It doesn't matter how she is said, but she can't stand Taiyi being so contemptuous by the other party, but... She seems to be helpless, the melee combat that she is best at has been completely suppressed by the other party's ability to cheat, if the rest of the attacks can't If it hits, she doesn't intend to be strong at all. Although she doesn't want to admit it, she must say that the Bright Beast does have the aptitude to reach the top.

What's more frightening is that this is not his full strength.

While Bright Beast was still boasting and talking nonsense, Mosti Beast secretly looked at Tai Yi's side face, but the golden skull beast has not said a word until now.

"Taiyi, leave it to me, leave it all to me, your strength is not suitable for fighting against him."

Even though the Skull Beast Gold is very hard and has excellent defensive power, blindly being beaten is not a solution. No matter how hard these armors are, they can't withstand the bombing of that guy's Lost Paradise for several rounds, so the next step is to rely on yourself.

There is no way to become stronger without falling into a desperate situation. Mostimon intends to bear all this by itself, and will open a more powerful form in the next moment to awaken its potential.

"Lost Paradise!"

The Bright Beast couldn't wait to take the Haikou he boasted just now, and wanted to take the power that was close at hand for himself. He stepped forward again quickly, this time not getting close, but facing Taiyi's skull beast yellow

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Jin Gekong resorted to Lost Paradise.

The fist with the breath effect of the monarch beast dragon can shoot out an air cannon with unpredictable trajectory every time it swings. Taiyi immediately gathers his body to defend, and the breathing weapon like a rainstorm pear blossom falls on him, making a clanging and clicking sound.

Even though these armors could resist the damage, Taiyi's body was still being pushed back. Mostimon didn't want to see Taiyi being beaten passively, so he gritted his teeth and stepped forward again, wrapping his hands around the energies of divine hope and dark despair, but Instead of turning them into nirvana releases, they are overlaid on fists.

Relying on this technique of squeezing the limit ability, Mostimon temporarily gained the strength to resist the breathing fist, and the two black and white Digimon once again launched a peak duel of fighting skills, and the high-speed collision of the fists made a sound like a machine gun .

But even so, her follow-up power is still insufficient. Relying on her own strength alone, she cannot defeat the Bright Beast who has the bonus of the two royal knights. Steemon's back, and punched her hard.

Mosti Beast also exerted its limit ability, and unexpectedly reacted like a superman, catching the punch with the palm of its whole body, but its body was still repelled far, far away.

"Understood! This is the fundamental gap between you and me! Even if you have the same ability! But you can't beat me!"

As the Bright Beast said, it kicked again with a heavy kick with the dragon's breath, but at this time, a huge shield came crashing down from behind, and the Bright Beast had to change its attack direction, kicking the Avalon Shield thrown by Taiyi. fly.

Only by combining the power of Taiyi and Mosti beast can we barely equalize with him. The bright beast is already so terrifying.

——It’s so strong,’s not that there’s no solution.

Now, Taichi can finally laugh, and he figured out a way to defeat his opponent.

"I said, Celestial Beast."


"Do you want to give up first?"

Chapter 337 Chapter 320 Chapter [-] Mosti Beast Burst Form

"Give up? What are you talking about, Taichi! How can we give up!"

Mostimon can't understand what's wrong with his partner. Even if the opponent is really strong, it's not the reason for them to retreat without fighting. On the contrary, Taichi used to be the kind of enemy who is stronger and more able to face difficulties. on the type.

"No, what I mean is, don't worry about winning a one-on-one fight with him."

While talking, Tai took back the Avalon shield that had just been thrown out.

"But, is there any other way?"

Mosti Beast returned to Taiyi, looking very anxious, because the next round of attack by Bright Beast was about to come.

"The gap between you and the Bright Beast lies in strength. The destructive power of his punches is greater than yours, so it is difficult for you to win."

"Since that's the case, then let me be the force that bridges the gap between you and him."

Taichi's voice is relaxed and confident, not at all like he's on the verge of death.

"...? Taiyi, what are you going to do..."

"Lost Paradise!!!"

It was too late to think any more, Mosti Beast could only turn around to deal with the Light Beast attacking madly, this time because of the rush of time, she didn't even have time to make preparations, so she had to wave her blunt fist to meet... her body She couldn't hold on under such a high intensity. If it wasn't for Lilith Beast's help in her body, she would have been defeated long ago.

But how long can this last?

