"No, I can't make it through!"

Taiyi touched his aching forehead first, and then slammed the dragon-beast buster against the wall, but there was no response. He put the X-antibody inside his breastplate, then raised his hands high and straightened his body to start a high-speed attack. Roundabout, trying to run through with the largest round of combat tornadoes.

Kyoko and Duolu Dragon Beast watched the terrifying drill tornado burst out in front of their eyes, and even flew up a certain distance to avoid being hurt by him after drilling through the wall, but this move lasted for nearly 20 seconds , but not even a little crack came out.

"No! I think this wall should be one of the rules of the game! We must find another way to meet!"

Kyoko said anxiously, Taiyi had no choice but to stop.

"Wait... Dragon! Look behind you!"

She suddenly pointed at Taiyi's back and shouted in horror, and Taiyi also turned around nervously to look... I saw the dead dragons that came up later were entangled together, but they didn't attack her, they just kept piling up... ... This picture made Tai Yi feel familiar.

Yes, the former ultimate vampire monster was resurrected in this way.

Countless bats gathered together to build the body of the ultimate blood-sucking monster, but now there are countless dead x multi-way dragon beasts gathered together, and what they want to build, there is a high probability that it is...

A terrifying figure appeared in his mind, Taiyi clenched his fists, and at the same time, a large number of multi-way dragon beasts over there also turned into a huge digital egg, and the egg shell was broken to give birth to an indescribable, beyond words. It is a terrifying and disgusting giant monster, and its appearance alone is the best Digimon Taiyi has ever seen.

[Death X multi-way battle dragon beast, ultimate body, undead type, virus species]

"Dragon! That guy is probably the last boss, we can leave as long as we defeat him, but... that guy is probably..."

"Gaia energy cannon!"

Taichi didn't listen carefully to what Kyoko said, he turned around, raised his hands high and rubbed out a Gaia energy cannon and threw it at the dead multi-way battle dragon beast, but the guy was unscathed after eating this shot, even Turning around, a huge metal bullet was sprayed out. This thing was exactly the same in length as the one sprayed out by Xingzi's Duoduo, but the size was very different.

Tai Yi avoided the metal bullet, and the big iron ball hit the transparent wall without stopping. It continued to circle, and after a period of accelerative acceleration, it shot towards him again. It hit directly, even though he used the brave seal to prevent the direct damage, but the turning force of the big metal ball still made him suffer a lot.

"It's scary... woo..."

This guy, Taichi remembers that he is a monster that can suppress the Royal Knights, and it took only a second for Alphamon to appear on the stage in the end, why did he come here?

This doesn't seem like an enemy that the contestants can deal with... Could it be that Jessmon is giving himself strength?

——No, this may also be giving Mu Hai Kyoko strength.

Tai Yi secretly stared at the woman from the corner of his eye, her current consciousness should still be

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It belongs to that one, but I don’t know if Taiyi has recovered power... Maybe it’s time to use the next form, but even Omegamon, I’m afraid it will be difficult to gain an advantage, because Shiduolu Zhanlongshou has X The data of the antibody and the alpha beast is too powerful.

"Damn! Why can't this X antibody be used?"

Taiyi stood up, holding the X antibody tightly in his hand, but it couldn't respond to him anyway, as if it was just a fake toy!

Kyoko saw all this in her pair of golden eyes, suddenly she seemed to understand something.

"Go to the altar! Quick!"

Although the layer has been deleted now, Kyoko still remembers the location where the X-antibody was just placed. The multi-way dragon beast carried her back to the place just now, and put the X-antibody back to its original position. At this moment, The X antibody on Taiyi's hand over there also stimulated a lot of light, which flowed into his body like a virus.

In front of Tai Yi, a brand new card appeared in front of him, and the painting on it was "X Antibody".

——Is it because Kyoko was put back in the same place?It looks like there are two X-antibodies, but there is only one?That is to say, she and I can only leave one?

There is no time to think more, he can only move now!

【Red Lotus Knight Beast】

【X Antibody】

[Red Lotus Knight Beast X! 】

Simply activate the book of knights and use this card, immediately the power of this supernatural power enters your body, the battle tyrannosaurus is wrapped in a digital egg, and then the brand new red lotus knight is switched, as sharp as a blade The armor, the knight spear in his hand has changed into a laser sword, and he has appeared in a more aggressive form anyway.

Red, blue, and gold are the three purest Chrome Digizoids in the digital world, and his equipment is composed. Taiyi lightly waved the blue laser holy gun in his hand, and stabbed at the giant dragon.

"Victory shooting!!"

A thick blue wave of light pierced Taiyi's hand, and with just one blow, the mouth of the dead multi-way war dragon was bleeding, and then it howled and fell to the ground.

