Lilithmon appeared from a transparent state and slowly walked in front of him.

"Are you still invisible? I thought you went to the toilet."

"I am the Seven Great Demon Lords, and I know more small spells than you can imagine, such as telekinesis, teleportation, perspective..."

"Don't worry, you and I have long been able to go to the bathroom together ~ I will call you when I go."

"I don't go to the toilet, how can a beautiful celestial beast go to the toilet like a demon?"

Tian Nu Beast blinked her eyes and did not forget to sneer at her. The daily bickering between the two, Tai Yi is already used to it. This is what happens between good friends~

No way, in order to avoid some unnecessary questions from the sacred female beast, she chose to hide her body first, but she believed that the sacred female beast should feel something...but she just didn't ask, because she believed in Taiyi.

The current Lilith beast is far less powerful than before, otherwise the battle just now would not have been so hard.

But it's fine now, she's no longer the Seven Great Demon Lords, but just stays with her as Lilith's partner, this kind of her is far more reassuring than the previous one.

"You mean silence?"

"Yes, it's a bit scary to be quiet." Lilith Beast frowned slightly, and replied in a rare and serious manner. "I thought something might have happened."

Taichi frowned and thought for a while, then took out his Tyrannosaurus machine, sent a communication signal to Koshiro over there, and he connected after a few brief beeps.

"Taiyi? I was about to call you. How is your situation? Has the problem been solved?"

Koshiro seemed to be relieved, he wanted to contact Taiyi a long time ago, but he was worried that he was in the middle of a highly concentrated battle and would disturb him, so he kept waiting.

Because Taiyi's Tyrannosaurus machine already has communication functions after the beetle beast's magic modification, but it cannot accept these signals when the Tyrannosaurus machine is under the high load of instilling digital souls.

"It's all right." Tai Yi first reported his safety. "You talk about your business first."

"I can't contact Liu Ji and the others!" Kokoro said anxiously. "Their signals are blocked by something, Taichi, you have to hurry up, I think they will be in danger!"


Sure enough, he has reached his worst scenario, the world is closed, Ruhime and Meimei, these two women who are extremely important in his life, are now facing unknown dangers, Taiyi knows that he has little rest time , we must hurry up and pass.

"I see, Koshiro, you, Beetlemon and Bichumon don't move out, just wait there, I'll go back right away."

"That's right, Taichi."

Just when he was about to hang up the phone, Kokoro suddenly added another sentence.

"Sona just came here... I told her about it, and then she wanted to go with Bichumon to help, but I stopped her."

"It's bullshit."

Tai Yi was terrified when he heard that, but fortunately he had Guang Zilang, a good helper, who stopped her, otherwise it would really be just adding to the chaos... He had to teach her a lesson when he went back.

After letting Koshiro stabilize the situation, Taichi also heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't know how his body was recovering, but at least he didn't feel too much now. The evolution of the soul of the ten fighters just now didn't suffer any damage, and his physical strength is still enough. used, big

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It's not a problem to go back and replenish the demons before starting.

After thinking clearly, Taiyi set off and walked over there, crying and saying goodbye to the children with Bogomon and others.

"If you remember our story, don't forget Taichi-senpai too."

"Yes, yes, without him, we should have lost to the Royal Knights. Senior Taiyi is our most important person."

"Senior Taiyi is actually the real behind-the-scenes hero..."

As soon as he got closer, he heard the children communicating with each other, as if they were planning to provide some experience for Bogomon's upcoming creation.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to bother you...but now I have very important things to do. My friend is in danger and needs my help urgently. So, I will give you two choices now."

Taiyi cut straight to the point and got to the point. The children couldn't help but get serious when they saw him coming... Seeing Junpei who was crooked and standing up straight all of a sudden, Taiyi felt like he had become their homeroom teacher. sense of sight.

"The first is to let me send you home now, and the second is to stay here and wait for a while, and send you back after I finish dealing with the matter over there, but I'm not sure how long this time will pass."

"I do not mind."

Kouji blinked, he still did everything according to fate, but now he has another reason.

