and nothing seemed to happen.

"What's the matter? Holy goddess beast?"

Koizumi happened to notice her abnormal reaction, and immediately had some kind of ominous premonition in his heart.

"Everyone, let's go! Koizumi, contact Taiyi!"

The sacred female beast, who has always spoken slowly and is as gentle as water, is also flustered at this moment.

"I see!"

Koizumi nodded, and immediately took out the communicator that Taichi left her from his pocket and started sending a distress message to the other end receiving the signal. The goal of the guy must be to make up the huge data of the whole world.

--what to do?It is very difficult to win if we stop him now, but if we wait for Taiyi to come to support, then he will definitely absorb all the data, and his combat effectiveness will be raised to another level.

As the last of the three great angels, the holy goddess has a strong ability to adjust. She immediately figured out the current situation and found a strategy. Now is the time for her to exert her strength for all the lives in this world.

She immediately took out six colored balls of light from her hand, and distributed them to the six children.

"Holy female beast? What are you going to do?"

"Everyone, gather the souls of fighters together!"

"These are things I have prepared a long time ago. I originally planned to give them to you when I was fighting against the cherubimon, but it's not too late now. Go, use this power to delay time for Taiyi."

"Has the Bright Beast come already...Okay, let's do it!"

Takuya took out the tyrannosaurus machine, and on it emerged his own two fire-type fighter souls, and the silver mirror beast fighter soul he had collected.

"What about you? The Holy Celestial Beast?"

Koizumi also summoned the air-type fighter soul and the water-type fighter soul of Nanamon she defeated, but she was more concerned with other things.

"I will find a way to protect all the creatures as much as possible when the world is overturned, but... the Bright Beast is about to entrust you, and only you can stop him, children."

The sacred female beast did not answer directly, because she had already made up her mind.

After all, she is still a remnant of the old era. Her legend and her story should come to an end in a perfect direction. She will burn everything she has to dedicate to the old world, and let all the grief and hatred follow the old world. Perish and perish, and bless the efforts of the chosen children, that the coming new world will have none of these.

The sacred goddess beast began to fly upwards, flying higher and higher, and the light on its body became brighter and brighter. At the same time, the Digimons in the founding village didn't even know what happened, but their bodies were gradually floating up and down in the light. Accompanied by the sanctuary of the divine celestial beast, enter the sanctuary she burns herself to forge.

"I didn't expect it to come so soon."

Junpei looked at the distant sky, and there were signs of collapse, the ground began to shatter, and it was absorbed into countless pieces of data, among which there were of course countless Digimon.

The Holy Angel Beast has done its best to save lives. The founding village includes the nearby Digimons. No matter they are strong or weak, they all cooperate to enter the realm of the archangel to avoid the edge temporarily, and the rest will be handed over to these The kids are gone.

"Everyone, hold hands, we are going to fight next."

Koizumi stretched out his hands, and the rest of his companions also stretched out their hands. Everyone held hands and formed a circle. The ten fighter souls released by them hovered in front of their eyes.

"It's not easy to get to today. The ups and downs along the way must be for today, for this moment."

"So, let's go! In order to live up to our efforts! In order to put an end to all this with our own hands!"

"Koizumi... It seems that you have changed a lot since you came back last time. It was hard to imagine that you would say such a thing before."

Kouji tilted his head slightly and smiled at her.

"Sister Koizumi gives people a very strong sense of security now."

Yuki, who has always been shy, didn't hold back.

"I got goosebumps when I said that."

Takuya said with a silly smile, then straightened his expression, turned his head to look at the sky that was gradually being swallowed up, and said loudly.

"Okay! Then let's go together!"

The six children joined hands, relying on the energy given to them by the sacred goddess beast to fully unite, causing twenty warrior souls to scatter into the sky like fireworks, and then reunited!

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