——Believe in Taiyi, sister of the Celestial Girl Beast.

At this moment, Tiannv Beast's thinking seemed to become extremely slow, and she heard the voice of another soul in this body.

——Bright Beast has always been so arrogant because he is one of the few selected Digimon with high-energy aptitude.

——But when it comes to the level of 'qualification' are far better than her.

The female demon beast said words of unknown meaning, and at the next moment, a magical force entered her consciousness from behind, as if at the center of the digital core, disarmed, the soul-state goddess beast and In the space of the female evil beast, a third person entered.

Taichi undid the evolution and bestowed all of his powers on Tennyomon.

Yes, just like what the female Evil Beast said, since Bright Beast relies on his aptitude and can develop the power of the plundered royal knights to a higher degree, then compared to aptitude, who used to be the one before the formation of the world tree One of the gods of the world, the god of love and beauty—Venusmon, she will never lose to that guy.

In fact, Taiyi has another plan, but it is rather stupid, and it may not be 100% successful in practice, that is to make the Celestial Beast change back to the divine Celestial Beast form, and he will cooperate with her to control the Bright Beast. position, another full output, but there is a better way now, so there is no need to do it.

But now, in her form, she may not be able to fully accept the power of the Royal Knights, so Taiyi only needs to increase her upper limit, make the water container bigger, and let her fill the rest.


Tian Nu Beast looked at the glowing young man between himself and the female Evil Beast in astonishment, and suddenly had the urge to cry.

Yes, they have experienced so much together, this bond is already so strong, how could it fail?

"Let's go, Celestial Beast."

Tai smiled at her, then picked up the Tyrannosaurus machine with a focused expression,

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It releases digital souls of eight different colors from its body.

"fill in!"

"The digital soul...burst!!"

A torrent of eight-color digital souls erupted from Taiyi quickly covered the core of Mostimon, and then he and the female demon beast took a step back at the same time, allowing the female demon beast to fully control the creature that was controlled by the seven demon kings, The chosen savior, and the body blessed by the former twelve gods.

[Moste Beast Burst Form! 】

Tiannv Beast didn't have the energy to think about what happened, but her punch this time was no longer as weak as before. The glowing fist was against Bright Beast's Lost Paradise, but it didn't lose at all. They were both shocked and unable to understand. Following the defeat in the next fist fight, Bright Beast's fist ruptured and bled, and its entire body was blown away.

Immediately afterwards, the half-black and half-white body of Mostimon also changed. White covered the whole body, leaving only some black at the joints of the armor for transition, and all the ten wings on the back became angel wings.

"Did you fuse with your human partner? Hmph."

Bright Beast noticed the change just now, but sneered dismissively.

"No matter how many weak powers gather, they are still useless!"

"I'm the real one... Ugh!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mosti Beast's shining body rushed over and punched him in the face, interrupting his speech. The furious Bright Beast wanted to fight back, but then Mosti Beast followed suit. His previous attack method formed many phantoms with ultra-high-speed movement, constantly surrounding the bright beast to form an energy hurricane.

The hurricane formed by the pure holy power caused great damage to the Bright Beast, and his movements were restricted everywhere. Then, Mosti Beast kept piercing back and forth in the storm to attack the Bright Beast, and finally used the "Angel Flying Kick" as an attack. end.


Bright Beast let out a scream of unknown meaning, was kicked down by Mostimon, and fell heavily on the ground of the core, and thus suffered a strong backlash from the core of the Digital World.

"Impossible...I, how could I lose in a fist fight..."

The body of the Bright Beast was already bleeding in many places. He lay in the dark core and was constantly receiving electric shocks, but Mosti Beast would not stop there. The shining angel released burst energy and pressed down. She put one hand on her thigh Click once, and then the rose-red energy began to flicker at high frequency, and even the left foot of Mosti Beast began to glow.

"Finishing technique."

She said such a sentence lightly.

【1, 2, 3】

【Supreme Holy Explosion】

It was like the electronic female voice effect that Taiyi’s sublimator made when it was in use, which started the final kill. Mosti made a flying kick and kicked the Bright Beast on the ground, and the guy couldn’t help but widen his eyes... ...and even if he got this kick, he would definitely die, so the Bright Beast also made a counterattack at this last moment.

——Sword Emperor Beast! !Take your power! !Give it all to me! !