"Great! It works!"

Duolu Dragon Beast patted its paws in surprise.

"...So it's that guy."

A battle tyrannosaurus can actually turn into a red lotus knight. This is not normal no matter how you look at it. After thinking about it for a while, Kyoko pinched her chin and finally came up with a very reasonable explanation.

But the situation is not optimistic, because although Taiyi has gained an advantage, but here... because they put the X antibody back to its original place, without its protection, those full-bodied red and black dead dragons rushed towards them again Come over, and this time they have no way to deal with it!

Chapter 361 Chapter 350 Chapter [-] X+ True Red Lotus, the Second of Explosion

"Is this testing the heart of the passer?"

Mu Hai Xingzi also immediately thought of the crux of the problem.

I don't know why, even though there is an X antibody buried here, if you want to use it, you can't pull out both, you can only put one back, but the funny thing is, no matter what you do, it won't stop the two The area continues to produce dead dragons to attack.

Looking at the process of the birth of the ultimate body death X multi-way battle dragon beast just now, it can be understood that no matter how strong you are, it is useless. There is only one way to deal with this extremely powerful Digimon, and that is X evolution.

Only a storm can knock down a big tree, and only X evolution can knock down a dead dragon!

"Whether to choose a new power, or an old partner..."

"Young people nowadays have a lot of tricks."

"Stop talking to yourself! Kyoko! What should I do?"

Duolu Dragon Beast has already started to tremble, looking at the group of "self" who came in groups, it is really miserable.

"I do not know."

She really didn't know what to do.

Although, she used to have great power, but now she has no way to summon her real body, and now it seems that she can only rely on that man... Red Lotus Knight Beast X, her former best friend has acquired a brand new form, But it didn't give her any sense of déjà vu.


Of course Taiyi also figured this out, so all he can do now is to do everything he can to knock down this dead multi-route dragon beast with the fastest speed, otherwise Kyoko and her little Duoduo will be in big trouble... …Just now, it is difficult for him to suppress this explosive energy that belongs to the evolution of X, so he might as well output all of it!

"The Ultimate Paradise!!"

Singing the true name of the nirvana, the holy shield made of blue-gold alloy on the left wrist gushes out a lot of energy, but this time the dead multi-way battle dragon beast is also ready, just like a machine, when the enemy level in front of it After the upgrade, its response level has also been improved, rubbing out a cannonball with both hands, which is called "Multiple Judgment!"


The holy beam of light continuously ejected from the shield detonated the death energy ball in the final confrontation, and the entire space was instantly filled with scattered energy, and the bodies of Taiyi and Shiduoluzhanlong were all engulfed in it, but No matter how powerful the energy is, it can only be blocked by transparent walls.

The Kyoko and Duoludramon here can only dodge the attacks of the Duolulong group as much as they can, but no matter what they do, the result will not change. Spinning and landing on the empty ground below, Kyoko also fell directly.

Kyoko's knee was punctured and blood came out. This painful feeling made her feel very fresh, but it was also

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She didn't have time to feel it carefully, she could only look up and look forward, a group of dead dragons fell in front of her, Duoduo used her bruised body to protect Xingzi behind her, with a face full of death.

"Is that guy alright?"

——No, in the final analysis...We are not friends with him at all, we just met by chance, and there is a high probability that he is someone I have plotted against before.

——He has no reason to save himself, Jesmon, you have a good plan, but you have the wrong person.

Rather, this level seems to be specially set up for that guy. Kyoko doesn't think that anyone or Digimon will abandon the power of X evolution for the sake of two guys who have only met for a few minutes.


The sound of continuous explosions has become very small through the sound insulation of the transparent wall, but it can still be heard clearly, the roar produced by the collision and explosion of energy.

Kyoko followed the sound and looked over, the wall was full of thick smoke, the battle seemed to be still in a state of anxiety, and in the smoke, she could see the azure blue holy light emitted by the red, blue and red lotus knight beast X's sharp gun, as well as the many dead battle dragons Judgment ball fired by the beast.

It can be seen from the situation that the Red Lotus Knight Beast has the upper hand, but it will take a certain amount of time to kill that guy.

"Kyoko!! Wooah!!"

Duolu Longshoushe stood in front of Kyoko to block a dead dragon that tried to bite her from above, but her own neck was pierced by the dead dragon's fangs, and blood flowed out. There were not a few intact parts left, and blood seeped out from the several torn wounds on his body.

Seeing this scene, Kyoko's eyes trembled. Without much hesitation, she immediately crawled out from under the Duoludramon, ran to the place where the X antibody was placed, and took it off. With the torches lit in the herd, all the dead dragons screamed at this moment and flew backwards desperately, so the multi-way dragon beasts finally got a chance to breathe.

