He immediately pulled away with the power of the Sword Emperor Beast, but found that he couldn't move. At some point, the tail of the Jess Beast connected to the big sword was firmly tied to his body. The metal tail full of sharp blades rubbed against the armor on his body with a "click" sound.

——? !

"Convict with an iron fist!"

Jessmon has no hands, but he clenched a pair of golden claws around it and punched it. Tai put his hands on his chest, roared out a mouthful of Dragon's Breath from the Sovereign Beast, and fought against Jessmon's golden fist. A few seconds after the collision, he was smashed to pieces, but with this force, he also managed to break free from the shackles of the Jess beast's sword tail.

"This is... the move of the stubborn beast? This guy is stronger than before."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast exclaimed.

Jessmon was like a ruthless combat weapon, it didn't stop, it started to turn its whole body and flew towards Taiyi, the arm blades of both arms and the big sword at the tail formed a straight line and slashed towards Taiyi!


The Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast have evolved into the Holy Celestial Beast and the Rose Beast at some point, and they started to prepare when Tai Yi was knocked into the air, and at this moment, they used their tricks at just the right time. "Temptation" energy's Eden gun hit Jessmon, forcibly interrupting his skill release.

"I don't intend to hurt you, but if you are not obedient, I can only give up some sympathy."

Jessmon adjusted its posture, and the arm blades rubbed loudly, and the golden claws on both sides opened wide, rushing towards the weaker Rosemon in an instant.

[Red Lotus Knight Beast True Red Lotus Form! 】


The holy gun Gungnir collided with Jessmon's sword, and Taiyi, who quickly switched to the form of a true red lotus, blocked the blow for Rosemon. Lots of sparks.

——As expected of Jie Aotian, you are so against the sky, you can suppress the three of us at the same time.

——In that case, I can't even lose!

Chapter 351 Chapter 340 Chapter [-] The Last Dance

"Can you switch to another form so quickly?"

Jesmon X expressed surprise at Taichi who suddenly blocked his blade, because his weapon cannot be blocked by just anyone.

"Senior Red Lotus Knight Beast, I have been looking forward to the day when I can face you head-on like this." Jess Beast actually showed an inexplicable green smile at such a moment, but it was only for a moment. "But this time, I should win."


After hearing such words, the Red Lotus Knight Beast couldn't remain calm, and even showed an obvious struggle and pain.

As long as there is a way, none of them want to kill each other like this, but... the analysis of the Golden Armored Dragon Beast was sharp at the time. They are all royal knights, and they are all strong. If there is no Alphamon, no Digimon will Capital can hold them back.

"I'll beat him."

Taiyi can also understand his mood very well, because of this, the Red Lotus Knight Beast couldn't kill the Monarch Beast last time.

Therefore, he will still rely on his own will to fight against him, and at the same time, this attitude of the red lotus knight beast will also make Taichi's fighting spirit stronger.

"Where are you going!"

Tai held the sharp gun Gungnir with both hands, brewing a large amount of energy and preparing to release the nirvana.

"The Ultimate Battle Blade Holy Tyrant Sword!"

Seeing that Taiyi used a unique move, Jessmon pulled out his strongest weapon as a matter of course, and pulled out a huge battle sword directly from the red core on his chest, which is somewhat different from other royal knights. A weapon with a sacred and majestic appearance, his sword is as hot and wild as his own shape, and everything is born for battle.

This is a battle that is difficult for others to interfere. The Celestial Beast and the Rose Beast are not because of strength issues, but simply because they don't want to interfere. dance.

This time Taiyi directly held "Where is the king going" in his hand, and Jessmon's Holy Overlord Sword was also his own must-kill at the bottom of the box. The two weapons collided together, and immediately

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Then they slashed and collided at super high speed, the blade in his hand was full of passionate energy, and it was constantly flashing back and rubbing against Jessmon's sword, and it was hard to distinguish the winner for a while.


But at this moment, Tai Yi suddenly felt a heart attack.

This feeling is not considered painful, but very uncomfortable... Just like the discomfort and exhaustion that I used to have after staying up all night before the exam to make up lessons.

