"Okay, let's go then."

"You go first, I'll be there later."

Taiyi hesitated for half a second, and then looked at the holy goddess beast burning himself in the ball of light with complicated eyes.

She must have distributed most of her power to the children to allow them to complete the evolution of ancient souls, and now she has to spend energy to protect these Digimon who have lost their foothold, although she has the determination to sacrifice herself , but Taiyi still couldn't bear it.

Because for him, the sacred goddess beast is no longer a name in animation, a guiding NPC, a character designed to be sacrificed, and he still hopes that she can live and witness the new world with his own eyes.


Mosti Beast tilted its head, but didn't say much, and immediately turned around and rushed to the battlefield below.

Chapter 332 Chapter 320 [-] Luck is a reward for the brave

Although Vajra Martial God Beast had a certain advantage at the beginning, it is a pity that he is not a complete body after all. The children know that close combat is not dominant, and they continue to release energy attacks. This is not perfect for them this time. In terms of evolution, it is still too difficult, and their physical fitness can no longer keep up.

"Lost Paradise!"

In contrast, the Bright Beast became more and more courageous in the battle, and took advantage of its unpreparedness to bully the body, and punched the Vajra Martial God Beast's body. This move seems to be just an ordinary fist, but it is actually not destructive at all. It is inferior to any energy nirvana.

"Sleep, old ten warriors."

At the moment when Vajra God Beast was punched away, Bright Beast made such a declaration expressionlessly.

"Your era is over."

Another heavy foot fell, and the hard heel kicked the Vajra Warrior into the bottom. The children had reached their limit at this time. After fighting with such a strong enemy for so long, they had tried their best to do everything within their power... What they are facing is the more powerful Royal Knights than in the original work, and the even more powerful Lightfall who knows how to move when it is time to move.

As a result, the Vajra God Beast naturally broke the evolution in the process of landing, and turned back into the original children.

It was a speechless and silent despair. Orimoto Izumi felt dizzy and swollen. She opened her eyes in a daze, and found that she was surrounded by companions who were struggling but couldn't stand up, and her state was unprecedented. No, this feeling reminded her of herself who was helpless in the face of many evil beasts in that small snow-covered world.

"We... have done our best."

Kouji's hat fell off, and his voice was weak, but he still insisted on being the first one to stand up, and picked up the hat and put it on again.

As soon as brother Hui saw this, he immediately went over to help him.

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But now the others here, it is very difficult to just stand like this, so why fight?How can we win?Takuya seemed to be the most seriously injured, but he still gritted his teeth and stood up, gazing seriously at the Bright Beast above. Although Junpei and Yuki didn't speak, judging from their expressions, they should know how desperate they are at this time.

"Our luck is really bad...why, why do we always have to face such powerful enemies one after another?"

Junpei couldn't hold back the words.

Yes, they obviously did a lot better than others, they obviously tried so hard, even the difficult thing of evolving into an ultimate body, but they still couldn't get the desired result.

"Luck is a reward for the brave. We must persevere until the last moment no matter what."

Koizumi stood up again holding his trembling knees.

Thinking of what Tai said to her back then, and conveyed it to her companions by herself, so now she is full of confidence and strength.

"Nice eyes, little girl." The Bright Beast saw the children below, and they didn't fall into despair after they were all like this. Even he had to look at them with admiration. "In return, let me send you away with full strength, and those damn ten fighters."

"Do you also think this move is beautiful? Sword Emperor Beast."

Bright Beast looked at the air and let out a heartfelt exclamation.

"What you should worry about is not us or the ten fighters, we... are just shadows, and they are the real light!"

Koizumi didn't know why, but he said this sentence with great confidence.


The Bright Beast continued to speak expressionlessly, and then a white ball and a black ball emerged from both hands, first left and then right, and threw them towards the children. Once this staggered enrollment is completed, there will be no one in that area. The living creatures, Junpei, Yuki, and Koichi all closed their eyes, but only Takuya, Kouji, and Koizumi standing in the front had extremely firm eyes.