"It's just that Huiichi...his state seems to be different from ours. Just now, the holy goddess beast also said that his soul was brought to this world when he was dying. I am very worried about his current physical condition."


Huiyi looked complicated, he looked at Taichi nervously, and expressed his thoughts.

"It doesn't matter to me, but wouldn't it be a detour? Senior Taiyi's friends are in danger, and doing so will waste time, right?"

"Senior, is it about Sister Jia'er and the others? Then you should go back quickly, we don't need to wait any longer!"

Koizumi thought of the gentle and lovely sister Jiaer she knew, and couldn't help expressing her opinion.

"We can't let Senior Taiyi bother us."

Seeing that the situation was a bit difficult to make a choice, Takuya made the choice he thought was the most correct as before.

"How about this, Senior Taiyi, no matter what, the safety of your companions is the most important thing, you should go back immediately, anyway, we have been here for so long, it doesn't matter if we stay a few more days."

This is also the common thought of the children, they don't care about waiting for a few more days, because the most dangerous moment is Taiyi supporting them, how can they ask Taiyi to give priority to their side over their companions now?

"But...if I don't come back this time, you won't be able to go home at all."

With a wry smile, Taiyi mentioned such a possibility.

Chapter 347 Chapter 330 Chapter [-] Farewell to the Infinite Zone

"Don't say such unlucky words! Big brother!"

When Youshu heard this, he became anxious on the spot, and this was what the children wanted to say together.

"We believe in you! You are the strongest who led us to victory! You can overcome any difficulties!"

Junpei didn't hold back from saying that either.

They even defeated such a terrifying Bright Beast. Could there be something more terrifying than that guy?

"Even though Senior Taiyi has such an important matter on his side, he still risked such a big risk to help us... How can we ask you selfishly?"

"Just now, we also evolved into Vajra Warrior with Taiyi. If you need it, we can also go with you to deal with the enemies that threaten your companions. There is absolutely no problem!"

The two brothers Huiichi and Huiji also expressed their opinions. Seeing what Takuya and Koizumi were planning to say, Taichi raised his hands to signal that they didn't need to add anything. ,

"I understand everyone's thoughts, and I already know enough to understand your gratitude to me."

"Then since you think so, I won't say anything else. I'm going to hurry up and go back. You stay here for a while... the things I said before are all lies to you, lovely juniors~ I won't be long I'll be back, just wait for me."

Tai Yi also deliberately said something to cheer up the atmosphere, hoping that they would not be so worried, and don't worry about some mental illness when they have nothing to do.

"I actually know that Senior Taiyi has always been like this ~ that's why I'm not worried."

Maybe Koizumi really thought so, or maybe he saw through Taichi's intentions, so he also made such a joke in cooperation with him.

"Remember to go to your world when the time comes, and treat me to something delicious."

"No problem! Senior Taiyi, I am the best at this kind of thing! I have tasted all the restaurants in our place! Let me lead you the way then!"

Amid the children's blessings, Taiyi quickly opened the door to his own small world, and set foot on the way home with the Celestial Beast and the female Evil Beast that had just degenerated into a full body.

Although there are some small twists and turns, it is a satisfactory result after all. The story of the infinite zone is over, and the bright beast is also eliminated. It would be good to play for a few more days. I remember that in the original work, they left in a hurry, and went back without even taking a look at what the world they saved looked like.

In addition, Taichi is not very worried about Huiyi's matter, he

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The current state is much better than he was in the original history, and because of the intervention of the two royal knights and Taiyi, the time for the children to pass the level has been advanced by at least half a month, because there is no need to be abused by the royal knights from head to toe. The plot time of the dozen or so episodes at the end, so there is no need to worry that Hui Yi will be in danger.

At that time, he can also find a way to save them and let their brothers reunite and have a happy reunion.

Everything went well, but Taiyi didn't expect that he would face Jesmon so soon... If he can be dealt with, then more than half of the royal knights have already fallen into his hands!

"Taiyi, there is something I want to tell you first."

Red Lotus Knight Beast started talking again in his mind.

