"Remember the usage of those nirvana skills."

"Get ready, it's coming."

Taiyi closed his eyes, and Vajra Warrior's goggles fell again, but his field of vision would not be lost. Instead, he would eliminate all the messy information around him, leaving only the only enemy in his eyes. He summoned "Zero" with his hands forward. Then it launched towards the sky, forming a huge cloud immediately, from which eight thick golden lightning bolts and thunder fell, directly pinning the bright beast that was trying to attack.

These holy thunderbolts were like nails, falling on the limbs, wings and head of the bright beast, and it was restrained for a while and could no longer move.

"Let... let me go!! You ten fighters... you are overthinking your strength! You will never succeed!!"

A monster with such a terrifying appearance made a sound that did not match its appearance, the sound of a small creature breaking its defenses, and Taichi's eyes were always calm and composed, as if he had seen through the essence of that guy.

"Heavenly Feather Slash."

"Heaven Feather Slash!!"

The children shouted the name of this trick together with Taiyi, and then the zero-armed Orochi launched again, a white energy giant sword tens of thousands of meters long was launched from the weapon, and then Taichi pulled the weapon backwards, and the children also synchronized Carrying out his movements, aimed at the crucified Bright Beast Satan form, and swung this great sword capable of opening up the world.

"You disgusting bugs! I am a god! I am the supreme, greatest Digimon!! How dare you resist me!"

"Yes, we are going to crusade against gods and heaven."

Tai Yi said these words coldly, at the same time, the Tian Yu Yu Zhan who swung with all his strength had followed one after another, cutting the huge bright beast nailed to death in the air from the middle.

After obtaining Taiyi's courage engraving and Taiyi's combat experience, Vajra Martial God Beast has finally fully returned to his original strength. The level of strength that should have been in the finale of the fourth generation TV, he directly used a move to cut the general with Tian Yuyu The huge body of the bright beast Satan is cut into two parts.

In front of this move, the monster was as fragile as a slime monster, its body was completely cut into two pieces, and unstable dark energy flowed everywhere.

"Don't let up, we haven't won yet."

"The next is the final blow, concentrate on me!"

Taiyi knew that even so, the Bright Beast would not die, and he had to destroy the larva hidden in hell, so he didn't have time to appreciate the tragic situation of the Bright Beast, so he immediately accelerated forward. Of course, the children did not relax, and kept their full attention attitude.

"Why... Yagami Taichi, why do you have to stop us?"

At the moment he just rushed into hell, the two twenty-five royal knights jumped out again.

"I don't care what you guys want to do, but what I want to do is to save countless lives in the two worlds!"

Tai Yi stared at them coldly, ready to make a move.

"If you still have a shred of conscience, if you can still remember the oath you made when you became a royal knight, get out of the way!"

Chapter 343 Chapter 330 The Book of Knights+2

"Never for a moment did we forget."

The Monarch Beast said righteously.

"We made a promise called 'Royal Knights' and swore to protect all living beings in that world. For this reason, even if this body is destroyed, even if it is not understood

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No hesitation. "

"Yes, whatever you say."

Taiyi has completely lost his patience.

Then his hand radiated light, and the arc light sublimator appeared in his hand, so he began to transfer and evolve, because next, what he needed was no longer the power of Vajra Warrior.

"Wait until you directly evolve into ten fighters, I will deal with these two guys, you go ahead and kill that bright beast larva."

"Senior? But we haven't seen that larva, what should we do if we can't find it?"

Kouji asked anxiously.

"If you can't see it, ask the people you know the most."

"They will show you the way."

This they, of course, refers to the ten fighters who have been fighting side by side with the children all this time. He decided to follow the original history and still let the handsome ten fighters give that guy a push to end all this.

【Battle Greymon】

【Steel Garurumon】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

He evolved into an Omega beast instead, and at the same time released the evolution form of Vajra Warrior and Hero. Although the children were puzzled, they took the time to start their own evolution. At the same time, the five evil fighters who had been defeated by them before also After reappearing with their own souls and having already fused together to fight, at this juncture, they didn't say anything, silently cooperating with the children's actions.

