The Taiyi body inside the Digimon body has already broken out in cold sweat, and this pressure made him feel a sense of oppression that is different from any before... Maybe this is the unknown, I don’t know what I will face next, and he This time, I was really alone, I don't know what the Celestial Girl Beast and Rose Beast are doing now, I don't know if Senior Zhang is in danger...

Suddenly, Taiyi felt that he heard the roar of some kind of beast, and this instinct made his dragon beast nemesis of the fighting tyrannosaurus also pop out, and he waited quietly... suddenly!In the next second, a giant dragon flew out of the white mist in front of him.

The red and black flesh body is equipped with a large number of metal modified parts, and the head is wearing a silver helmet mask, making an unpleasant and piercing roar and rushing towards him.

Taiyi held his breath, caught the dragon head that was biting towards him with both hands, and then threw it over his shoulder to the ground, and then it was like turning on some kind of switch, the hissing and roaring sounded one after another, and more and more The red and black monster dragon rushed out of the water vapor all over the sky, biting towards Taiyi.

--hateful!These guys seem to be dead X multi-way dragon beasts, which appeared in mass-produced units in the theatrical version of "X Evolution".

I remember that they are the first batch of X-evolution experimental Digimon. The X-antibody is something that a very small number of Digimon have naturally. It acts to devour the Digicores of other Digimon.

Originally, he was worried that falling on the ice would cause him to fall into the water, and no matter how strange things in the water entangled him, he would not be able to get out, so Taichi chose to use the Gaia energy cannon to evaporate the water, but he didn't. Thinking of this actually creates the best surprise cover for these monsters... It's really a stone's throw.

The current Taiyi evolved battle tyrannosaurus may not even have noticed this detail, or he has become accustomed to the huge body after evolving into a royal knight, and now his evolved war violence has become a height of 50 meters Otherwise, it would be impossible to easily evaporate the entire ice lake with a Gaia energy cannon.

But even so, the physique of these dead x multi-way dragon beasts caused him a lot of trouble, and their threat and sense of oppression were far stronger than that of the relatively crude 3D movie.

"One after another! It's endless!"

While Tai Yi dodged, the Dinosaur Buster in his hand fully exerted its original power, shoveling and flying those dead x multi-way dragons one by one, as if playing a bullfight... Even though they were superior in number, Tai Yi still It didn't take much effort to solve the problem.

Another foot crushed a dragon queen who fell to the ground and tried to get up, and Taiyi was finally able to catch his breath.

"Huh? What about this body..."

He lowered his head and noticed that his height was not right. He was in mid-air just now so it was not so obvious. After getting down to the ground, he realized that even the battle tyrannosaurus now has a huge body, which means that Taiyi is a Digimon. The degree of integration is deeper, the power is stronger, and the amount of data has also undergone a kind of sublimation after he survived so many death battles.

Vaguely, it seemed that the roars of those dead dragons could still be heard, but Taiyi couldn't see anything now, and the water vapor generated by evaporating this huge lake would be difficult to dissipate for a while, so Taiyi thought of a way.

He flew into the air, his hands condensed strength again, the surrounding water vapor was forcefully dragged away by this force, a large number of hurricanes condensed in his hands, and the Gaia energy cannon composed purely of air melted into shape within ten seconds , and then was thrown by Tai Yi to the other side, and the land with extremely low visibility was completely clear at this moment.

"That is……"

His field of vision was unprecedentedly wide at this time, and Tai Yi saw a large group of dead X multi-way dragon beasts crouching like ants on the snowy mountain cliff in front, constantly attacking an insignificant hole, it was as sweet as being The ants attracted by the incomparable honey are exactly the same.

These monsters are irrational, most likely a survivor they found within the attacking field of vision is besieging them, and this picture is always too strange to see.

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It is familiar, and there is probably a similar picture in "X Evolution".