"Jessmon, he is most likely not alone. I think he may be with his teacher, Stubborn Beast. This time we are still facing two royal knights."

"The tacit understanding between their master and apprentice even exceeds that of Sword Emperor Beast and Monarch Beast. You have to be mentally prepared."

"Our tacit understanding is not bad."

Tai Yi didn't think it was a big deal, what's the use of just looking at their names?You have to fight to know.

Before the war, Taiyi never thought that the combination of Sword Emperor Beast + Monarch Beast would be so difficult to deal with.

"But what I'm more concerned about now is what are they going to do, are they also blackened?"

"I don't know, I'll know only when we meet."

Among these royal knights, the Red Lotus Knight Beast and the Sword Emperor Flying Dragon are both abnormally blackened. The Red Lotus Knight Beast is desperate, and those two are willing to sacrifice countless other people to save the world. Life is only for the "justice" of one's own homeland, which is understandable... and Jessmon, it is absolutely impossible to be that kind of blackened type.

Taichi desperately wants to know the truth of it all, wants to meet the guy.

After returning to the small world, Taiyi took the Celestial Beast and the Female Evil Beast directly into the conference hall. At this time, everyone gathered here, including the non-staff member Su Na. For such a thing, under her persecution, Kokoro couldn't resist telling the truth.

Huaxianmon, Koshiro, Beetlemon, Sona, Bichumon, everyone is here.

"Taiyi, is your body alright?"

Huaxianshou knew that Taiyi was so tired after beating those two royal knights last time, and now he couldn't help worrying about his safety, and Su Na and Koshiro both had the same worry.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

He shook his head.

"To make a long story short, the situation is very urgent now, Beetle Beetle, quickly open the passage to that world and send me there." Taiyi immediately took off all the equipment and rearranged, and began to command with ease. "Flower Fairy Beast and Tiannv Beast come with me, the others stay here, female Demon Beast, go home and find Jiaer, so she doesn't have to worry."

"Wait Taichi! Why did you let me stay? Even Senior Agumon went there!"

"We can't leave our house unattended."

Taiyi looked at her very seriously, and his tone could not be questioned at all.

Even after so long, Bichumon still calls other companions "Senior".

"The situation is really urgent now, I don't know what those royal knights will do, so I'm afraid it's not enough to leave Beetlemon alone, and you, Su Na... I know you are worried about them, but I hope you calm down, you The past isn't going to help much, as long as I go."

"Sorry Taichi, I was impulsive before."

Su Na lowered her eyebrows and apologized a little sadly.

"I will stay here and wait for you to come back, no matter what... pay attention to your own safety."

After simply arranging the manpower tasks, Taichi immediately returned to his room and put on a new set of clothes, this time a blue coat and black pants that fit his Yagami Taichi image, and even put on goggles, because He couldn't guess what his opponent was going to do this time, so it was better to be fully prepared to be on the safe side.


Hearing the sound, he turned around and straightened his collar, only to see Tiannv Beast and Flower Fairy Beast standing in front of his door.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing... It's just that I didn't expect that after going through such a big battle, I didn't even have a little time to rest, and I was about to set off."

"Are you tired?" He smiled. "I didn't even ask for leave. I don't know how many classes I will miss. I hope the attendance rate can be fixed, otherwise I will have to retake it."

"Of course we're not tired, we're just worried about you."

"I'm pretty healthy, really."

Taichi once again emphasized that his body is fine.

At first, he thought it was okay, but the partners around him emphasized his health one after another, and he was a little afraid that this was setting a flag for himself.

However, there is nothing to worry about, or that sentence.

——With them around, Taiyi simply doesn't know how to lose.

"Let's go, we are about to go to the final ending... You can rest as much as you want in the future, and I will make up for you."


Section 349 Chapter 340 No Flying Areas

"Ha ha……"

On a certain land in a certain world, a certain young man who gave up everything and finally defeated the enemy half-kneeled on the ground and gasped for breath.

He helped his glasses with one lens cracked, with a relieved expression, looking at the huge white-maned Digimon in front of him, this was his partner who had just completed the ultimate evolution.

"Viking, thank you

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