"what are you guys saying??"

Tiannv Beast was full of confusion, she had no idea what these two people were talking about.

"That is to say, the last time Taiyi was injured and was unconscious, in order to replenish his strength, I—"

"do not!"

Taiyi stared anxiously, desperately giving her hints.

——Didn't it be agreed that this matter is known by heaven, earth, you, me, god, goddess, and beast, and you must never tell others?

Although it doesn't matter at all in terms of their relationship, it's just to add a little bit of fun, but from the perspective of an adult like Taiyi... It's too embarrassing to drink that kind of thing, Taishe is dead. If it really spreads, Taiyi will have to go to another world to survive.

"What strange things did you two do behind my back??"

Tiannv Beast is more interested now.

—is there anything she can do that I can't?You little Taiyi still dare to lie to me?

"It's okay, I'm going to sleep!"

Tai Yi can only vaguely try to get away with the second,

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But soon he thought of another thing.

"Although Jesmon said that there will be no battles at night, I think...if he is the type to cast a wide net to recruit contestants, then there must be guys who try to cheat to pass the level."

"So, we can't be careless even at night."

"That's right." Tiannv Beast nodded in agreement. "Well then, I'll take care of it tonight. You and Taiyi will take a break with the Flower Fairy Beast. You will change to the Flower Fairy Beast tomorrow. The day after tomorrow will be Taiyi. We will work in shifts like this."


"Hmm, what, um!" Tiannvshou stretched out her fingers and pressed Taiyi's forehead with a little force. "Tell me what shameful things you two have done! Otherwise, I will do it."

As she said that, she actually touched Tai Yi's pants directly with her hands. She was very experienced, and she touched the key parts with ease.

"Don't! It's really not a big deal! You don't need to know!"

"If you don't say it, I will make you unable to get up tomorrow."

She stuck out her little red tongue and licked her lips, showing a meaningful smile.

——My God, are you a Celestial Beast?You couldn't be transformed from a Lilith beast, right?

Chapter 353 Chapter 340 Chapter [-] Short Sprint Competition

So in this tussle with the Celestial Beast, Taiyi spent another unforgettable night.

Of course, there is really no other meaning. After all, this is an extraordinary period. They are temporary contestants, and that guy Jessmon must be observing this battlefield in some way... Although he participated in other people's arrangements to specify the rules The game made Tai Yi very unhappy, but since he had already agreed, there was no excuse for regretting it.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for him to lose control of his lower body under the surveillance of others.

On the second morning after arriving in this wonderful world, Taiyi and the others found that the coordinate point had become farther away, and it was almost invisible.

In the distant mountain forest, there are a large number of flying birds flying away from the forest. On the plain with high visibility, a large number of various Digimon can be seen running like migrating animals... There are about a dozen of them, and these should be They are all contestants who came here early.

Jessmon not only forbids fighting at night, but also forbids sneaking and sneaking. Although I don’t understand why, if anyone dares to violate this principle, he will immediately notice and disqualify that person and expel him back , If you don't cooperate, you will be beaten up by him.

Generally speaking, no one is his opponent, so Jesmon... just like his name, has now become an absolutely fair referee.

"Does this mean that we are the last one?"

Tiannvmon also saw the Digimon charging towards the new finish line.

"Hey Taiyi! Don't dawdle! If this continues, we will really lose. This is a game of running faster, not who can play better!"

Hua Xianshou is visibly anxious to the naked eye now, and her determination to win is still very strong.

"Yeah, but it's okay."

Taiyi chuckled, and then his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

"Soon, we can catch up."

Since Jessmon's rule is that it cannot use flying and can only run, Taiyi also has the option to run fast, and he quickly summoned the ring sublimator and those cards that have not been used for a long time.

【Battle Tyrannosaurus! 】

[Black Saint Gallomon! 】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

After an unknown period of time, Taiyi evolved into Lightning Tyrannosaurus again, and this huge body once again covered his whole body. However, after Taiyi had evolved into a royal knight and even Vajra Warrior so many times, he had long been used to manipulating a huge body. , but this is just an ordinary ultimate body after all, so the natural movements of such a huge body are not fast.

