The meaning of this thing is very clear, that is to say, Taiyi has passed this test and can leave this place with the X antibody he got.

——But isn’t this X antibody only half?The other half is with Kyoko and the others.

Taiyi did not leave in a hurry but looked at Kyoko and Duoludramon on the other side of the wall. At this time, it seemed that because Taiyi had successfully cleared the level, the glowing X-antibody in her hand had completely lost its luster, and at the same time lost its luster. For the deterrent power of those multi-way dragon beasts, it has completely become a waste ball.

"That guy, is he playing so well?"

Kyoko stood there dumbfounded, staring blankly at the colorless sphere in her hand. In the next second, the sphere shattered into countless fragments and dissipated from her hand, which also meant that the X antibody in Taiyi's hand had become a complete core .

"How could this be... what should we do?"

Duolu Dragon Beast dragged its seriously injured body and stood beside Xingzi again. The dead dragons also seemed to know that the brilliance they were afraid of had gone, so they became more ferocious and tyrannical.

The roars and demonstrations of the dead dragons became more and more clear. Standing here, Taiyi looked at Kyoko and the others who were gradually being oppressed, and if he was watching a solo horror movie, although it looked very Scary, but he is absolutely safe. Seeing the suffering of others will make him feel lucky that he has not fallen to this point. Seeing others in danger will also give him a sense of security.

Although he couldn't be sure, Taiyi probably understood that if he wanted to save the two of them, he needed to put back his X-antibody and give up the power he had acquired so hard.

Duoludramon still didn't give up, but nothing could be changed with only determination, Kyoko blinked and said nothing.

"I said, dragon..."

Kyoko knew that no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless, the only hope now was the Red Lotus Knight Beast over there.

"Put the X-Antibody back on so we can get out of here."

She didn't persuade Taiyi to leave like others did, but asked him for help very bluntly, hoping that he would give up the power he had obtained for herself.


"I know that this kind of request may be difficult for you to choose. You can also choose to take this thing away, so that you can get X evolution. You have fully seen and experienced the power of this thing... just now After the round, I can also see that you are indeed qualified and talented, and you have a great chance of winning."

"So no matter what you choose, we won't blame you."

Kyoko's tone was still so calm, as if she was the one watching the show, and Taichi was the one who was at stake.

"What are you talking about, Kyoko! Hey! War Greymon! You can' can't leave us here! We're companions, aren't we? Hurry up! Go put the X-antibody back, it's not a good thing ! Many of my companions died because of it!"

Duoludramon couldn't understand what was going on in her partner's mind at all, and even urged the other party to leave quickly at this time, she couldn't stop these monsters at all, and now those dead Duoludramons are gone Surround them all around, blocking all their escape routes.


At this time, Tai Yi didn't say anything, just stood here.

He came to this world, one is to save his partner, and the other is to get the X evolution, and this person and the Digimon are just two passers-by who met him by chance, and even almost caused him to withdraw from the game before, even for revenge Kyoko There is absolutely no problem with Taiyi turning around and leaving the behavior of laying traps and blowing up the bridge before.

"Let's go, Yagami Taichi, if you leave this place, you will really get the X antibody. In the future, I will not be able to use this method to deal with you in other levels. You don't need to be afraid of any X-evolved Digimon anymore."

Jessmon seems to be observing this big scene from somewhere, and conveys his voice through an unknown method

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It reached Taiyi's ear.

"You don't need to give up such an important power for someone you don't know, you think so too."

Jesmon whispered like a demon.

"Put it back quickly! Battle Greymon!! Woohoo!!"

The cry of Duolu Dragon Beast was very shrill.

Red Lotus Knight Beast and none of them said a word. At this time, they will not influence Taiyi's judgment, but they will have a ruler in their hearts.

"I said, Mu Hai Xingzi."

He walked slowly to the wall, undid his evolution, and returned to his human form.

"...I see, you are also a human being."

