"That has nothing to do with you, senior, it's all that woman's fault."

"You don't have to worry about dragging me down, Senior Zhang, I won't abandon you. I still prefer to team up with you than a stubborn guy like Yamato. Don't say such things that blame yourself."

"Well, thank you! Taichi! I'm so much happier now!"

"Let me just say, Zhang, as long as you don't give up, you can always see hope."

The Viking beast behind him has degenerated into a mature sea lion beast at some point, and I am very happy to see that my partner can meet a truly trustworthy teammate.

"Now... we have to find a way to conquer this snowfield."

Tai Yi looked at this place, and the snowy scene always reminded him of some bad memories.

After all, the last time he faced the ice and snow was one of the few defeats in his career as a chosen child. He lost to the Lilith beast who could control the small world, and this time he couldn't do it like before. To fly directly over the past, you need to move forward step by step.


suddenly blowing from the front

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The cold air made him sneeze uncontrollably.

"You don't have thick clothes, what can you do now?"

Tennyumon and Rosemon don't feel cold, and Sea Lionmon also has thick fur, but Taiyi and Shirotojo are miserable.

"...Sea Lion Beast."

The husband of Shiroto also felt the cold, in fact, he felt that it was only his own words that he could bear it, but he couldn't let Taiyi, who kindly helped him here, suffer from the cold.


The sea lion looked at his partner, and his heart was terrified by his gaze.

"You should have quite a lot of hair... How about making a thick coat?"

"do not want!"

He chose to refuse decisively.

"What's the matter! Just let Taiyi wear it, I don't need it!"

"Woo...Okay, okay, then, cut some off my back, don't pull it out! It hurts!"

It's obviously a very fierce Digimon, but no matter how you look at it, Sea Lion is very naive. Taichi remembers that Sea Lion gave him a strong sense of security when he watched the big adventure animation a long time ago.

"No need."

Taiyi stopped them with his words, and brewed an orange-red digital soul from his body, and coated himself and Shirohutou with a light film of light.

"What is this? Taichi?"

"It's just a small magic trick." Taiyi smiled confidently. "Don't leave me too far, or the effect will be gone."

"Then... let's go!"

The size of this sea lion beast is at least twice as big as Tai Yi's impression, so it is no problem to carry himself and Chenghu Zhang, plus Huaxian beast and Tiannv beast, and it is naturally much warmer on it. , so they continued to move forward like this.

Along the way, Kidojo asked a lot of questions about Digimon. Taichi had nothing to do, so he patiently chatted with him. The more we talked, the more times Kidojo was amazed. The status is also rising steadily... He never doubted that Tai Yi would brag and exaggerate.

"Yamato...I think he became like this because of you, Taichi."

"I haven't seen him for several months. No matter what the reason is, I'm going to beat him hard."

Tai couldn't help but harden his fists when he thought of that guy's stinky face.

"He just wants to catch up with you, Taiyi, being thrown further and further away by his former good friend will naturally make him anxious."

"I hope nothing happens to him."

——He is an honest person just like what Taiyi said... He is so obsessed with being abandoned, he belongs to the type who counts money for others even after being betrayed.

Tiannv Beast looked at the big boy and complained silently in his heart.

"Zhang! There is a canyon ahead... If we take a detour, we have to go a long way. What should we do?"

Everyone on their backs stood up at the same time and looked forward. Just as the sea lion said, there is a gloomy snow-capped valley, a frozen glacier runs through the ground, and both sides of the mountain are covered with snow, although it looks very ordinary. , but if you look carefully... Tai Yi can feel an unusual, eerie atmosphere.

"Let's go, don't worry, I'm here."

But Taichi is still very confident, he doesn't think anyone other than Jesmon can beat him, so even if there are really any articles there, he is not afraid.

"If it was me... I would definitely take a detour!"

"Our goal is not only to reach the destination, but also to find other companions." Taiyi said. "I know Liu Ji. If it was her, she would definitely choose this path. Let's go there too. Maybe we can find some clues."

