The red lotus knight beast evolved from Taiyi is now in a double burst state. In order to overload the body to squeeze out stronger energy, the body temperature will inevitably increase. In addition, those are the sacred energies that Lilith beast locks are afraid of. A hug made her whole body start to smoke.

Still, her metaphors are as low-level as ever.

"I failed, and I'm afraid it will be a hard battle."

But Taiyi still wasn't in the mood to complain about her, so he could only tell his result with a sigh.

"The two royal knights are still protecting him at this juncture. I really don't understand why. Does the Bright Beast have such a great charm? Is there something wrong with their sexual orientation?"

The XP of these royal knights is a bit strange. Leaving aside the Red Lotus Knight Beast, it is really unexpected that after being backstabbed by the Bright Beast, they will still stand there.

"Really? It was rejected by the data of Sword Emperor Beast and Monarch Beast."

Lilith Beast carefully blew on the scalded skin, and the eyes with thick purple eye shadow blinked slightly.

"No one is so stupid as to repay evil with kindness, especially if the other party is a lunatic like Bright Beast who doesn't know what is good or bad. I think there are two reasons. The first is that they are confused by Bright Beast, but this is unlikely, unless the two of them They really have strange sexual fetishes, they like to be abused, and the second is...their purpose is not because of the Bright Beast, but to use him to do something."

"Whatever that was, our strategy failed."

Taiyi didn't bother to think about it, he just wanted to find a chance

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Beat up the Bright Beast and those two irritating imperial knights to vent their anger.

"It's okay, there is still a chance, Taichi."

"If it doesn't work, we will find a way to completely awaken the Celestial Girl Beast Sister and change back to her true form. That way, we should be able to win without pressure."

Lilith Beast said the method he currently recognizes the most.


Tai Yi didn't know how to answer, but the huge monster didn't pay attention to them at this moment, but continued to bite open a space-time crack in the universe with its bloody mouth, and began to drill in, and the other link connected by this crack At one end, it is naturally the real world where Orimoto Izumi and other children live.

Chapter 341 332. The Fusion Ten Fighters, the Brave Vajra God Beast

Now, what to do?

Taiyi suddenly felt a little tired...but in the blink of an eye, he still acted, he couldn't let this big lizard really go to the human world, it would cause irreversible consequences.

However, in front of the bright beast Satan, he is still as small as a gravel. This guy's body is really too big, as long as he is many times bigger than the one in the animation. It's not just because of him The reason for absorbing the data of two more powerful royal knights, among which ten fighter souls, and the data of angel Digimon collected from the original world all played a role.

The soul of the fighter... the soul of the fighter, this power should have been on Taiyi's side.

——?Fighter's Soul?

Maybe it was because he was stunned by the two hooks of Sword Emperor Beast and Sovereign Beast. In the hell of Bright Beast just now, Tai Yi actually forgot that there were them besides the Royal Knights!

"I, I have a solution!"

Taiyi's eyes lit up, and a road to victory had been marked on the map in his mind.

"Lilith Beast, please hold that guy with all your strength, and don't let him leave this world!"

"? Are you kidding? Do you think I can beat him?"

Lilithmon's purple eyes widened.

"It doesn't matter if he degenerates with all his strength, because after that, he won't be able to go anywhere."

After leaving such a sentence, Taiyi turned around and plunged into the empty world core below. After the space created by the Bright Beast disappeared, the children were sitting on the dry world structure at this time, helpless. Although Taiyi thought very well, But the soul of a fighter and the badge are not the same thing after all, the badge itself does not have power, but the soul of a fighter is the source of all the power of Koizumi and others.

Although idealism is paramount in this world, it is meaningless if the heart is deprived of it.

"Is it Senior Taiyi? What is he going to do?"

Looking at the giant red lotus knight beast that landed in front of them, Takuya asked in confusion.

"follow me."

Taiyi stretched out his hand and sprinkled a large amount of light powder, and the children immediately raised their hands to cover their eyes. The light powder wrapped their bodies, and then Taiyi grabbed them all in his hands, holding them with one hand, and summoning them with the other hand. The Shield of Avalon from the Skull Beast stood in front of it, rushing towards the monster that was held back by the Lilith Beast with all its strength.

