The tyrant unicorn immediately summoned a large number of insects to form a "Whirlwind of Insects", and attacked Taiyi and Zhang at the side and rear.

"Electronic protection wall!"

Of course Tai Yi also knew that those two guys came from bad intentions, and immediately raised his hands to create the light shield for absolute energy protection. The bugs hit it like moths to a flame and were burned to ashes. At the same time, the Skeleton Mammoth, the partner of the Tyrant Unicorn, also shot out bone spurs from the other side.

Despicable, they actually aimed their target at the Celestial Beast in Taiyi's hand... because they thought that woman was the human tamer of this Digimon.

The Celestial Beast cast a cold glance, and simply dismissed this move. She jumped directly from Taiyi's shoulder, and evolved into an ultimate body at the moment when the bone spur flew. gotta smash.

"What? How can humans be...wrong! You are... an angel!?"

As an undead Digimon, the Skeleton Mammoth was born with a certain fear of these angels. Now seeing that human turned into a beautiful angel beast, it was frightened and frightened.

"Fantasy... Hurricane!"

It has been a long time since she turned into a beautiful angel beast, and she didn't even use Taiyi's digital soul. Now the angel beast has become more and more mature. She spins and kicks down in the air, and the rainbow-colored energy storm set off by her footsteps is like a cannonball. It kicked the skeleton mammoth into the ground, and smashed it hard into the cracked ground.

"Where are you looking!"

The Viking beast also stood up at this time, and swung Sol's hammer of the same name, "Mjolnir", and hit the alloy body of the tyrant Unicorn with a "clang", and the guy also screamed and fell down.

"I won't let you get up again this time!"

I don't know when the rose beast that evolved into the ultimate body flew up from Tai Yi, releasing a large number of vine whips with both hands, and the wild and growing plants quickly tied the big bug into a meat dumpling, making it immobile.

The whole battle process was crisp and neat, Taichi and the others didn't even stop, and continued to bump into many guys who tried to attack them, but they didn't even need to make a big move, just these three ultimate Digimon could Easy to deal with... The strength of these people doesn't look like they can be selected by Jessmon.

"Hey you guy! It's a foul! Wooah!!!"

There are not many people left in front, and Taiyi will be the first to pass through the plain soon, but at this moment, there are shouts from the front.

It turned out that a Duolu dragon beast flapped its wings and took off, scratched the face of a prison gate beast with its claws, knocked him to the ground, and then there was a stone bridge in front of it, as long as it passed here, there would be a snowfield in front of it The area is gone, and the new end point is in front of the snowfield area.

"We're not flying, we're just jumping up and attacking you."

At this time, a magnetic and deep female voice sounded, and on the red and black spotted multi-way dragon beast, a woman with blond long hair stood up and smiled confidently.

"That person is..."

The moment Taichi saw the blonde woman, she felt very familiar, and even remembered who she was, but he couldn't remember her name anyway.


——Mu Hai Xingzi.

Chapter 355 Chapter 340 Six


The blond woman also noticed Taichi and the others chasing after her, her coquettish and mature face revealed

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A smile, as if he found some interesting toy.

"What's wrong? Kyoko?"

The multi-way dragon beast carrying her asked curious questions.

"Nothing, let's cross the bridge."

"Oh~ don't forget to leave some gifts for them~"


Against the backdrop of Mu Hai Xingzi's mature voice, the terrifying but somewhat handsome Dolu Dragon Beast looks more like a child... He obeyed Xingzi's order, bowed his head to the ground and quickly spit out a big The iron ball then used four claws together, the wings were only used as a booster and did not fly, and ran towards the direction of the bridge.

Taiyi hasn't recovered yet... What's going on?Why is Mu Hai Xingzi with Duolu Dragon Beast?

There are two ultimate bodies of Dorodramon, one is Dorowardramon, the other is Kaihuangmon owned by Taiyi, the other is Alphamon, and Mukai Kyoko... She herself is from the Digimon game "Network The characters in "Detective" are also alpha beasts, so are two alpha beasts wearing a pair of pants?How did they become partners?