Without thinking too much, Taiyi took a deep breath, and controlled the body of the huge battle tyrannosaurus to dive over. The ultra-high acceleration formed circles of faintly visible Mach rings behind his feet. The dragon beast nemesis was placed in front, and it made several spiral impacts on the rock wall where the dead dragons gathered, and then knocked them down.

"Is anyone in there?"

Tai Yi hovered at the entrance of the cave, looking in through the white light of the snowy sky, unexpectedly, another multi-way dragon beast rushed out of the face, Tai Yi quickly grabbed the guy's neck on the spot, and then used his other hand to plan Give him a "split" move with Drake Buster.

"Wait! Hey! Me, I'm not like them!"

The Doludramon in his hand struggled desperately like a pinched rooster, until he let out a sound other than screams, Taiyi then noticed that he was not wearing a helmet on his face, showing a pair of Some ignorant and cute big eyes.

"Please don't confuse my Duoduo with those monsters, thank you."

Duoludramon opened its mouth, revealing a woman with long golden hair and a graceful figure. She brushed her blond hair, looked at the huge battle tyrannosaurus in front of her, and smiled calmly.

Sure enough, it was Mu Hai Kyoko and her little multi-way beast, they were also involved in this predicament, but judging from the way she spoke, she probably didn't know herself, Taiyi knew that she didn't know her real appearance at all, so ...The time she was tricked by her a little bit earlier, it was time to collect debts.

Hmph, what you did to me before, I will ruthlessly huan'hui'lai

"Why does this guy look so much like those monsters?"

Taiyi deliberately patted Duolu Dragon Beast's face lightly with his hand, and directly knocked out Mu Hai Xingzi from her mouth, then caught Xingzi with the other hand, moved the woman in his palm to his face, coldly asked aloud.

Mu Hai Xingzi was a little dizzy from this torment. She stood up on her smooth knees, straightened her shirt, buttoned it, then raised her head, looked up at the giant steel dragon head in front of her, stared at the The blue pupils in the huge eyes... For some reason, Mu Hai Xingzi didn't feel the danger from this strange dragon man, but felt that his eyes were very beautiful.

In other words, the overall appearance of this Digimon exudes a unique beauty.

"It's just that they look alike. I didn't say it so bluntly."

"Are you a contestant too? This..."

"Battle Tyrannosaurus."

"Battle Greymon, if you are also a contestant, how about our cooperation now?"

Mukai Kyoko extended an invitation to Taichi.

"This level is disgusting. I haven't seen you on the track before... You have come here a long time ago? Instead of going around here, let's figure out a way together. I have already figured out how to break this illusion .”

Chapter 359 Chapter 350 X Antibody Get

"Eh? Is there a solution already? Kyoko?"

Duolu Dragon Beast was surprised to hear this, even though her mouth was swollen from being slapped by Tai Yi just now, she still asked questions.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk nonsense?"

Mu Hai Xingzi didn't have a big expression, but the helplessness and embarrassment, coupled with Duolu Dragon Beast's silly expression, really made Tai Yi feel internally hurt.

"?? What's wrong? Could it be... is Kyoko lying? Did she say that to make this powerful Digimon our companion?"

Duolu Dragon Beast just said what he thought in his heart, that earnest, suddenly realized expression and tone, every time he poked at Taiyi's laughing point, thanks to the fact that they met him, instead of Others will turn their faces immediately.

"Ahem, about this, I can explain."

Mu Hai Xingzi continued to laugh awkwardly but gracefully.

"I just thought of a way."

"You speak first."

Taichi also wanted to hear her thoughts.

I can’t remember the plot of that game Taichi, but now this Kyoko doesn’t seem to know anything about Digimon... She must be pretending, she must know that she is Battle Greymon, and she may even have seen through it Lost his own body, but this kind of thing is hard to say.

"These Digimon have become abnormal. I think this is related to the 'X Antibody' we encountered before. Are you a local Digimon? I don't need to explain what X Antibody is."

Tai nodded, and Kyoko continued talking.