Kyoko smiled helplessly after seeing this scene.

"If it's a human being, the probability seems to be lower, right? It's okay, you don't need to have any moral burdens, just leave, we will slowly figure out a way here, and I won't blame you."

"You owe me once."

"Before you caused us to almost fall off the cliff, but you just placed the X antibody, which helped me complete the evolution and defeated the dead X multi-way battle dragon beast, so we are cleared, but after that, you still owe me one more time."

Taiyi turned around and walked to the altar, voluntarily gave up the X-antibody, and put it back to its original position. At that moment, the two spheres burst into dazzling white light at the same time, burning all the hordes of dead dragons, and the vision gradually faded away. Occupied by white light, everything disappeared... Tai Yi couldn't see anything now, and when he regained consciousness, he had already returned to the snow-falling canyon.


He exhaled some white hot air, feeling a sense of loss.

——Congratulations on passing the test, Yagami Taichi.

——If you just choose to go to the gate, you will immediately face a powerful Digimon that can kill you, and your companions will walk out of the ground alive.

Jesmon's voice came from his heart again, but Taichi only showed a mocking smile after hearing it.

"I guessed that you would set it up like this. I'm not that stupid, and for me personally... the X antibody is just a secondary of the secondary. It doesn't have much use for me."

"Your trick of human choice is really good, but it doesn't work for me."

Taichi suddenly thought, if Yamato and Zhang-senpai were placed in the place of himself and Kyoko... Yamato, who is already dazzled now, would probably choose this power that was so hard to get.

"Now tell me, where are my two partners and my companions?"

"They will come out soon, and they, like you, will not be confused by what is in front of them, kind people."

Jessmon was very satisfied with Taiyi's performance, and left after telling such a sentence, Taiyi felt very tired, dry mouth and a little hungry, he slumped in the snow, and now he just wanted to take a good rest.

"...what's your real name?"

The sound of stepping on the snow came from behind, and Kyoko squatted beside Taiyi at some point.

"Yakami Taichi."

"Okay, I remember."

Kyoko didn't look at him, and Taichi didn't look at Kyoko either, they just looked into the distance together, that eye-catching red beam of light.

"Thank you just now. To express my gratitude, let's have a cup of hot coffee."

Chapter 363 Chapter 350 Four Are You an Alpha Beast?


Tai Yi didn't think much about it at this time, but felt that she had already said that, and it was strange that he didn't agree.

The rest of the life after the catastrophe... Although this time Tai Yi did not experience the life-and-death duel before, he was suppressing and fighting dragons and beasts from the beginning to the end, but there was still a kind of fiercer than ever before, the robbery Afterlife feeling.

Although Duolu Dragon Beast is seriously injured, she is a unique and unique Duolu Dragon Beast after all. Her aptitude means that she has more tenacious vitality than ordinary ones. This injury is nothing at all... He lay on the ground quietly Resting on the ground, Tai Yi gave him a sacred bubble recovery technique, and found a small cave to hide from the snow for him to rest slowly.

"I can't see that you are still a comprehensive generalist."

Mu Hai Xingzi bent over and set up a pot in front of the campfire to make coffee.

"I just know a little about everything."

Taiyi sat down, and after helping Duoludramon deal with his injuries, he was finally able to sit down and rest for a while.

That cave is really small and tight, barely enough to hold the body of Duoludramon, so he and Xingzi can only set up a bonfire at the entrance of the cave. Although the snow is still falling, it doesn't matter... They have passed through that canyon now, After being teleported out of that underground space, he came to the world on the ground, and directly passed the canyon.

The red beam of light at the coordinate point is far away, but Taiyi can't leave yet, and his companions haven't come out yet.

"By the way, aren't you cold?"

Taichi came back to his senses, and looked at the blond girl who was carefully making coffee over there.

