In the body of Mosti Beast, the consciousness of the female demon beast has been watching the battle, and cooperates with the movements of the goddess beast to provide her with strength, but seeing the appearance of the bright beast talking to itself, she also saw the clue.

"But I don't feel the existence of those two guys at all... It's weird."

"You have to be careful, I think he must have a backhand."

Tiannv Beast didn't answer her, but just kept these words in her heart.

I remember last time, she also evolved jointly with the female demon beast, and then fought with the extremely evil Lilith beast that fused the power of the two royal knights. Even the mosti beast had almost no room to fight back. Evil Beast's strategy was successful, but now facing the same opponent, the opponent can't give her such pressure at all.

Don't think too much, the next move will kill this guy!

She assumed the posture of releasing the sacred bow and arrow, continuously launching the enhanced nirvana "Holy Hope", and quickly approaching the bright beast under the cover of these... The bright beast's eyes suddenly enlarged, and the pupils were bloodshot, as if it was about to die Like fighting, he rushed towards the Mosti beast with these bows and arrows, and disappeared in the same place in the next instant!

Mostimon was taken aback.

"Behind! Celestial Beast!"

The female evil beast had already foreseen this situation, and the power of the imperial knight sleeping in Guangchen's body began to awaken. This is exactly the movement technique of the sword emperor beast, and there are only a handful of people who can see through this move.

The moment the female evil beast made a sound, the heavenly female beast also instinctively felt a slight chill in the back of its head, so it immediately turned around and punched with all its strength.

"Lost Paradise!!"

The blood-eyed and crazy Bright Beast hit Lost Paradise with all its strength, and Mosti Beast also reacted and turned around to continue beating him.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!"

Mosti Beast was not timid because of the opponent's sudden increase in strength, but punched harder. The black and white iron fists of the two sides kept colliding and colliding, and they gave up all their strength at this moment. Lost this round.


Finally, Mosti Beast's right fist broke through layers of storms and directly hit Bright Beast's chin.

Immediately afterwards, the Celestial Beast burst out the energy of the "Holy Hope" move on her right fist on the side of the angel armor, just like she used the same method to attack a new kind of evil beast a long time ago, the energy in the bright beast The face exploded, setting his blond hair on fire, and blasting his body heavily to the ground.

Chapter 335 Chapter 320 Chapter [-] The Bright Beast Is Already Excited

The two Digimons, whose melee combat skills have reached their peak, were tied for nearly 10 minutes, but in the end it was Mostimon who seized the opportunity and declared his victory.

This punch combined with the divine energy from the explosion directly hit the Bright Beast's cheeks, which swelled up high. Even the blond hair was ignited by this sacred flame, and the Bright Beast spun and fell to the ground in embarrassment. .

Mosti Beast maintained its punching posture, with wisps of smoke still emitting from its fists.

"Win?...It was the Celestial Beast who won!"

The children were already extremely nervous watching this battle, so it was inevitable that it would become like that again, their necks were sore, and the two Digimons who were fighting each other in the air didn't feel anything... …until Mostimon knocked down Bright Beast with one punch, which declared her victory.

"Although I don't know who that Digimon is...but I didn't expect a female Digimon to have such powerful power."

Taku also felt that he was a little sorry for saying this to the holy goddess beast who had been helping them all the time, but this angel-type digimon, which didn't look so authentic, had a fighting power that refreshed his world view.

What I encountered before, the ultimate angel beast, the holy goddess beast, each of them is known as the archangel who has guarded the digital world for many years, but the ultimate angel beast died inexplicably at the hands of the silver mirror beast, and the holy goddess beast also died because of the base angel beast. Rubimon has always been in a weak state in captivity, so he subconsciously believes that angel Digimon are better at managing and leading Digimon, and they don't have much combat power themselves.

It now appears that he was very wrong.

And he is still good at this kind of fist-to-flesh combat technique, no man can resist the charm of extreme fighting.

"Don't look down on women, Takuya!"

Koizumi felt weird after hearing this, so he couldn't help but say something to him.

"No, I just... I just didn't expect that angel to be so powerful."

Takuya quickly explained.

"Don't relax! That guy is not dead yet!"

Kouji was not so leisurely, he had already noticed that the sunken Bright Beast stood up again, and the Digimon closest to the Bright Beast was on his side!