"Big brother! You, what are you doing!"

The youngest Tomoki saw that Mitsusa was getting closer and closer to them, and his body began to tremble.

"I will protect you, but it will take your strength to defeat this guy now."

"But we have no power... No matter how hard we try, they won't respond to us."

Takuya lowered his head in frustration.

In fact, they all understand that their soul evolution is to fuse with these fighters, but now the ten fighters and twenty Digimon have left them, and the partners who have fought side by side for so long are gone, and they can only be ordinary human children.

"So, I will take you to find the fighters now."

"Brother Taiyi? You mean you want us to go take back the power that was taken away?"

Koizumi understood his intention immediately.

"That's right, then I will carry out the ancient soul evolution with you, and I will definitely win this time."

"If this is the case, there is indeed a good chance."

Kouji's eyes quickly regained their brilliance.

"But... this is too dangerous! My body is shaking unbearably right now." Junpei murmured, staring at his trembling body. "Please! You useless bastard! Stop shaking!"

He kept cursing himself for being useless.

"Calm down, Junpei." Tai looked at him like that but wasn't worried. "It's okay to tremble, your body is ready, the adrenaline has been secreted, it's telling you that you're ready to fight."

"...Actually, I'm trembling a little too, and I'm ready too, Senior Taiyi, leave it to us!"

Taiyi brought them to the destination, and it happened that the Lilith beast was also hit by the destructive light, but she still cunningly ran ahead of time, and thus exhausted her strength and turned into a female evil beast again. Falling in the rising direction of Taiyi.

He conveniently threw Avalon out for the female demon beast to catch. The two exchanged glances in the air, and there was no further exchange. Then the female demon beast raised the heavy shield to block the damage, while Taiyi led the children plunged into hell.

——I didn't expect that I would start doing what this kind of NPC should do now.

Taiyi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but then the children are the protagonists, in this terrifying dark space, in the Red Lotus Knight Beast

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Under the protection of the holy light, the children also began to shout in all directions, calling for the fighters who were pulled into it.

"Vulcan! I'm Takuya! I know you're here! I'm here! Let's fight side by side again!"

"Yeti Beast... Without you, I wouldn't be able to live today, please come back soon! I need you!"

"Electric Beast! As long as you win this battle, your world will be saved! You can't give up at the last moment!"

"Fairy Beast, Feng Shen Beast, I know that you have been watching me all the time, and you walked with me because you believed in in order to fulfill that promise, in order to prevent this world from disappearing, come back to me quickly Bar!"


The children kept shouting, and Taiyi was also working hard to continue to release the burst energy. Even though he was in a dangerous state about to shut down, he still relied on his willpower to hold on and continue to output energy to interfere with the bright beast. He believed that the children can do it.

"Shut up, you brats, don't interfere with our plans anymore!"

The Sword Emperor Beast and Sovereign Beast reappeared and attacked Tai Yi. Tai Yi frowned and condensed a sharp spear with one hand... But at this moment, ten rays of light of different colors flew from all directions, and finally converged It turned into a shield at one point and bounced the two royal knights back.

"It's you..."

Koizumi covered her mouth and was already crying, especially when she saw that the people who came to save them were the most familiar figures, ten fighters appeared in human form and stood side by side, propping up the life shield.

Then when she was wiping her tears, she noticed that she had started to glow now, and at the same time, her companions were all the same, each of them seemed to be lit up, their eyes were unprecedentedly firm, and the ten fighters were also doing well. After getting ready, they flew above the children's heads, forming a ten-color energy ring.

The children stretched out their hands and put their hearts together.

"We will give you power, Yagami Taichi, and you will lead them... and you will be able to exert power beyond the legend."

Somehow Taiyi heard such a sentence, and when he came back to his senses, a "book" packaged in gold, red and blue fell into his hand.

This is the book of the Ten Warriors, where all the power of the Ten Warriors is stored!

"Everyone, let's go together."

Taichi released the red lotus knight beast form, and his body began to glow. He walked towards the children who were ready, and put his hands on theirs...Koizumi looked at Taichi who was shining with golden light, crying and laughing at the same time.

[God Ten Warriors! 】

The book was opened, and twenty fighter souls surrounded the heads of seven of them in the shape of a model, gradually converging into one.