But the evolution of Tai is not over yet.

【Holy female beast】

【Rose Beast】

[Great Adventure Capsule α! 】

【Li Shen Bidou】

【Phoenix Beast】

[Great Adventure Capsule β! 】

"Be prepared, Sword Emperor Flying Dragon."

The two fused capsules were inserted into the sublimator one by one, and Taiyi once again completed his strongest form and the evolution of the Royal Knight's special attack form.

[NEO Fusion Sublimation! 】

【Omega Beast Mercy Form! ! 】

After the evolution was complete, Taiyi didn't have time to pose with the cape feathered into wings, so he took out the Yaleu cannon and aimed at the two guys, and they also started to parry. After passing the two imperial knights, they headed towards the bright beast larva hidden in the deepest part.

The power of Eight Thunder Gods and Tian Yuyu Zhan is enough to kill Guangsa more than seven times, but the reason why he is not dead is because the main body still exists, but although it is still alive, it can't draw the power to fight against others, so that The larva is also just a lamb to be slaughtered.

This is an opportunity that Taiyi just wanted to create, but he had no choice but to find that, except for Vajra Warrior's ultimate skill, it seems that there is no other Digimon that can have such an immediate killing effect on Bright Beast. This is the so-called one thing One thing to say, "Only a big snake can knock down a demon god".

"Those brats!"

Sword Emperor Beast realized their purpose and hurriedly wanted to intercept them, but a silver slashing blade flew past his nose, he was frightened into a cold sweat, and at the same time Taiyi's Omega Beast also rushed over .

Yu Ling Dao slashed at ghostly speed, Sword Emperor Beast picked up the weapon to resist, Monarch Beast retreated and threw another "Royal Dragon Ball", but at that moment, a golden figure shot from Omi Jia Beast rushed out and caught the ball with a punch. Sovereign Beast took a closer look and found that it was the Golden Armored Dragon Beast.

Afterwards, the Red Lotus Knight Beast and the Skull Beast also flew out of Tai Yi's body, but they were not entities, but just like the current Sword Emperor Flying Dragon combination, they were all virtual spirit bodies.

"Don't get it yet? You two bastards."

Taiyi swung his sword and stood with his three imperial knight companions.

"It's too late to regret now, but there's a difference between being stubborn until you die and knowing your way back!"

"...Why, why do you have to stop us?"

The Monarch Beast finally felt shaken.

Now that the situation was extremely unfavorable to them, and seeing his companions who had worked together for so long in the past, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"What on earth are you going to do? My brothers."

Red Lotus Knightmon asked.

"Only if you don't show up... as long as you don't show up!" The Sword Emperor Beast was shaking all over, whether it was because of anger or grievance. "We can watch the Bright Beast absorb more data. When he tries to devour the World Tree...with his aptitude, it is impossible to compare with the World Tree. In the end, he can only blew himself up and died. Then we have Lots and lots of options!"

"We can enter the World Tree at that time to find Alpha Beast! Or we can directly destroy the World Tree and let us Digimon manage that world by ourselves!"

"Why you just don't understand! Why do you have to stop us!" Sword Emperor Beast gritted his teeth angrily, and even made body movements to vent his emotions. "It's just a little bit, obviously it's just a little bit!"

"But you... didn't you say that Bright Beast is the greatest Digimon?"

The reason they did this was not because they wanted the Bright Beast to become a god.

"I don't mean to say that he is willing to cooperate with us and absorb power endlessly?"

Compared with the very excited Sword Emperor Beast, the Sovereign Beast seemed a lot calmer, but it was more like the despair after everything failed.

"For our world, for those lovely lives to survive, to restore the original beauty... We don't care how much we have to pay, even if we will die in the end, but we really don't care..."

"Taiichi Yagami, you accuse us of losing

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A righteous heart, but we never forsaken it!Everything we do is for justice! "

"But brother." The red lotus knight continued after being silent for a while. "Have you forgotten? Justice without procedural justice is no justice at all."