Luck is a reward for the brave.


A war cry from nowhere resounded throughout the core area, and then another black and white winged Digimon entered the arena, and punched the Bright Beast that was about to release the intertwined life and death, knocking this terrifying The nirvana directly interrupts!


"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!!"

Mosti Beast finally entered the arena, she saw the current situation clearly, and directly launched her most violent attack on the Bright Beast.

The Bright Beast didn't stand still, but faced the sudden arrival of an unknown Digimon, and performed a stunt similar to that of the Lost Paradise, so she could only barely block with her hands on her chest, but her speed was getting faster and faster. faster.

The rose-red gems on Mosti's armor shone even more dazzlingly, which also increased her attack speed even more exaggeratedly, but even so, she still couldn't break through the Bright Beast.

"who are you?"

Except for the first sneak attack, Bright Beast blocked all her fists and pulled back, asking nervously.

"Oh~ I see, you are the one who came from the world of royal knights to help these children."

"It's really good data, it actually has the same power as me."

Bright Beast looked at Mostimon's body, and found that the other party was actually this kind, a combination of light and dark, and possessed both angel and demon attributes. He couldn't help laughing, and then his expression was distorted by anger.

"But I don't like it! I'm the only one, the most special one!"

"In this world, there is no need for two Digimon that combine light and darkness!"


The other party's unpredictable temper is really weird, but Mostimon didn't think much of it at all, she didn't care who the other party was or who she was, she only knew that she was going to beat up this sissy man with makeup die.



The Holy Goddess knows that she is going to the end of her life, but she still does her best to release energy without reservation, maintain the existence of this area centered on the founding village, and protect all surviving Digimon.

"You're going to disappear...the holy goddess beast."

Looking at her increasingly dim body, Badamon felt a little sad for some reason, and even shed tears.

"I hope that these efforts I have made can pave the way for future generations, so I am satisfied."

The holy celestial female beast smiled faintly.

"Holy female beast... woo woo woo..."

Poko and Q&A are also staying here. Although they follow the children all the way, they have no fighting power, they can only be regarded as commentators at best. Seeing the angel who has guarded them for so long, now they have to pour their hearts out for this world. Even with the last effort, he couldn't hold back the tears.

"If it is them, they will definitely be able to welcome that new future."

The sacred female beast is very satisfied now, she has done everything, and can go with the old world with peace of mind.

"But I think they hope that you can also witness all this."

At this moment, an untimely voice sounded, and Tai Yi, who was wearing a pink digital soul all over his body, squeezed into this area. He was casting the digital soul of light attribute, and passed this energy to maintain this area. In the position of existence, the pressure on the sacred female beast is greatly reduced.

"Taiyi?! It's Taiyi!"

Pogomon and Quimonmon jumped up in joy.

"...In any case, don't underestimate the

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Your own life, the holy goddess beast. "

Taiyi gradually approached, and then he took out the sublimator he had used from his body, swiped a card of his partner's holy goddess beast on it, and triggered her special skill "God Ball Crystal", ten times at a time. Five crystals flew out of him, making the area more stable.

Section 333 Do not subscribe to numbered chapters just yet

Because I was too sleepy and insane, I copied the wrong second half of the chapters, and posted more than 200 chapters before, and now it has been submitted for review and is being revised. (I didn't see clearly the sub-volumes)

Subscribe after the digital number is restored to the text number. If you have already subscribed, wait until the Chinese character number is restored, and click to refresh this chapter to see the real chapter 324.

I'm really sorry that this happened. I'm still ready to save the manuscript in the future, and I can't work hard anymore.

Chapter 334 Chapter 320 Chapter [-] Fist of the Mosti Beast

"Taiichi Yagami... why are you here? You should help those children!"

After seeing Taiyi's arrival, the sacred female beast was not happy about it, but reprimanded him angrily.

