Everyone looked at such a new and hopeful picture, and each expressed their thoughts. Only Koizumi looked back at this time, and Yagami Taichi also canceled the evolution of Digimon. He seemed to be communicating with Lilithmon. The celestial female beast is also rushing over here.

From the Rose Beast she learned that Li

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The story of Lisimon, I know that although she looks the same as that bad woman, she is a different person, but I still feel a little weird seeing this picture.


At this moment, all ten fighters appeared in human form, surrounded the six children, and clapped their hands to celebrate them.

"Vulcan Beast... oh, thank you so much!"

Takuya saw that they were too excited.

"Thank you for your willingness to believe in us, thank you for your willingness to respond to us at that time!"

He expressed his gratitude to the Digimons. At that time, when he thought he was useless, these Digimons believed in them and merged with them again.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for us..."

"No, we are the ones who should say thank you."

The Vulcan interrupted the children who were thanking them.

"It was you who saved us and our world."

"We will never forget this kindness... the chosen children, and Taichi Yagami from another world."

The ten fighters turned around at the same time, looking at Taiyi and his two partners who were slowly drifting from behind.

"Needless to say, it's you guys. From now on, without me, there will be Takuya and the others. I'm afraid the task of protecting the world will be handed over to you guys, but I think this should be a very simple task for the ten fighters." Let's do it."

Although the time was not long, Tai Yi also received the soul blessing of the ten fighters in that short period of time, but now that the ten fighters have returned to their original state, he also lost the "book" that contained the ten fighters. It was very short, but this unprecedented ten-beast unity also provided Taiyi with valuable experience.

"Well, leave it to us."

"There is not much time left, everyone, before the road to the human world opened by the Bright Beast is closed, we will take you home."

The Vulcan Beast and the Wolf Beast beside him were talking, and they wanted to take their companions to send them back... Taiyi felt something in his heart watching this scene. I couldn't even say goodbye.

"Don't worry, I have something to say to them, fighters."

Taichi stopped them with his words.

"I have the power to travel through the world myself, so don't worry, I will send them back later."

"Really?... That would be great."

The Vulcan Beast's reaction was great, his eyes widened, and he seemed very happy for a while.

"In this way, I also have time to say goodbye to Koizumi!"

The Fairy Beast also had an uncontrollable smile on its face.

"So everyone, let's go back to the founding village first, the holy goddess beast and bogo beast are still waiting."



The digital world is rapidly recovering, and everything has returned to its original appearance. Although countless Digimon have lost their lives in this process, as long as the world and the founding village are still there, everything will be restored one day as ever.

"I will write down your stories well! I will write down every word without missing a single word! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooups.

Bogomon welcomed everyone's return with a snot and tears. Although the sacred goddess was still a little weak, she seemed to be in good health. The magic ball crystal card that Taiyi swiped out perfectly relieved her pressure. And it didn't take too long to defeat the Bright Beast.

"Congratulations, chosen children."

Taichi also smiled and applauded Koizumi and others, and everyone looked back at him curiously.

"Now, you are the chosen children who have 'graduated'. From now on, don't forget everything that happened in the digital world, and remember what you have learned from here for life, and don't forget here, so many lovely friends."


Chapter 345 Chapter 330 Seven Everyone Is My Wing

"This means that we are the same as you, senior! Are we the chosen children who have saved the world?"

Takuya couldn't hide the excitement on his face, but after going through so many battles, he was not so frivolous anymore, even if he was very happy, he didn't lose his composure, and he was very demeanor as the leader of this team.

In fact, there is nothing happier than being recognized by a senior like Tai Yi.

"Yes, you have also completed this achievement."

"Wait! This, doesn't this mean that our battle is not over yet?"

Junpei thought of what Koizumi and Pogomon described Taichi before, he is a "hero" who has saved another digital world, and unlike the six of them, Taichi did it alone, look at him His appearance is at least a college student, and judging from his own age, that is to say, Taiyi's saving the world may have happened in his elementary school days, and so many years have passed.

But even so, he is still running around in Digimon-related battles, and Junpei's words are also a worry in the hearts of other children.

While they don't resist fighting, they really want to be able to go back and live their lives if they can.

"Of course your battle is over. From now on, you will be passed down as new legends in this world forever."

Tai Yi stretched out his hand to hold a ray of breeze, which was the first ray of wind blown by a newborn in the world.

"It's just that when this world, when these people who live and die with you

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When the Digimon are in crisis again, will you still evolve and fight for them as before? "

"Of course."

Everyone answered this question with one voice without any hesitation.

"So...what will happen to you in the future does not depend on you, but depends on fate, but I think this world is already suffering so much, and the difficulty of saving it is so high, so if there are no accidents in the future, it should not happen again. There was an accident."

"Then senior, why are you still fighting?"

Kouji throws a soul question.

"Why? Because..." Tai Yi didn't know how to explain what he said, so he could only turn everything into a subtle wry smile. "Because my battle is not over, I haven't been able to, save my own world."

"Stop talking, everyone, go and have a good talk with Bogomon and the ten fighters. After all, this may be your last meeting... I am also in a hurry here, wait for me to take a break, and immediately Let's go."

"it is good."



"Holy female beast, we have not let you down."

