"The ancient soul evolves!!!"

Chapter 330 Chapter 320 Chapter Two

"Ancient Soul Evolution!"

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Six voices simultaneously shouted the term that was newly engraved in their minds.

So, at the last moment when the world was on the verge of extinction, the power of the legendary ten warriors was fused together, and they were sublimated under the blessing of the holy angel beast, and finally all the results were borne in the solid and firm bonds of the six children. fruit.

"Vajra Martial God Beast!"

The crimson and dark blue armors are combined on the brand-new human body to form the most powerful super-time and space-level powerhouse-Vajra Warrior was born here!

"Let's go, everyone!"

The six children held hands in the body of Vajra God Beast, united and headed in the same direction, and their highly synchronized consciousness jointly controlled this brand new Digimon, flying towards the direction of the disaster.



After being informed by Omega Beast that Bright Beast had been forcibly repatriated, Taichi also received what Beetle Beetle told him about Koizumi's distress signal from that world.

"Damn it, has the Bright Beast arrived yet?"

Tai Yi gritted his teeth and frowned.

The children are simply unable to withstand the attack of the bright beast, and this place is far from the world of the infinite zone, and it will not be able to pass in a short time.

"Let's go quickly, Taiyi, Koizumi and the others won't last long."


Taichi didn't even bother to say goodbye, turned around and was about to leave this place with Mostimon, but in the next second, Omegamon stopped them.

"Wait a minute, Yagami Taichi."

"I'm in a hurry now, you have something to say next time."

"I can give you a ride."


Hearing this, Tai Yi was stunned, turned around slowly, and looked at the two royal knights suspiciously.

"With the speed of the ultimate V-dramon, I can send you to that place in a few minutes."

"Are there any conditions?"

Taiyi didn't believe that they would help him so kindly.

"Just do what you can."

"Bringing such a big disaster to other worlds is not what we want to see." Omegamon lowered its head and said with a sigh. "Although we Royal Knights have all sworn an oath to protect justice, but now is a special situation, those two no longer want to abide by this 'procedural justice'."

"In that case, why don't you just kill the Bright Beast?"

"That's hard to do, it takes a lot of time, and now the digital world is in chaos, I don't have the time and energy to fight this fight, and I can't afford it."

Omegamon answered quickly and clearly.

As the current temporary leader of the Royal Knights, he has too many things to do, and if he wants to completely kill the degenerated form of the Bright Beast, it is not a task that can be completed in a short time, and this will also give Omega The Beast himself does a lot of damage.

"But we want you to win, Tai Yi. That guy is a despicable and stubborn guy, but it is undeniable that he does have an infinitely high upper limit. Such enemies are often the most dangerous."

"Talent but no virtue, it's a pity that the two of your family still want to help him, and they are still betrayed in the end."

"Let's go, Ultimate V-Dramon, I'll leave this matter to you." Omegamon didn't respond to Taichi, but told the dragon knight beside him. "Come back as soon as the task is completed. I can't do without you here."

"it is good."

Ultimate Vdramon nodded, then flew forward to Taichi, and looked at Mostimon again.

"Stay with me, we're leaving."



Needless to say, the fighting power of Bright Beast's fallen form, he quickly devoured the ground below at an unimaginable speed, and the Digital World once again accelerated its demise, and even its rose-red core, a sphere like the core of the earth, was exposed.

If his plan is successful, then this world will cease to exist, leaving only some dry world appearance structures like dead branches, and that weird and gloomy core.

But when he was enjoying himself, a great sword of holy light hundreds of meters long slashed at him from a long distance away. The bright beast hurriedly withdrew his hands to dodge, but was still burned by the sword energy.

"Don't hurt any more life in this world! Bright Beast!"

"...You guys, oh, I remembered."

Bright Beast saw the approaching Digimon that had never been seen before, and felt a little disdainful, but soon understood their identities.

——It's those little ghosts from the human world that he never cared about, hmph... It seems that they have put on a pair of pants with those disgusting ten fighters, but even so, what's the use?