"Don't worry." Tai Yi shook his neck, and the pink Digisoul of light on his body dissipated, replaced by a normal orange Digisoul. "With my partner dealing with the Bright Beast, the children will be fine."

"...You really don't need to do this, Taiyi, it's superfluous."

"Whether it's for those children, or for these Digimons you saved, or for me, we don't want you to leave like this."


The holy celestial female beast had nothing to say, and the lips under the green holy helmet were tightly pursed.

"You did too many unnecessary things, Yagami Taichi."

"You saved me, and my own partner is also a celestial female beast. No matter what I say, I don't want you to disappear."

Thinking about it, it was somewhat difficult to talk about it. Taiyi didn't want to mention it at first, but fortunately, the holy goddess beast is a serious holy goddess beast, and the rose beast is not here now, so there is no need to worry about it being used as a joke.


The sacred female beast held back for a long time and didn't know what to say.

However, no one really wants to die, even if it is an angel like her who is determined to give her life for the world she loves, she will not choose such a path if there are other ways, and of course she is just like what Tai Yi said , I also hope that I can witness the day when this vanished world will be rejuvenated.

"Okay, with my move, you can rest for a while, and I'm going to help them now."

Tai Yi looked at the domain structure gradually stabilized under the support of the divine ball crystal, so he didn't say anything more.

"Bogao Beast, Question and Answer Beast, help me keep an eye on the Holy Goddess Beast, and don't let her do dangerous things anymore."

"Huh?? Oh... oh oh! We know!"

Tai Yi hasn't had much conversations with these two mascots yet, but the first words he spoke to them were such strict orders. The two little guys were also taken aback, but there is no doubt that they will strictly implement the orders from The great, legendary savior assigned them a task.

The sacred female beast began to rest on the spot, and used her remaining energy to repair her lost data. She looked at the back of Taiyi, and she might not have felt this way for a long time. Even those children seemed to put themselves It is as if he is a god, but what Taiyi said just now...is that he regards himself as a human being like himself.





There was a sound like a cannonball when the fists collided, and Mostimon's fist collided with Brightmon's fist again.

Obviously they are all called Bright Beasts, but this guy in front of him is hard to compare with the guy who can only wag his lips and tongue that he has met before. His combat power is indeed worthy of being so valued by Taiyi. It is also a strong point, and relying on the evolution of Mostimon, she has brought her fighting ability to the extreme.

Digimon that are also half-god and half-demon, two pairs of demon wings and two pairs of angel wings, just like this launched a life-and-death fight in the vast digital world core, without any fancy energy skills, some Just the ultimate, fist-to-flesh offense.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!"

Mosti Beast's fist hit the Bright Beast like a machine gun, but his flexible arms blocked it all. The Bright Beast's expression remained in a state of high concentration, and it didn't dare to be careless at all, but then Down, Mosti beast's transformation appeared.

—Darkness and despair.

The Celestial Beast drew out the power that belonged to the devil, used the claws that could directly tear the Digicore, and grabbed towards the heart of the Bright Beast. The Bright Beast watched this scene, and subconsciously pulled back, unexpectedly Relying on this excellent nerve reflex speed to avoid this blow.

But Mosti Beast's attack was not over yet, and when he was eager to dodge and had no time to parry, he immediately made up for it, and Ola punched him continuously, finally tearing apart the stalemate.



Bright Beast was punched a few times, but it was not seriously injured, it just stood there panting, looking very weak.

This Digimon is not as powerful as imagined, and its strength is at most the level of an ordinary royal knight... But Bright Beast never thought that it has already paid so much and absorbed so much data.

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Why until now, even a royal knight can't beat it?

——Shouldn’t I be, the greatest Digimon?I should easily crush these opponents, why, why?

"Shut up! You two!"

The Bright Beast's mentality changed, and he began to suffer from self-care again, as if he heard the voices of the two royal knights in his body laughing at him.

"This guy seems to have absorbed the data of Monarch Beast and Sword Emperor Beast."

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