"This world was already at a time of critical survival, but the appearance of that guy stopped it all. It is the organizer of this competition, the Royal Knight Jessmon."

"He can actually make World Tree stop the cleansing operation against ordinary Digimon people... I really can't understand it." Duoludramon also added with a worried look on his face. "I don't know what's going to happen next."

"So, the existence of the X-antibody caused those dead X multi-way dragon beasts to appear and start attacking Digimon, so I think the decryption here is also related to the X-antibody."

Kyoko continued to talk to him with a confident smile on her face.

"If the monsters in a place can't be killed no matter how you kill them, it means that the problem is not these monsters."

What she said also awakened Taiyi. Yesterday, Jessmon told Taiyi that he hoped that he would stay in the competition, and the conditions he provided included

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With the same "X evolution" as himself, could it be said that he will place the X antibody as a prize in this kind of level halfway?But wouldn't it be possible to gain power without clearing the level?

"How about it? Let's cooperate, don't worry, I won't treat my companion badly."

"Kyoko is a good person! Although I don't know you... But if you also have doubts about the current situation, we have to finish this game first, and then we can ask clearly in front of Jessmon!"

Multiway Dragon Beast also emphasizes this point, which is why they added it to this game.

Just when Taiyi was about to answer, the roars of those monsters came from all directions suddenly, which made Taiyi's eardrums hurt. He turned around immediately and found that a large number of dead multi-way dragon beasts had gathered at some point. At some point, the big pit on the ground began to gather into a large bat-like thing, rushing towards them in groups.

"Back off."

Tai Yi waved his hand and turned around, his hands began to quietly gather strength, the Gaia energy cannon emerged in his hand, and then the ball rapidly expanded until even himself became extremely small under the orange-red cannonball, The diameter of the Gaia energy cannon exceeded a kilometer, and then it threw the cannon at the dead dragons on the ground.

There are no eggs under the cover of the nest, and under the double bombing of Tai Yi's special attack, a large number of dead dragons have been wiped out. Even Duolu dragon beasts have never seen such a big Gaia energy cannon... This He is more ferocious than all the Digimons I have seen before. Is this guy really a fellow of his homeland?

"It's truly breathtaking."

Kyoko was also shocked by such a big thing, but she soon noticed that something seemed wrong.

"Hey, Dragon, look what that is."

The blond girl stood in the center of Taichi's palm, pointed down, and said to the place bombed by him.

I don’t know how this guy saw it, but Taiyi squinted his eyes for a long time... until the smoke of the explosion completely dissipated, he found a strange revolving stone staircase leading directly to the ground, as if some kind of mechanism had been opened. Moreover, this ladder is extremely huge, as if it was originally intended to accommodate some huge Digimon.

Among the participating Digimon outside, most of them are tens of meters tall like Taiyi, which is enough to see that they are all experienced and strong, but there is only one winner.

"That's what it means for us to go down."

Duoludramon looked interested.

"Let's go, there should be something hidden underneath that Jesmon wants us to find."

Kyoko looked back at War Greymon's face and smiled.

Tai nodded, and landed in front of the stone ladder with these two brand new teammates, first tried to look around, and used his instinctive perception to perceive it, but there was no hostile or abnormal aura , On the contrary, it is quiet and scary.

He put the Muhai Xingzi back on Duolu Zhanlong Beast, and then entered the underground facility with himself in front of them.

This road broke off at an edge not long after, this fracture surface did not seem to be formed naturally, but was cut off by some kind of force, standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, Taiyi could vaguely see the There is a landing point that is so vague that it cannot be seen clearly below a height of tens of meters.

Although it seemed like an unknown and dangerous underground journey, they had already arrived here, and no one wanted to retreat, so they jumped down at the same time... What they saw after landing was a strange atmosphere, In a place similar to an altar, there is a black perfectly circular egg-shaped object that looks unstable on top of the steps.

