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. "

"Don't relax, Zhang, we have to get out of here quickly."

The Viking beast put away its two sledgehammers, turned around and wanted to flee with its companions, because this world is so dangerous, and it must not stop to rest until night.

Behind him is a dead "Oleg Beast" declared to be eliminated in this death competition. Relying on the coercion brought by this ultimate powerful enemy, the city master who has just become the chosen one Finally brought up some confidence.

"I don't know how Yamato is doing now."

It took some effort for the young man to climb onto his Viking beast, and then he began to miss his former companion again.

"Zhang... don't think about that person anymore."

"That guy did such an exaggerated thing to you, how can you still miss him?"

The Viking beast started to run faster, and kept vigilant about its surroundings.

But hearing his partner mention that hateful guy again, Viking couldn't help venting his emotions.

"But we're good friends after all."

"That guy betrayed you for the X antibody! How could you-"

A red shooting star flashed across the sky, followed by a familiar white figure flying past at low altitude, interrupting the Viking beast's speech.

"Jesmon...he's on the move again."

"It seems that another guy who is as unlucky as us has joined this competition."

Zhang sighed, but there was no other way.

Although I resisted such a battle in my heart, since it has been involved, what's the use of regretting that I shouldn't have excess curiosity?It's better to be firm, to live no matter what, and to finish this journey.

"Viking beast, we must reach the finish line safely and leave here!"

"Well, I will protect Zhang till the end!"



As soon as Tai Yi landed, the smell of blood wafting from the wind immediately made him frown.

This kind of smell is the smell that can only be found in the battlefield that has been fought for a long time. This world is similar to what he imagined. There is basically no vibrant news. Everything that comes into view is wasteland and sandy land. Even if there is a forest, it is all dark. It may have dried up, but what caught his attention even more was the beam of red light shining in the distance.

That thing is not like who is evolving or a powerful Digimon is using some nirvana, but a very stable thing, just placed there, no matter what, it is more like a reminder to all The "coordinate" point where the person wants to go.

——What happened in this world?

"Taiyi, let's go over there and have a look."

The Celestial Beast also noticed the difference between this world and other worlds they have been to, but now they have no goals, so it is better to go to the flashing red place to see what is going on.

But at this moment, a turquoise light suddenly shot from the side and rear, and the super reflex nerves of the Tiannv beast predicted this, so it immediately retreated in reverse to avoid the attack.


Taichi shouted angrily.

He was already very angry when he couldn't get in touch with Liu Ji and Meimei since he came here, but now suddenly another Digimon dared to attack him. Yes, it is also ready to fight.

It wasn't until he saw the figure rapidly approaching them that his eyes widened.

——It turned out to be a Jessmon.

"It's you, Yagami Taichi."

That guy was covered in sharp and sharp armor, with a broken red cloak covering his body, sword-bladed weapons extending from his hands and feet, and even the largest epee attached to his tail, making him feel very unfriendly , not even a hand to shake.

His eyes were a little... unspeakably complicated, and then immediately returned to the original indifference.

"it's me."

Taiyi is ready for soul evolution.

"Where is my companion?"

"Your companion?...Oh, you say those humans." Jessmon suddenly understood. "They're fine, they haven't been eliminated yet, don't worry."


"Now you have to join in too, Taiyi, this is a simple game of who can walk faster." Jessmon said with his sword pointing at the red marked beam of light far away. "Only the final winner can leave and get a big gift prepared by me personally."

"what are you saying?"

Taichi squinted his eyes completely incomprehensible.

"Why should I participate in your cerebral palsy game? What are you going to do in this world?"

As he spoke, he took out the five books of knights and unfolded them in front of Jessmon's eyes so that he could see them clearly.

"I have obtained the power of five royal knights. No matter what dangerous salvation plan you are planning, don't go to the dark alone. Tell me the truth, and we will find a solution together!"

He showed a very surprised look, after all, there is proof of the existence of the five royal knights, but Taiyi held it in his hand like this, and the image was engraved on the cover of the book... No matter how you look at it, there is a sense of sight of a portrait ,too weird.

But Jessmon is not such a vulgar guy, he is very rational and determined now.

"...It seems that I really did not misunderstand the person, you do have that kind of qualification."

"I heard that you gave this thing to me, right?"

Taiyi remembered something that he wanted to know very urgently, so he took out the card used to charge the number.

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Tyrannosaurus machine of the soul of code.

"Why do this?"

" a kind of investment." Jessmon thought for a while and replied. "I think you are qualified, so I decided to invest in you and your partner Tiannv Beast, so that one day, you can also participate in this game."

"I won't play your boring running game."

He frowned and expressed his attitude firmly.

"That's right! Why do we have to run faster than anyone? Besides, at my speed, we can reach that place in a few minutes at most! And we didn't start with other competitors. This kind of competition is really meaningful ?”

Because of Taiyi's toughness, Huaxianshou also straightened up.

——Isn’t it just a royal knight?One by one is so powerful, our Taiyi has the strength of five royal knights!

"That's just today's target point. Tonight is the rest time. Tomorrow morning, the coordinate points will be refreshed until we reach the final destination."