Tai was lost in thought.

"Ola Ora Ora!"

The Li Angel Beast punched another Callis beast that was chasing up like a storm again, and the stupid big bear-like man was directly blown away in the duel of fists.

"Let's cross the bridge too, Taichi!"

"it is good."

Taiyi came back to his senses, stopped thinking about Mu Hai Xingzi for the time being, and focused on passing the most tense moment first. Of course, he also noticed the small movement of the multi-way dragon beast just now, probably because it planted a land mine or something. s things.

"Viking beast, wait, remember to hold on to me!"

Tai shouted loudly, and when he stepped on the ground, the huge iron ball buried in the soil in front exploded, and the entire cliff began to shatter, and at the same time, the bridge would be disconnected, and the Jess beast The rule is that once you use your flying ability to pass the test, you will be forced to retire, so the only thing you can do is...

Take off!

Taiyi jumped up first, and at the same time fired the lightning thrusters on his back. After flying, two huge missile-like devices smashed into the rock wall of the cliff on the opposite bank. The electromagnetic device was turned on at maximum power, resonating with the two electromagnetic force devices on the opposite rock wall, so the strong electromagnetic force began to attract itself.

"Whoa! Taichi-san!!"

"Calm down, senior, you won't fall, hurry up."

After all, Cheng Huzhang had always been an ordinary person before, and he could understand it if he had never seen such an exciting scene.

Just looking at the endless abyss below, he almost had a cardiac arrest. He could only use all his strength to grab the Viking beast's hair and close his eyes. The Viking beast put his arms around the Lightning Tyrannosaurus' waist.

Although the weight of the two of them is scary, the equipment of the Lightning Tyrannosaurus is absolutely trustworthy, and the powerful electromagnetic force has not been disturbed by it, unless... the rock wall can't hold it first!


Mu Hai Xingzi looked back and saw this scene, and sighed for the brain of the big red mecha Digimon, but she didn't consider that the rock wall couldn't bear the weight of the two of them at all, and was about to fall down.

"What an interesting guy, but you guys should take your time to detour from below, I have to go first~"

Kyoko smiled happily, but she didn't expect that what happened next second made her lazy eyes widen.

I saw the blond armored angel girl with twin ponytails jumping from the red Digimon that was about to fall into the air, turning her body in the air, gathering rainbow-colored energy with her right leg, spinning to form a storm, and kicking the red mecha The back of the Digimon pushed the big man in this way, and kicked him to the shore.

" this okay?"

Kyoko murmured speechlessly.

——This wonderful trip to another world really brought together a group of interesting guys.

The Angelmon's action was spontaneous, Taichi even planned to call the propeller back and ignore the irregularities, but unexpectedly, Angelemon's actions saved this ridiculous crisis.

Although he was in a bit of a mess, Taiyi had successfully passed the test anyway... But this kick was really painful enough, he felt as uncomfortable as if a shoe print had been stamped on his back by a branding iron.

"It hurts, Li Angel Beast, can't you be gentle?"

"Just now, there is really no other way, just bear with it, Taiyi."

All the strength of Liangemon was kicked to Taiyi, but in the end, Rosemon pulled him up with vines.

It's been a long time since they have been tossed so embarrassingly, and they even have the feeling of dreaming about their first adventure with Tai Yi... But other than that, the Li Angel Beast is still more angry now.

"That woman...! I'm going to kill her!"

"Taiyi! Give me the dark soul!"

Li Angel Beast clenched its fist and said angrily.

"I'm going to chase her by bike!"

"calm down."

Although Taichi is also very angry, but now is not the time to act emotionally.

"There are snowfields ahead, and the terrain is also very complicated. You can't ride much faster than her."

"But let her run away like this?"

"Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities in the future, let's take a rest before starting."