He is also not what it used to be. With the strength of these two royal knights plus the data of almost the entire world, as well as the data of the dead archangels that he traveled and honed in that world, the strength of the Bright Beast is already stronger than Even stronger than the original.

"You didn't escape, and you dared to be my enemy. It really surprised me."

"We won't leave until we defeat you! We want to protect this world!"

Takuya's firm voice came from within Vajra Warrior.

This kind of energy that is gradually expanding in the body is unprecedented, so it also gave the children full confidence.


"Your power looks pretty good too, let me taste it too."

The Bright Beast has turned into a vampire, and he wants to take a few bites of everything he sees, especially the "Tian Yu Yu Slash" just now, if he doesn't dodge, he will suffer a lot.

He turned into a completely invisible phantom

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Shadow appeared in front of the Vajra Warrior in the blink of an eye, and then swung nearly a hundred punches in the blink of an eye. The power of each punch was so strong that the Vajra Warrior couldn't move at all. Finally, with a beautiful high The kick ends the series of movements.

"Lost Paradise!"

The children were also suffering from injuries. They screamed and fell into the core below. The Bright Beast did not let down its vigilance and immediately chased after them. The digital world can be eaten at any time, but these children must not fight back room.

They did try their best. After all, they skipped the two super soul forms from the double soul evolution, and directly carried out the ancient soul evolution. Both in terms of strength and experience, they were far behind the opponent. The Vajra Martial God Beast has been completely suppressed... It is difficult to just delay the time.

However, he is still a Vajra God Beast after all.

"Can't give up! Everyone! Let's do it again!"

Koizumi was the first to come back to his senses, and seeing that the Bright Beast had chased him, he immediately raised his hands, and the rest of his companions did the same, raising their hands high to the sky. It also raised the huge weapon "Zero Armed Orochi" to the sky, and sprayed out a sky sword.

"It's useless! It's impossible for weak creatures like you to defeat me!"

"Life and death are intertwined!"

The sword seemed menacing, but the Bright Beast dodged it with a turn in the air. Black and white energy balls had been formed in his hands, and he planned to use his unique move to kill the Vajra Warrior with one blow.

"Eight Thunder Gods!!"

Six voices called out the name of this move at the same time, and the Orochi sword that pierced into the sky immediately erupted eight streaks of golden destructive lightning, which circled around from all directions. Concentrate on this one place and arrest him on the spot.

Chapter 331 Chapter 320 Chapter [-] Arriving at the Battlefield


Bright Beast never imagined that this seemingly ordinary Digimon would have such a powerful force and could unleash such a terrifying nirvana. The Eight Thunder Gods' coverage almost covered the sky and the sun, and he had nowhere to go. Fleeing, almost torn apart by those destructive lightning strikes.

Then, the children let out an inspiring roar in one go, and controlled the Vajra Warrior to charge in front of the Lightning Beast who was paralyzed by lightning and fell into pain, and punched his handsome but unlovable face. .

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

Just like in response to her Lost Paradise just now, the children also responded to that guy with raindrops of fists, and the current value of Vajra God Beast is not weaker than that of Lightfall, so these fists hitting him also caused a lot of damage. quite impressive output.

"How... how could it be!!"

Bright Beast was beaten so hard that its face was disfigured, its face was full of that unbelievable expression, and its pupils were trembling, not to mention how much damage King Kong Wushen Beast's powerful counterattack had done to him, only if they could succeed A counterattack was enough to make Bright Beast break out in a cold sweat.

"Impossible! You... can't hurt me!"

The Bright Beast was sent flying by the Vajra Warrior Beast, and stopped after rolling a few times on the ground. Then he stumbled and stood up, but he couldn't stand up at all due to his staggering steps. He held his face with his hands, but the posture was very weird.

——No, I can't stand up at all, I feel like I'm about to vomit, it's so disgusting... I seem to have lost my coordination.

——Is the "Eight Thunder Gods" move just now such a terrifying skill?Can actually control my time for so long.

This time, Bright Beast finally didn't dare to underestimate these little human ghosts. The power they possessed and the potential they possessed reminded him of the past all the time.