——Sure enough, is it because the previous battle was too expensive?

Compared with the average human level, Taiyi's physical strength must be able to keep up, but he is equivalent to driving fatigued now, and this kind of adverse reaction is already a warning signal from his body.

This kind of situation has never happened in any duel before. This moment of distraction caused him to fail to fully exert his strength in the next round of confrontation with Jess beast. The sword in his hand was smashed, and Jess beast was also very Shocked, but without hesitation, the big sword came over, and was finally dodged by Tai Yi and pulled away.

Then Jess Beast didn't continue to take advantage of the situation to attack.

"Taiyi, it's really too reluctant! With your current physical condition, we can't win."

The Red Lotus Knight Beast knew that now was not the time to make a break.

"...But I don't want to lose to this guy."

It's not about anything else, it's just that I hate this feeling.

"It doesn't matter, you have already won so many powerful Digimon! Don't care about winning or losing a game." The three royal knights were all urging him to compromise temporarily. "If you continue to fight, your body won't be able to handle it. It's not a matter of strength at all."

"Why don't we bear it for a while and see what kind of medicine is sold in his gourd? Isn't it more appropriate? Don't worry about the outcome of a match."

For a moment, Taiyi was annoyed by what they said. Originally, human beings are prone to become irritable when they are in a state of fatigue, but... just when he was about to explode and reprimand them not to talk nonsense, his mind suddenly Calm down.

Indeed, there is no need to worry about winning or losing. Although I have been going well recently and have not encountered too many setbacks, I have won every game quite thrillingly. I can't underestimate these royal knights at any time, and my current state is still very poor.

"it is good."

Taichi simply took a deep breath, and decided to accept Jesmon's request at this time, and stay to see how his match was going. First, he went to find Ruki and others.

"Have you fought a battle before?"

But what he didn't expect was that Jessmon didn't continue to chase after him after discovering his problem, but stopped in place and pointed it out.

"Yeah, I just got rid of your two good brothers who were playing with fire, and now I'm going to deal with you again." Even so, Tai Yi's mouth was completely unforgiving. "You royal knights really don't make people worry, can't you let me rest for a while before making trouble?"


I don't know if it was because Taichi said that he was ashamed, but after being silent for a while, Jesmon silently canceled his X evolution form, and the scary-looking blade armor returned to its original normal state.

"It's not a form of coercion, nor is it what you think, I've gone astray like my 'good brothers', I have my own mind, so... I'm inviting you, join me Yes, the 'last dance' of our royal knights, do you understand?"

Jessmon is obviously the youngest guy, but he is not at all like the hot-blooded young man Taiyi thought. His poise even exceeds that of Red Lotus Knightmon, and his speech is also very ritualistic.

"Then let me show you how you dance, royal knights."

Taichi decided to accept his invitation, to see what kind of plan Jesmon will use to save this dilapidated digital world.

"You've seen my power, right? It's very strong, it's ridiculously strong."

Jessmon continued.

"This is a program developed by the World Tree of this world. I think this power must be mastered by the strong."

"Antibody X is indeed a very powerful force."

"Now that you have fully understood, let me tell you again, Taiyi, the X antibody will appear frequently during your next adventurous journey, so what you have to do... is to collect them and get the strongest antibody, so that Only then can I get real power, and this is also my purpose."

"I want to choose a strongest person, and I hope that person is you, Taiyi."



After explaining this, Jessmon left here and returned to his referee's seat.

Taiyi released the evolution, and he was really exhausted at that moment. Fortunately, the rose beast and the goddess beast supported him in time. They returned to the ground together and began to rest on the spot... Fortunately, it is almost evening today, so There is no need to worry about security issues.

Chapter 352 Chapter 340 [-] Otherwise you won't be able to get up in the morning

The Tiannv beast punched the tree trunk, directly shattering the poor old tree into countless halves, then picked up a few at random and put them together to start a warm bonfire.

"Why do you have to be so troublesome, can't you just burn the plants you made?"