"Alright Taichi, I listen to you."

After a brief exchange, they continued their journey and entered the canyon along the main road. The soaring red beam of light in the sky was still standing there, which was very vivid. As long as there was that light, they would not lose their way.

"Wait, is this... a paw print?"

Just before entering the canyon, Tai Yi, who was sitting on top of the sea lion observing the situation, suddenly found some traces on the snow in front of him.

He jumped directly from the top of the sea lion beast, and after observing it... Although there is no evidence, he still feels that this thing looks like the paw print of the red-skinned and white-bellied Duolu dragon beast.

"Is that woman's partner?"

Tiannv Beast also came over, watching Tai Yi for a while.

"It's still snowing now, we haven't seen her on the way, but why...is there?"

Taichi looked at the white sky, and reached out to catch a small snowflake.

The snow fell into his palm, and after melting... it suddenly recovered.

Chapter 357 Chapter 340


Taiyi's eyes were wide open at that moment, he stared at the snowflake that melted but recovered suddenly, turned around nervously and wanted to tell everyone that this place is very dangerous.

But in the next second, when he turned around, he found that there was no one around him.


Taiyi stood up instantly in shock, holding the Knight's Book of the Red Lotus Knight Beast tightly in his hand, he didn't understand why this happened, but... this was probably a trap, the snowflakes could melt in his hands Restoring it again means that there is some unknown force in this place that is changing everything, and it may even be that the entire canyon is something like a mirage, which is illusory.

Suddenly, the gravity under his feet suddenly changed, Taiyi's body was uncontrollably pulled backward by some force, and in the blink of an eye, the snow-covered canyon became another strange area,

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It's like coming to the top of a mountain somewhere, and there is no other similarity except that it is still covered with heavy snow.

"Damn... what! This gravity!"

Is this also a trial arranged by Jessmon?

If you think about it carefully, you should understand that they are all Digimons or humans who can control Digimons. Ordinary jungles, rivers, cliffs, and snow-capped mountains may cause big troubles for ordinary adventurers, but it is still necessary to cause troubles for Digimons. What a difference.

There is no time to think about it now, because Taiyi's body is being pulled upwards by some kind of completely reversed gravity, and the strong and brutal cold air flow is blowing head-on, and the digital soul on his body is about to be unable to hold it. Will first turn into a popsicle and then be eliminated!

[Red Lotus Knight Beast! 】

The activated book of knights had just been opened, but at this moment, the gravity that was constantly pulling upwards suddenly overturned again, Taiyi was in a daze, and his body was pulled in another direction, as if deliberately preventing himself from evolving Similarly, this gravitational force destroyed the book of knights that was about to be opened, and Tai Yi was also caught by the gravitational force and thrown to the ground below.

"Are you all right? Red Lotus Knight Beast."

This was the first time that the evolution process was forcibly interrupted, Taiyi was already very fast and even didn't listen to the book to sing the libretto there, but he still didn't catch up.

"I'm fine, just wait until you call me again."

Although it seems that the book was pulled away from Taiyi, this book of knights is like the two thrusters thrown by Taiyi when he evolved into Lightning Greymon. It is a controllable prop controlled by him and can be used at any time Summon it back again, but now Taiyi can only activate the digital soul to protect his body.

"Taiyi... I know this situation. The place that looks like a canyon is actually just an illusion. After entering it, you will come to another world, and the terrain is constantly changing. It is very similar to the small world Atlanta." Golden Armored Dragon Beast The voice rang in my ears, and I analyzed it rationally. "I think the paw print left just now can also prove that the blond woman who attacked you before was also involved."

"I know...that's why I find it troublesome!"

In the process of falling, Tai Yi even saw the red beam of light on the far horizon disappear.

Without guidance, he didn't know how to get to the finish line, but he didn't have time to think about further things, because if he continued to hit the ground at this speed, his body would not be able to withstand such a strong acceleration. It must evolve into a Digimon!