"Hmph, hahaha...hahahahahaha!!"

Bright Beast covered his face and laughed wildly. Even though he was beaten to the point of bleeding, his handsome face couldn't be seen to be handsome anymore, and he was still laughing wildly.

"Did you think you won?!"

He pointed high at the mosti beast in the sky

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"Look around here, maybe I am not your opponent! But in terms of resourcefulness, you are no match for me! I am a bright beast! I am a great Digimon! I am destined to become the greatest existence!"

What Sword Emperor Beast and Sovereign Beast said to him back then seemed to be deeply imprinted in his mind. Mosti Beast noticed the direction in which he sent him flying. No, it might be better to say that he chose to surprise him. The direction is premeditated!

"Ten fighters...Although you are disgusting existences like maggots in my life! But now, it is your fighter souls who surround me to overcome this final trial and become gods!"

The Bright Beast suddenly turned around and released a colorless shock wave towards the children. The children were not harmed, but all the Tyrannosaurus machines in their hands flew out and were instantly crushed into powder. The sealed fighter souls were all absorbed back into his body one by one.

——He wants to absorb the power of the Ten Warriors!


Mosti Beast was furious, and immediately released black and white energy from both hands to the Bright Beast on the ground and swung its ultimate skill "Chaos Downgrading", but it was too late, the figure of the Bright Beast had already disappeared. Disappearing in place and flashing back in the air, Mosti Beast rushed to fight, but his figure disappeared again like a ghost.

Do you want to play this trick!Don't underestimate me!

Mosti Beast wanted to fight back, but was in a trance for a moment, because many Bright Beasts appeared like phantoms, and they surrounded Mosti Beast at high speed to form a silver-white energy storm, and Mosti Beast immediately tightened its wings He defended with all his strength, but was still sent flying by an energy cannon from directly behind.

But fortunately, Tiannv Beast has rich experience, and after finding that he could not evade, he defended in time, so he didn't suffer too much damage, but Bright Beast seemed to be unstoppable.


"Lost Paradise!!"

The laughing Bright Beast has already begun to burst into flames. He has taken away the souls of the ten fighters, and the power that has supported the children until now. He may be invincible now, and no one will stop him his strength.


Mosti barely blocked it, but his fists were already stretched at the moment, and his energy increase was not 01:30 at all. After another fight, Mosti took a few punches, and finally pulled Open your body.

——It hurts so much, why does his fist hurt so much, is our strength weakened?

Tiannv Beast couldn't help complaining about it. The Lost Paradise of the Bright Beast made her hands hurt like being run over by a dump truck, and she couldn't punch normally at all.

"It's the breath of the dragon, sister of the Celestial Beast."

The female demon beast sighed in response to him.

"His fist has the Dragon Breath of the Sovereign Beast attached to it, and he will no longer be able to fight with him."

"Damn it... I thought we could solve it ourselves, but I didn't expect to have to wait for Taiyi in the end."

Alas, sure enough, the link of "believing in Taiyi" is unavoidable, but Tiannv Beast always feels that this is unhealthy, and the safest battle is to win the battle without relying on Taiyi.

"Very good! The soul of the fighter is perfectly merging with my body! The strength is still rising!"

Bright Beast didn't attack in a hurry, but repelled Mosti Beast and began to digest the miscellaneous data in its body.

"Our fighter's soul was actually..."

Junpei realized what happened when he saw the Tyrannosaurus rex machine shattered and Mostimon was knocked down.

"How could this be... We, are we doing a disservice?"

Taku also could not accept such a result.

"Without the soul of a fighter, we can no longer fight, and... the power that was entrusted to us by the sacred goddess beast and this world is now being used by the enemy!"

Huiyi's lips were bleeding, and unprecedented despair swept the hearts of the children. Now, can senior Taiyi really win?

"Even when I absorbed the Sovereign Beast and the Sword Emperor Beast, I never felt this kind of peak!"

"The power of the fighter's soul is really suitable! I'm so excited!!"

The Bright Beast was laughing maniacally while being complacent about his amazed rising energy, and even showed it off loudly. Now his hair is standing on end, his whole body is full of anger, and his muscles have become more swollen than before. There are no pupils, only the white pupils of the sclera are left, completely crazy.


Just as he was laughing triumphantly, a spear flew over from nowhere, but the bright beast caught it with one hand.