If it's the Mu Hai Xingzi that I know, that woman is very cunning, maybe she will chase after her angrily and then set some traps that I don't know about, it's better to be careful now.


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If we are like this, aren't we going to lag behind a lot? "

Rose Beast asked.

"It's ok."

Taichi canceled the evolution while talking.

"Jessmon will only set one coordinate point a day, as long as we can get there before dark, the progress ranking doesn't really matter."

Saying this, Taiyi couldn't help but patted his back... Just now Li Angel Beast's kick was really ruthless, but fortunately he chose the Lightning Tyrannosaurus with thicker skin, otherwise he would have to stop and raise it It is impossible to maintain the body.

"'s really you!"

Cheng Huzhang didn't know what happened just now, but now he knew that he had passed the most difficult hurdle, and after seeing Taiyi's appearance, he couldn't hold back the tears, and rushed forward to hug him Weeping loudly.

"Senior Zhang, calm down."

It always felt weird to be hugged by such a big man who was half a head taller than himself, so Taiyi hurriedly comforted him.

"I still have something to ask, please calm down first."

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited...I didn't expect you to show up when I was about to despair."

Shiroto Zhang let go of Taiyi, and felt that he was so embarrassed, so he quickly wiped away his tears.

"You've seen 'Makino Ruhime' already, haven't you?"

Tai asked.

Chapter 356 Chapter 340 Chapter [-] The Honest Man

"Of course! She saved me and Yamato!"

Shiroto's eyes lit up and he answered quickly.

"She dissuaded me from going home with Yamato. I wanted to go with her, but that guy Yamato refused... Especially, after she told us your story, Yamato wanted to participate in this competition very much. He... Ugh."

At this point, Chenghu Zhang sighed repeatedly, and even accidentally dropped his glasses because he lowered his head. He hurriedly bent down to pick them up. What kind of ups and downs has been experienced along the way.

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen."

"We haven't seen her since then, she should have gone back... Eh? Taichi, you'll be here! Could it be that she's back?"

Jodo suddenly realized why Taichi came here.

"Yeah, she wanted to find me when she went back, but I couldn't get in touch when I went to another world, so she called Meimei together, and explained the situation to Guangzilang, and wanted to bring you back."

"And then I came here to find them... got dragged into this contest by that guy."

Taiyi explained his reason clearly.

"I'm really sorry, Taiyi, it's all my fault, it's all my fault that you are in danger."

"Don't apologize, senior, let's talk about Yamato, where did that kid go?"

Looking at Zhang Hu who solemnly bowed and lowered his head to apologize to himself, Taiyi also felt a little helpless. Although an apology would not solve anything, it is always good to have such a heart. He patted Zhang Hu on the shoulder to make him straighten up, and said Keep asking.

"He and I... we broke up."


——The classic plot, do you still want to restore it?

"In addition to us, there are actually other combinations of humans and Digimon."

"I don't want Yamato to fight against other people just to compete for the ranking, but he insists on refusing... And I, I am really too stupid, always dragging him down, he was the same as Taiyi before, and he also went to other digital world, so I'm always clumsy."

"So he abandoned you?"

"Yes, but I don't blame him! Taiyi, all I want is to go home, but he be very obsessed with power. It's not suitable for me to be with him, and he left me in the end."

Even though he was abandoned in such a dangerous world, Jodo Kido still had no intention of blaming Yamato. He just hated himself for being too clumsy to help Yamato. Looking at such a man, Taichi was both angry and hated, Kikito Zhang's character is really too honest, hate is hate Yamato has really been possessed.

"Is this bastard completely crazy?"

——There is no need to explain the price of abandoning friendship in the digital world, he will only die worse in the end.

"Taiyi, in fact, I will drag you down too! The Viking beast and I almost killed you just now, didn't we?"

Shirotojo is really a very honest guy, Taichi didn't even think about it, but he took the initiative to say it... Such a character is indeed very pleasing, but it is too easy to suffer.

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