"Long, look there is another one over there."

Xingzi pointed to the other end of the huge space, and happened to be able to see an altar that was almost identical, and there was also the same black perfect round egg, which was almost a mirror image, but between the two altars, there was an A dark bottomless abyss.

"no response."

Taiyi tried to touch the egg but got no response, but this situation is also easy to understand how to decipher, without his reminding, Kyoko also consciously got on the multi-way dragon beast, and the two of them flew to the altar on the other side, Then get ready together and touch the black ball at the same time.

In an instant, the black covering the surface of the sphere faded like ink being dispersed by water, revealing the transparent outer wall. Inside was a blue X symbol, and seven red dots were built... feel the powerful power contained in it , Taiyi couldn't help taking a deep breath, and a look of surprise bloomed in his eyes.

"Found it, this is the X antibody!"

He picked up the X antibody, and this thing also burst into mysterious brilliance... As long as he can absorb this thing, then he will produce X evolution!Enter a brand new stage!

Just when he was going to see how Dolumon or Kyoko reacted, at this moment, the surrounding scenery changed again, everything, the altar, the stone ladder, and the platform all looked like pictures that had been deleted. Layers were transformed into the darkness of nothingness, and Taiyi stepped on this nothingness down-to-earth.

At the same time, the roar of the ferocious beast from deeper reached his ears.

Chapter 360 Chapter 350 Chapter [-] Red Lotus Knight Beast X

"...It really is this kind of arrangement."

Accompanied by the roars of the ferocious beasts, a large number of dead x multi-way dragon beasts flew out in groups, covering the mountains and plains like bats, making one's scalp tingle.

"Battle Tornado!"

Like this kind of underground where treasures are buried, once the treasures are taken away, dangerous mechanisms will be triggered to attract a large number of monsters, and they have been prepared too early.

too sure

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Mind, holding the unusable X-antibody in one hand, raised the Dragon Beast Buster high in the other hand, created a battle tornado without turning around on its own, and rushed towards the group of dead dragons.

Wherever the orange hurricane goes, it's like chopping melons and vegetables. Although these things can't hurt Taiyi, they are better than unimaginable numbers. And cut off a large number of wing feathers, but not enough to kill them. After a short time, the dead dragon will repair its body and attack like a machine again.

This kind of change also happened to Kyoko and Duoludramon, the layers around them were also deleted, leaving only pitch black, and at this time, there were countless dead x Duoludramon towards them from all directions Attack again!

"? did this happen, why are there so many?!"

The shrunken pupils of Duolu Dragon Beast were full of panic, but the enemy had already attacked, and she didn't care about thinking too much. She immediately sprayed a huge metal ball from her mouth and knocked one down, then took Xingzi and started to fight with them Guys circle around.


The number of these dead dragons is too large, Duoludramon and Xingzi can't defend against it at all, just when a dead dragon flying from a blind spot in the field of vision is about to bite her abdomen, the X in Xingzi's hand The antibody suddenly burst into light, and a shock wave was sent out, forcing all the dead dragons back.

"Eh? Kyoko, do you mean... this thing can defend against these creatures?"

"I inspired its power."

Kyoko didn't explain too much, but just clenched the X antibody.

"But it's not a long-term solution. You have to find a way to leave quickly. These guys can't be killed!"

At this time, a transparent glass wall suddenly appeared. Through this wall, they saw their new teammate Battle Tyrannosaurus, who was also in a bad situation.

But compared to them who were struggling and could barely rely on the X antibody to defeat the enemy, the situation on the battle tyrannosaurus was much better. His extremely strong combat power was completely adapted to the battle with the dead dragon group.

"Help!! Battle Greymon!!"

Seeing this, Duoludramon let out a loud shout, and the Battle Tyrannosaurus over there also heard the call, and immediately turned around and walked towards them, but in the next second, it bumped into an invisible on the wall.


Duolu Dragon Beast exclaimed, it did not expect this result.

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