But the speed of action has always referred to the moment of action, the explosive power from zero to one hundred and the flexibility from one hundred to zero, which is why although Jianhuangmon can move instantly, it is not as good as the ultimate V-dramon. , Electro-optical Tyrannosaurus has two high-power electric thrusters behind it, so in the state of no-flying, the ground speed must exceed Taiyi's other forms.

"let's go."

Tai Yi stretched out his hands to hold the two of them on his shoulders, then stared at the distant plain and took a deep breath.

Tiannv Beast is not wearing her usual combat uniform now, but is dressed like a human female adventurer, with thick overalls and leather boots, and a leather jacket on her upper body. No matter how you look at it...she is a That "human animal tamer" is the Digimon himself.

The lightning thruster behind Taiyi burst out a large amount of lightning, pushing his huge body to run. He leaped off the high cliff and landed directly on the ground below a height of more than ten meters, and then took a big step and jumped out. He fell to the ground a few meters away, and then activated the injector again to help him make another big jump.

Until a strong inertia was formed, Taiyi controlled the Lightning Tyrannosaurus and started to run faster on the plain, getting closer and closer to the group of Digimon in front.

Most of these Digimons here are ultimate bodies. After all, they are all competitors at the level of Taiyi. Of course, it is impossible to call a group of novices, and besides Digimons, there are also a few familiar or unfamiliar human players. , They basically move forward with their partner Digimon.

Of course, these guys will not honestly compete with each other to run faster. During this period, there will be no stop of friction. Except for the rule that Jessmon can't run at night

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Except that you can't sneak away in the battle, the rest is completely free, so now it has basically become a form of battle royale, fighting everywhere, and the fighting is very chaotic.

Even Taiyi has never seen such a big battle, such a chaotic "team battle", but it can still be seen that these contestants are not fighting on their own, most of them are in two teams, it is a pity that Taiyi was not there Among these people, they saw Liu Ji or Mei Mei.

——The two of them will definitely form a team, and they will never attack each other. If you don't see them here, then they probably have already run to the front.

After all, Liu Ji has the character of striving for TOP no matter what, she is not too weak now, and with a little cleverness, it is not a problem to get No.1.

"...Is that Senior Zhang?"

But soon, Taiyi saw a Viking beast surrounded and attacked from all directions among these people, and a familiar figure could be vaguely seen on the fur on the shoulder of the Viking beast.

"Is it that friend with a bad personality you mentioned earlier?"

Huaxian Beast turned to look at the huge side face of Lightning Tyrannosaurus and wondered.

"No, he is a very good, very honest guy, the kind who is so honest that he is always taken advantage of by others and doesn't feel that he is at a disadvantage."

Thinking of the honest and honest guy who always couldn't let go in front of them, Taiyi felt a little warm in his heart, at least he met an acquaintance, it was not in vain, maybe he also met Liu Ji and the others.

Joto Kido is really having a headache now. He has chosen to set off very late in order to avoid conflicts with other contestants on such an open and unobstructed plain, but he did not expect that he was still attacked.

"What's wrong, brother! Isn't there a Lone Ranger teamed up with other people!"

An arrogant-looking tyrant unicorn sneered at him, and kept releasing a large number of swarms to harass the Vikings. The Vikings were in pain, but they could only run forward while resisting, not daring to Falling progress.

"You dare to walk by yourself with your strength, you really don't take us seriously!"

Another skeletal mammoth double-teamed from the side and rear, sealing off the Viking's evasive position.

"It's not alone...just..."

Shirotojo closed his eyes in embarrassment, his teammate had already abandoned him, so now he was forced to fight alone.

"Go down! No.1 is mine! Jesmon's gift is mine!"

The skeleton mammoth screamed, and instantly ejected its spine to create the special attack "swinging bone". The huge flying bone fragment hit the heel of the Viking beast, causing him to slip and fall directly to the ground. He held on to the white fur tightly so that he wouldn't be thrown out, but the shock made him dizzy and he couldn't react at all.

"Get rid of him!"

"No, we don't have so much time to spend with this stupid guy, we have to be the first to cross this plain!"