On behalf of the ten fighters, the Fairy Beast came to express their respect to the Divine Celestial Beast. During the time when they were sleeping in the past, it was the Divine Celestial Beast who supported the crumbling world alone. Surviving the final battle of the world, the reconstruction of the new digital world in the future, and the establishment of order also need her power.

"Actually, I... I didn't do anything."

There is always a feeling of unreality in the sacred female beast.

"Please don't say that again. Without you, those children wouldn't be able to come to this world. Please rest well. I'm going to say goodbye to Koizumi."

After all, when the Fairy Beast turned to leave, it happened to see Taiyi standing there.

"Taiichi Yagami, I want to thank you too."

"You should thank me."

Taiyi was not so polite, and admitted directly.

"Without me, the world where you and Koizumi would be together would be so cold."

"Yeah, and what you said to Koizumi at that time really helped her a lot... It made me feel like she really grew up at that moment. In the battle where the Golden Armored Dragon Beast was sacrificed, she I have completely bid farewell to my past self.”

"It's her luck to meet you."

Fairy Beast recalled the events that happened not long ago. In fact, for her, the most thrilling thing was not when she was robbed by the Bright Beast, but when Koizumi fought hard in that icy and snowy world to the end but could not see any hope. when.

"...This is also my luck."

The fairy beast left, Taiyi looked at her back in a daze, and carefully confirmed in memory that although the whole process of the fourth generation of children was extremely difficult and dangerous, it was a real one-shot deal, unlike the original generation. It is really miserable for this group of people to keep doing permanent after-sales for that digital world.

It's good to say goodbye early.

"I said, have you lost your mind again?"

Suddenly someone poked his abdomen forcefully, Taiyi couldn't help but his face changed drastically and he bent down.

"What are you doing?"

He looked at the Celestial Beast helplessly.

"Shut up, you female Digimon Piledriver, I knew you had no good intentions."

"?? Did I say something strange?"

Although the figure of the fairy beast is indeed fascinating, Taichi may be more interested in her beast-like form of the Fengshen beast. The wheat-colored skin and strong muscles are different from the fair-skinned and beautiful female Digimon around him.

"I do not care."


Taiyi ignored her, and turned to the holy celestial female beast. In fact, it had no other meaning. Now his body is also recovering, and he just wanted to explain to the divine celestial female beast some things to pay attention to in the future.

"Sacred Celestial Beast, the body is alright now, isn't it?"

"Well, I'm fine, thanks to your support."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the voice of the holy celestial female beast seems to suddenly become very gentle, although it was already very gentle.

"What will happen in the future must be carefully considered. Don't avoid problems. If you have any problems, discuss with these ten fighters. Try not to divide power. Don't have illusions about those guys who have shown their evil hearts."

In fact, this world was originally running well, but the problem appeared in Cherubimon, otherwise Bright Beast would not be able to run so smoothly... But Taichi also thought that it seemed that Bright Beast had polluted Cherubimon, so he could Will start to get sick?Then wait and explain to the ten fighters.

"If there is another crisis in the future, you can contact me. Don't go to the human world to find those poor children. Seriously... If these children are not really strong, the success rate of your plan is pitifully low. "

Thinking that the way the holy celestial female beast chooses children is to send text messages to invite, those who are qualified will stay, and those who are not qualified will be sent back with motorcycle beasts, which is quite ridiculous, but this is the digital world, as long as you are ideal, everything is reasonable.

"If there is no crisis, can I not contact you again?"

The sacred goddess seemed to be smiling, and then took the communication device from Taiyi.

"? What do you mean? I... I already have a partner, so don't say such things."

"Is that the one? It seems that she has a lot of energy, and your relationship is also very good."

"But I remember, your

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Last time...wasn't it Rosemon? "

The holy celestial beast glanced at the celestial beast standing behind him, and found that the same type of Digimon was staring at her with a small resentful look, which made her very puzzled. something weird?

But she soon understood, maybe this is the so-called like repelling each other?As a Celestial Beast, it is normal for her to be wary of herself, and it seems that she has a very close relationship with her partner.

"It's all, it's all."

Taiyi cleared his throat in embarrassment, and said solemnly.

"Everyone is my wing!"

Chapter 346 Chapter 330 Eight Alerts from the X Evolution World

"If one day you also need my help, I will definitely go to the appointment."

The holy maiden put her hand on her chest, and made such a promise to the boy who came from another world and saved them.

Although Taiyi wanted to tell her that as long as you take good care of the life in this world and don’t make any mistakes, it seems a little emotionally unintelligent to say it, so she nodded and agreed, and she...may be suitable to be an assistant What, to be honest, Tai Yi never thought about it, so the three angels still have such abilities.

Casting all the lives of the digital world into the light of redemption, this kind of ability is really not something that ordinary Digimon can do, at least its own Tiannvmon absolutely cannot.

I don't know if there will be such an opportunity in the future, but thinking that what I want to do is to challenge the World Tree, I don't know what earth-shattering event will happen then.

Fortunately, the sacred female beast didn't communicate too much. She knew that Taiyi had something to do next, so she didn't say anything else to disturb him. She just asked him to recover in peace for a while, and if she needed her own help, she would try her best to bring it up. .

"Is there any news from Koshiro?"

After finishing what he needed to say, Taiyi was finally able to sit on the new soft grass and rest for a while, he hugged his knees, tried to move the Digi-soul again, and checked his body to make sure there was no problem.

"No, everything is silent, Taichi."

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