Her side is getting better, but something is wrong with Taiyi's side, the victory gunshot he tried to release again directly lacks energy and disappears, the digital core is disintegrating, and the X evolution is forcibly canceled!

But Taiyi couldn't complain, it was too difficult for the two of them to fight against hordes of dead dragons in such a vast space, and he couldn't ask for more.

"Don't complain, friend."

Kyoko panted heavily, and looked at Taichi with a wry smile.

"We've run out of options."

"Just give me 1 second and I'll fix it."

Knowing her difficulties, Taiyi just gave a firm promise.

"1 second? What can you do in 1 second?"

"As long as it's enough to use for a moment, Kyoko, I know you have an extraordinary background, and you should understand what I mean." It's not convenient for Taiyi to speak too clearly, so he can only hint like this.

"You take out the X antibody first, and put it back in the moment I rush over. I only need the X evolution at that moment!"

"Okay, I believe you."

Kyoko nodded, holding the light ball of the X-antibody tightly in her hand, the dead dragons were intimidated by it and did not dare to move forward again.

Taiyi also took a deep breath. It was actually a little bit close just now, but it will take a long time to make another lore if you miss this opportunity. It is very difficult for Red Lotus Knight X to kill multiple battle dragons in seconds, but you want to win , killing him is still very simple, but it will take a certain amount of time, and now, Xingzi and Duoduo can't wait for this time.

"Crimson Knightmon, call Grani out."

"What are you going to do?"

Crimson Knightmon immediately understood Taichi's thoughts.

"It doesn't matter... Although it consumes a lot of energy, it's only for a moment. I only need a few seconds."

Come on, just bet everything on me in these few seconds, the limit and so on... all surpassed!

【Red Lotus Knight Beast True Red Lotus Form】

Taiyi canceled the X evolution, and switched to the true red lotus form in the next second, shaking ten gorgeous pure white wings and rushing towards the huge death dragon.

—what is he going to do?If you don't use the X antibody, you can't do effective damage to that guy.

Kyoko could tell at a glance that the Crimson Knightmon in this form was not weaker than X, but using this form would only make him more passive...?Could it be that what he really wants to do is...

It's now!

Kyoko saw the timing and put the X antibody back in place, and Taichi over there immediately switched on the energy, and the X antibody was infecting the digital core, generating huge energy.

[Red Lotus Knight Beast True Red Lotus Form X! 】

At this moment, Tai Yi superimposed the X antibody on the basis of the true red lotus form again, causing the true red lotus form to produce X evolution, and an unparalleled burst of energy oppressed Tai Yi's spirit, causing him a headache. This kind of superposition that only exists in theory is still too unbearable for him as a human being.

However, if it's just for 1 second... it can still withstand it!

Compared with the true red lotus, the stronger and more gorgeous armor bloomed red light, Taiyi swung the divine light holy sword, and pierced towards the dead multi-way war dragon beast. In 1 second, the determination of 2 humans, 3 Where is the will of this life and this last blooming king!

"The Sword of Fascinating Paradise!"

The Holy Spear Gungnir X flashing with divine thunder energy flew out of his hand, piercing through the body of the Death Dragon Beast. The dragon was blasted into powder!

Chapter 362 Chapter 350

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a cup of hot coffee

With a blow between lightning and flint, Tai Yi knew that his body could not bear the superposition of these two forms... In theory, this is not weaker than the strength of the Alpha Beast King Dragon Sword form at all, but its stability is much worse. For Taiyi's human body, it is impossible to maintain it for a long time, so he chose to burst out at the last second, killing the dead multi-way war dragon beast in one blow.

"Ha ha……"

After a blow with all his strength, Taiyi also completely collapsed, and he returned to the original form of the Crimson Lotus Knight Beast, lowering his head to relieve the force.

"It's really terrifying power. The move just now, I'm afraid it can kill that guy more than three times in an instant!"

The skull beast in the book was also amazed by the power of that sword, but this blow also exhausted Taichi's physical strength... But fortunately, the evolution was not canceled, because it is not sure whether there will be other ones in the future Stuff comes out.

He looked up, and saw that Kyoko had already picked up the X-antibody, and the light it emitted forced those hordes of dead dragons to dare not approach at all, but Duoludramon's injuries were still serious.

But Taichi hadn't had time to communicate with Kyoko when there was another sound. He tensed up immediately, his hands turned into a gun and shield weapon to get ready, and suddenly a light flashed from the emptiness of darkness, Taichi Squint your eyes... Then the light gradually took the shape of a door and opened.

The light gradually dimmed, revealing the scene behind that door...it was the icy and snowy land world, and at the same time, a stone path extended to the floor not far away.

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