The two ultimate Digimon did not continue to attack the fallen Viking, but directly skipped him and rushed towards more opponents in front. This kind of situation is constantly happening on this plain. Drop the front one, the front one and the back one scuffle together, so everyone's progress is not fast.

This also gave Taiyi a chance to catch up. He accelerated and ran, and the Lightning Tyrannosaurus was like a mecha running wildly, and every step it stepped on the ground made a "bang bang" sound.

Chapter 354 Chapter 340


Shiroto was so frightened that he could only subconsciously raise his hands to protect his face. Seeing the robot-shaped Digimon rushing towards him, his heart was filled with despair, and he could only pray that he would not punch and kick himself who had fallen to the ground. Oh, and the Viking beast also seems to be injured.

"Senior Zhang, it's me."

When Taiyi approached him, he jetted the lightning thruster in the opposite direction and came to a sudden stop. The Flower Fairy Beast, who was not grasping firmly, screamed and was thrown out. Fortunately, the Celestial Girl Beast quickly grabbed her.

——What a beautiful big sister... who is she?Wait, was that the voice of her partner Digimon just now?Why do you feel a little familiar?

Jodo Kido fell into a stupor for a moment, no matter how you look at this scene, it should be a female contestant from another world with her partner Digimon, but it was a male voice that called out to him just now.

"Hey! Taiyi! You have to say something when you brake suddenly! You don't even have a seat belt, it's very dangerous!"

Huaxianshou complained dissatisfied.

"Sorry..." Tai Yi looked at her embarrassedly. "I'll pay attention next time."

"Too... one?"

Hearing this name Cheng Huzhang didn't feel sleepy, he immediately realized that this was the voice of his senior, Tai Yi, who was younger but far more mature and reliable than him!

"Taiyi, where are you? Have you come here too?"

"I am Taiyi."

The huge crimson robot patted its chest with its arm and let out a hearty laugh.

"Eh? Eh???"

He didn't have much time to tell stories with Shiroto, so Taichi didn't worry about his reaction, and directly stretched out his hand and pulled his partner, the Viking with an injured ankle, to the ground... This guy is quite heavy, Taichi had to rely on the thrusters to pull him with one hand.

"Let's go, wait until you are in a safe place and explain."

Taiyi lightly grabbed Zhang's body and placed him on the Viking beast. At the same time, the Tiannv beast released a large number of holy bubbles with one hand to wrap the injured part of the Viking beast.

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Quickly helped him heal the injury.

"My feet don't hurt anymore, what are you..."


The Celestial Beast standing on Taiyi's shoulder didn't say much.

——Is this big sister a Digimon?

Shiroto was stunned watching this scene.

——It's so strange... But it's really Taichi who always makes my eyes shine. I didn't expect him to have such a relationship with Digimon. Was it him who came to fight and Digimon came to support?

"Thank you! Taichi! It's great to have you here!"

But no matter what, being able to see Taichi at such a time when things are about to end, Shirotojo feels that he is really a man favored by the goddess of luck.

But soon he noticed that it seemed inappropriate to say that. After all, no normal person would want to come to this place, so he immediately changed his words.

"Ah no! No! I mean...it's nice to see you."

"Let's go first, Senior Zhang, let's cover each other."

Taiyi didn't care about this statement, and started to run at an accelerated speed. Shirotojo also changed his serious expression, sitting on the head of the Viking beast and closely following Taiyi, rushing towards the crowd ahead.



"Why is that guy running up again?"

"The red one...it looks like Lightning Tyrannosaurus. It's really ridiculous. So it's two guys that no one wants to form a group?"

The combination of the tyrant Unicorn and Skeleton Mammoth who had previously dragged the Viking off their horses couldn't help laughing at this scene. Although the results of the competition are very important, they enjoy shooting down others and enjoying the weak. That type of screaming and despair.

"That guy is also a Digimon domesticated by humans! No wonder they share similar tastes."

"Hmph, it's ridiculous that mere human beings are trying to meddle in the power of the Royal Knights!"

They seem to know some inside information, knowing that the powerful royal knight Jess must have the super powerful power called "X Antibody". They have already experienced this power, but if they want to permanently To change into that form, you must win this competition.

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