"Ancient Soul Evolution!!"

[God of Destruction Susanoo, the legend of creation! 】

[Accompanied by the miracles they have summoned from those who have fought so far!Precious courage will awaken the legendary power! 】

"Vajra Valkyrie Beast Brave!"

The book chants the real name of this Digimon, which is still the Vajra Beast, but the sapphire on his forehead is replaced by Taiyi's sun-shaped courage badge symbol, which represents that it is his courage. The awakened ultimate power!

[Ten Fusion Warriors! 】

Chapter 342 Chapter 330

Why is it so noisy?

Tai Yi hadn't heard such a passionate sound effect from his transforming devices, but no matter what... this passage still ignited the fighting spirit in his heart, but it's better to fight quickly now, every second counts.

He opened his eyes, and his field of vision was already connected to the field of vision of this Digimon—Vajra Warrior. The two royal knights were ready to attack him with their special moves, and at the same time, other monsters came from behind. The voices of children.

They stood in a row, but they didn't burst their clothes like before, because Tai Yi's clothes are also intact now.

This evolution is led by Taiyi, so the children did not generate a huge burst of energy at the moment of evolution, it is a more stable and mature evolution, otherwise, they would not be able to bear the courage of Taiyi.

"Let's go together, senior!"

The children shouted firmly to him standing at the front of the queue.


Now is the time to practice Vajra Warrior. Although Taiyi is the first time, he is not worried about it.

I saw the two royal knights displaying their nirvana respectively. The breath of the dragon and the urgent fear came towards Taiyi from two directions. He took his time and crossed his hands in front of his chest. All those gaps were closed, and the eye patch on the helmet also fell to cover the eyes, thus forming a defense without dead ends.

Taiyi attacked with the next move, and the huge Vajra Warrior body was hit by two powerful kills. The unparalleled impact knocked him into the air, and he flew backwards out of this energy ball called Hell. Then Taiyi quickly adjusted his body to stabilize his balance. The attack just now was really fast, but it didn't cause any damage to him.

Then, it was his turn to perform.

"Get me down!!"

Seeing that the working body including the head of the Bright Beast Satan has been lying outside the crack, Taiyi is of course furious. He continued to release energy outwards, making the Vajra Warrior's body continue to increase in size, enough to reach several hundred The height of meters, this finally has some comparison in front of the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed forward and hugged the

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The guy's tail was at the end, and then he began to exert all his strength.

"Damn!! Why is it so heavy..."

Takuya felt as if an invisible force was pulling his arm, and he gritted his teeth immediately.

"Don't use brute force, we need to cooperate together and exert force at the same time in one direction."

Tai Yi found that the six children behind him who provided him with energy were a little flustered, so he immediately reminded them calmly.

"Listen to me, 1, 2, 3... go!"

With Taiyi's timely reminder, they immediately adjusted back. The Vajra God Beast let out a roar that shook the sky, and then completed an absolutely impossible challenge, pulling the Bright Beast, which was hundreds of times and a thousand times heavier than him, preventing him from continuing to move forward. The real world moved forward, and then forcibly pulled it back, pulling it back from the huge gap that opened.

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

Taiyi and the children exerted all their strength at the same time. As a result, they not only dragged Hikosa back, but also hugged his tail and began to slowly spin around at an accelerated speed.

The Bright Beast couldn't understand what was going on with this phenomenon at all. When he came to his senses, he had already been thrown out, and the King Kong Warrior God Beast threw its huge body backwards, making it Stay away from that gap completely, and never have a chance to get closer.

"Brother Taiyi, what should we do with that big hole?"

Yuki asked with some concern.

"Don't be afraid, it will repair itself. Time and space are like our bodies. When a virus invades or is injured, it will start to recover autonomously. What we have to do is to eliminate this guy and prevent it from getting closer here."

Tai Yi manipulated the Vajra God Beast to face it before it came to the entrance of the cave, making itself an insurmountable barrier between the Bright Beast and the entrance of the real world.

"Be careful! Senior! That guy is angry!"

Junpei found that Mitsusa was roaring furiously, and the golden crown on top of his head was branded with the seven deadly sins, which was really frightening.

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