As a Bright Beast, he was invincible in the world, and finally lost to ten little-known Digimon, making them create their own legend of "Ten Warriors".

"What are you talking about? Sovereign beast, I won't make the same mistakes again."

Under the rose-red core wall, the degenerated form of the bright beast supported his chest, and once again spoke to the two royal knights who did not exist.

"Many years ago, these guys sealed me in the depths of the world, it was only my fault caused by negligence, but I didn't expect those Digimons to give them the title of 'Ten Warriors'... It's really annoying .”

"But today, this kind of thing will not happen again, and I will definitely end it all with a complete victory."

He finally completely got rid of the influence brought by the Eight Thunder Gods. Relying on his own will and the power he stole from that world, he was not knocked down and then slumped.

"For a guy like you, no matter how many times you do it again, the result will be the same!"

Vajra Warrior replied fiercely, they firmly believe that justice will prevail, and they firmly believe that their own power can bring a new future to the world. Therefore, Vajra Warrior raised both hands, and the huge weapon "Zero Armed · Orochi" reappeared , continuously firing instant shooting rays forward.

Even though "Sky Feather Slash" is a very effective lethal skill, it can be used in front of the Light Beast, which has the advantage in speed and strength, but its speed is still too slow, and the children also know that their task is not to defeat the Bright Beast, Rather delay.

Six consecutive silver lights turned into arrows and shot out. After the restriction was lifted, the Bright Beast immediately opened up at full speed and began to avoid these attacks.



"Just here."

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Ultimate V-Dramon used its unique power of super speed to move Taiyi and Mostimon in the turbulent flow of time and space at super high speed, and quickly arrived at the fourth-generation world that Taiyi had been to. After breaking into the dimensional barrier , the planet in the digital world in front of him has become extremely dilapidated, almost no complete land can be seen.

However, there is still hope.

Taiyi discovered that there is a piece of land that is still preserved. Now that all land and ocean data have been deleted, leaving only a bare structure, then a small piece of land is like an isolated island with a lighthouse in the dark sea, and there is a glowing piece of land on it. The huge sphere is constantly gathering a little bit of starlight inward.

"Come here, Yagami Taichi, the next step is your job."

Ultimate V-Dramon is like a full-time driver, after delivering people, he plans to turn around and leave.

"I don't hate you, Ultimate V-dramon, I hope we don't become enemies next time."

Taiyi didn't forcefully persuade him to stay, but just spoke the truth.


Ultimate V-Dragon stopped, then looked back at him, left the place without saying anything.

Taiyi cleared up his mood, entered the fighting state, and then went to the luminous place with Mostimon. When he got very close, Taiyi realized that those light spots were all Digimon, and the inside of the huge light ball was also sacred. Celestial Beast... It was clear at a glance what she wanted to do.

"Is that the holy goddess beast?"

Mostimon was surprised, and asked in the tone of Tiannvmon.

"Yeah, the angel of this world, at the last moment when her homeland was on the verge of extinction, she still stood up, even though she was seriously injured, even if she did so, would she...? Wait, where is the Bright Beast?"

Tai looked at it for a while and suddenly felt that something was wrong. He didn't see the trace of the bright beast or those children, but as if answering his question, under the surface of the world that had been dug clean, a soaring sky burst out from the core. The golden light, and then Taiyi saw... the Digimon that was fighting the fallen form of Bright Beast, the gold-red and silver-blue intersecting Digimon.

—— Vajra Martial God Beast? ?

——They actually directly bypassed the evolution of the super soul to trigger the evolution of the ancient soul?

"What's going on? Who is that? Taiyi?"

Tiannv Beast is now in a daze, as she has been guarding the base for a few days, she knows nothing about the world, but this is not that important, she just wants to know which side she will kill next.

"The red and blue Vajra Beast evolved from the joint exhibition of children's collective strength, and Koizumi was also in it."

"Then that black and white... the guy who looks a bit like you now is our enemy, Bright Beast Corrupted Form."

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