The Tiannv Beast added firewood to the fire and raised the salary, while complaining casually.

"No! Fire is the forest's worst enemy! I will be in pain."

Huaxian Beast Duduzui loudly defended.

"So there is such a thing as phantom pain."


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As if enraged by the Celestial Beast, in order to retaliate against her, the Flower Fairy Beast quietly touched the ground with a hand hidden behind its back, a green seed penetrated into the ground and quietly spared the Celestial Beast, and then suddenly exploded into two A thick vine strangled her.


The Celestial Girl Beast's eyes widened, green vines wrapped around her thighs and upper waist and tightened her grip, but the shock and bewilderment were only at the very beginning, and soon she dismissed the smile, and then forced her hands directly These vines were torn to pieces.

"How many tons of wrist strength do you have..."

Seeing that his little prank was also deciphered by the other party, Hua Xianshou stuck out his tongue out of boredom.

"This is called one power drop ten meetings!"

They were having fun beside them, but Taiyi was expressionless with his chin resting on his face. After repeated attempts, he also confirmed that he, like Liu Ji and the others, had cut off contact with the outside world.

I don't know how this is done, but Jessmon does have the ability to block all signals and completely turn this world into a "Duel City" that belongs to him, where they want to compete for the strongest.

"Communication is really unavailable."

He put down the Tyrannosaurus machine irritably.

"I knew I should explain the situation to them first."

"I hope they can listen to me and don't come here no matter what...Even though the guy said it nicely, I still think this game is too ridiculous."

"Don't worry, Taichi, I don't think that guy is a bad guy."

Hua Xianshou sat down beside him and comforted him.

"Besides, we... don't seem to have traveled officially like this before, I think it's pretty good."

"do not have it?"

Taichi looked at the flower bud girl beside him and said doubtfully.

"Yeah! I've been hearing stories about your travels from you and the Celestial Beast. I've never had such an experience!" the Flower Fairy Beast complained, but soon turned into a smile. "But now, we have the opportunity to be together. I still like the three of us together. Although it is a bit strange in human cognition... But I really think that without that strange woman, it will be less interesting."

No matter who hears these words, everyone will be very moved. Taiyi feels a little guilty when she looks at her like this... All along, the Celestial Girl Beast is her best partner. No matter what new evolution, Taiyi thinks about it immediately What will happen to the Tiannv Beast, but never considered the Flower Fairy Beast.

She was always like a bonus, but she never complained, and she didn't even realize Taichi's "discriminatory treatment".

"It's really simple, you."

Tiannv blinked, first lowered her head to cover her expression, then came over with a displeased look, reached out and pinched her bud head, and then sat on the other side of Taiyi.

"A simple guy like you can't survive in the real world."

"So what? I don't want to survive in the real world, I want to survive by the two of you!"

Hua Xianshou retorted confidently.

"For me, no matter which world it is, as long as there is Taiyi, including you, a strange woman, is the real destination."

"Oh?" Tiannv Beast finally smiled. "Don't you want to find another partner that suits you? I remember someone said before that staying with us is just a temporary sojourn. Sooner or later, you will find your own destiny..."

"You guys are my destiny! Come on! Really, I'm always making mistakes." Huaxianshou's voice was also very loud, and her voice was already very high-pitched, which made Tai Yi feel a little eardrum pain.

"I won't say which idiot was raped while sleepwalking. I haven't seen such a dramatic way."


"Don't be noisy, don't be noisy, let me be quiet for a while, I have to take a good rest."

Taiyi covered his ears and stood up from among them. Although the atmosphere was good, he was still in a relatively dangerous state, and he couldn't relax too much, but he urgently needed to rest now.

"Do you need me to replenish your energy? Taiyi?"

The flower fairy beast seemed to be doing bad things on purpose, and even put his hands on his chest as if hinting at him.

"...No need, I'm afraid that the smell of grass will fill my lungs."

Since Huaxianshou teased him, Taiyi would of course feel disgusted with her.

"You!! Hmph! I won't give you a drink next time!"

Huaxianshou froze for a moment, and his expression turned red with anger.

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