"Even if you are working hard for our world, do you know how many innocent lives will be destroyed for no reason? Such behavior cannot be approved by anyone!"

"...Yeah, this is where we are selfish, but for the sake of our homeland, we don't care."

The Sovereign Beast's hands are weak. Like the Sword Emperor Beast, he no longer has the desire to fight and the strength to persevere.

"You are like this, are you worthy of being called Royal Knights! You have no shame at all! You don't want to lose your face!"

The skull beast couldn't help scolding loudly.

"...Stop it, you two, you have already lost." The Golden Armored Dragon Beast was still as gentle as ever, he could fully understand the behavior of the two partners, but he couldn't approve it. "Join us now, let's find a way to liberate the World Tree together, we can definitely..."

"Only rely on this man?"

Sovereignmon looked up at Taichi's evolved white Omegamon, wondering why this man had such charm.

"No, rely on him, and all of us."

"In the past, the Royal Knights never acted collectively to do something, but at this juncture of life and death, there should be someone who brought us together one by one."

"...That's all."

The Sovereign Beast and the Sword Emperor Beast glanced at each other, and they knew that their plan had completely failed, and it would be pointless to hold back any longer.

"I leave it to you, Taiyi, give them a happy time... let them become your strength too."

Red Lotus Knight Beast left Tai Yi with such a sentence, and then turned around and returned to his body with Skull Beast and Golden Armored Dragon Beast. After Tai Yi knew the truth of all this, he didn't say anything more. No matter what the purpose was, they did something wrong after all. , but now, Taiyi still needs their strength.

"Yu Lingqie."

The wrong man dropped his sword again on his former "friend".

Chapter 344 Chapter 330 Six Congratulations

"Although I can't agree with their thoughts, I can understand their hearts as royal knights fighting for their homeland."

Taiyi caught the two brand new books of knights, the Sword Emperor and the Lord of Flying Dragons. It must be considered that he has not worked hard in vain for so long. Although these two things should have been in his hands last time, it was only too late. some.

"Taiyi, are you planning to collect the power of all the royal knights?"

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast asked such a question.

"My intention of doing this should be obvious, right?"

Tai Yi didn't change much in his expression, because he didn't know how the children were going.

"Then maybe, your thoughts... Forget it, it's nothing."

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast seemed to have thought through a lot of things in an instant, but in the end he actually kept silent in half.

"As I said before, the royal knights have never been out to do the same thing. Even the alpha beasts are hard to have such ability, because our group of people are more or less seriously ill, and everyone has their own opinions. , no one can forcibly distort our will."

"But you are different, you have this special power, and now there is an unprecedented crisis... Go on, Taichi, I also believe that the end of the end is a new beginning, the inscription of the red lotus knight beast The meaning is to meet you."

"There's no need to say such things so bluntly, it's disgusting."

Red Lotus Knight Beast replied abruptly.

"Anyway, that's probably what it means~"


Tai Yi didn't respond positively, he knew what he should do next, but now he still needs to take a break for a while, his physical strength is no longer at all, even if there are some important things to deal with next, but he still has to wait Only after your physical strength has fully recovered.

At this time, the Bright Beast larva had lost the data of the Royal Knights and Ten Warriors, and could no longer regain its majestic appearance just now. In the end, there was only a stubborn one left, which was directly picked up by the children and Ten Warriors. Completely wiped out one by one.

Once saved the world, and then destroyed the world, the Bright Beast, who embarked on such a road of no return, finally fell to the power of the ten fighters and fell in the direction of creation and destruction just like the original trajectory of fate. The God of God, under the Heavenly Feather Feather of Vajra Martial God Beast.

"It's really... over this time."

Keiichi sighed wearily.

Although the children were very happy, they couldn't stand the exhaustion. They had already put in their best efforts. After the bright beast larva was crushed, countless pure white light spots were born, and then these light spots set off towards the digital world again , back to where they should have existed, the bare world began to shine again, and the land was gradually being repaired.

"The digital world is back...we won!"

Yuki said emotionally while wiping away tears.

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