【Battle Greymon】

[Fusion Sublimation! 】

There is no time to choose, and we can only use what we draw. This may be a kind of fate. Taiyi returned to the form of his first evolved Digimon. He raised his hand and gathered the original force to create a Gaia energy cannon, and then bombarded the white land below.

"Gaia energy cannon!"



"Taiyi! Taiyi!!"

At this moment, the Celestial Beast on the other side has also noticed the abnormality of the snowflake in Taiyi's hand. She was about to say something, but unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the world in front of her has undergone earth-shaking changes.

All the snow and icebergs disappeared, and her visibility suddenly decreased. Her eyes widened in shock, and a beam of golden light was drawn from her head to immediately refresh her adventurer's costume into the standard costume of the Celestial Beast, ready for battle.

She didn't know what happened, but Taichi disappeared, and so did his friends around him and the sea lion beast... Only Rosemon remained.

"Wooah! Ghost!"

She is obviously a mature ultimate body but her mind is still a flower fairy beast. She was stunned by these changes. After reacting, she screamed in horror, and directly hugged the celestial female beast and dared not move.

"Don't be like this... just don't be nervous."

Tiannv Beast took some effort to push her away, then tapped her ears with her fingers, took off the steel mask, and used her own eyes to observe the surroundings more intuitively.

They were sent to an underground cave, which was a sealed and dark environment. She had seen this kind of situation before, that is, when she challenged Lilith Beast before, but there was no time difference in this place, and even sent It was unbelievable that I was completely separated from Taiyi.

"Why is this...is it really a trap?"

Rose Beast's hands are also wrapped with vines and can draw a sword at any time. She chooses to back-to-back with Tiannv Beast to watch her surroundings.

The place was so dark that you couldn't see anything, and you couldn't see your fingers. The Tiannv beast also tapped a flickering light ball with its fingertips, illuminating the surroundings like a light bulb.

"I'm afraid this is also one of the trials. We must pass this place to reach the end."

"But, now there are no coordinates... What should we do?"

"Don't worry." Tiannv Beast also whispered next to Rose Beast's back. "I can feel that Tai Yi is nearby, he is still alive, but we can't go to him for the time being."

"Will it be on the ground? Why don't you drill a hole and try?"

The Rose Beast looked up, but was so frightened that it involuntarily clenched the Celestial Beast's wrist, its fingers trembling uncontrollably. The Celestial Beast was curious about what she saw and looked up...but saw a piece of pure black nothingness.

This place does not seem to be an underground mine, because what seals the upper space is not a rock, but a dark "sky". There is a little green-blue streamer in the pure black and boundless dome, but there is no way out.

"This thing

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...Is it an illusion too? "

"Let me try."

The Celestial Beast took a step back, stretched its bow and set an arrow towards the sky, and shot a shining arrow of light.

This arrow was more like a flare. Their eyes were fixed on it, and they saw that the arrow was shot into the night sky like a stone thrown into the sea, and it was quickly swallowed and disappeared.

"……How to do?"

"Why don't you fly up and have a look?"

"don't want!!!"

Faced with Tiannvmon's proposal, Rosemon immediately rejected it loudly.

She absolutely does not want to know what the nature of that black sky is, absolutely not.

"Then let's go ahead and find a way out."

"If this is also the checkpoint arranged by Jessmon, it can't be a dead end. Let's leave this place first, and then go find Taiyi and his honest senior."

Tiannv Beast thought exactly the same thing as Tai Yi at this time, that is, it is definitely not an unsolvable dead level, there must be a way to get out, but they still need to find clues now.

Chapter 358 Chapter 340 Nine Kyoko's Team Request

Taiyi smashed a Gaia energy cannon and melted all the ice on the ground, evaporating a large amount of water vapor. He also used the seal of the brave as a skateboard to land and rubbed a large amount of sparks. There was a vast white mist and water vapor before his eyes. He didn't even dare to blink his eyes, the reflexes of his whole body were full, and he was always on guard for any changes.

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