"In addition, I would like to remind you that during the competition, flying is prohibited, and any flying behavior will be regarded as a violation, so you must also land on the ground immediately, understand?"

Jessmon spoke out the rules of his game in a serious manner.


Taiyi was full of question marks again.

"Are you teaching me what to do?"


Chapter 350 Chapter 340

Taiyi thought it was a bit funny, this guy didn't consider his own mood at all, he just came to inform him unilaterally, you have to join this game I arranged next?What the hell is this?

——I didn’t come all the way here just to catch your eyes!Don't think you can do whatever you want because you are the last royal knight.

"Taiyi, calm down."

"Be sensible."

The Golden Armored Dragon Beast and the Red Lotus Knight Beast began to dissuade him with each other.

"Sensible? How do you tell me to be rational? He kidnapped my friend and asked me to cooperate with him in his game?"

"Jessmon is not such an unreasonable guy, I think he must have his own ideas for arranging this game."

"Impossible. I'm not the kind of person who will do what other people say. I must let him tell the truth now."

Even though these fellow imperial knights were persuading him, Taiyi still knew very well that he was the one holding the sword. They could put forward ideas, but he also had the right to choose not to listen. He really couldn't stand being treated like a puppet. Powerlessness to control.

"What if I refuse?"

Returning to reality, Taichi stared at Jesmon and asked.

"Then you will be forcibly expelled from this world."


Tai Yi couldn't hold back a sneer, he felt that his current appearance must be very similar to the kind of villain in the novel who looked down on the protagonist, and was finally slapped severely by the protagonist.

However, he always believed that he was the protagonist.

"Then let me have a try, you royal knight with the name 'Salvation', how much does it weigh?"

[Double knight volume! 】

[Sword Emperor Flying Dragon! 】

The two books of knights were opened, and the figures of Monarch Beast and Sword Emperor Beast appeared on both sides of Taiyi. Celestial Girl Beast and Flower Fairy Beast were also ready. They first waited and watched the opponent's ability, and then supported Taiyi's battle according to the situation.

Although this is a power that he has just acquired, Taiyi is like many people. When you can make rock-paper-scissors, you will definitely not only make one choice, but will definitely exchange the three choices unconsciously, so he also Want to play with this new power.

"Twin Soul Evolution."

Taiyi's adrenal glands began to soar, his eyes sparkled, and then he received the energy of the two royal knights at the same time, and evolved into a brand new Digimon with the Monarch Beast as the main body. His figure is much slimmer, with the golden ribbon of Sword Emperor Beast wrapped around his body, his weapons also appear on his arms, and the joints and other parts are decorated with rose red armor.

Monarch Beast · Monarch Form! (Dynasmon Lord)

"Is this your digital soul? Taichi... amazing."

Jesmon looked at Taichi, who had merged the powers of the two royal knights, with shocked eyes.

"However, you simply integrated some data of the Sword King Beast into the Sovereign Beast, which is not a joint exhibition at all." Jess Beast made a sharp comment on Taiyi's new form. "If you want a real joint evolution, it's better to join my game."

"If you become the final winner, then I will help you complete the joint evolution of the two royal knights and reach an unprecedented height."

"I beat you now and end this game, and I can get this answer as well."

It's not that Taiyi is arrogant, he looks down on Jesmon, it's just a way of resistance he chooses simply because his actions are too irritating.


Jessmon also knew that this battle seemed inevitable.

"Since you don't think it is necessary to participate in this competition, then I will give you a reason to participate."

Even if Jessmon's strength ranks at least in the top five of the Royal Knights, Taiyi is now in a strengthened form, which is equivalent to the true red lotus form of the Red Lotus Knightmon. There is absolutely no reason to lose to other than Examon and Alphamon And any imperial knight other than Omega.

But where did his Jessmon's self-confidence come from?

"Taiyi, be careful!"

The Celestial Beast stares at the opponent

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, suddenly realized something was wrong.

Jessmon closed his eyes silently, and then his whole body began to undergo earth-shaking changes. The originally very sharp armor actually "bloomed" at this moment, and the golden energy turned into giant claws to protect his sides, and the entire armor bloomed. Lie Kai, he was dressed as if he was no longer armor, but a "sword blade", with weapons all over his body, a form that strengthened absolute attack.

"……it is as expected."

After hearing that "X Antibody" existed in this world, Taichi roughly understood that this kind of thing would happen.

Jessmon obtained the X antibody and started the X evolution. He is now Jessmon X!

"Impossible! Taichi! Jesmon's much stronger than before! If it is in this form, we cannot win!"

The skull beast hurriedly persuaded.

"If you are afraid at this time, then you are not a man."

I have to admit that it is true that Jessmon X is more handsome now, but Taiyi is not in vain at all, but at this time Jessmon chooses to take the lead in attacking, and the three spheres that originally surrounded him have now become a protection between him. With the golden claw on the side, he came to Taiyi in an instant, and then he was about to punch him!

Tai Yi has seen this kind of move too much, especially after experiencing the death fight with Sword Emperor Beast, he has long been used to it.

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