In such a freezing environment, she is still wearing a thin white shirt and black shorts. The skirt of the shirt is so large that it covers below the waist, giving people a subtle reverie. There is a black and gold striped ribbon wrapped around the shirt. Because of the low temperature, her white snow skin was exuding an unhealthy frozen red, and there was gauze wrapped around her knees, which was the injury she had just suffered from a fall.

"Cold, but not very cold."

She turned around and smiled at Taiyi.

Even in such a weather environment, she still stubbornly refused to button the two buttons on her shirt, and the exposed skin on her chest was white and shiny, Tai felt very dazzling.

He was a little annoyed, and wanted to tell Kyoko to get her clothes on, but he dismissed the idea...

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Because he felt that it was a pity, oh no, it should be said that it is useless to wear it well.

"It should do something."

Taichi distributed some of his Digisoul to her.

"You can actually control the digital soul."

Kyoko stared at the soul flow composed of 0s and 1s flowing to her body like water, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"And this unique temperature... the unique color is a bit interesting."

She sat down, hugged her clean and shiny legs, and stared at Tai Yi with great interest, her golden pupils were filled with smiles, that kind of eyes... It's like visiting a museum, no, it's a zoo A new breed of monkey does.

"It turns out that there are people like you in the world who can become Digimon and use Digisoul."

"So, Yagami Taichi, are you a human? Or a Digimon?"

"Of course I'm human." Taiyi looked at her cautiously. "It's just that Digimon also has the meaning of regeneration to me, so I am also a Digimon."

"Can you tell me your story?"

"No interest."

Taiyi lowered his head, deliberately sullenly said.

"Because of you, I lost the X antibody. I think you have to compensate me something, otherwise I'm at a loss. I'm starting to regret it now."

"Really? This is very distressing."

Mu Hai Xingzi frowned and sighed.

"This is a deal, you have to come up with something in return that makes me feel like I saved you."

"But I don't seem to be able to offer you" Mu Hai Xingzi suddenly felt something was wrong. "If it wasn't for my help, you would have been killed by that guy too. We shouldn't owe each other anything."

"I said it before, it was only last time." Tai Yi knew that she didn't hear what she said at that time, and it might be because the roar of the dead dragons around her covered her voice. "You almost killed me and my partner, so we write it off, and I save you, and you owe me again."

"Eh? Then, that iron dragon is you?"

Mu Hai Xingzi's eyes widened with disbelief.

"It's Lightning Tyrannosaurus, call me the right name."

"Pfft...hahahaha, hahahahaha..."

The blond woman suddenly laughed out loud.

"So, so that's the case, pfft...then we are really destined."

"I don't want to have a relationship with a guy like you, you are too bad."

As he was talking, Tai Yi suddenly felt that something was wrong. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was really no benefit for him to save her. This guy is not a good person. Maybe he got involved with her too much, and he would be forced to be a firefighter.

In the world she came from, there seemed to be some kind of crisis that threatened the entire Royal Knights.

"Don't say such things, I just did what other people would do. After all, in the end of our game, there is only one winner. It's just that I'm not as kind as you. I don't care about the enemies who once put me together." can lend a helping hand.”

"I want to make friends with you more and more."

Kyoko patted Taichi on the shoulder and moved closer, showing great interest.

In fact, although they talked very openly on the surface, in fact, they each had their own little calculations in their hearts, and they were all hiding some very important things.

"Then it's better to identify yourself first."

"Me? My name is Mu Hai Kyoko, and I'm the director of Mu Hai Detective Agency, responsible for solving Internet-related cases..."

"Alpha Beast."


Mu Hai Xingzi's self-introduction came to an abrupt end, she stared blankly at Tai Yi, speechless.

"This is your real name."

The snow fell on the two of them, but it was melted by the digital soul created by Tai Yi, and even formed a circle of clean land without snow on the edge of where they were sitting.

She is an Alpha Beast, but she is an Alpha Beast from another world, not the one imprisoned in the World Tree in her own world.

"...was it exposed when you warmed me just now?"

She brushed her hair, then looked down.

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