"Final Magna Miracle Shock!!"

A war-like voice came from a distance, and the Taiyi-evolved Skull Beast Gold turned into a huge meteor meteorite again, using the magic gun as an anchor, it fell towards the Bright Beast, and crushed it with the power to destroy the world .

"You are the human who killed the Sovereign Beast and the Sword Emperor Beast."

Bright Beast looked at the Digimon falling like the sun, without the slightest fear on his face, instead he greeted it head-on.

"Life and death intertwine."

Chapter 336 Chapter 320 Seven Do you want to give up first?


Sure enough, the Bright Beast turned into a big trouble.

But it doesn't matter, Taiyi doesn't think he will lose, because there is Tennyumon, and children like Koizumi are here.

However, "Supreme Magna Miracle Shock" did not

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He was able to kill the Bright Beast, because the power generated by his intertwined life and death directly dispelled the impact energy surrounding Tai Yi. The final result was that Tai Yi retracted his big gun and landed successfully, and the Bright Beast landed there unscathed. side.

"Taiyi, what shall we do with this guy now?"

This is the first time Tiannu Beast has seen such a powerful special move, and Taiyi, the form of the soul of the double knights of the skull beast and the golden armored dragon beast, but it is a pity that even such a strong special move has no effect.

"At least...kill him once first."

Taichi didn't know how to answer.

However, if the situation develops in this direction, no one can predict what will happen next, because he doesn't know that the Bright Beast will absorb the power of the fighter's soul, why didn't he do so in the original plot?Is it because you look down on the children too much?

According to Omega Beast, Bright Beast has suffered two humiliating defeats in a row before this, losing to Examon and Omega Beast respectively, so now Bright Beast has become cautious and no longer defiant , which is not a good thing.

"Senior Taiyi! I'm really's all us, we were too careless."

When Koizumi saw that even that move failed to harm the Bright Beast, the self-blame in his heart was indescribable.

"Don't apologize."

Taichi replied in a slightly irritated tone.

"I don't want to hear an apology. I need you to do something now more than an apology."

"What to do? But...we have lost the fighter's soul, what else can we do?"

"That's your own problem."

If you want to really fight against the Bright Beast, there is still one thing that is indispensable, and that is the souls of the Ten Warriors. No matter what, you must have them, otherwise, Tai Yi will always feel that the invisible destiny in the dark will not stand by him side.

Taiyi had just finished speaking, and as the bright beast in front disappeared into a rush of howling, his body moved several times in a row, and finally came to a blind spot in Taiyi's field of vision, with a ferocious face and iron fists in both hands. , The Lost Paradise once again descended in front of Tai Yi.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The bright beast's continuous high-speed punches hit Taiyi's golden armored dragon beast's specially made golden armor, making a crisp and clanging sound.

Sword Emperor Beast's unpredictable sword dance steps plus the addition of the Monarch Beast's breathing weapon in every punch, this attack power has reached a very exaggerated level, and the Digimon evolved by Taiyi, currently There is no one who is particularly good at this attack mode, so if you want to defeat him, you need to do the same.

"Stop me!!"

Although the attack power of Bright Beast is outrageous, Tai Yi's defense power is not too much. Even though he is fierce in attack, the damage is all blocked by the thick armor on his body, and Mosti Beast will not just sit back and ignore this scene. , went around directly from the side, and punched him on the back of the head.


The pupils of the Bright Beast shrank suddenly at that moment, and then activated the power of the Sword Emperor Beast to leave the original place in an instant, making Mosti Beast fly away, and then pulled away.

"It really surprised me."

Bright Beast said comfortably while fiddling with his hairstyle.

"According to the previous communication between Sword Emperor Beast and Sovereign Beast, I think you have the power of at least three royal knights... Huh, it's a pity that these powerful data have no effect on you at all."

"Haven't you ever wondered why I can suppress you, but you can't do anything to me, even with the data of two royal knights?"

"Because this is my Bright Beast! A born great Digimon!"

"After I kill all of you, I will absorb all the data of the Royal Knights on your body, and then take this power that sweeps everything! Go to the human world! Dominate all those weak and stupid humans like you , and then absorb the data of that world, by then...even Omegamon, it is impossible to beat me!"

"I will become the supreme, the only true god of the multiverse!"

When Mosti Beast heard that he dared to say such a thing, his lungs were about to explode.

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