Crying in his heart, Bright Beast once again launched Sword Emperor Beast's unique move, instantly moved away from that area at super high speed, and took advantage of the trend to go around and came behind Mosti Beast, covering the energy of white and black with both hands, intending to use it A "staggered life and death" to undo her such a high degree of evolution.

"I'm tired of seeing your trick."

Mosti Beast didn't put away its ultimate move, but turned around and kicked that guy directly, directly kicking Bright Beast's hands... The energy exploded in this short period of time, and Bright Beast maintained a stupefied expression. The expression didn't even reflect what happened, but when he came back to his senses, his hands and the unfinished "intertwined life and death" had all disappeared.

- actually gave my hand to...but!But it's not over yet! !

Severing both hands did not stop Bright Beast from attacking. He knew that this was the last chance, so he tried to continue releasing energy towards his hands. A large amount of blood burst out from the section of the arm, spraying all over Mosti Beast's face.

The field of vision of Tai Yi, Tiannv Beast, and Female Evil Beast all disappeared for a while, and they fell into darkness.

"How about it! I'm blindfolded with blood!"

Bright Beast laughed wildly, then turned around and kicked the unseen Mosti Beast with a roundabout kick.

"I won! Go to hell!"

Chapter 338 Chapter 320 IX Soul of Darkness, Lilith Beast Reappears

However, the Bright Beast seemed to have lost its head.

How can such a degree of obscuring vision stop a super ultimate body-level powerhouse who is so good at close combat?This was a stupid strategy that even Taiyi wouldn't use. Without thinking too much, Mostimon threw a heavy punch in the direction of the sound, hitting the leg kicked by that guy.


" could I..."

The bright beast's body was glowing, and it let out a shrill scream.

There is no need to reverse, Mosti Beast's punch exploded directly, and the energy penetrated from his legs, causing Bright Beast's body to be melted and exploded like an ice sculpture poured into lava. Proud, the body blessed by all kinds of power from this world and the One World, was reduced to ashes in this way.

"Did you make it?"

"No, not yet, Tiannv Beast, he should still have a backup."

Taichi, who is familiar with the plot, understands that Bright Beast has three evolutionary stages in the fourth-generation animation, the first is the growth stage of the basic form,

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Then there is the perfect body in the fallen form, and finally the ultimate body in the form of Satan... There seems to be a larva?But it doesn't matter. Light Falling was defeated. Although his body exploded, the gold coins did not explode.

The data looted by him has not been returned, which means that the battle is not over yet.

But now, Mosti Beast, who turned on the burst form for the first time and exhausted his physical strength in the high-intensity battle, couldn't hold it any longer. It disintegrated and split into three, and the miracle brought by the burst form ended.

"Have you finally defeated the Bright Beast?"

Looking at the shattered light, Youshu asked in disbelief.


Koizumi let out a sigh of relief first, but then the sense of guilt still came like a tide, but the other party didn't give the children a chance to think too much, and the Bright Beast split into two Digi eggs, one black and one white. The upward floating exploded into countless fragments, destroying the space area in the core that was used by the bright beast to feed itself.

However, at the same time, when everyone's attention was focused on the white egg that exploded and the disappearing field, the black egg quietly swelled and became extremely huge.

"Do you know what's going to happen next?"

The female demon beast looked at Taichi.

"I know."

Taiyi also looked at her beside him, the communication between the two was in the eyes.

"So I also prepared a backhand."

He spread out three books of knights in his hands. Whether he can increase his inventory to five today depends on the final decisive battle. In any case, he must completely wipe out the bright beasts and end this series of battles... and then , so that he can leave with peace of mind to go to the world of X evolution, to meet the person who opened the source of everything - Jessmon.

But rather than risking the use of the three volumes of knights and fusing the power of the three royal knights, Taiyi hopes that the children can stand up.

Yes, Fighter's Soul is gone, but what does that matter?

The so-called fighters' souls are just a tool, as long as they have the heart and give full play to their ideal power as the real protagonists of this world, Taiyi believes that the bond between them and the ten fighters who have fought bloody battles for so long will never be broken. Weak, will definitely respond to them again.

"Taiyi, could this be his..."

"Calm down, Celestial Beast, don't go too far ahead, let me do it."

Taiyi clenched the three books in his hands, and didn't explain too much to her.

She has done her best, and the next task is her own, to beat the giant monster that appeared in front of them back to its original shape like the original plot track.

"I can help too."

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